… breakthrough. He said that both Greece and its creditors from the … . Despite years of austerity measures, Greece's debt is expected … been accepted. Greek government spokeswoman Olga Gerovasili insisted Greece would honor its …
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Greece: Major Reforms Ready, Despite Pause in Bailout Talks
Tell us what it's like to live in Lesbos
Pope Francis is set to arrive on the Greek island on Saturday to show his support and solidarity for refugees. We’d like to know what life is like in Lesbos Ο Πάπας Φραγκίσκος ετοιμάζεται να έρθει στη Λέσβο το Σάββατο για να δείξει την συμπαράσταση και αλληλεγγύη του προς τους πρόσφυγες. Θέλουμε να μάθουμε πως είναι η ζώη αυτήν την στιγμή στο νησί. Ai Wewei, David Morrissey, Susan Sarandon and Yvette Cooper have all visited the Greek island of Lesbos to highlight the plight of refugees in Europe. Continue reading...
EU referendum: British media coverage of Europe is letting voters down
As the debate about Britain’s place in Europe intensifies ahead of June’s referendum on EU membership, the role of the press has come under close scrutiny. Alastair Campbell, who was director of communications to the former British prime minister, Tony Blair, recently attacked the majority of the UK press for having “totally given up on properly informing the public”. Meanwhile, writing on the coverage of the referendum in March 2016, Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee said the referendum was “a battle of strength, a war to the death” between the government and press owners Paul Dacre and Rupert Murdoch about “who rules the country”. While it is easy to exaggerate the short-term impact of newspaper coverage, it is true that a large proportion of British voters feels ill-equipped when asked to decide about continued membership of the EU. Research conducted in 2013 by the independent UK Electoral Commission to test different referendum questions found “low-levels of contextual understanding of the EU, with some participants having no knowledge of the European Union, or the status of UK membership of the EU, at all”. More importantly, this research showed that participants themselves felt under-informed – and some told the survey staff they had changed their voting intentions as they “became more aware of their lack of knowledge, or thought more in depth about what being a member of the European Union means”. UK public is among the worst-informed in the EU. Eurobarometer It would be worrying for a thriving democracy if citizens’ knowledge of the EU remained so low come June 23 that they could not confidently connect their personal preference with the voting choice. It is also worrying because British citizens are the least well-informed in Europe, according to analysis of Eurobarometer survey data by the LSE’s Simon Hix. The survey contained three simple questions with true-and-false answers such as whether Switzerland is member of the EU or not. Nearly a quarter of British respondents got this question wrong (only Greek Cypriots scored lower here) and only 28% could answer all three questions accurately (just above Latvia). SOUND AND FURY So why is public knowledge so low? The electoral commission study considered the media a crucial source of individuals’ knowledge about the EU. Single issues gleaned from it, or from personal experiences, influenced initial voting intentions. But not all media types are trusted equally. A representative European survey in September 2015 shows that 73% of people in the UK “do not tend to trust” the printed press – the highest figure among all EU member states and a staggering 23% higher than the EU average. The “do not tend to trust” figure for UK television, meanwhile, is 46% – in line with the EU average. Yet the press is a major source of information about the EU and often sets the agenda for television, which is why many researchers worry about some of the longstanding traits of UK press coverage of the EU. One very basic issue is accuracy of reporting about how decisions and laws are made in the EU. Press coverage frequently depicts the European Commission as if it had the same powers as a conventional government backed by a majority in parliament and able to have its proposals ratified and implemented. This is inaccurate as the overwhelming majority of legislation can be amended and potentially rejected by the European Parliament as well as by national ministers in the Council, who in turn are accountable to their own parliaments. GETTING IT WRONG The Sun’s controversial front page. The Sun On the same day that The Sun published its controversial claim that the “Queen Backs Brexit”, the paper also acknowledged that it had confused an opinion by an advocate-general of the European Court of Justice with an actual ruling of the “euro judges”. It is a seemingly trivial example, but part of a broader picture of many press stories containing false alarms about alleged regulatory frenzy against larger condoms and prawn cocktail flavour