Turkey and Greece will resume the suspended exploratory talks about territorial claims in the Mediterranean Sea and other issues on January 25 in Istanbul, Turkey’s foreign ministry said. Plans for ...
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Monday, January 11, 2021
Turkey says maritime talks with Greece to resume on January 25
Greece launches online vaccination registration
… Jan 11 (Reuters) - Greece launched an online platform on … with other European countries, Greece began vaccinating frontline health care … up,” the head of Greece’s National Vaccination Committee, … and non-essential retailers. Greece weathered the first wave of …
Olympiacos icon molds young Greek players
Theodoros Papaloukas is hands-down one of the greatest ever European basketball players to have ever graced the courts across the continent. In fact, the Greek star dominated the game between ...
The Hottest January in Athens in 160 Years
Only ten days in, this January has already proven to be Athens’ hottest in at least 160 years, according to data from the National Observatory of Athens which was released Monday. The country is reveling in the unseasonably warm winter weather, with many Greeks rushing to the beach in an effort to cool off and also […] The post The Hottest January in Athens in 160 Years first appeared on Greece.GreekReporter.com Latest News from Greece.
Greece-Turkey Talks Set for January 25
The Greece-Turkey talks which have been bruited about for some time, but not finalized, have now been set for January 25, according to a statement from the Greek Foreign Ministry on Monday evening. The 61st first round of what are diplomatically termed “Investigative Contacts” will take place in Istanbul on January 25, 2021, the Foreign […] The post Greece-Turkey Talks Set for January 25 first appeared on Greece.GreekReporter.com Latest News from Greece.
Greek, Turkish reps to sit down for exploratory talks on Jan. 25 s after 4-year hiatus; Mitsotakis: Only issue is delimitation of sea zones
Greek Prime Minister reminded on Monday afternoon that the only object up for discussion in whatever "exploratory talks" with neighboring Turkey is the delimitation of maritime zones, speaking from ...
Greece Weather Warning: Rainfalls, thunderstorms, strong wind, snowfalls
Greece’s National Meteorological Service EMY warns of weather deterioration with heavy rainflls and powerful winds lat on Monday, Jan 11, 2021, and sharp temperature drop and partially dense snowfall as of Wednesday, Jan 13, 2021. Coming from the North-West, the bad weather front is forecast to strike the western Greece and gradually also the north … The post Greece Weather Warning: Rainfalls, thunderstorms, strong wind, snowfalls appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
PM Mitsotakis” Only issue to discuss with Turkey is maritime zones delimitation”
“The only issue to discuss with Turkey in exploratory talks is the delimitation of the maritime zone in the Aegean and the East Mediterranean Sea, ” Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Monday. Mitsotakis in fact responded to Turkey that earlier on the day invited Greece to “exploratory talks” and thus “unconditionally.” From Lisbon … The post PM Mitsotakis” Only issue to discuss with Turkey is maritime zones delimitation” appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Exploratory talks between Greece and Turkey on Jan 25 in Istanbul
The Greek Foreign Ministry announced on Monday evening that the 61. round of exploratory talks with Turkey will take place in Istanbul on January 25, 2021. The Ministry tweeted: Ανακοίνωση ΥΠΕΞ: Ο 61ος γύρος Διερευνητικών Επαφών θα λάβει χώρα στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, στις 25/01 🔗https://t.co/mVtI0fbYwH — Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών (@GreeceMFA) January 11, 2021 Earlier the Ministry had … The post Exploratory talks between Greece and Turkey on Jan 25 in Istanbul appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Turkish, Greek exploratory talks to be held on Jan. 25
The 61st round of the Exploratory Talks between Turkey and Greece will take place in Istanbul on Jan. 25, 2021, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said on Monday. Turkish ...
Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ interview in the Athens daily ‘KATHIMERINI’ with journalist Vasilis Nedos (10 January 2021)
JOURNALIST: While 2020 was a difficult year, important agreements were reached in terms of foreign policy. Do you believe 2021 could become a milestone for further developments and, if so, which would these be? N. DENDIAS: I agree with your observation. At the beginning of 2020, no one could have imagined that it would develop as it did, with the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. Despite adverse conditions, we achieved much. We resolved issues that had remained pending for decades. We signed three particularly important agreements, two concerning maritime zones with Italy and Egypt and one concerning a pioneering form of collaboration on foreign policy and defence with the United Arab Emirates. At the same time, we reached an agreement with Albania to refer the issue of maritime zones to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, in accordance with the rules of international law and, in particular, the Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Finally, we took the actions necessary for the extension of our territorial waters in the Ionian Sea to 12 miles. It must become widely understood, Mr Nedos, that despite the glumness of certain individuals, the Mitsotakis government faced a variety of challenges and hybrid threats during this past year with sufficient self-confidence, reaching agreements that guarantee our national interests and expanding its partnerships with a number of other states. Our aim for 2021 is to continue this approach, which expands on our strategic horizon compared to the past. Our country is not hostage to zero-sum or dilatory rhetoric pursuits, but guarantees its rights and national interests through agreements. We will continue building on this groundwork in 2021, cultivating bilateral relations and trilateral and multilateral mechanisms and remaining particularly active in international organisations. JOURNALIST: How will you achieve that? Through which specific actions and initiatives? N. DENDIAS: Firstly, we will promote our bilateral relations by pursuing the conclusion of important agreements: with the USA, the update to the Mutual Defence Cooperation Agreement; with Saudi Arabia, through a joint effort with the Ministry of National Defence and Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos, the agreement on cooperation in the field of defence; and with France, to deepen our cooperation. Next week I will be visiting Italy and Portugal. This will be followed by a visit to Belgium and, shortly thereafter, το the Baltic countries — all that during the first few months. We will also develop the new framework of cooperation with the United Kingdom. At the same time, we are expanding our horizons and creating new channels with emerging powers and countries in Asia and Africa, such as India and Kenya, both of which assumed recently seats on the UN Security Council. We are developing these initiatives, but without neglecting our immediate neighbourhood. We have a very important role to play in the Western Balkans in terms of consolidating stability and peace, both through continuously supporting their European course and through active participation in and contribution to regional initiatives. Our goal is the incorporation of the Western Balkans into the European family and, at the same time, their protection from penetration by extremist networks and neo-Ottoman outlooks. Friendly Muslim countries in the broader region, which share our views and with which we are building a stable, honest relationship in order to become a bridge of cooperation with countries with a Christian population, are contributing to this effort. In order to achieve these objectives, we have developed a particularly active presence. The Albanian Prime Minister, Mr Rama, was in Athens for a private visit two days ago. The Minister for Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia, Mr Osmani, will be visiting Athens this coming week. During this visit, three memoranda of cooperation will be signed, underscoring our commitment to strengthening bilateral relations. At the same time, efforts to further enhance our presence in Kosovo are under way. We are also undertaking initiatives in Bosnia-Herzegovina, in the context of the European Union, in order to create a framework of stability and governability. We will reinforce multilateral initiatives, together with Cyprus and countries in the region that espouse the same principles we do, such as Egypt, Israel and Jordan. We look forward to other countries' joining these platforms, such as the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, as well as major international players, such as France, India and, of course, the United States. Finally, we will develop initiatives in the context of the European Union, the UN, the OSCE and — why not — even NATO. Mr Nedos, although the pandemic continues to hamper our work, we cannot stop. We are obligated to defend our national interests. This can only be achieved if we look beyond our narrow horizons and take initiative. We are opening doors that had remained barred for years. This is the effort that is being made by the New Democracy government and myself, according