Far fewer migrants are arriving in Germany now due to border closures in southeastern Europe and to a deal between Turkey and the European Union whereby Ankara agrees to take back people leaving its shores for Greece in return for accelerated EU accession ...
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Defiant Merkel says refugees are not taking away benefits from Germans
RECIPE: Dominique Rizzo's Greek love triangles
SPANAKOPITA or spinach pie is a very traditional Greek dish made from layers of paper-like pastry called phyllo or filo pastry. It is mostly eaten as a snack as individual triangles or can be made as pie. Traditionally spanakopita is filled with silverbeet ...
Cyprus calls on Turkey to contribute to the establishment of missing persons' fate
A Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus was established in April 1981 by agreement between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities under the auspices of the United Nations, CNA reports. The primary objective of the CMP is to enable relatives to ...
Bride vs. Groom: Greek Wedding Customs Rooted in Gender Wars
Anyone who has seen “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” knows that Greek nuptials are filled with a treasure trove of traditions passed down from generation to generation. Beyond the stunning backdrop, Greek dancing and exquisite food, there’s something a ...
All About the Battle of Salamis
In fact, there are those who say that it had a a significant impact on how the world evolved over the next 2,500 years because a Persian win instead of a Greek one would have most likely crippled Greek civilization and significantly diminished any affect ...
ESM Chief Puts Greece’s Hopes on Low Primary Surpluses on Hold
European Stability Mechanism President Klaus Regling sent a clear message to Greece that it should not expect lower primary surplus targets than those set by creditors. Athens has been trying to convince its lenders that the targeted 3.5% primary surplus for 2018 is too high and it would affect crisis-stricken Greeks. “The agreement does not […]
The TV License Tender Travesty was All About Mass Media State Control
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced on Friday that the results of the television license tender put an end to 27 years of corruption and lawlessness in the media field and sends foreign investors the message that there are rules and fair competitions in Greece. Finally, he pledged that the 246 or so million euros from […]
Turkey says no future migration help without EU visa-free deal
Turkey will continue to implement the current migration arrangement that helped slow the flow of refugees into Greece to virtually nothing, but “without visa liberalization Turkey won’t be part of any new mechanism,” Omer Celik told reporters in ...
Greek Myth Fashion: The Muses (Part 1)
Hello, and welcome to another edition of our Greek Myth Fashion series! We have previously drawn fashion inspiration from Olympian gods, and now it's time to turn our attention to the Muses. The Muses are inspirational goddesses of the arts, literature ...
Fairs and festivals aren't letting Hermine threat ruin the busy holiday weekend
ORANGE, Conn. (WTNH) — As people eat and dance at the GREEK Festival in Orange, Mother Nature is doing a dance of her own. What's left of ...
Putin’s Aide Visits Greece Despite Being on EU’s Sanctions List
President Vladimir Putin‘s aide Vladislav Surkov has visited Mount Athos in Greece despite being on the European Union sanctions list, says a Time magazine report. In late May, Surkov reportedly accompanied the Russian President and several prominent ...
Olivier Rousteing Talks Mykonos’s Hidden Gems
The Balmain designer shares his insider’s guide to Greece’s party island. “Every time that I go there, I want to feel the same vibe,” he said, recalling his first time on the Greek island. “Whatever happens during the year, when I go there ...
Kiwis build shipping container library for Syrian refugees in GREECE
In a refugee camp in an abandoned supermarket warehouse in GREECE is a beautiful shipping container filled with books. The story of how it got there ...
Azeri SOCAR says wants Greek natural grid purchase concluded
ATHENS, Sept 3 (Reuters) - Azerbaijan's state energy company SOCAR wants to go ahead with a deal to buy Greek natural gas pipelines operator DESFA and has not taken any decision to pull out of the process, its chief executive in Greece said in a newspaper ...
Watch Autumn and Rosey learn some Greek dance moves
CLEVELAND - The Kamm's Corner Greek Festival is under way this Labor Day weekend. Some of the folks in charge of the festivities dropped by the Fox 8 studios this morning for a special look at all the fun...and the food. And they tried - very hard - they ...
Greece on Top of Friday’s Eurogroup Agenda September 9
Greece is the first and main issue on the agenda on Friday (September 9) at a meeting of euro zone finance ministers in Bratislava. The progress of Greece’s bailout program and the state of the country’s economy is the main issue of the session, said ...