crisps. Some of these stories are plain wrong, others result from unnecessary national “goldplating” of EU directives as Boris Johnson conceded conceded when giving evidence before the Commons Treasury Select committee. This is partly the result of journalists' over-reliance on the government for interpretation of EU issues. In the past this has often translated into a rather one-sided picture of what actually happens behind closed doors at the Council and a sense that genuine government victories are much rarer than compromises. THE ‘BATTLE OF BRUSSELS’ However, as press attention on the EU has fluctuated strongly depending on the influence of eurosceptics on government majorities, readers can easily miss out on coverage of EU initiatives – with potentially far-reaching consequences. And the familiarity of UK journalists with Westminster’s confrontational culture leads many journalists to cover “Brussels” as a battle of national interests between member states, thus missing the equally important left-right conflict within the various groupings in the EU institutions. Claims that media coverage of the EU is biased are naturally contested and are difficult to measure accurately. However, a representative survey conducted in November 2015 asked British respondents about how their country’s press presented the EU. British respondents were much more likely to identify negative bias against the EU (23%) than the EU average (11%). British television was seen as more objective (46%) in its EU coverage than the press (37%), but even here the perception of negative bias was ten percentage points higher than the EU average. It is to be welcomed that some papers, prominent among them The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph, have recognised the problem and try to provide their readers with essential and accurate information about the EU and what British membership means in practice, not just different opinions. However, as more newspapers enter campaigning mode, this switch may intensify some of the problems described, and further damage – rather than enhance – readers’ trust in the press. ------------------------- _This article is co-published with the UK in a Changing Europe initiative._ [The Conversation] _Christoph Meyer is affiliated with the Centre for European Policy Studies. The views expressed in this article are his own._
Greek refugees speak out
Refugees in Greece are resisting attempts to drive them into camps. Under a European Union (EU) agreement with Turkey, refugees who arrive after 20 March can be deported. The mass deportations face legal challenges after it emerged that some deportees hadn ...
Commission adopts assessment of GREECE'S Schengen Action Plan while relocation targets are left ...
Migrants protest in a wagon waving a Greek national flag at a refugee camp near the Greek-FYROM border near the village of Idomeni, northern ...
ECB’s Coeure: Conclusion of Greece’s Review and a new program with the IMF
Just when I was wondering today, if there is something missing in my life… one of ECB’s executive board member solved my problem: he told me that what is missing in my life is a new program with the IMF! The European Central Bank concurs with the International Monetary Fund […]
Greece: Pope to visit Lesbos, a symbol of hope for refugees
A man carries a child as refugees wait for a train to continue their journey towards Western Europe from the Macedonia-Greece border at the Vinojug Temporary Transit Centre outside the village of Gevgelija, Macedonia, on Feb. 1, 2016. The Greece-Macedonian ...
GREEK government says it will meet it all its bailout obligations
The negotiations with the lenders should have been concluded long ago, since the GREEK govt has submitted comprehensive proposals which meet its ...
Cam Newton looks like GREEK God while training with USA Water Polo
SAN JOSE, CA - FEBRUARY 04: Quarterback Cam Newton #1 of the Carolina Panther addresses the media during media availability prior to Super ...
GREEK teams avoid Grexit
FIFA representative Costakis Koutsokoumnis announced Tuesday that the GREEK Cup competition will resume avoiding the threat of the country's ...
Secret Apple Car Buildings Named After GREEK Mythological Figures
In GREEK mythology, Rhea was a Titan, who was also the mother of Zeus. Titans are divine beings who came before popular GREEK gods like Zeus and ...
GREEK Week events cancelled after members painted pro-Trump messages on free speech wall
National GREEK leaders cancelled some of the events after discovering students involved in GREEK life graffitied pro-Trump messages.
GREECE to begin ruling on asylum applications
GREECE said authorities would start ruling on asylum applications from hundreds of migrants and refugees in the next two weeks, in a major test of a ...
GREECE and international lenders suspend bailout review talks as splits remain
Talks between GREECE and its international lenders on a crucial bailout review have been suspended until next Monday. The main sticking point ...