to my constitutional duty, from the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs. JOURNALIST: The first law being brought to Parliament concerns the extension of territorial waters in the Ionian Sea to 12 nautical miles. Is such a development likely with regard to the Aegean Sea, as well? N. DENDIAS: The bill in question will be brought before Parliament presently and will be adopted immediately. We must not underestimate its importance. This is the first expansion of the boundaries of the Greek state since 1947, always through peaceful means and on the basis of international law. This expansion is our country's inalienable right. However, to return to your main question, we are preparing for an expansion in other parts of the country too. We are taking the technical steps necessary, so as to be prepared when it is deemed expedient to move forward. When that will be remains a political choice. JOURNALIST: You recently engaged in talks once again with the Albanian Prime Minister. Do you believe that there could be developments in the delimitation talks? In other words, will there be recourse to The Hague? N. DENDIAS: The Albanian Prime Minister and I have come to enjoy a relationship of honest cooperation. I had the opportunity to speak extensively with him on all bilateral and regional issues during both my visit to Tirana and his visit to Athens two days ago. As regards the issue of having recourse to The Hague, the competent technical teams are continuing their work. The goal is for a special agreement to be signed and submitted, hopefully as soon as possible — my estimate would be after the Albanian parliamentary elections in April. I should note that all Albanian political forces support the delimitation of the two countries’ maritime zones on the basis of the International Law of the Sea, by the International Court of Justice in The Hague. This is precisely what we are telling our Turkish interlocutors. It would be particularly useful to remind everyone that Mr Rama has recognised Greece’s inalienable right to extend its territorial waters to 12 miles. In fact, he added that Albania did the same thing 30 years ago and, therefore, no third country can oppose this right — let alone threaten war, to add to his words. JOURNALIST: Are you optimistic that the exploratory talks could lead to something substantial? Do you believe Ankara’s intentions for dialogue are honest? What exactly is Athens discussing? It seems that Ankara disagrees with the agenda being set. N. DENDIAS: Let me start with your final question. As we have stressed on numerous occasions, the agenda of the exploratory talks is specific and cannot change. The next round of talks will be the 61st. These talks began two decades ago. One interlocutor cannot unilaterally decide to expand the agenda, as this would be tantamount to an effort to undermine the talks. It remains to be seen if Ankara’s intentions are sincere. In any case, whenever these talks resume, our approach will be honest and constructive. Now, if you’re asking me what the result of these talks will be and whether we remain optimistic, let me answer in football terms: a manager was once asked to predict the outcome of a match. His response? “Forecasts only available at the end of the match”. Of course, we are preparing for every eventuality, as is our obligation. However, I would like to bring up a concern. The Turkey of 2021 is not the Turkey of 2016, the year of the last round of exploratory talks. Today's Turkey is far removed from the Turkey of the early 2000s, which aimed at European accession. Of course, no one can decide on a change of its course on Turkey's account, which would be my heartfelt wish.JOURNALIST: What can Athens expect from the new administration in the US? Recently there has been talk of adjustments to the Mutual Defence Cooperation Agreement (MDCA) concluded with the United States. Could you explain whether this would mean an increase to the military footprint and in which ways? N. DENDIAS: Let me begin by saying that my cooperation with the outgoing US administration and, in particular with my counterpart, Mr Pompeo, was exemplary. His contribution to the development of bilateral relations between our two countries to unprecedented levels was decisive. We aim at continuing and further strengthening our relations with the US. I look forward to my first meeting with the new US Secretary of State, Mr Blinken. Our goal is to complete negotiations on the adaptation of the MDCA in order to establish particularly long-term prospects that will not require renewal every year, on one hand, and to increase the footprint of US presence in Greece in areas that underline our country's strategic importance, on the other. The US presence does not entail the creation of military bases reminiscent of the Cold War era and rationale; instead, it will be flexible and adapted to present-day circumstances, enhancing our country's geopolitical importance in the wider region. I consider an intense, constant presence in the wider region of the Eastern Mediterranean, both diplomatic and military, to be useful. JOURNALIST: You have already signed an agreement with the United Arab Emirates, and a further agreement with Saudi Arabia, mainly concerning defence, is imminent. Our relations with Israel have been