Fitch: Greece’s Second Bailout Program Review Might Take Until 2nd Quarter of 2017
Negotiations for the second evaluation of Greece’s bailout program may continue until the second quarter of 2017, Fitch estimates. In its report on the Greek economy, the U.S. rating agency notes that the Greek government does not take full ownership of ...
Ballin’ on a Budget: How to make healthy and cheap tacos
I decided to substitute fatty and unhealthy bases such as sour cream and mayo for plain Greek yogurt. I used about four huge spoonfuls’ of Stonyfield Greek Yogurt, which can be found at Walmart for a cringeworthy $6, and then mixed it with some Sriracha ...
The image of Greece as seen from NY, post TV licenses
My Athenian friend’s voice, very early in the morning, sounded tired.“How do you see the situation?” he asks me. “I am interested in hearing a different opinion than those with...
The problems of the widow of a Greek shipping heir
The widow of a Greek shipping heir, the New York Post is reporting, is driving a wedge between herself and one of her four children by allegedly trying to sell...
Nottingham refugee helper Rachel Miller says missions 'too dangerous'
A British woman who has spent years helping refugees by taking supplies to Turkey and Greece has said she will stop her mercy missions because they are "too dangerous". Rachel Miller has paid "brokers" up to £7,500 a time to free sex slaves. She travelled ...
A Look at Avra Madison, the Huge New Outpost of Tao Group’s Greek Restaurant
These days, going into a fashionable restaurant and ordering a high-end healthy meal is routine, but before 2000, fashionable clean fare was harder to come by. Then a wave of Greek restaurants changed that. Avra Estiatorio was one of the most successful ...
Making GREECE a movie destination
The Greek Tourism Ministry has revealed an ambition plan to transform popular tourist destinations in GREECE into film sets for international movie ...
Greece's refugee crisis through a different lens
This is part of our Road Trip 2016 summer series "Life, Disrupted," about how technology is helping with the global refugee crisis -- if at all. The main street in Mytilene, on the Greek island of Lesvos, wraps around the green-tinted Aegean like a horseshoe.
Refugees and tech: Scenes from a Greek tragedy
This is part of our Road Trip 2016 summer series "Life, Disrupted," about how technology is helping with the global refugee crisis -- if at all. Most people think of Greece as a great place to escape from the stress of everyday life. But not to the more ...
Daniella Okeke still having the time of her life in Greece (photos)
A 21 year old girl whose video of her masturbating with a big sized Fanta bottle went viral has reportedly committed suicide because she cou... See hilarious response Linda Ikeji got after she tweeted on Mark's Zuckerberg's visit Linda Ikeji like everyone ...
Why This Year’s Liverpool Biennale Is All about Time Travel
For its ninth edition, the Liverpool Biennial set its participating artists the challenge of examining the city’s past, present and future through six episodes – Ancient Greece, Chinatown, Children’s Episode, Software, Monuments of the Future and ...
Gold Coast Escape: Greece is the word on Paxos
“Lakkachatta swinda lactu,” says my six-year-old daughter Rosie, pencil poised on a notepad. “Yasi,” comes the reply from her sister Poppy, four, who’s sat at the table. “Ikki taboo.” It’s a new game they’ve started playing since we ...
Urgent appeal from Derry organisation for donations to be sent to refugees stranded in GREECE
The St Vincent de Paul branch in Derry is reaching out to refugees in GREECE. Thousands of refugees from Syria have made their way to GREECE ...
