9 CONNECT 16 TWEETLINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMORE. Firefighters Thursday afternoon battled a house fire that rattled a Greece neighborhood.
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Explosions from oxygen tanks rattle Greece neighborhood
Three People Evacuated After House Fire in Greece
Greece, NY (WROC)- Three people had to be evacuated after their house went up in flames. It happened at a home on Belford Drive in Greece this ...
Explosions from oxygen tanks rattle Greece neighborhood
9 CONNECT 16 TWEETLINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMORE. Firefighters Thursday afternoon battled a house fire that rattled a Greece neighborhood.
Number of people missing after ferry fire disputed by Italy and Greece
Confusion surrounds the number of people still missing after a ferry caught fire in the Adriatic Sea after officials from Italy and Greece released ...
Uncertain outcome in Greece
Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, who recently lost his gamble of holding an early presidential vote in order to shore up the terms of a fresh ...
On the Continuing Downward Slide of Olive Oil Prices in Greece
Olive growers desperate for cash flow are selling at alarmingly low prices. The Greek media are blaming Italians buyers for not offering higher prices.
Collinson FX Market Commentary: Dec 31
Dec 31 - Political turmoil in Greece interrupted market torpor and pricked a sell-off in equities across Europe which spread to US markets. Oil prices ...
New Year's Day traditions from around the world in Richmond
Anastasia Kovanes, center, and her daughter, Katarina, 12, set up a Greek flag on a miniature boat as Katarina's friend, Meredith Beverley, 13, looks ...
Why 2015 could be the year Europe unravels
Once again the Greek economy is at the heart of a euro crisis. The failure of the Greek government led by Antonis Samaras to win a majority vote for its ...
Wintry weather hits roads, power lines, ferry crossings
Strong winds also caused power outages in several parts of Greece, including in Athens's northern suburbs, as felled trees knocked down power lines.
Greek Superfoods: Good for You, Good for Greece
Two Greek clinical dieticians, Asteria Stamataki and Constantinos Xenos, wrote a book on Greek superfoods, not all widely known, but with miraculous ...
Widely different estimates of those still missing after Adriatic Sea ferry fire
Italy believes 98 people may remain unaccounted for after Norman Atlantic disaster, but Greece claims only 18 are missingGreece and Italy have issued widely different figures for how many people are still not accounted for in the ferry fire that killed at least 11 people in the Adriatic Sea.The numbers ranged from as many as 98, according to the Italian prosecutor Giuseppe Volpe, to 18, according to the Greek merchant marine ministry. Greece says Italy’s list is full of duplications and misspellings but the discrepancy could not be immediately explained since the prosecutor’s office was closed for the New Year holiday. Continue reading...
Outgoing Christmas tourism grows 20 pct
The booking rate for Greeks taking their holidays abroad as well as at domestic destinations is reminiscent of the time before the start of the financial crisis. The president of the Hellenic Association of Travel and Tourism Agents (HATTA), Lyssandros Ts... ...
Tacoma professor tackles mystery of ancient, astronomical device
The shoebox-sized chunk of bronze didn't attract much attention when divers retrieved it from an ancient shipwreck off the Greek island of Antikythera ...
Tacoma professor tackles mystery of ancient, astronomical device
The shoebox-sized chunk of bronze didn't attract much attention when divers retrieved it from an ancient shipwreck off the Greek island of Antikythera ...
Norman Atlantic fire: Greece, Italy vary on ferry missing numbers
Greece and Italy have issued widely different figures for how many people are still not accounted for in the ferry fire that killed at least 11 people in the Adriatic Sea. The numbers ranged from as many as 98, according to Italian prosecutor Giuseppe ...
98 missing as storms foil efforts to tow Norman Atlantic ferry to Italy
Both Italian and Greek authorities have announced criminal investigations into the cause of the blaze. Italian authorities warned Tuesday that more ...
Search for bodies on ferry thwarted by storms in Adriatic Sea
The Italian captain of the Italian-made ferry, which was operated by a Greek company, was questioned in the southern port of Bari by prosecutors for ...
The Week In Numbers: Another Greek Tragedy
Greece is on the brink of another debt crisis again. The country's national debt burden, which stands at €393b, is around 175% of its economy.
