By John Nicon and Cliff Argue SEATTLE, WA – Former U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe (Maine) addressed a capacity audience in Seattle on November 6,on the topic “Anything is Possible: How to Overcome Obstacles and Make a Difference.” This was the first in the 2014-2015 public lecture series funded by the Jessie and John Danz Fund […] The post Olympia Snowe Tells Greeks in Seattle: “Anything is Possible” appeared first on The National Herald.
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Olympia Snowe Tells Greeks in Seattle: “Anything is Possible”
Over 90 Million Illegal Cigarettes on Ferry Confiscated in Megara
Over 90 million illegal cigarettes were confiscated by the Coast Guard on a ferry in the Pachi area of Megara, west of Athens, Greece, on Saturday morning, and seven crew members of Ukrainian nationality arrested. Authorities said it is the second largest such haul ever and calculate the cost of lost revenues to the state to be close to 30 million euros. The cigarettes were packed in cartons and loaded on trucks on the ferry “Atlas.” The ship, trucks and a truck on land were confiscated as well and the Athens misdemeanors prosecutor notified. Port authorities said that the ferry had been used several times with different names, making it difficult to locate it until now. Shipping and Aegean Minister Miltiadis Varvitisiotis congratulated the authorities. (source: ana-mpa)
Over 23000 Offshore Companies With Profitable Activity in Greece
More than 23,000 foreign and offshore companies have developed profitable activity in Greece over the last thirty years. Data released by the Greek ...
'Asphyxiating for a breath of freedom': Wave of Hunger Strikes in Greece
Greece has one of the worst records for granting asylum in the EU with a very low percentage of requests being processed in any reasonable time.
A late Athenian winter
When I first moved to Greece, I was sun-starved and sick of the cold after 10 years in the UK. I kept wishing I could live somewhere where it never got ...
Ancient coins found in Greece's mystery tomb
Coins featuring the face of Alexander the Great have been found at the largest tomb ever unearthed in Greece, where archaeologists are hunting for ...
Greek FinMin: Gov’t Pursuing Talks until Final Agreement is Reached
The Greek government will pursue talks with the troika of the country’s lenders until a final agreement is reached, Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis told new Saturday newspaper “Agora” in its second issue of publication. In statements published in Saturday’s newspaper, the Finance minister was quoted as saying, “The Greek government’s strategy is dialogue until a final agreement with its EU partners and creditors,” adding that an agreement may be within reach but time is running out. “The country must not and cannot return to past practices and roll back into a new uncertainty,” Hardouvelis was quoted as saying, adding that the government “has adequately supported arguments and we are defending our positions on all issues.” The Greek minister told the newspaper, “Progress has been made, there is agreement on most issues, and we are seeking to resolve the rest of the pending issues,” adding that “only through an agreement will we be able to plan a better future for the country, with fewer burdens and more options for all — that is our national target.” (source: ana-mpa, agora)
Greek Ambassador Speaks with Members of the Diaspora
The newly appointed Greek Ambassador in Canada, George Markantonatos came to contact with the Greek Diaspora of Canada for the first time on Thursday, November 27. He visited the Greek community of Montreal as well as the Hellenic Congress of Quebec.