ANGELA MERKEL: I want a border control system 'modeled on the US'
[PreviewScreenSnapz001]Germany's leading newspaper, BILD, has published an exclusive interview with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. _Publishing Director BILD, Kai Diekmann, as well as Editors-in-Chief Tanit Koch and Julian Reichelt met Europe's most influential political leader in her office in the German capital of Berlin. In a freewheeling conversation, Merkel talked pointedly about refugees, selfies, and the integration of immigrants._ _In partnership with BILD, Business Insider has published an English translation below._ BILD: Chancellor Merkel, on 4 September 2015, you made the far-reaching decision to allow several thousand refugees to enter the country when Hungary was no longer able to cope with the influx. Knowing what you know today – would you do the same thing again? ANGELA MERKEL: Yes, I would. At that point, the number of people arriving had already been rising for months. Even before 4 September, it was clear that we were facing a great challenge. At that weekend, the point was not to open the borders for everybody – but rather not to close them for those people who, out of great humanitarian need, had started their trek to us from Hungary on foot. BILD: In fact, thousands of people understood your decision as an invitation and encouragement to begin their trek in the first place. MERKEL: No, because the Minister of the Interior had already predicted in mid-August that we would have to expect 800,000 refugees in 2015. This prognosis was then, indeed, misused, for instance by traffickers in Afghanistan – who claimed that Germany would accept 800,000 Afghans. Many people subsequently misunderstood this. It showed how a necessary prognosis directed at the counties and communes here in Germany can be twisted elsewhere and how carefully you have to handle such information in a world of global communication. BILD: Do you regret any decision you made at that time? MERKEL: No. In August 2015, I already publicly demanded that we need an EU-Africa summit, that we have to talk to Turkey, and that we have to fight the causes of flight. Unfortunately, it is true that there had been shortcomings in providing for the people in the refugee camps in Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey. The food provisions were cut due to shortage of money. This must never happen again. Turkey with its approximately 3 million refugees was left alone by us for too long. This is why the agreement between the EU and Turkey was, and is, so important. It is the only way to stop the traffickers and to be in a better position to help people. [PREVIEWSCREENSNAPZ004]MARKUS TEDESKINO BILD: Would it have been better if there had been no friendly selfie pictures of you with refugees? MERKEL: Nobody makes the difficult decision to put himself and his family in the hands of traffickers, to spend a lot of money on this, and to risk his life, on the basis of a selfie. BILD: Due to the suspension of the Dublin Agreement, refugees could, de facto, decide which country they wanted to live in. Most decided in favor of Germany, with its welfare and generous benefits … MERKEL: First, Germany is a very attractive country, anyway. This is not only due to economic reasons, but also humanitarian reasons. The decisive question is how to deal with this. Seclusion is not a sensible option. Second, Sweden and Austria have temporarily accepted more refugees per capita of the population than we did. Third, back then, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees was under pressure to process an extremely high amount of applications as quickly as possible. The FOMR did not simply suspend the Dublin Agreement. Germany used its explicit right to abstain from returning the refugees to Hungary. BILD: Did you know of the FOMR’s decision in advance? MERKEL: No. BILD: What do you say to your critics who accuse you of breaking the law with your decision of 4 September? MERKEL: That this is not correct. Legally, we were moving within the given margins of discretion. Politically, the freedom in the Schengen Area was, and is, important. BILD: Our European neighbors perceived your actions in the refugee crisis one year ago as a solo effort. Is that the reason why Europe is letting us down concerning the distribution of refugees? MERKEL: No, because Europe as a whole has, for a long time, refused to recognize the drama of the refugee crisis. At no point was there any sufficient readiness in Europe to really agree on a fair distribution of the refugees. We have now made progress, fortunately, due to the EU-Turkey Agreement and the increased support for the EU border protection agency Frontex. All of us have understood that we have to better protect the EU’s external borders and to fight the causes of flight. BILD: Could you ever have imagined that the EU would fail so miserably given such a great challenge? Has the wave of refugees buried the European project under itself? MERKEL: Step by step, Europe has to learn how to assert itself in a globalized world. For us Germans, in particular, globalization has created great opportunities and considerable wealth. But globalization also has its downsides that mean difficult learning processes for us. Think of the financial crisis: we only realized that we were not prepared for this, once the first assaults on the Euro started. A multitude of measures was required to protect the common currency. With the refugee crisis, globalization is also hitting us hard: Europe has created a space of freedom – but are we capable of protecting this space? Everyone is prepared to protect their national borders, but what do we do about the external borders, especially those at sea? So Europe has not generally failed, but it is going through obviously difficult learning processes. [PREVIEWSCREENSNAPZ002]MARKUS TEDESKINOBILD: Solidarity is not a one-way street. Why not simply cut EU funds for refugee holdouts like Hungary or Poland? MERKEL: I am not somebody who always thinks immediately of punishment. We have created a common European Agenda on Migration. Everyone has to contribute to it. It is therefore