Worth Watching Stocks
National Bank of Greece (ADR)(NYSE:NBG) showed no change and closed at $1.79. The 52-week range for the stock is $1.75 and $5.98 and during ...
Georgios Constantopulos-George Constant: Godfather of Greek-American Art
Georgios Constantopulos’ life and career demonstrates the transformative power of art. A penniless sojourner to American shores, Constantopulos quickly began to influence the world around him. The daily accomplishments of this man belie the notion that by definition immigrants are somehow ever beholding to the United States of America. Even a passing glance at a […] The post Georgios Constantopulos-George Constant: Godfather of Greek-American Art appeared first on The National Herald.
Investors Should Always Remember That The Stock Market Can Wipe You Out
It may sound obvious. But when you invest in stocks, you're at risk of getting wiped out. That really is the single most important risk to investors. Even when you think you're well-diversified, you could see the value of your investments quickly plunge or perhaps slowly bleed 90% of its value over years as the Greek stock market did during the eurozone crisis. Citi's Jonathan Stubbs addresses this in a recent research note about asset allocation. He included a chart highlighting some of the ugliest maximum drawdowns of in the global stock market. "Figure 45 shows various markets and industries which have suffered severe losses in relatively short order in recent decades, e.g., the UK (1972-74), the Nasdaq (2000-03), Greece (2008-12) and Mining (2008-09)," he writes. "Hence, buyer beware." Because many of these stocks are of companies that don't go bankrupt, the losses are just paper losses that you don't realize until you sell. If you have a long investment time horizon, you might think it wise to wait for the value to come back. However, an investor must be willing to be extraordinarily patient if he hopes to recoup his losses. "It can sometimes take many years for investors to make their money back after suffering big losses," Stubbs writes. "For example, US equities only made it back to the peak 1929 total return levels in 1945, more than 15 years after the Great Crash. Kenji Abe, Citi’s Japanese strategist, highlights that Japanese equities are still a long way short of end-1989 peak levels." These are all things investors need to consider very carefully before they commit their life savings to the stock market.SEE ALSO: This Crazy Chart Perfectly Illustrates Why You Should Never Expect 'Average' Returns Join the conversation about this story »
Una Faccia, Due Storie
BRINDISI, Italy — Greece and Italy are issuing widely different figures for how many passengers and crew are still not accounted for in the ferry fire that killed at least 11 people in the Adriatic Sea. An Italian prosecutor has said up to 98 are unaccounted for while Greece puts that number at 18 and […] The post Una Faccia, Due Storie appeared first on The National Herald.
Bluff of the Day: Germany Warns Greece on Euro Bailouts
Actually, the eurozone was never obliged to rescue Greece, and in fact did not rescue Greece. Rather the EU and Troika rescued European banks ...
Tom aims to have Immingham feeling very Olympic on trip to Greece!
OLYMPIC DREAM: Tom Horton, who is organising a trip to Greece for 15 Oasis Academy Immingham students, to promote the Olympic Games.
Bluff of the Day: Germany Warns Greece on Euro Bailouts
Actually, the eurozone was never obliged to rescue Greece, and in fact did not rescue Greece. Rather the EU and Troika rescued European banks ...
Greek National Theater to transform Rex on Panepistimiou into a theater hub
A recent ruling by an Athens court granting the Greek National Theater the right to use a large theater on the ground floor of a building it owns in the ...
Confusion before the ballot box
Never before has the Greek electorate had so many political parties to choose from or so much confusion about who they identify with most. Conservative voters used to know with absolute certainty who they’d cast their ballot for long before the countdown ... ...
Greece, Italy vary wildly on ferry missing numbers
Greece and Italy are issuing widely different figures for how many passengers and crew are still not accounted for in the ferry fire that killed at least 11 people in the Adriatic Sea. An Italian prosecutor ...
Final ferry toll not known yet
Three Greeks were killed in the Norman Atlantic ferry disaster and another nine are missing, according to the latest figures provided by Greek authorities. Greeks who were rescued from the ship after it was crippled by fire as it sailed between Greece and... ...
Two men arrested for separate murder over holiday
A 31-year-old man was arrested in Drama, northeastern Greece, on Thursday on suspicion of murdering his partner in a public park. According to police, the suspect got into an argument with the 39-year-old woman, leading him to punch and kick her in the he... ...