bolstered, while those with Arab countries such as Egypt are flourishing. Could this regional environment act as a buffer to Turkey’s provocations? N. DENDIAS: My answer would be yes, but conditionally. To explain, the countries you mentioned, each to different degrees, have a difficult relationship with Turkey. However, this is exclusively due to Turkey's provocative and expansionist policy. Turkey may seek to transform itself from the “sick man”, as it was viewed by the West 100 years ago, into the “great revisionist”, imposing itself on the area of the former Ottoman Empire. This approach runs completely contrary to fundamental principles of international law, undermines peace and stability in the region and, of course, triggers defence reflexes. Unfortunately, the issue of Turkish revisionism is on the agenda of my meetings with all my international counterparts. In this light, the various initiatives developed currently aim at containing Turkey's provocative conduct. However, please allow me to note at this point that I am referring to containing a specific type of conduct, not a country in general. As I have stressed on several occasions, the development of our relations with the aforementioned countries, whether in bilateral or multilateral platforms, is not aimed against anyone. On the contrary, we have underlined that Turkey could also join these platforms, on a very simple yet very important condition: that it accept that disputes must be resolved peacefully, on the basis of international law. It is my deepest, most sincere hope that Turkey will recognise that its revisionist and aggressive conduct will inevitably lead to results that are the opposite of those it intends. At a time when it is facing serious economic challenges, I believe it would be expedient for Turkey to make a radical shift in direction and abandon its barren expansionist aspirations. With all due respect, I think this would be in the true interest of the Turkish people. After all, a large part of Turkish society professes just that: the European framework as the sole prospect for Turkey.JOURNALIST: Do you believe there will be room for discussion on the Cyprus issue in 2021? N. DENDIAS: Athens, always in a spirit of full coordination with Nicosia, has stressed that it will participate in an informal five-sided conference, should the UN Secretary General convene one. Beyond that, our view on the resolution of the Cyprus issue is well known and unwavering, i.e. a bizonal, bicommunal federation on the basis of the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and the European acquis. This view is shared by the international community. Sadly, I cannot express any optimism. The rhetoric being voiced by Turkish officials, as well as the Turkish Cypriot leader, Mr Tatar, is not encouraging. I would add to the negative rhetoric the unlawful opening of Varosha and the continuous drilling activities.
Response of the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alexandros Papaioannou, to a journalist’s question
The spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alexandros Papaioannou, made the following statement in response to a journalist’s question: “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received no invitation so far from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the setting of a date for the 61st round of Exploratory Talks.As you know, Greece has expressed its willingness to positively respond in the case of a relevant Turkish invitation, on the basis of international law and concerning the delimitation of the EEZ and continental shelf.”
Turkey offers to resume exploratory talks with Greece this month
Turkey called on Greece to resume exploratory talks on their conflicting maritime claims in the Mediterranean Sea and other existing issues in January, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said on Jan. 11.
Greece Accommodation Update
… of Migration and Asylum of Greece, in the context of … of the programme to the Greek authorities. In total, 28 … cities and 7 islands across Greece. The Accommodation Scheme provides … asylum-seekers and refugees in Greece. Urban accommodation helps restore …
UPDATE 2-Turkey and Greece may resume talks over disputed waters
By Tuvan Gumrukcu and Renee Maltezou ANKARA/ATHENS, Jan 11 (Reuters) - Turkey and Greece said on Monday they wanted to resume suspended exploratory talks over territorial claims in the Mediterranean ...
Turkey invites rival Greece to resume talks on disputes
Turkey has invited Greece to resume talks designed to reduce tensions between the neighbors, following this summer’s dispute over maritime borders and energy rights in the eastern Mediterranean ...
JP Morgan recommends investing in Greek bonds
The investment bank predicts Greece will be upgraded within the next year
Greece’s Andros Island Beckons New York Times Readers
Greece’s Andros Island, a pearl in the islands belonging to the Cyclades archipelago, has recently been listed among the top 52 “most cherished” places in the world by the readers of the New York Times. Instead of its annual January story telling readers what the new “in” place is this year, where you must see […] The post Greece’s Andros Island Beckons New York Times Readers first appeared on Greece.GreekReporter.com Latest News from Greece.