The 7 most beautiful new libraries in the world
[beautiful new library]Lorne Bridgman On April 12, the American Institute of Architects and the American Library Association announced the seven winners for the 2016 AIA/ALA Library Building Awards. They aren't your run-of-the-mill nondescript libraries. For a library to be considered a beautiful new building, it has to display a unique and stunning reinvention of the traditional library design. And the awards go to ... RYERSON UNIVERSITY STUDENT LEARNING CENTRE, IN TORONTO, CANADA, OFFICIALLY OPENED IN FEBRUARY OF 2015. Younes Bounhar/Amanda Large THE EIGHT-FLOOR, OPEN-CONCEPT BUILDING WAS INSPIRED BY ANCIENT GREEK ARCHITECTURE THAT PRIZED A SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE TO EXCHANGE IDEAS. Lorne Bridgman THE RENOVATED SAWYER LIBRARY, OPENED AT WILLIAMS COLLEGE IN WILLIAMSTOWN, MASSACHUSETTS IN 2014, USES A RESTORED FACADE THAT WAS FIRST BUILT IN 1921. Peter Aaron SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDER
ADRA offers aid to stranded refugees in Greece due to the closing of the Balkan borders
Balkan borders have closed to refugees seeking safety in Europe. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) has turned much of its attention to refugees and migrants stranded in Greece, and those seeking legal asylum. ADRA’s emergency response ...
Sofía Sanchez de Betak Celebrates Her New Luggage Collection With a Greek Feast in Queens
Last night, in a venture probably more rare than a trip to Mykonos, Alexandre de Betak, Constance Jablonski, Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin, Linda Fargo, and others traveled to Astoria, Queens. The reason for the Monday evening drive across the ...
The Latest: Hundreds leave Idomeni, head to organized camps
The majority live in small tents pitched in fields and along railway tracks, while aid groups have also set up large communal tents. Violent clashes broke out there on Sunday between people attempting to cross the border and Macedonian police. Henrik Moeller Jakobsen from the Copenhagen Police says that since February officers have stopped 25 people on foot trying to sneak onto the 12-kilometer (8-mile) link, which is strictly banned for pedestrians. Greek police temporarily detained 17 people, mostly foreign nationals, during a crackdown on volunteers suspected of spreading malicious rumors at a restive migrant tent city on the border with Macedonia. The Commission said in a statement on Tuesday that "further improvements to the action plan and its implementation are needed in order to comprehensively address the deficiencies identified." The Greek government says it sets "immediate priority" on evacuating a sprawling migrant tent city of 11,000 on the border with Macedonia, where clashes broke out with Macedonian police over the weekend. Spokeswoman Olga Gerovassili also says efforts are intensifying to move people from Piraeus harbor, the country's second-biggest informal migrant camp, to organized shelters. The European Union's executive arm says it's very concerned about plans by Austria to set up border controls at a main crossing point to Italy over fears of a new migrant influx. Turkey's state-run news agency says two more rockets fired from Syria have landed in a Turkish border town, wounding two people. Anadolu Agency said one of the rockets hit a guesthouse in the town of Kilis on Tuesday while the second landed on an empty field near a bus terminal, wounding two people who were passing by. The wider province of Kilis borders areas in Syria that are controlled by the Islamic State group, Syrian Kurdish militia or anti-government Syrian rebels.
Negotiations With Institutions to Resume on Monday According to Press Briefing
The Greek government’s negotiations with the institutions will resume after the end of IMF’s Spring Meeting, stated government spokeswoman Olga Gerovassili during her briefing to the press. She noted that the government fully complies with the agreement adding that the other side should do the same. Gerovassili referred to scenarios of deliberate delays in the
A Stamp Collection that Depicts the Beautiful Side of Greece
Designer Mike Karolos has designed a unique stamp collection which aims to bring out the beautiful side of Greece through an illustrated and abstract way. The stamps combine nature, history, beaches and food. The collection imprints the most distinctive features of Greece, such as islands, traditional houses and local cuisine.
IMF Report, New Greek Program Requested
The world economy is increasingly at risk of stalling, the International Monetary Fund warned Tuesday as it once again cut its forecast for global growth prospects. More precisely, the IMF estimated for Greece that the GDP has collapsed by 0.2% in 2015, and foresees that recession of the GDP will raise to 0.6% in 2016 and
Opposition Leader: Greece Is Fed Up With [SYRIZA] Government
His confidence that “New Democracy is the alternative that can pull Greece out of the crisis,” expressed the president of Greece’s main opposition party, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, in an interview on CNN International. Mitsotakis, currently in the U.S ...