Greece, Italy issue wildly different numbers on those still unaccounted for in ferry disaster
Greece and Italy are issuing widely different figures for how many passengers and crew are still not accounted for in the ferry fire that killed at least 11 people in the Adriatic Sea.
Greek Orthodox Patriarch Yazigi calls for end to crisis in Syria
BEIRUT: Greek Orthodox Patriarch John X Yazigi called Thursday for an end to the nearly four-year crisis in Syria, during his New Year's sermon in ...
The Greek zone
Political and economic instability surged as parliament was dissolved on Wednesday ahead of a general election scheduled on January 25, leaving ...
SYRIZA suggests holding back on debt repayments
As the campaign for the January 25 elections gets under way, the government has accused SYRIZA of risking a Greek default after several opposition party officials suggested that a leftist administration might stop paying the country’s loan obligations if ... ...
The Great Hope Of 2015; The Greek Election Will Smash The Euro
It's New Year's Day so time to prognosticate, forecast and plain ol' jus' tell everyone what we hope for. And my big hope, the big wish, for 2015 is that the upcoming Greek election will end up smashing the euro as a viable currency covering much of the European Union. [...]
98 Passengers of the Adriatic Ferry Are Still Unaccounted for
Greece Ferry Fire In this image taken from a Dec. 28, 2014 video and made available Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2014 passengers of the Italian-flagged ...
Greece at a financial cross-roads and a practical solution could be Bitcoin
Political instability in Greece could elect an anti-austerity party in the coming weeks, looking for new financial solutions, perhaps Bitcoin. With a ...
Gloucestershire weather: Gloucester set to be hotter than Greece in mild start to new year
Gloucester is set to experience warmer weather than Greece today in a unseasonably mild day for Gloucestershire. Temperatures will reached 13C in ...
Gales keep blaze ferry death toll a mystery
Rome (AFP) - Force eight winds on Thursday thwarted a planned attempt to bring the Norman Atlantic back to Italy for checking whether there are any more bodies on board the burnt-out ferry.Bari prosecutor Giuseppe Volpe has ordered the Italian-owned vessel be towed to the southern port of Brindisi as soon as possible so that it can be inspected for corpses and for clues as to what caused the huge fire that erupted on board on Sunday.The fire led to the deaths of at least 13 people, possibly many more.But with the powerful winds and choppy seas forecast to continue to Friday, it was unclear when the tugboats currently stabilising the giant ship would be able to make the 60-mile crossing from waters just off Albania.Volpe has said he expects to find more bodies on board, notably because he suspects there were more stowaways on board than the three -- two Afghans and a Syrian -- who were rescued by the Italian coastguard on Monday.There is also a possibility that passengers who were sleeping in their cabins when the fire erupted may never have made it out of them.Several survivors have said the fire was blazing powerfully before any alarm was sounded and some said it was only the smell of smoke or other passengers banging on their doors that woke them up.- Numbers unclear -Anek Lines, the Greek company which chartered the ferry, has slighly revised the total number of passengers and crew it thinks were on board three times since Sunday, finally settling on a figure of 474.Volpe says the total was 499 with the discrepancy accounted for by the three stowaway survivors and 18 other passengers who were squeezed on to the overbooked vessel at the last minute.That has generated fears that the scale of the disaster could be substantially greater than first thought with the Italian authorities initially saying only 427 people had been taken off the boat alive.That figure was revised upwards to 477 on Thursday following cross checking with all the various military and merchant ships which were involved in ferrying passengers winched off the Norman Atlantic to ports in Greece and Italy over the course of four days.The list has been sent to Greece for cross-checking with the initial passenger list, Italian media reported quoting officials who could not be reached for confirmation.The 13 confirmed dead so far included 11 passengers and two Albanian seamen killed in an accident during the rescue operation.The bodies of nine of the passengers have been recovered while two other victims were identified as dead in the water but floated out of reach of rescuers.The Italian navy scaled back its search for bodies with seven helicopters returning to base late on Wednesday, although a navy ship and one helicopter remain in the area.- Runaway ferry details -Italy's Red Cross meanwhile provided further alarming details of how a freighter ship with more than 700 mostly Syrian migrants was set on an autopilot collision course with the country's rocky coastline and then abandoned by the people smugglers in charge of it.The boat was five miles and less than an hour from the rocks when six Italian sailors were dropped onto it by helicopter and applied the brakes.The Red Cross said there had been 60 children and two pregnant women on the ship, one of whom gave birth on board.Many of the migrants were suffering from hypothermia and injuries including broken limbs but fears of several deaths proved to be unfounded, according to the Red Cross.Join the conversation about this story »
President calls for political cooperation in New Year
In his final New Year’s message as president of the republic, Karolos Papoulias called for Greece’s political parties to show unity. “National unity is necessary for success,” he said. “Political consensus and understanding on the major issues are vital f... ...