important that, for example, Poland participates in protecting the external borders, in the NATO mission in the Aegean, and in foreign aid. The question of who should take in how many refugees needs further discussion. BILD: Your mantra has always been: protect the external borders, distribute the refugees fairly, fight the causes of flight. However, the war in Syria is raging worse than ever. A fair distribution is out of sight. We let Turkey protect the EU’s external border. Surely this means a failure in every respect? MERKEL: I don’t agree. With the EU-Turkey Agreement, we managed to stem the traffickers’ activities and to save human lives – which is our most important aim. Concerning the fight against causes of flight, we made progress insofar as we support Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan in taking care of the refugees. The food rations are secured, and an increasing number of children can go to school. However, we also know that the number of migrants has now reached the highest level world-wide since the Second World War. Fighting the causes of flight is not Europe’s task alone. It is the entire world’s humanitarian responsibility. It is also in the nature of things that we can only protect our Mediterranean external borders in cooperation with the opposite countries – regardless of whether that is Libya, Turkey, or Egypt. Someone who is ignoring this fact is kidding himself. And yes, the terrible civil war in Syria is not over. Even though IS could be driven out of major cities in Syria and Iraq, the fight against these murderous terrorists and the Assad regime still rages on. This is a complete catastrophe. BILD: Concerning the refugee deal, do you feel comfortable being dependent on someone like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan? MERKEL: First of all, I consider the word ‘deal’ to be entirely inappropriate in this context. We are talking about an extensive agreement of the EU with Turkey that is in our mutual interest, so there is no one-sided dependency. We are responsible for helping Turkey in sheltering refugees, close to their home countries. Turkey, at the same time, cannot be interested in people drowning in the Aegean every day and traffickers and other criminals taking hold of Turkish coastal towns. It is in the interest of both parties – the EU and Turkey – to establish legality. BILD: What if Erdogan were to abort the deal over the visa question? He has set an ultimatum until October. MERKEL: The European Union is willing to fulfill its part of the refugee agreement. I assume this is also true of Turkey. We agreed on an acceleration of the already negotiated visa liberalization – if Turkey fulfills all of the necessary criteria. Many of these are already fulfilled, but not all of them. BILD: Was it the deal with Turkey or, in truth, the decision of the countries along the Balkans route to close their borders that stemmed the refugee influx to Germany so massively? MERKEL: As has often been said before, of course closing the Macedonian-Greek border initially led to fewer refugees arriving in Germany. However, it has also led to approximately 45,000 migrants stranding in Greece in the weeks between the closing of the Balkans route and the agreement with Turkey coming into force. Converted to the total population of Germany, this would have been 360,000 refugees within one month. You can figure out what that meant for Greece – a country that has almost exhausted its possibilities, anyway. It would not have been possible to leave Greece on its own with this problem. This is why the EU-Turkey Agreement is the key to overcoming the trafficking in the Aegean and to stabilizing the situation in Greece. We have accomplished a lot, but the crisis is far from being solved. For instance, by now, only 3,000 refugees have been distributed from Greece to the European member states. Many refugees are still arriving in Italy. However, now they are all properly registered. [PREVIEWSCREENSNAPZ003]MARKUS TEDESKINOBILD: With the Ansbach and Würzburg attacks, the worst fears have become reality: that, among the refugees, Islamist terrorists could also have entered the country. Can you understand why many citizens are saying: “We will manage” – this is no longer good enough for us? MERKEL: The idea that “we will manage” highlights that this was, and is, a particularly great challenge and that we are motivated and want to overcome any obstacles on our way. For a long time now, Germany has been exposed to the threat of Islamist terrorism – not only since Ansbach and Würzburg. We know that jihadists from Germany, too, went to Syria, were trained by IS and then, partly, also returned here. Moreover, we know that not all refugees came here with good intentions. In general, we have to be very vigilant, since Islamist terrorism represents great challenges for our security services. However, we should never forget that the vast majority of Syrians and Iraqis fled to us from war and terror and oppose violence and extremism as much as we do. I still understand that many people are concerned after Würzburg and Ansbach. We are therefore facing two great tasks: on the one hand, we have to integrate everyone who will stay with us for a longer period of time or permanently. We also have to demand that they are willing to integrate. On the other hand, we have to do everything that is possible to fight Islamist terrorism and to prevent attacks. BILD: How is your sleep when you think of the fact that our security services do not even know the identity of thousands of refugees? MERKEL: The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is working very hard on gaining a complete overview of the registrations very soon. However, we should also not forget that there were attackers who were already registered as refugees. This fact has shown us that the simple Eurodac registration is not enough – it has to be combined with other databases, such as the Schengen Information System, where criminal and terrorist activities are registered. The Ansbach and Würzburg attacks – whose offenders were properly registered – have also shown that we need better early