This story Santa Monica’s Iconic Ferris Wheel Turns Blue for Greek Bicentennial appeared first on The popular Ferris Wheel in Santa Monica Pier is set to be turned into blue and white with a 90-foot tall animated Greek flag on Thursday, March 25. This story Santa Monica’s Iconic Ferris Wheel Turns Blue for Greek Bicentennial appeared first on
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Santa Monica’s Iconic Ferris Wheel Turns Blue for Greek Bicentennial
Greece Loosens Some of Its Aviation Restrictions
This story Greece Loosens Some of Its Aviation Restrictions appeared first on Greece's Civil Aviation Authority issued a new statement on Sunday announcing new rules regarding the nation's aviation restrictions. This story Greece Loosens Some of Its Aviation Restrictions appeared first on
Foreign Ambassadors Read Poems to Honor Greece’s Bicentennial
This story Foreign Ambassadors Read Poems to Honor Greece’s Bicentennial appeared first on The ambassadors of nine friendly nations read poems related to Greece's War of Independence. This story Foreign Ambassadors Read Poems to Honor Greece’s Bicentennial appeared first on
Greece extends domestic & international flight restrictions, lifts some bans
Greece’s Civil Aviation Authority has extended travel restrictions for domestic and international flights, while it lifted some flight bans and modified others. According to a CAA press release issued on Sunday, 21. March 2021, only essential domestic flights are allowed for health, commercial, business and family reasons and return to residence until 6:00 a.m. Monday, … The post Greece extends domestic & international flight restrictions, lifts some bans appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Interview of Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias in Ta Nea, with journalist Alexandra Fotaki (20 March 2021)
JOURNALIST: Minister, the announcement of your visit to Ankara came suddenly, and though we are in the process of talks, Turkey is continuing its inflammatory rhetoric and ‘blame game’. N. DENDIAS: Ms. Fotaki, the announcement of my visit – which, if the right conditions prevail, will take place a month from now – may have come as a surprise, given that we do not usually announce meetings so early before they are to take place.But we want to be transparent about our intentions. Moreover, the timing of the announcement, at a time when the Turkish delegation was in Athens, had its symbolism.Greece is not afraid of dialogue. In fact, it is in favour of constructive dialogue based on fundamental principles, including International Law. We have firm positions that we support. We believe we are right on our side and that we have nothing to fear. Dialogue is not giving in. When you talk, you promote your positions and draw your red lines, but you don’t give in.I remind you that I have repeatedly highlighted that I was open to a meeting with my Turkish counterpart, my friend Mevlut Cavusoglu, provided the climate is proper. I had also underscored that there is no chance of dialogue in the context of threats and violations of international legality. These conditions continue to exist. But it is true that the climate has improved, if only partially, enabling us to resume high-level talks. It is clear, of course, from what I have said that if the provocations are repeated, this climate could be reversed. JOURNALIST: Next week is critical for EU-Turkey relations. What does Greece expect from Europe? N. DENDIAS: Allow me to remind you that EU-Turkey relations started six decades ago. Specifically, in 1963, with the signing of the EEC-Turkey association agreement.Since then, there have been many critical weeks in EU-Turkey relations. In some of those, positive steps were taken – in others, not. In this sense, next week is neither the beginning nor the end of these relations. The issue of Turkey will remain on the table.And let me add something else. The level of EU-Turkey relations depends on Turkey's stance.In this context, we anxiously await the report that is to be submitted to the European Council by the High Representative and the European Commission. We have emphasised key elements that, in our opinion, should be contained in this report. But we are not the ones drawing it up.Our firm position is that the EU should have a two-fold approach to Turkey: A positive agenda, but also proposals for specific repercussions for Turkey, depending on its behaviour.We will be prepared to consider the elements of a positive agenda – such as the customs union, the migration issue or even the visa waiver issue – but under one strict condition: Turkey’s full compliance with the obligations it has undertaken. For example, Turkey cannot ask for the customs union to be upgraded when it has been proven that it is flagrantly violating it. The same is true for the migration issue and the obligations it has undertaken in the framework of the implementation of the joint statement of 2016. Turkey cannot be given carte blanche, just as no country is given carte blanche.In tandem with a positive agenda, however, the EU need to make it clear that Turkey’s conduct is under ongoing observation and that there will be restrictive measures if it backslides into violations. The prospect of measures will continue to exist after March. As I have said in the past, we aren’t ‘absolving’ Turkey of its ‘sins’. Of course, we must always bear in mind that decisions in the EU are taken unanimously. In other words, the 27 member states have to agree. JOURNALIST: You will be at the Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs next week, with the new U.S. Secretary of state, Antony Blinken, in attendance. What do you expect from that meeting? N. DENDIAS: I’ve already had a friendly talk with Tony Blinken – a few weeks ago. Bearing in mind his recent statement in the U.S. House of Representatives, regarding the developments in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Cyprus issue, as well as the statements made by the previous U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, at the NATO Ministerial Meeting last December, we see a clear reaction to Turkey’s actions from the other side of the Atlantic. Both before and after the U.S. elections. Whether and how this will translate into action remains to be seen. But this change in comparison to the not-too-distant past is extremely important for the vindication of Greece’s positions.At this point, I would also like to note a development that took place a few days ago. In a joint