Strictly Come Dancing: week 10 – as it happens
It’s Around the World week! Brace yourself for a Bollywood-style routine from the pro dancers, and adapt your usual Strictly drinking game to include shameless cultural stereotypes 8.15pm GMT So that’s it for tonight’s show! I have no idea what the hell that was all about, and I now need a very large drink.I’m predicting Sunetra and Brendan in the dance-off “tomorrow” probably with Mark and Karen, although it should be Jake and Janette really. But unless they come out doing the actions to the Birdie Song, it’s very likely that Sunetra and Brendan will be going home. Thank you for all your comments and contributions down below, you are amazing and brilliant. 8.11pm GMT Scores: 5, 8, 8, 8 – a total of 29 for Jake and Janette. 8.10pm GMT Craig thought it was a dance disaster – there was a mishap at the beginning and it all went wrong after that. Darcey thought it started well and she liked the fusion (nobody liked the fusion, Darcey), but it went wrong. Len thought it was a nice bit of Argentine steak with a Greek salad. Bruno loved the concept – a Eurovision tango with great entertainment value. Bruno would like to see it again. Very good chance of that in about an hour, Bruno. 8.07pm GMT Hard to see Jakie’s feet due to a) furniture and b) two other dancing couples. But what I can see feels a bit stiff in places, and not in a good way. And also not very Argentine, due to the speeding up of Zorba the Greek. Not very sexy, and bit of a mess really. 8.03pm GMT And FINALLY, It’s time for Jake and Janette! This week they’re dancing the Argentine Tango to ‘Zorba The Greek’. Of course they are. Why wouldn’t they? What could possibly be more batshit insane than an Argentine Tango to Zorba The Greek? 8.02pm GMT Scores: 9,9,9,9 – a total of 36 for Frankie and Kevin. Frankie looks a bit gutted. 8.01pm GMT Bruno thought they were on the crest of a wave – full of boisterous enthusiasm and energy. However because of the speed Frankie can throw away her free hand. Craig loved the synchronicity and the jiving on a surfboard in heels – fantastic. Darcey wasn’t expecting the bounce and energy – a great jive. Len thought he was “Frankie Bridge over troubled waters”. Dear god kill me now. 7.59pm GMT Frankie has ratty hair extensions, whilst Kevin looks adorable in red shorts. This is a cracking jive from Frankie, with great lift in her legs, good timing and bags of enthusiasm. A proper jive, with no backing dancers at all. It’s a ten from me. 7.56pm GMT Bear with me people, this hell is nearly over. Next up it’s Frankie and Kevin! Tonight they’re dancing the Jive to ‘Surfin’ USA’ by The Beach Boys. Because the USA is a country and oh who cares. 7.54pm GMT Scores: 9,10,10,9 – that’s 38 for Simon and Kristina. 7.53pm GMT Len thought it was fabulous – great footwork, hold and posture. Bruno thought it was wunderbar – pure and uncluttered, and captured the essence of the dance. Craig would like to see more expression in Simon’s hands, but he’s some such a long way. Darcey thought it was beautiful. 7.51pm GMT Simon is dressed as Captain Von Trapp, and Kristina definitely is never going to be a nun. Some nice heel leads from Simon, and this is all very charming and lovely. AND the extra dancers are in the background staying out of the way, so this is unquestionably my favourite dance of the night. 7.47pm GMT Next up it’s Simon and Kristina! Tonight they’re dancing the Waltz to ‘Edelweiss’ from The Sound of Music. Not a Viennese Waltz, mind, because that would make SOME KIND OF GEOGRAPHICAL SENSE. 7.46pm GMT Scores: 9,10,10,10 – that’s 39 for Caroline and Pasha. 7.45pm GMT Darcey thought it was fabulous, and Caroline is a great dancer. Len thought it was Caroline’s best dance. Bruno tells a Tommy Cooper joke, and compares it a mosaic. Or something. Craig thought she exploded like a Pot Noodle (eh?)I’m beginning to suspect I may be hallucinating. 7.42pm GMT So Caroline is in a Turkish bazaar dressed as a flapper, and Pasha has his chest out again. Well this is a very serviceable Charleston, but the bizarre/bazaar theming and extra dancers are making it weird and annoying. 7.40pm GMT Damn, Tess already used it. Where’s the fun in that? 7.39pm GMT Next up it’s Caroline and Pasha! This week they’re dancing the Charleston to They Might Be Giant’s version of ‘Istanbul’. Which is in Turkey, spiritual home of the Charleston, possibly. I remain baffled. Len comment prediction: “that was a Turkish delight from start to finish”. 7.38pm GMT Scores: 5, 7, 8, 7 – bit harsh from Craig there. 7.37pm GMT I miss Artem being Russia’s greatest love machine. Artem, why did you leave us? 7.36pm GMT Craig thought it lacked strength through the feet, and there was too much arm wafting. Darcey liked the storytelling and Sunetra’s arms. Len liked the timing and the mix of steps, but it needed more hip action and more sparkle. Bruno thought it was languid and laid back, but the foot placement wasn’t quite right. 