warning systems. On the European level, we should start working on an electronic entry control system modeled on the US system. This means that – regardless of whether they travel visa-free or not – anyone who enters a European country and who leaves again is registered, so that you know exactly who has not left and is still somewhere in the Schengen Area. BILD: Does the thought scare you that Africa contains a potential of migrants that exceeds the Syrian war refugees by several millions? What if these people set off to Europe – to Germany? MERKEL: I think it is essential to improve the economic prospects of this continent with its population of 1.3 billion and to cooperate with the countries there. This is why the EU wants to enter migration partnerships with important countries of origin, and transit countries, such as Niger or Mali. BILD: Many citizens are concerned that your care for the refugees makes you lose sight of the population’s worries. One popular example: is it okay if a pensioner in Germany receives less from the state than what, for instance, an unattended, underage refugee costs? [PREVIEWSCREENSNAPZ005]MARKUS TEDESKINOMERKEL: The difference between pensions and youth welfare expenses applies not only to refugees, but also to German underage children, for instance those who need to stay in a youth shelter. The Federal Constitutional Court has determined standards and guidelines for minimum provisions for refugees. We comply with these and have not cut anybody’s benefits in Germany because of the refugee aid. On the contrary, over the last few years, there were several social improvements. We were able to finance all of this, because of our longstanding, responsible fiscal policy. So there is no reason for jealous debates. BILD: … but reason to be worried? MERKEL: Given the good economic situation, we can manage the challenges. Let us not forget: if the refugees’ integration succeeds, both sides will profit. Of course it is also true that those who seek protection with us have to follow our rules. They have to accept our laws and our constitution and have to try to find training and employment in order to contribute to our country. In most cases, this starts with participating in integration courses. Essentially, the point is: we are a country that puts the dignity of every single human being at the center of things. And if you are facing a humanitarian catastrophe like the one in Syria, you have to take a stand. It is perfectly obvious that last year cannot simply be repeated. This is why we took all those measures I have described. It was right to take this humanitarian responsibility seriously and to still take it seriously. In doing so, we did not take anything away from anybody in this country. We are still fulfilling the task of politics to maintain the quality of life of the people in Germany and to improve it, and we are still as good at this as before. BILD: What we did indeed manage is primary help for over one million people. The bigger challenge is yet to come: how do we integrate that many people from an entirely different culture, after having failed, to a large degree, in many aspects of this task over the past decades? MERKEL: Fortunately, we have learned a lot from the past, primarily that language is the key to successful integration. The younger people are, the easier it is for integration to succeed. It is worth facing this effort. I would like to use the opportunity to thank everybody who is working towards the success of this integration. This is not only the state authorities, but primarily the countless associations, initiatives, and voluntary helpers. BILD: What would you say to a Muslim who does not want to shake your hand? MERKEL: I would talk to him about the fact that it is common here to shake each other’s hand. BILD: One year ago, euphoria and a welcome culture prevailed. Now this is superseded by a deep skepticism. Do you think that the majority of Germans still supports your refugee policy? MERKEL: In politics, there are always decisions that one has to make without carrying out an opinion poll first. With the results of our work, of course I hope to, in the long term, convince as many people as possible that our way is the right one. Incidentally, when I ask about the retirement age of 67, I still have no majority today, even though it remains an appropriate and necessary measure. BILD: Why do you struggle telling the Germans whether you will run for Chancellorship in 2017 or not? MERKEL: You can ask all you want – I will communicate my decision at the right point in time. (smiles) NOW WATCH: Trump strikes back after 'Morning Joe' host says he sounded like 'he's had a lot to drink'
ND Spokesman: New TV Licenses Celebrate ‘Corruption’
“The government is celebrating today the definition of corruption,” said main opposition New Democracy (ND) spokesman Giorgos Koumoutsakos commenting on the result of the TV licensing tender. New Democracy has tabled a proposal with the Greek National Council for Radio and Television playing a central role while using the digital spectrum without a predetermined number […]
EC Spokesman Schinas: No Harmonized Legislation on TV Licenses
European Commission spokesman Margaritis Schinas clarified that there is no harmonized legislation on TV licenses at an EU level. Asked about the result of the TV license tender in Greece, Schinas said that the Commission has already stated its position on the matter reminding there is no harmonized legislation for the EU member states that […]
Corinth-Kiato Stretch of Olympia Odos Motorway Opened on Friday [pics]
A 20-km stretch of the Olympia Odos motorway from Ancient Corinth-Kiato in Peloponnese was opened to traffic on Friday. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras inaugurated the new portion of the highway that is part of a 201.5-km highway to connect Elefsina, Attica, with Patra in western Greece. The Derveni Tunnel on the Corinth-Patra section of […]
What To Do In Sacramento Over Labor Day Weekend
shouts the crowd at the GREEK Festival at the Sacramento Convention Center. ... for over 30 years,” said Susan Shambaugh, enjoying the GREEK music.