Greece's tale of two crises: Opening hearts to migrants
In Part 1 of our series on Greece's double crisis, we look at how the country's stricken government has been largely absent from the migrant quandary – and why history has taught ordinary Greeks to be generous to those in need.
Schaeuble sees no need currently for GREEK debt restructuring
"The agreements of last summer are clear: if the first program review is completed successfully and then the need still arises to do something about ...
The Overlooked and Underappreciated Legacy of 'GREEK'
Last week, the news broke that the Freeform TV network (formerly ABC Family) was developing a reunion movie for GREEK, the college-set dramedy ...
Commission gives Greece two weeks to fix its borders
Brussels also warns about missed targets on relocation of refugees.
EU jargon: A-Z guide to Brussels-speak
… of the 2008 financial crisis. Greece accumulated colossal debts after joining … Greek exit from the euro, a "Grexit". Since 2010 Greece … chronic unemployment. Grexit could make Greece competitive again, some argue, but …
Greece steps up evacuation of migrant border camp
… Idomeni, Greece: Greece was stepping up efforts Tuesday … push them back. Macedonia accused Greek police of failing to intervene … situation," she told AFP. Greek police on Tuesday detained for …
It’s all Greek for Harrier Hamish in 18th marathon
… marathon in the run’s Greek homeland. Hamish travelled out to … city of Thessaloniki in northern Greece, to take part in the … very laid back in typically Greek fashion, but with very little …
Greece Will Abide by EU Bailout Terms, Expects Same From Lenders
… .2016Get short URL MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Greece's international creditors signed … pension and social security reforms. Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos said … and IMF Mission Chief for Greece Delia Velculescu suggested agreement that …
Baku reacts to Greek, Latvian MPs’ illegal visit to occupied Nagorno-Karabakh
… contrary to the positions of Greece and Latvia on the settlement … . “The embassies of Azerbaijan in Greece and Latvia, relying on friendship …
Greek energy industry: Syriza plays favourites in excise tax vote
… the Greek government has repeatedly declared that a reduction of Greece’s … to Greek industry’s international competitiveness. Greek industry reacts According to Eurostat, Greece … . In its letter, Greek industry noted that Greece had the highest level …
Greece and creditors hit pause in their bailout talks
… 19-country eurozone. He said both Greece and its creditors -- other … parties involved," she said. Greece's left-led government is … a disastrous Greek exit from the eurozone. Gerovassili insisted that Greece would …
European Central Bank in Line With IMF on Greek Reforms
The European Central Bank is in line with the International Monetary Fund on the need for deep reforms in Greece, ECB executive board member Benoit Coeure said on Tuesday. “We fully agree with the IMF on the need for a strong policy package. The aim of ...
ECB in line with IMF on need for strong policies for GREECE
The European Central Bank concurs with the International Monetary Fund on the need for a strong policy package for GREECE, executive board ...
Greece Refugee Tension Grows
Greece's coalition government, moving toward using force, is still trying to persuade refugees to leave camps at Idomeni, Piraeus and Hellenikon.
World Press View: Bailout Blues Still Submerge Greece
Six years after what turned into three bailouts and endless austerity measures, Greece is no closer to recovery than ever and needs more help.
The Latest: Greek police detain volunteers
BRUSSELS (AP) - The Latest on Europe's response to mass migration (all times local): 4:20 p.m. Greek police temporarily detained 17 people, mostly foreign nationals, during a crackdown on volunteers suspected of spreading malicious rumors at a restive ...
Amid fears of chaos, Greece starts processing asylum applications of refugees
Greece said authorities would start ruling on asylum applications from hundreds of refugees in the next two weeks, in a major test of a new deal to try to control the flow of people desperate to reach Europe.
Greek police steps up controls around Idomeni, detains 16 volunteers (14 foreign nationals, 2 Greeks)
Sixteen volunteers have been briefly detained at Idomeni on Tuesday as Greek police tries to find out who incites refugees and migrants to cross the closed borders of neighboring FYROM. With enhanced controls on the roads leading to Idomeni camp, Greek police units have been doing paper controls and search […]
The Latest: Greece keen to evacuate Idomeni border camp
The Greek government says it sets "immediate priority" on evacuating a sprawling migrant tent city of 11,000 on the border with Macedonia, where clashes broke out with Macedonian police over the weekend. Spokeswoman Olga Gerovassili also says efforts are ...