statement issued after the videoconference of Quad heads of state and government (Australia, the U.S., Japan and India), there is express and clear reference to the primary role these countries attribute to International Law, and especially as it is set out in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. I think this is a very interesting and important development, as four major naval powers recognise, at the highest level, the importance of the UNCLOS.In any case, we are anxious to see the stance taken by the new U.S. Secretary of State at the meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs. At that meeting, I will stress our country’s role as a pillar of stability and security in the region, as well as the need to avoid actions that jeopardise the cohesion of the Alliance.Finally, on the margins of the NATO Ministerial, I intend to travel to Düsseldorf to meet with the new president of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union party, Armin Laschet, who may be his party’s candidate for federal chancellor in October’s parliamentary elections. This meeting is important on both a symbolic and a substantive level. I always believe that effective foreign policy must be based on firm diplomatic foundations, with parallel development of interpersonal relationships.
Alternate Foreign Minister Miltiadis Varvitsiotis’ interview in the newspaper ‘Parapolitika’ with journalist Kostas Papachlimintzos (20 March 2021)
JOURNALIST: Diplomatic activity in Greek-Turkish relations saw a sudden, intense spike in rate and level. What does the government expect from the talks with the Turkish side? Do you see any room for a consensual solution?M. VARVITSIOTIS: This is an opportunity to remind you that Greece has always been in favour of dialogue with Turkey, with absolute respect for International Law and the principles of good neighbourly relations. Ankara was forced to come to the table after a long period of unilateral, provocative actions that led to its international isolation. After a period of tension, it is important to have a channel of communication — provided Ankara abstains both verbally and in practice from provocative statements and actions. It must prove this demonstrably and exhibit candour during these talks, as well as in view of the upcoming meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Greece and Turkey in Istanbul. I will reiterate that Greece acknowledges but a single dispute with Turkey: the delimitation of maritime zones. If no common ground is reached, then, as the Prime Minister has stated, there is the option of seeking recourse with the International Court of Justice in The Hague.JOURNALIST: You have just returned from Paris and on Thursday you will be accompanying the Prime Minister to the Summit Meeting in Brussels. Is the European Union prepared to take the next step and present specific sanctions regarding Turkey?M. VARVITSIOTIS: My talks in Paris with my counterpart, Clément Beaune, confirmed the excellent relations between France and Greece, historical and strategic relations that reinforce the “Greece - France - Alliance” doctrine. Greece and France will be sitting at the same table at the Summit on EU-Turkish relations, which Greece has succeeded in bringing to the very centre of European Council meetings. Moreover, Turkey's isolation in the recent past, combined with the threat of sanctions, are the key parameters that brought Turkey to the discussion table. Greece has informed the institutions of the violations carried out by Turkey in a number of areas of the European acquis, and we expect the committee’s report to include the prospect of specific measures.JOURNALIST: The Migration and Asylum Pact, as presented to date, does not satisfy Greece’s positions. Do you see room for improvement, in order for the burdens in terms of the refugee-migrant issue to be more fairly allocated within the European Union?M. VARVITSIOTIS: Nothing will be agreed upon until everything has been agreed upon. Greece is an active participant in the talks on the new Migration and Asylum Pact, and we look forward to a fair and viable agreement being reached, so that Europe establishes an integrated migration policy that will address all aspects of the issue, from the guarding of external borders to shared responsibility for the returns of those not entitled to asylum. Greece disagrees with employing “salami tactics” to address the migration issue. We are in favour of a package-solution. Greece is in talks with other first-reception countries in the Mediterranean basin, and we are trying to attract countries with a holistic approach, such as France. We believe that the new Migration and Asylum Pact must be governed by the necessary balance between responsibility and solidarity.JOURNALIST: Which “tools” does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have at its disposal to attract capital and investors to our country? How would you rate their performance to date?M. VARVITSIOTIS: From the first day of taking office and throughout the pandemic, we at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have been modernising the institutional framework for visas, aiming at attracting investors, students and capital from third countries. In this context, we have already instituted the Business visa, the Student Visa and will soon be creating the so-called Digital Visa, through which our country will become an attractive destination for so-called “Digital Nomads”, high-tech people who will choose to establish themselves professionally in Greece.JOURNALIST: What benefit will the European vaccination certificate have, and how do you respond to SYRIZA's criticism?M. VARVITSIOTIS: The adoption of the Greek Prime Minister's proposal for a European Vaccination Certificate, otherwise known as a Digital Green Certificate to facilitate free movement within the EU, is of exceptional European and national importance. Due to its high dependence on tourism, Greece expects to reap significant benefits from this move, and we expect to achieve at least double the tourist arrivals this summer period in comparison to 2020. However, it is important for the rate of vaccinations in the EU to increase in order for economic activity to recommence safely. As regards SYRIZA, the party is engaging in irresponsible opposition and clearly does not wish to accept the reality of the matter: that is, that the Mitsotakis government is playing a leading role. Greece is not following European developments — it is shaping them!