7.34pm GMT Love Sunetra’s dress, she looks glorious. Brendan’s cricket trousers, however, are foul. This is an unexpectedly romantic Rumba, with gorgeous hips from Sunetra. Bit lightweight in places and not massively sexy, but I kind of enjoyed that. 7.31pm GMT It’s time for Sunetra and Brendan! Tonight they’re dancing the Rumba to the Dave Arch version of Michael Bolton’s version of ‘Girl From Ipanema’. The Rumba is Cuban, so they’re not even in the same hemisphere. I literally have no idea what’s going on. 7.29pm GMT Scores: 7,8,9,8 – a total of 32 for Mark and Karen. 7.28pm GMT Bruno thought Mark was the joker in the pack, which isn’t nearly as good as my imagined joker joke. There were some timing issues when he was “playing with three girls”. Craig thought the was ahead four times, and it needed smoother transitions, but Mark’s hip circles are second to none. Darcey loved the lifts, but it needed more finesse in the transitions. Len thought it lacked a bit of polish, but Mark went all in.I’m transfixed by the glow of Mark’s chest wax. He looks like he’s been polished. 7.24pm GMT Karen has a Fraggle caught in her knickers, and Mark’s hips are giving it both barrels. Not sure about the extra dancers – it works in Blackpool as the floor is so big, but all a bit crowded in the studio.Nice Salsa frame in hold, however, but his timing’s a little scrappy out of hold. Bags of enthusiasm and party spirit, however, enjoyed that. 7.21pm GMT So hang on, let’s get this straight. Tonight’s theme is actually “songs with place names in the title”. Why didn’t they just say so? Next up: Mark and Karen dancing the Salsa to ‘Fog on The Tyne’. ONLY KIDDING. This week they’re performing to ‘Viva Las Vegas’ by Elvis Presley. Place your bets on whether Mark’s hips will make an appearance. 7.20pm GMT Scores: 9, 9,10,10 – a total of 38 for Pixie and Trent.Did nobody else notice the dancing clog men? Did I imagine it? AM I TRIPPING? 7.19pm GMT Len thought it was a bouquet of terrific dancing – they captured the how and the wow. Bruno witters on in French – he loved the flowering flourish of the movement. Craig wasn’t disappointed either, the loved the theme and Pixie’s frame was beautiful. Darcey thought it was dainty and charming, with lots of ballet moves. Anyone would think that Pixie had had dance training *raises eyebrows* 7.16pm GMT This is already a saccharine hell, with sparkly windmills and men in clogs. Loving Pixie’s sparkly corset, however. Not watching the Waltz, too busy watching the skippy blokes in the background doing Beyonce moves who’ve clearly just fallen out of an Amsterdam coffee shop. What the hell was that? 7.13pm GMT First up it’s Pixie and Trent! This week they’re dancing the Viennese Waltz to ‘Tulips From Amsterdam’ by Max Bygraves, despite there being well over 1000km between Amsterdam and Vienna and this making NO SENSE WHATSOEVER. 7.12pm GMT And here are the celebs! I have no words. Other than “Trent: no”. 7.11pm GMT Out come Tess and Clauds! DRESS WATCH: classic LBD for Claudia, full length affair for Tess with elements of unnecessary harnessing. They’ve both worn worse. SMORGASBORD JOKE! DRINK! COMEDY FOREIGN HATS! DRINK!This is going to be a VERY long night. 7.08pm GMT It’s a Bollywood-themed pro dance! Aljaz and Pasha are rocking the open shirt and bare chest look. HELLO. Is twerking obligatory now? Ooh, and now some proper dancers who are considerably better at this Bollywood lark. Thank goodness.Well that was splendid. More please. 7.05pm GMT And we’re off! Previously on Strictly – best week of the series so far. Notable highlights include bonkers Samba twerking from Jake, Simon’s armography and Mark’s Tango trousers. Alas Steve and Ola went home. This week: Spurious Around The World Theme Night! 7.02pm GMT I love the idea of Top Gun winning an Oscar. If only there was a Best Homoerotic Volleyball category.YES, Rock Me Amadeus was a Pointless answer. WOO! 6.58pm GMT My 80s Oscar-winning film: On Golden Pond, and No.1 Single: Falco’s Rock Me Amadeus. And if that doesn’t show my age, I don’t know what will. 6.54pm GMT Hooray, Ian and Camilla are in the Pointless final. I love Ian. 6.29pm GMT Good evening, bonsoir, guten abend and καλησπέρα! It’s Strictly Come Dancing Around The World Week, which appears to be an excuse to fuse various song and dance styles into some kind of (potentially rabid) Strictly mongrel, AND indulge all our favourite stereotypes of Jonny Foreigner. So essentially Eurovision with extra tinsel. I can’t WAIT.I have no idea what this particular theme evening has in store, although I have heard a rumour that Trent will be sporting lederhosen. This is going to make him the spitting image of Friedrich from The Sound of Music, and everything about that is a nein von mir. Continue reading...