IMF chief economist
The International Monetary Fund's chief economist said on Tuesday that Europe will need to show some flexibility towards Greece as it deals with a refugee crisis and negotiates a new bailout package. "There's certainly going to be a need for more flexibility to tackle the refugee crisis and some support from the broader European community," IMF chief economist Maurice Obstfeld said in a news conference.
Azerbaijan condemns visit of GREEK, Latvian MPs to occupied Karabakh
The visit of member of GREEK parliament Garyfallia (Liana) Kanelli and the member of the Latvian parliament Sergejs Potapkins to Karabakh is an ...
GREEK drama will be center stage at IMF meeting
Will the IMF's spring meeting in Washington this weekend be yet another episode in the ongoing GREEK debt saga that has mired the euro zone?
5th QM and GREEK riggers train on Airdrop Ops in Exercise Spartan Hellenic
ELEFSIS, Greece – Paratroopers hang under their unfurling parachutes after jumping out of the back of an Air Force C-130 cargo plane at the GREEK ...
GREECE to pursue deal with creditors to alleviate financial status
NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 01: Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of GREECE, speaks at the United Nations General Assembly on October 1, 2015 in New ...
The Latest: EU Wants Better Border Control Plan From Greece
The European Union says Greece's plan to strengthen its borders to cope with the refugee emergency is not good enough and it has given Athens two weeks to flesh out the details
EU says Greece made progress on borders but more needed
By Foo Yun Chee STRASBOURG (Reuters) - The European Union executive said on Tuesday that Greece has made progress in policing its part of the bloc's external border but more action was needed before emergency controls inside the free-travel zone can be lifted. The legal base for the temporary checks expires in May and the European Commission must decide whether Greece, overwhelmed by the arrival of more than a million people in the last year, has remedied the shortcomings. The Commission aims to restore the normal functioning of the Schengen zone of passport-free travel by the end of the year.
Implementing the Roadmap Back to Schengen: Commission assesses Action Plan prepared by Greece
Today, the European Commission adopted its assessment of the Action Plan presented by the Greek authorities which details how Greece plans to address the deficiencies in its external border management. Greece’s Action Plan is its roadmap for implementing ...
IMF cuts global forecasts; UK inflation hits 15-month high – business live
* IMF cuts global growth forecast from 3.4% in January to 3.2% * Oil hits 2016 high * Full story on inflation * Explainer: What is inflation? * UK price inflation up 0.5% in March * Concern grow after Greek talks delayed again 2.03pm BST The IMF is worried about a new phase of the financial crisis, but its proposals to remedy the situation do not go far enough, writes Larry Elliott: The prospect of Brexit clearly scares the IMF. A vote to leave would, it says, have serious consequences not just for Britain and its EU partners but for the whole of the global economy. The Fund is twitchy. It can identify a number of different triggers that might possibly bring about a new, dangerous phase of the crisis – such as a sharper than expected slowdown in China, a collapse in emerging markets or a pandemic. But with little more than two months to go before the referendum, Brexit is the most immediate threat. But if the Fund is right in its assessment, something will trigger the crisis sooner or later even if Britain decides to remain a member of the EU. The IMF says global growth has been too slow for too long, and proposes a mix of expansionary monetary policy (low interest rates and quantitative easing), higher spending on infrastructure and research and development, and structural reforms to boost productivity. Related: From boom to doom – the IMF paints a vastly different picture from 2006 2.00pm BST Ahead of its spring meeting the International Monetary Fund has, as expected, cut its forecasts for global growth, at the same time as warning on the risks of Britain leaving the European Union. Katie Allen and Anushka Asthana write: A British vote to leave the EU risks causing severe economic and political damage to Europe that will spill over into an already febrile world economy, the International Monetary Fund has warned. Cutting its forecasts for global growth and for the UK and other advanced economies, the IMF listed a potential Brexit vote in June’s EU referendum as a key risk in its latest World Economic Outlook (WEO)... Related: IMF says Britain leaving the EU is a significant risk Continue reading...