China's success in ending absolute poverty commended in Greek media
ATHENS, March 21 (Xinhua) -- China's success in ending absolute poverty was commended in Greek media by local experts and commentators recently. China announced last month that absolute pove
EU's southern states step up calls for 'solidarity' in managing mass migration
Greece, Italy, Spain, Cyprus and Malta say burden has to be shared more justly with other EU partners Europe’s southern states have stepped up calls for solidarity in managing mass migration to the bloc saying the burden has to be shared more justly with other EU partners. Highlighting the deep divisions over the issue, politicians from countries along Europe’s Mediterranean rim said a proposed migration pact fell far short of resolving the crisis equitably. Continue reading...
COVID-19: Greece Breaks Yet Another Record of Intubations
This story COVID-19: Greece Breaks Yet Another Record of Intubations appeared first on Greece confirmed another 1,514 new COVID-19 infections on Sunday, with 674 individuals now being intubated. This story COVID-19: Greece Breaks Yet Another Record of Intubations appeared first on
Massachusetts Issues Touching Proclamation for Greece’s Bicentennial
This story Massachusetts Issues Touching Proclamation for Greece’s Bicentennial appeared first on As the entire world will mark the Greece's Bicentennial, the Governor of Massachusetts issued a touching proclamation for the occasion. This story Massachusetts Issues Touching Proclamation for Greece’s Bicentennial appeared first on
Stowaway's story raises questions about Nave Andromeda incident
EXCLUSIVE: interview will add to view that deployment of elite SBS was ‘over-reaction’ by UK authorities Further questions have arisen over a decision to deploy special forces against a group of seven asylum seekers accused of hijacking an oil tanker after one of them told the Guardian they only approached the ship’s crew because they believed they had been abandoned to drown. Politicians and human rights campaigners have called for an inquiry into the incident, which happened off the coast of the Isle of Wight on 25 October, on board the Nave Andromeda, a Liberian-registered ship owned by the Greek shipping company Navios. Continue reading...
Greece lifts restrictions on flights from Turkey, Albania
Greece has lifted restrictions on flights from Turkey, Albania and North Macedonia that were imposed to curb the spread of COVID-19, its civil aviation authority (YPA) said on Sunday. All passengers ...
Greek Alphabet will no longer be used for naming tropical systems
ATLANTA — The World Meteorological Organization announced this past week that they will no longer use the Greek Alphabet as a supplemental tropical cyclone list of names, citing confusion around the ...
Greek Churches Accused of Helping Circumvent Lockdown Restrictions
… restrictions and kiss church icons. Greek Orthodox clergy have been accused … to a report from the Greek newspaper Proto Thema, the … reason for that to happen.” Greek Church Rebels and Rejects Government … not stop it.” The Greek Orthodox church has pushed back …
Should We Blame Ancient Greece for Today’s Trend of Male Six-Pack Abs?