Crew on migrant freighter charged by Greek authorities
Their ship, the Barsis, was towed to the Greek island of Crete on Tuesday and the migrants from Syria, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq -- a quarter of them ...
Memories from Sibel's visit for Greek national final 2006
ATHENS, GREECE – In 2006 Athens hosted not only the Eurovision Song Contest due to the triumph of Helena Paparizou but also a spectacular ...
Tsipras Slams Negotiations, Calls for Elections; Gov’t Spokeswoman Charges him with Undermining Greece
The troika of Greece ‘s lenders aims at turning the so-called emergency aid into a permanent condition, main opposition Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) party leader Alexis Tsipras said on Saturday at a party event in the central Greek city of Lamia, and called for national elections. “The troika did not come to guarantee that the creditors will get their money back, as we wish to believe. The troika came to guarantee that the so-called emergency barbarity will become permanent,” Tsipras said. “Their aim is not the loan [repayment]. Their aim is the airports, the ports, energy, telecoms and public assets,” he added. “Their aim is the country itself. They want to turn the country into a colony of debt, with a destroyed society, destroyed resistances, destroyed will, destroyed relationships. This is the bitter truth, that we must face head on,” he said, warning that the memorandum would be extended and new ones implemented. “We must have elections now, before the new tough measures and agreements — to coordinate Parliament with popular will, and to elect a president who truly expresses popular majority and national solidarity,” he said. Responding to the speech, government spokeswoman Sofia Voultepsi said that Tsipras “is consciously damaging, caring nothing for the repercussions, at a time when everyone knows that the most critical negotiation for the [fiscal] programme’s completion is under way.” (source: ana-mpa)
Man Shoots Wife and Then Himself in Northern Greece
A man in Thessaloniki, northern Greece entered a flower shop earlier this morning and shot a woman twice. He then locked himself in the shop and refused to leave. Initially Greek police thought that the man was attempting to commit a robbery, however, they later discovered that this was a family issue since the woman that he shot was his wife. The 50-year-old man entered the flower shop wearing a helmet and holding a rifle. He then shot his wife twice in the face and locked himself inside. When police arrived on the scene they heard a gunshot from inside the shop. As it turned out the man had shot himself in the neck causing severe injury, in what appears as a suicide attempt. They found him in the shop basement were they arrested him. The 50-year-old man has now been transferred to a local hospital. His wife was also transferred to the hospital in critical condition. It was determined that she suffered from two major wounds, one in the head and a second one in her left clavicle. She has been scheduled for surgery after which she will be transferred to the intensive care unit.
Sassuolo extends unbeaten run to 7 matches by coming from behind to beat Hellas Verona 2-1
by Associated Press Sassuolo extends Serie A unbeaten run to 7 matches Associated Press - 29 November 2014 14:13-05:00 ROME (AP) — Sassuolo extended its unbeaten run to seven matches by coming from behind to beat Hellas Verona 2-1 on Saturday. The victory moved Sassuolo into the top half of the Serie A table in ninth place, one point ahead of Inter Milan. Verona, which had its winless streak extended to seven matches following a strong start to the season, remained 13th. Greek defender Vangelis Moras put Verona ahead seven minutes in with a header off a corner, Nicola Sansone equalized in the 50th from the edge of the area and Algeria midfielder Saphir Taider tapped in the winner in the 78th after being set up by Antonio Floro Flores. Later, sixth-place Lazio attempts to bounce back from two consecutive losses at Chievo Verona, which is in the relegation zone. News Topics: Sports, Men's soccer, Professional soccer, Soccer, Men's sports People, Places and Companies: Vangelis Moras, Nicola Sansone, Saphir Sliti Taider, Antonio Floro Flores, Italy, Western Europe, Europe Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Austerity bearing fruits in Greece
I have been coming to Greece two or three times a year for more than 40 years and served as The Times's correspondent in Athens from 1977 to 1980.