Enyo – Battling Through Greek Dungeons
Greek mythology is filled with powerful gods and valiant efforts. That idea is a good backdrop for a turn based strategy dungeon crawler. Enyo is a new game from the makers of Card Crawl, that lets you play as the title character, who is the Greek goddess ...
Europe, with a twist
… so, too. Plovdiv has been Greek, Goth, Hun, Viking, crusader and … Manchester Chania, Crete ‘Chania’s food is legendary in Greece’. Photograph: Steve … ’s food is legendary in Greece and there are heaps of …
Worcester Polytechnic Institute students back from research in Denmark, Greece
… in Thessaloniki, Greece titled "Wine Tourism Development in Northern Greece.…
Made In Chelsea's Lucy Watson displays bikini body in Crete on Instagram
… the sun on the Greek island of Crete on Friday. Showcasing her … coastal town of Aghios Nikolaos, Crete, on Friday The outspoken reality …
Greece Cuts Number of Private TV Channels From Eight to Four
… /Intime/Athena/REX/Shutterstock The Greek government announced Friday it had …
Lone 1974 Greek Noratlas survivor dies
… , the lone survivor of a Greek Noratlas plane shot down by … Cyprus in 1974 has died. Greek Defence Minister, Giorgos Kamenos announced …
Only four Greek TV channels get licences, eight to close
… private station which aired in Greece in 1989, did not qualify … of an establishment responsible for Greece’s current woes. State Minister … Friday that Greece now has “TV channels which will inform Greek people …
Greek magnate's estate seeks to block widow from selling artwork
The flamboyant widow of a Greek shipping tycoon is in trouble … "Three Dancers," several Greek marble sculptures, three line drawings …
Friday Line on Wine: Kir-Yianni's Akakies sparkling wine from Greece
… its best to push the Greek wine industry out of antiquity … to the new world of Greek wine. Spread the word. Kir-Yianni … flavors need no translation from Greek to English. This is a … region of Amyndeon in northwestern Greece, which is an up and …
Greek shipping companies convicted of pollution, obstruction
… ) - Federal prosecutors say two Greek shipping companies and two of …
Midfielder Joachim Adukor joins OFI Crete on free transfer
… Joachim Adukor has joined Greek second-tier side OFI Crete on a one-year …
Greek accents refresh same-old salmon
… comfort-food appeal and a distinctly Greek flavor accent, which is punctuated … shredded cucumber gets mixed with Greek yogurt, olive oil, lemon, parsley … 3⁄4 cup plain low-fat Greek-style yogurt 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive …
Greek private TV stations shrink to four
… privately owned TV networks in Greece has been halved to four … justify four private networks in Greece. Minister of state Nikos Pappas … the Greek shipowner Evangelos Marinakis, who is also president of the Greek …
Anniversary of Tragic Photo Highlights Growing Crisis
One year after 3-year-old Alan Kurdi drowned off the shore of the Greek island of Kos, the suffering continues.
Readers’ recipe swap: Feta
This salty Greek cheese steals the show into your cheesecakes, filo parcels, dips and frittatas The tangy freshness of feta, along with its satisfying, crumbly texture, means it’s a reliable and versatile fridge stalwart – a humble ingredient with transformative prowess that can effortlessly elevate a dish. I usually have a packet on the go, either unopened and ready to be broken over grainy salads or roasted roots, or marinated with window-box rosemary, thyme and lemon zest and kept in a jar for impromptu dipping into. My absolute favourite way with the fresh, briny cheese is tumbled with earthy spinach and wild herbs and encased in olive oil-laden layers of golden, flaking filo. In Greece we brought fresh spanakopita from the bakery every day, and took it down to the water’s edge with a brown paper bag filled with explosively ripe tomatoes. A mouthful of the ever-so-slightly-sheepy feta pie, followed by one of juicy, sweet tomato made for a perfect picnic. Continue reading...
Summertime adventures in a supermarket car park
Among the usual cotoneaster, privet and box, Alys Fowler discovers a fearsome, foul-smelling Mediterranean arum This summer, I’ve spent rather a lot of time in Morrisons’ car park. At times, I’ve made daily trips, just to look at the strange things unfurling there. The place is full of all the predictable car-park planting – cotoneaster (which I may start guerrilla cloud-pruning), privet and box – plus lots of litter and undesirable desire lines. There’s a hell of a lot of bark mulch, too, which must be from the Mediterranean, for otherwise I have no idea how the dragon arum (_Dracunculus vulgaris_), a native to the Balkans, mainland Greece, Crete and the Aegean Islands, appeared. Continue reading...