This story Should We Blame Ancient Greece for Today’s Trend of Male Six-Pack Abs? appeared first on Should we blame Ancient Greece for the cultural obsession with six-pack abdominals? This story Should We Blame Ancient Greece for Today’s Trend of Male Six-Pack Abs? appeared first on
Greece Split in Half: Snow in the North, Warm in the South
This story Greece Split in Half: Snow in the North, Warm in the South appeared first on Greece has been split in half since Saturday in terms of its weather conditions, with snow in the north and warm temperatures in the south. This story Greece Split in Half: Snow in the North, Warm in the South appeared first on
Ferris Wheel in Santa Monica Pier to Turn Blue to Honor Greek Bicentennial
This story Ferris Wheel in Santa Monica Pier to Turn Blue to Honor Greek Bicentennial appeared first on The popular Ferris Wheel in Santa Monica Pier is set to be turned into blue and white with a 90-foot tall animated Greek flag on Thursday, March 25. This story Ferris Wheel in Santa Monica Pier to Turn Blue to Honor Greek Bicentennial appeared first on
Ancient bronze bull figurine found in Greece ruins
A heavy rainfall and the chance spotting by a sharp-eyed archaeologist led to the discovery of a 2,500-year-old bronze bull idol during a dig at Olympia, one of the most important cultural sites in ...
Banks reopen, taxes hiked as Greece seeks to reboot economy
Greece's radical-left government last week agreed to tough reforms, including tax hikes, an overhaul of the ailing pension system and privatisations it had previously opposed, in exchange for a ...
USS Eisenhower arrived at naval base of Marathi on GREEK island of Crete
The US aircraft carrier has a 5.600 crew and can carry 90 fighter jets and helicopters. RELATED TOPICS: Greece, GREEK tourism news, Tourism in ...
In search of a lost pastry: A novel on GREEK Istanbul
In the debut novel of Nektaria Anastasiadou, the Istanbul-based writer mines her GREEK roots in the city that has harbored them for millennia. That is ...
Refugees, Migrants Crowd GREECE'S Border with North Macedonia Again
Refugees, Migrants Crowd GREECE'S Border with North Macedonia Again. The National Herald. Near Idomeni, GREECE, 2016. (Photo: Ai Weiwei).
Childrenswear in GREECE Statistics, CAGR, Outlook, and Covid-19 Impact 2020-2026
While childrenswear did not remain unaffected by the pandemic in GREECE, it was the most resilient category compared to menswear or womenswear ...
GREECE assumes initiatives to boost its relations with France and the Francophonie
GREECE became a member of the International Francophonie Organisation in 2004. Speaking in parliament on the Foreign Ministry's new organization, ...
Greece could requisition private sector doctors, PM tells paper
With Greece's public hospitals overwhelmed by surging COVID-19 infections and intensive care wards running out of beds, the government had called on private sector doctors to help out, saying 200 were ...
GREEK Foreign Ministry: Foreign troops must leave Syria immediately
Days after the sombre 10 year anniversary since the beginning of the Syrian War, the GREEK Foreign Ministry demanded through a statement that ...
Designer Andrea Smith on Her Fashion Label AMS and Her GREEK Roots
Born in Minneapolis and now based in New York, Smith is a third generation GREEK-American and spoke to The National Herald about her work, her ...
Turkey arrests 3 FETÖ suspects on GREEK border
Apart from FETÖ, Greece has been criticized for harboring members of far-left terrorist groups. GREEK courts previously ordered the release of members ...
Greece recorded 2535 new coronavirus cases and 60 deaths on Mar20
Greece’s health authorities announced on Saturday evening, 2535 new coronavirus infections and 60 deaths in the past 24 hours. The number of Covid-patients in intubation has increased to 672. Daily change +1.1%. Greece has confirmed 235,611 coronavirus infections since that start of the pandemic. In the confirmed cases of the last 7 days, 67 infections … The post Greece recorded 2535 new coronavirus cases and 60 deaths on Mar20 appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
GREECE Glad US' Hellenic Caucus Pushes Parthenon Marbles Return
“The submission of the cross-partisan resolution…is an international action in support of GREECE'S long-standing demand for the return of the Parthenon ...
France Donates Tapestry of Raphael's School of Athens to Greece
... dubbed the School of Athens, is famous across the world and France's donation is part of commemorations of the Bicentennial of the GREEK War of ...
The World Turns GREEK on March 25 to Mark Greece's Bicentennial
Iconic landmarks in all of those countries will be illuminated in blue and white in honor of the GREEK people and their struggle for freedom 200 years ago.
Turkey nabs 3 FETO terror suspects en route to GREECE
At least three suspected members of the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) trying to flee to GREECE were arrested in Turkey's northwestern Edirne ...
There's More to GREEK Cheese Than Just Feta
Since ancient GREEKS kept a great many sheep and goats, the cheese they made was from the milk of those animals, and feta is most likely the very first ...