High Speed Trains Coming to Greece
High speed trains will soon make traveling across Greece much faster. The trains, which can reach speeds of 200 km (124 miles) per hour, will arrive in the country on January 18. The first trip with these cutting-edge trains, which are called “White Arrow” and operated by Greek railway company TrainOSE, will follow the route […] The post High Speed Trains Coming to Greece first appeared on Greece.GreekReporter.com Latest News from Greece.
Figs Grow as Winter Heatwave Rages on in Greece
Figs, an iconic summertime fruit in Greece, have begun to grow again near the city of Nafplio in the Peloponnese, flourishing in this winter’s record-breaking high temperatures. With weather so warm that Greeks have been flocking to the beach in January, the country has an air of summertime. Temperatures in the country climbed to 21 […] The post Figs Grow as Winter Heatwave Rages on in Greece first appeared on Greece.GreekReporter.com Latest News from Greece.
Wizz Air: Fly to Abu Dhabi from Greece for Less Than One Euro
Economy airline Wizz Air is offering an unbelievable deal to those flying from Athens or Thessaloniki to Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates. Wizz announced an incredible deal on Sunday — a one-way ticket to the Persian Gulf city will only cost €0.19 euros for passengers who book their tickets on […] The post Wizz Air: Fly to Abu Dhabi from Greece for Less Than One Euro first appeared on Greece.GreekReporter.com Latest News from Greece.
Covid-19: 444 Cases Diagnosed in Greece on Monday
A total of 444 Covid-19 cases were diagnosed in Greece on Monday, which is just one more than the 445 cases that were recorded in the country just one day earlier, on Sunday. Tragically, 39 people with the virus passed away in the country over the past 24 hour period, which is three more than […] The post Covid-19: 444 Cases Diagnosed in Greece on Monday first appeared on Greece.GreekReporter.com Latest News from Greece.
Turkey invites Greece to resume “exploratory talks, unconditionally”
Turkey is making an official offer to Greece to resume exploratory talks within January, the country’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Monday. Cavusolgu spoke of “unconditional” talks on all issues that have been discussed over the 60 rounds of talks held until 2016, when contacts were suspended. Cavusoglu said Athens had “no excuse” not to … The post Turkey invites Greece to resume “exploratory talks, unconditionally” appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Greek Ancestry Conference on Jan 29-31, Live Streaming, free attendance
An International Greek Ancestry Conference is to take place virtually on January 29-31, 2021. The conference will be live-streamed, while attendance is free of charge. Ancestry is the first digital platform created to meet the specific research needs of people of Greek descent and those interested in Greek archival records. The conference is organized by … The post Greek Ancestry Conference on Jan 29-31, Live Streaming, free attendance appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Greek Foreign Ministry denies it received an invitation from Turkey to begin exploratory talks
Replying to a journalist's question, a spokesperson of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alexandros Papaioannou stated the following: ...
Turkey invites Greece to resume talks amid Eastern Mediterranean Sea dispute
[Preview] Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Monday that Turkey has offered to resume exploratory talks with Greece on hydrocarbon resources in the Eastern Mediterranean, as Ankara wants to improve ties with the European Union. Read Full Article at RT.com
EQTEC's latest deal with Greek construction firm works as 'template model' and is 'repeatable'
CEO David Palumbo talks to Proactive London about their memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Greek construction group ...
Roundup: Greek pupils go back to school after two months of remote learning
Pupils of primary schools, kindergartens and special education schools across Greece went back to school on Monday after two months of remote learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although a ...
UN chief to gauge next month possible Cyprus talks restart
An official says U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres intends to meet next month with ethnically split Cyprus’ rival Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders to gauge whether conditions are ripe to resume dormant peace talks
Greek PM says willing to join talks with Turkey, seeks productive relations
Greece seeks a fertile relationship with Turkey and will attend exploratory talks with its NATO ally on the issue of disputed maritime zones once a date is agreed, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis ...
Greek/Turkish Talks on Hold; No Invitation from Turkey
The Greek/Turkish diplomatic parleys which had been expected to begin this month appear to be on hold as no invitation has been received at this point from Turkey, according to a statement released by ...
