Drop in New Zealand cases is ‘reassuring indication’ lockdown is working, country’s director-general of health says; Japan says it’s likely that Moderna vaccines were contaminated when needles were stuck into vials * SEE ALL OUR CORONAVIRUS COVERAGE * NEW ZEALAND COVID UPDATE: CASES DROP TO 49 IN ‘REASSURING INDICATION’ LOCKDOWN IS WORKING * HUGE DECREASE IN ORGAN TRANSPLANTS AS COVID TOOK HOLD ACROSS WORLD * OREGON COUNTIES REQUEST TRUCKS FOR BODIES AS COVID OVERWHELMS MORGUES 11.30am BST OVER IN GREECE, a British-trained respiratory specialist who has played a leading role in the country’s battle against Covid-19, has just been appointed deputy health minister as part of a wide-ranging cabinet reshuffle. Prime minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis also replaced Vassilis Kikilias as health minister in what was interpreted as a new push to deal with the pandemic ahead of the autumn. 11.24am BST THAILAND’S ELDERLY POPULATION LAGS BEHIND IN TERMS OF VACCINATION RATES, DATA SHOWS. Government data analysed by Reuters shows THAILAND HAS FULLY VACCINATED JUST 6.7% OF ITS ELDERLY POPULATION (people 60 and older) compared with 15% of adults aged 18 to 59 and 10.2% of the total population. Continue reading...