Zverev wins Mexican Open
ACAPCULO, March 20 (Xinhua) -- German world No. 7 Alexander Zverev clinched his 14th ATP tour title on Saturday with a 6-4, 7-6 (3) win over Greece's Stefanos Tsitsipas in the Mexican Open final.
Experts Say First Pre-Human Lived in Northern Greece-Balkan Area
This story Experts Say First Pre-Human Lived in Northern Greece-Balkan Area appeared first on Researchers have found evidence that the first pre-human, or hominin, walked in the Northern Greece-Balkans area, not Africa. This story Experts Say First Pre-Human Lived in Northern Greece-Balkan Area appeared first on
Kalavryta: The First Greek Town Liberated From the Ottomans
This story Kalavryta: The First Greek Town Liberated From the Ottomans appeared first on On March 21, 1821 the Greek rebels started the siege of Kalavryta, making it the first Greek town that was liberated from the Ottomans, thus declaring the start of the Greek War of Independence. This story Kalavryta: The First Greek Town Liberated From the Ottomans appeared first on
4000 square foot GREEK flag flies from Mount Hymettus
To celebrate Greece's 200 year GREEK War of Independence anniversary on March 25, the largest GREEK flag – four times larger than the one that was ...
10+1 most photographed places in Greece
The GREEK mainland and its hundreds of islands have created some of the ... Lefkada has also been named by GREEKS one for the best island for sea ...
US charges Iranians over alleged collusion with GREEK shipper
The GREEK businessman, who is not named in the documents, was later sanctioned by the US for using Iranian money to acquire oil tankers and to ...
The big picture: a makeshift home on the road from Syria to Europe
Jacob Ehrbahn captures a playful moment in the grim battle by people displaced by Syria’s civil war to reach the west Last week marked 10 years since the start of the war in Syria. It is a conflict that has created more than 5 million refugees, nearly half of them children. Since the great increase in the number of people attempting to reach Europe in 2015, the Danish photographer Jacob Ehrbahn has made that forced migration his study and obsession. He has “watched as people drowned in the Mediterranean Sea… seen young men and boys hide in lorries or under the seats on trains and watched families crawl under razor wire”. His book, _A Dream of Europe_, bears witness to the scale and desperation of the tragedy. Ehrbahn hopes it might be a document for history, “so in 50 years’ time, no one can look back and say: this did not happen”. He took this picture in a public park in the town of Erdine, near the Turkish border with Greece. In February 2020, President Erdoğan of Turkey had announced that he would go back on an agreement with the EU and allow free movement of refugees to Greece. Tens of thousands of Syrians, among the 4 million trapped in Turkey, made their way to the border town, only to discover the Greek side of the frontier shut. The children in this photograph, play fighting in their makeshift tent, were among those families once again cast into the terrible limbo of statelessness. Continue reading...
Honouring GREECE'S 200 years of Independence at the Shrine of Remembrance
Australia, home ot GREECE'S thrird largest population outside the motherland, honoured the bicentennial of the Greek War of Independence in its own ...
Coronavirus: Greece to hand out free self-testing kits from next month
Greece will start distributing free do- … -19 infections. The government said Greece would be the first European … available and free of charge. Greece will lift some COVID-19 …
Greece, the women of the revolution
… bicentenary of the Greek revolution with the event Greece: The women … of the revolution. What would the Greek … and Antigoni Katsouri from Greece, Angela Dimitrakaki and Natalie … movement currently happening in Greece and Cyprus which is …
Folly to the GREEKS
As Jesus approaches Jerusalem for his final Passover, two of his disciples who have GREEK names, Philip and Andrew, introduce him to some GREEKS, ...
The Calf Bearer: The Story of the Magnificent Ancient Greek Sculpture
This story The Calf Bearer: The Story of the Magnificent Ancient Greek Sculpture appeared first on This is the first photograph of the magnificent statue "The Calf Bearer" when it was discovered on the Acropolis in 1864. This story The Calf Bearer: The Story of the Magnificent Ancient Greek Sculpture appeared first on
Five time Paralympic Gold Medalist Curtis Lovejoy laid to rest
Affectionately known as "the living legend," Lovejoy was an athlete, motivational speaker, author, and a deacon. From South Africa to GREECE, Poland to ...
1821 Edition – Organic Ultra Premium First Harvest Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Ladi Biosas
The iconic helmet of Theodoros Kolokotronis, the GREEK General also known as “Geros tou Moria”. The church of Agioi Apostoloi in Kalamata city with a ...