Greek PM appeals to opposition to avert snap elections
ATHENS, Nov 29 (Reuters) - Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras made his strongest call yet to the main opposition Syriza party to cooperate in ...
Amphipolis Tomb: Last Press Conference
Katerina Peristeri who led the excavation process at Amphipolis Tomb and head of the Antiquities Ephorate in Serres, northern Greece spoke about the excavation. Meanwhile, ministry officials noted that this will be the final press conference regarding the excavation, as archaeologists are now ready to begin their research. Peristeri made special reference to the time that her team found the Caryatids, expressing her emotions. She noted that according to her assessment when the tomb chamber that hosted the Caryatids filled with sand, one of the beams fell, thus destroying the face of the magnificent statue. “We came here in order to take you on a journey to Amphipolis,” said Peristeri. “In 2012 a small team of archaeologists set off to solve the hill’s mystery. The hill had been left untouched for many years, because no one believed that there was something there,” she added. This summer, Peristeri’s team uncovered the entrance of the tomb and that is when it all began. According to the team that worked on the excavation process, the tomb dates back to the last quarter of the 4th century BC. Furthermore, it was revealed that during excavations archaeologists found several 2nd century coins from the era of Alexander the Great, as well as pottery items, a fact that had not been announced so far. When she was asked to provide details on the coins, Peristeri said that the coins were being processed. Tension broke out in the Ministry of Culture amphitheater, at the end of the presentation, when journalists complained that Peristeri had not shown any pictures of the skeleton that was found in the tomb. The archaeologists showed them a picture of the remains that they found explaining that the protection of the skeleton is more important than a great picture. During his speech, Michael Lefantzis said that the engraved Greek letters “E” and “A” that were found outside the tomb are typical of that specific era. He also stressed that the letters are not name initials, they are related to the construction work of the era. Furthermore, Lefantzis noted that several marble pieces had been removed from the area outside the tomb, causing great destruction. Most of the marble pieces were used as dams for Struma river and other construction work.
Greek economy grows 1.9 percent in Q3
(MENAFN) According to figures released by Greece's statistical office ELSTAT, the country's economic growth was revised to a growth of 1.9 percent in the July-September period, Xinhua ...
New Greek bailout unveiled to contain debt crisis
President of European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso (R), President of European Council Herman Van Rompuy (C) and Greek Prime Minister Georgios Papandreou attend the press conference after the ...
Is Papandreou Making a Comeback?
ATHENS — Former Greek Prime Minister George A. Papandreou, the third of three generations of Papandreous to rule that country (his father, Andreas, and grandfather, Georgios, also served as prime minister), may be planning a grand political comeback three years after resigning to make way for a national unity government, the New York Times reported. […] The post Is Papandreou Making a Comeback? appeared first on The National Herald.
Trivia Test: Greek God of the sun?
MYTHOLOGY: What is the Greek god of the sun called? 9. LANGUAGE: What is the only word in the English language that ends in the letters “mt”? 10.
Pope Visits Greek Orthodox Church in Istanbul
Pope Francis after his mass celebration Pope Francis visited Greek ... Greek Orthodox Church (is a term referring to the body of several Churches ...
World's first computer dates to 205 BCE, earlier than thought
The bronze mechanism, discovered in 1901 in a shipwreck off the Greek island of Antikythera, was initially dated to 150 to 100 BCE, but researchers ...
Ancient Antikythera Mechanism Reveals Advances in Greek Science
New research into an ancient Greek device, called the Antikythera Mechanism, may provide researchers with an even greater understanding of the ...
Soccer-Greek championship results and standings
Nov 29 (Infostrada Sports) - Results and standings from the Greek championship matches on Saturday Saturday, November 29Kalloni 0 Platanias 0 Levadiakos 0 Panaitolikos Agrinion 0 Standings P W D L F A Pts 1 PAOK Salonika 9 7 1 1 22 5 22 -------------------------2 Olympiakos Piraeus 9 6 2 1 19 6 20 3 Kalloni 10 5 4 1 9 2 19 4 Veria 9 5 2 2 15 15 17 5 Panathinaikos 9 5 1 3 12 9 16 ...
Transatlantic dialogue launches ‘Aoratos’ around the world
NEW YORK, October 2014 – The live streaming at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center was a moment of synergies: Speaking from after-hours Athens, legendary Greek poet-lyricist Manos Eleftheriou was engaged in conversation with composer Pericles Kanaris, stan... ...