Man injured after being blown off balcony by gale
A 55-year-old man from Filippiada in northwestern Greece was recovering in an Arta hospital on Thursday after being blown off his balcony on Wednesday. Gale-force winds in the area led to the man falling from the balcony of his fourth-floor apartment, aut... ...
Net Metering Decision Encourages Households to Install Photovoltaic Systems
Greek households will be able to offset electricity cost by installing photovoltaic systems and provide electricity both to themselves and to the power grid, according to a decision signed on Tuesday by Deputy Environment, Greece ‘s Energy and Climate Change Minister Assimakis Papageorgiou. The offsetting system, known as “net metering,” allows households and companies who produce their own electricity through photovoltaics to share it with the local utility company that then credits them for it against the cost of electricity it provides to them. A meter will measure both the energy consumed by the producer — e.g. a household — and that provided to the utility grid. For a household, the bill issued every four months will factor in incoming and outgoing energy; if the incoming energy is greater, the household pays the difference, if it is the lesser of the two, the household will be credited for the next four-month cycle. A final statement will be issued at the end of the year, after which any surplus will not be carried over. Installations will not have to be on roofs only, and self-producing energy consumers will pay a fee only for the electric energy they consume from the power grid or the system. “The introduction of net metering allows many consumers — small and larger, householders and SMEs — to reduce significantly their energy cost,” Papageorgiou said, “while it pushes local economies to move to this immediate solution of establishing small photovoltaic systems with great benefits, without affecting costs for the rest of the consumers.” (source: ana-mpa)
Greek Cyprus warns Turkey to stop 'bullying' over gas
Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras (L) speaks with Greek Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades during a meeting at the Presidential Palace in ...
98 unaccounted for after Greece ferry fire
Italian authorities say they are unsure of the whereabouts of 98 people reported to have been among those on board the ferry ravaged by fire in the ...
Asian shares mixed as Greece fears weigh on euro
Wall Street and Europe provided a negative lead as Greece's political turmoil returned to centre stage after lawmakers failed to elect a new president, ...
EU: Greece Must Endure Austerity For 30 Years
ATHENS – Greece – The winds waft an ominous stench from the hills and mountains of Northern Europe onto the tiny backwater Aegean nation ...
If Greece turns left, will Europe follow?
A SYRIZA victory would mean a clear message by the Greek people against austerity.
Athens Public Transport to Issue Smart Cards
In 2016 commuters in Athens will be able to use smart cards in order to move around the city using public transport after a deal that was signed on Monday. The Athens Urban Transport Organization (OASA) signed a deal with the consortium LG-Terna for the creation of a new ticket system that will be used from 2016 in the Greek capital’s public transport. The new system will be based on a contactless smart card that can be preloaded with credit ahead of time, or loaded with weekly and monthly fares (travelcard). The cards will be swiped over electronic readers at the moment of entry into a public transport vehicle and then once again when the commuter disembarks. They will be used in all forms of transport from buses, to trams and metro trains. “The new electronic tickets will offer many possibilities to commuters, they will play a key role in reducing the percentage of people who travel without a ticket, it will provide better quality services to citizens and it will add a modern touch to the public transport system of Athens, stated the Deputy Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, Michalis Papadopoulos. Meanwhile, the Greek Parliament also voted on a new amendment, just before Christmas, which will allow 287 metro workers in Athens, whose contracts expired, to be rehired. The amendment was approved by the coalition government and the opposition party, SYRIZA.