Turkey invites Greece to Maritime dispute talks
Turkey on Monday invited Greece to resume talks in the two uneasy NATO members’ dispute over eastern Mediterranean borders and natural gas rights. The offer came one month after EU leaders decided to ...
Iconic Byzantine Hagiography Goes Digital
The iconic Byzantine hagiography of Manuel Panselinos will be presented in a live streamed presentation on the platform Zoom on Tuesday at 7 pm with Tasos Papadopoulos narrating the story of his life and works. The name of Panselinos has been associated with the highest Byzantine art and his frescoed hagiographies have been considered as […] The post Iconic Byzantine Hagiography Goes Digital first appeared on Greece.GreekReporter.com Latest News from Greece.
Bicentennial of Greek War of Independence Gets Flavor of Naples
The Bicentennial of the Greek War of Independence won’t just be celebrated in Greece this year; it will also be celebrated in Naples, Italy, in an exhibition created by a collaboration of experts from that country, as well as Greece and Cyprus. The exhibit in Naples in the context of the great national bicentennial will using little-known […] The post Bicentennial of Greek War of Independence Gets Flavor of Naples first appeared on Greece.GreekReporter.com Latest News from Greece.
Greece: 12 months military service for all branches by May – Who will serve 9 months
The plan is for the changes to be implemented by the coming May
Covid-19 vaccination in Greece: All you need to know about procedures
The online platform where citizens can register for Covid-19 vaccination goes in operation early Monday evening, January 11, 2021. On this platform, citizens can check whether they belong to a priority groups for the vaccination and register for an appointment. Keep in mind that citizens will need to have a Greek tax number and a … The post Covid-19 vaccination in Greece: All you need to know about procedures appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Pupils in N. Greece return to school with a blanket due to corona-measures
Elementary schools opened again after two months break due to the pandemic and some pupils returned to the classes with their bag, masks, antiseptics and a …blanket. The principal of 2nd Elementary School in Halastra, northern Greece, had issued instructions for the parents over the weekend in which among others it was advising them to … The post Pupils in N. Greece return to school with a blanket due to corona-measures appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
This Wombats' Greek Tragedy remix has gone viral on TikTok
A remix of the band's 2015 track by Oliver Nelson has gone viral and has been delighting music lovers from across the spectrum.
UPDATE 1-Turkey invites Greece to resume talks over sea claims
By Tuvan Gumrukcu ANKARA, Jan 11 (Reuters) - Turkey has offered to resume talks with Greece on conflicting claims in the Mediterranean Sea and other issues this month, Foreign Minister Mevlut ...
Greek telecom market revenues reach EUR 4.350 bln in 2019
Revenues from the Greek telecom market reached EUR 4.350 billion in 2019, representing 87.2 percent of the total electronic communications market, according to data from telecom authority EETT. The ...
With eye on Turkey, Greece to extend western coastal waters
Greece says it plans to extend its territorial waters along its western coastline from six to 12 nautical miles, a move that could impact a tense dispute with neighbor Turkey ...
You Can Now Travel To Greece for Dhs1 With Wizz Air Abu Dhabi
All seats on Wizz Air Abu Dhabi’s inaugural service to Greece on Friday, January 15 will be sold for Dh1 as the airline offers 2,021 return tickets on a range of flights to Thessaloniki and Athens.
Greece's first gay minister hopes appointment helps erode homophobia
Greece’s first openly gay minister said encountering homophobia in public life was “a given,” but hoped his appointment to the conservative government would make it easier for LGBT+ people to tackle ...
In pictures: Storm Filomena hits Spain as Greeks bask in heatwave
Spain has seen heavy snow and plunging temperatures, while in Greece it is unusually warm.
'It’s incredible': why do two convicted Greek neo-Nazis remain at large?
Christos Pappas, Golden Dawn’s de facto number two, is missing ,while MEP Ioannis Lagos has refused to return home ...
Covid: 28 degrees in Greece drive crowds to beaches, parks
(ANSAmed) - ATHENS, JANUARY 11 - An unusual heatwave reported in Greece over the past few days, with temperatures over 20 degrees Celsius, drove many people to violate an anti-coronavirus lockdown and ...