Debt relief ‘still needed’ says Bank of Greece chief
Bank of Greece Governor Yannis Stournaras has called for a compromise between Athens and the troika in an interview with Sunday’s Kathimerini, while also insisting that the eurozone should provide Greece with further debt relief. “It is in the interests o... ...
Arms probe talks for Greek, German prosecutors
A team of German prosecutors is expected in Athens before Christmas to exchange information with their Greek counterparts regarding corrupt arms procurement deals, Kathimerini understands. The prosecutors are focusing particularly on the sale of 170 Leopa... ...
A Sisyphean task
The most likely outcome of the government’s ongoing negotiations with the troika is that Greek Parliament will vote through all the proposed measures and that the budget which was drafted without the prior approval of the international lenders will be ame... ...
Arms probe talks for Greek, German prosecutors
A team of German prosecutors is expected in Athens before Christmas to exchange information with their Greek counterparts regarding corrupt arms procurement deals, Kathimerini understands. The prosecutors are focusing particularly on the sale of 170 Leopa... ...
Five Georgians arrested over murder of Halkidiki taverna owner
Five Georgian nationals, four men and a woman aged 35 to 44, have been arrested in connection to the murder of a 58-year-old taverna owner in his home in the area of Kallithea in Halkidiki, northern Greece, in September. The woman, who worked part-time at... ...
Amphipolis was plundered, says excavation leader
The archaeologist leading the dig at the ancient tomb in Amphipolis, northern Greece, said on Saturday that the site had once been open to the public but was later sealed, although this did not protect it from raiders who stole many items. “It is certain ... ...
Blaming it on the bogeyman
Every time the government’s negotiations with the troika of international lenders reaches a critical point, Greeks are plunged into a state of fear and insecurity. Greek politicians have never taken the initiative to explain in clear terms just what the t... ...
Tomb from Alexander the Great's time could belong to a general, Greek officials say
An ancient tomb discovered in northern Greece dating from the time of Alexander the Great could belong to a general, said Greek Culture Ministry ...
Beşiktaş grab spot in the next round after draw
The 10-man Istanbul side allowed themselves to give up a 2-0 advantage, but their Greek opponents weren't able to completely overturn the two-goal ...
Greek Orthodox Church in Holmdel Shares #GivingTuesday Cause
HOLMDEL, NJ - Kimisis Tis Theotokou Greek Orthodox Church in Holmdel is sharing its #GivingTuesday Community Outreach Cause: to raise funds ...
BC-SOC--Greek Standings
by Associated Press BC-SOC--Greek Standings Associated Press - 29 November 2014 10:01-05:00 BC-SOC--Greek Standings Greek Football Standings Greek League GP W D L GF GA Pts PAOK Thessaloniki 9 7 1 1 22 5 22 Olympiakos 9 6 2 1 19 6 20 Kalloni 10 5 4 1 9 2 19 Veria 9 5 2 2 15 15 17 Panathinaikos 9 5 1 3 12 9 16 Atromitos 9 4 2 3 9 9 14 Asteras 9 4 2 3 13 13 14 PAS Giannina 9 3 4 2 11 8 13 Panetolikos 9 3 4 2 13 9 13 Platanias 10 3 3 4 8 10 12 Xanthi 9 3 3 3 13 13 12 Kerkyra 9 3 2 4 10 10 11 OFI Crete 9 3 1 5 7 14 10 Panionios 9 2 2 5 8 12 8 Levadiakos 9 1 4 4 7 11 7 Ergotelis 9 1 3 5 11 17 6 Panthrakikos 9 1 3 5 6 15 6 Niki Volos 9 1 1 7 3 18 4 Saturday, Nov. 29 Kalloni 0, Platanias 0 Levadiakos vs. Panetolikos, 1515 GMT Atromitos vs. Xanthi, 1730 GMT Sunday, Nov. 30 Kerkyra vs. Olympiakos, 1300 GMT Ergotelis vs. Asteras, 1515 GMT PAOK Thessaloniki vs. Panthrakikos, 1515 GMT PAS Giannina vs. OFI Crete, 1515 GMT Panionios vs. Niki Volos, 1515 GMT Panathinaikos vs. Veria, 1730 GMT Wednesday, Dec. 3 Panthrakikos vs. Platanias, 1300 GMT Atromitos vs. Veria, 1515 GMT Kerkyra vs. Panionios, 1515 GMT PAS Giannina vs. Levadiakos, 1515 GMT Xanthi vs. Kalloni, 1515 GMT Olympiakos vs. PAOK Thessaloniki, 1730 GMT Thursday, Dec. 4 Niki Volos vs. Asteras, 1515 GMT Panetolikos vs. Panathinaikos, 1515 GMT OFI Crete vs. Ergotelis, 1730 GMT Saturday, Dec. 6 Veria vs. Platanias, 1300 GMT Kerkyra vs. Atromitos, 1515 GMT Olympiakos vs. PAS Giannina, 1730 GMT Sunday, Dec. 7 Xanthi vs. PAOK Thessaloniki, 1300 GMT Niki Volos vs. Kalloni, 1515 GMT OFI Crete vs. Levadiakos, 1515 GMT Panetolikos vs. Panionios, 1515 GMT Asteras vs. Panathinaikos, 1730 GMT Monday, Dec. 8 Panthrakikos vs. Ergotelis, 1730 GMT News Topics: Soccer, Men's soccer, Sports, Men's sports People, Places and Companies: Thessaloniki, Crete, Greece, Western Europe, Europe Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
MP Bribe Claims Are Denied
A man who a Greek lawmaker said tried to bribe her to support the ruling parties choice of a Greek President denied the claim. The post MP Bribe Claims Are Denied appeared first on The National Herald.
Athens Sit-in Highlights Catch-22 for Refugees
Some years ago, when Greece was receiving mostly economic migrants, the country implemented a policy that limited access to asylum claims ...
Traders Are Watching: BP p.l.c. (NYSE:BP), National Bank of Greece (NYSE:NBG), Concert ...
Nomura lowered shares of National Bank of Greece (NYSE:NBG) from a buy rating to a neutral rating in a research report released on Friday morning, ...
ANKARA — Turkey and Greece are supportive for the restart of negotiations between Turkish and Greek Cypriots on how to reunify the divided ...
Greek And Turkish Cypriots Find Common Ground In Effort To Restore Dilapidated Monastery
(Reuters) - On a remote outcrop in divided Cyprus, Greeks and Turks have put aside decades of enmity to restore their shared cultural heritage, battered by war and neglect. Every day for the next 16 months, Greek and Turkish Cypriots will be working on the ...
Trial Set For Vatopedi Suspects
Fourteen people linked to the scandalous Vatopedi Monastery property swap that cost Greece millions of euros six years ago will stand trial. The post Trial Set For Vatopedi Suspects appeared first on The National Herald.
Spike Mendelsohn brings Greek meatballs to THE Dish
Spike Mendelsohn might have grown up in Montreal, Quebec but he is an all-American success story. He's worked in some of the world's top restaurants, but we got to know him best as a fan favorite on hit cooking competitions like "Top Chef" and "Top Chef ...
Strictly Come Dancing 2014: Jake tackles Argentine Tango to Zorba the Greek
Jake Wood and Janette Manrara will be performing the Argentine Tango to 'Zorba The Greek'. (GREECE). * Mark Wright and Karen Hauer will be ...
Antikythera Mechanism: Ancient Computer Predates Similar Technologies by 1000 Years. What is ...
"We know so little about ancient Greek astronomy. Only small fragments of work have survived. It's probably safer not to try to hang it on any one ...
Milwaukee's Giannis Antetokounmpo Scores with Eurostep from 3-Point Line
The Greek Freak started his Eurostep move from just outside the three-point line on his way to a layup past Caron Butler. Before the claims that it's a ...
Where Wonder Woman came from
Some 2,500 years ago, the Greeks had a big Amazon moment. Warrior women who gloried in their freedom rode into Western culture in the myths, ...
Turkey, Greece urge resumption of stalled Cyprus talks
Appearing at a joint press conference Saturday in the Turkish capital, Ankara, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and his Greek counterpart ...
Archeologists Surprised by Underwater Ruins Near The Greek Island of Delos
The island of Delos is often held in high regard within the archaeological fields of study due to its significant ties to ancient Greek history, culture and ...