GREECE has received more than one million refugees since 2015, many Syrian, and hundreds more arrive each week. While the European Union has ...
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Anarchists offer a lifeline for refugees in GREECE
Greece finances back in order; EU body suggests ending disciplinary actions
Greece recorded a 0.7% surplus last year and is expected to have a deficit of only 1.2% in 2017
Fast GREEK-Bulgarian rail is on track
Sofia has authorized the country's minister of transport to sign a relevant memorandum of understanding with the GREEK side, the GIS said.
Watch Giannis tell you what basketball is in this awesome new GREEK commercial
In the video, which is a GREEK advertisement for the Vivartia brand Milko – a chocolate milk product – and entitled "I'll tell you what basketball is," ...
Greece-Turkey engage in blame-game, parties criticise Anastasiades
… Cyprus talks failed in Crans-Montana, Greece and Turkey stepped up the … came to “pre-election expediencies”. Meanwhile, Greek Foreign Minister Nicos Kotzias, who … back at Turkish claims that Greece was to blame for the …
Serialisation security doubts: “If I was a counterfeiter, I would make drugs in Italy or Greece”
… . The only exceptions are Belgium, Greece and Italy – where verification and … legislation is delayed, Italian and Greek drug markets continue to be … the additional time allowed to Greece and Italy will case a …
Greece Hits Back at Turkish Accusations Against FM Kotzias
The Greek foreign ministry accused Turkey on Wednesday of audacity, responding to Turkish claims that foreign minister Nikos Kotzias was solely responsible for the breakdown of talks toward a solution in Cyprus. Foreign Ministry spokesman Stratos Efthymiou said that “Turkey continues to fool the international community by making statements that prove that audacity has no […]
Greek Archaeological Sites to Shut Down Midday During Heatwave
Archaeological sites with extended summer visiting hours will be shut down in the middle of the day as of Wednesday, and for as long as the heatwave lasts, the Ministry of Culture said. “Due to the expected heatwave, as of Wednesday and as long as temperatures rise above 39 degrees Celsius (102.2F), all archaeological sites […]
Chinese Investors to be Presented with ‘Golden Visa’ Opportunity for Greek Investment Products
The “golden visa” program is one in which non-European Union citizens can obtain a visa by a minimum investment in a property of 250,000 euros. As recently as March, the Economy and Development Ministry started discussing different categories of investment which could possibly be added in order to encourage more investments in Greece for the […]
Greece: Suspects in tourist's fatal beating held for trial
Five of nine men suspected in the beating death of a 22-year-old American tourist outside a bar in Greece have been jailed pending trial on murder charges. Judicial authorities on the Greek island of Zakynthos ordered the five to be held in custody over ...
Mavs owner Mark Cuban: I made final call to pass on Greek Freak in 2013 NBA draft
The Dallas Mavericks' history in the NBA lottery is anything but storied. Hitting on point guard Dennis Smith Jr., the ninth overall pick of last month's draft, would be a nice start to turning around their lottery fortunes. And the early returns are ...
Heatwave causes GREECE to close Acropolis to tourists for hours
People take a shower at a beach of Alimos suburb, in Athens, Wednesday, July 12, 2017. A summer heatwave has hit GREECE, with temperatures ...
Travel + Leisure: Greece dominates Top-10 Islands category
Greece has dominated ‘Europe’s Top 10 Islands’ category at this year’s Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards, with Santorini taking first place, Crete ranking fourth, Paros in fifth place and Rhodes following in at number six. Travel + Leisure (T ...
New Thoughts on Ancient GREEK Theaters
KUMAMOTO, JAPAN—According to a report in The International Business Times, researchers led by Ryuichi Yoshitake of Kumamoto University think ...
GREEKS Are Suddenly Worshiping Ancient GREEK Gods All Over Again
Greece has seen a resurgence of the once ancient religion of the GREEK gods of mythology, with neo-pagan practitioners gathering at Mt. Olympus to ...
Tourist bashed to death ‘over selfie’
AN AMERICAN university graduate bashed to death outside a bar on a Greek island by up to 15 men was reportedly killed because of an argument over a selfie.
Foreign Minister N. Kotzias speech to the Hellenic Parliament on the developments in the Cyprus issue (11 June 2017)
N. KOTZIAS: Thank you, Mr. President. You know that, in my Parliamentary presence, I am a man of few words, as a Foreign Minister should be. Yet, since the subject is what it is, allow me to say a few things.First of all, I want to thank the political parties for the stance they maintained during the negotiations, allowing the Greek negotiating team to work without insecurity or doubts about how the majority of Greeks saw the negotiations. I want to thank all of them officially from this podium. I also want to say that this morning we have the UN Secretary-General's first draft to the Security Council. It is the draft he has submitted. In this, he makes three interesting observations. First, he says that the Geneva Conference marked an historic and decisive stage in the talks. That is, he doesn't make the assessment that it failed or won't continue, and he believes it was the first time that the two communities and the three guarantor powers met to discuss the chapters of security and guarantees. It's paragraph 4 of the draft to the Security Council.In the same paragraph, he says that the fact that the issue of guarantees was highlighted in these negotiations constitutes a big step , and in paragraph 42 he underscores that the UN remains at the disposal of the sides – all of us who participated – in the context of its role to further facilitate the process for the Cyprus problem. So, he offers us an open road to continue and strive for a correct and right solution to the Cyprus problem. Second, and I will submit this for entry into the minutes, paragraph 21 of the latest EU Summit Meeting is dedicated exclusively to the Cyprus problem, following a discussion prompted by the President of Cyprus and the Prime Minister of Greece in the European Council. I submit this because there was a question concerning why the Prime Minister did not deal with this issue. It is in writing, in paragraph 21 of the Conclusions.We also ensured that the European Union be present as an observer, for the first time, at this five-sided conference, and, third, we had its express will and opinion, during the bilateral meetings, that in no case will the European Union accept rights of intervention on its territory, in a member state, as Turkey pursued and demanded. That's what I have to say regarding the two clarifying documents. I will now share my thoughts with you. The lesson I learned, because we all continue to learn, is that a well-planned and persistent negotiation, in strong cooperation with the Cypriot government – and we have often stressed, as Mr. Anastasiades repeated yesterday in his press conference, how strong and firm this cooperation was – enables us to promote an agenda different from the one in past negotiations on the Cyprus issue. Also, that when you have documented written and oral positions and you promote and pursue them, it is easier for your view to be understood. From this perspective, on the two treaties, of London and Zurich, which concern Greece because it co-signed them, we proposed, regarding the Treaty of Guarantee, an implementation and a monitoring mechanism to oversee the withdrawal of the Turkish troops, and this proposal was elaborated personally – with the proposals of Cyprus and Greece – by the UN Secretary-General, and it was the proposal he presented on Thursday through Friday night, in the final negotiation, where he was caught unawares by Turkey's hypocrisy and doublespeak. That is, because the Turkish side, in the meetings it had with the UN Secretary-General, promised to accept compromise solutions. And when the UN Secretary-General, in the early-morning hours, at 2 in the morning, faced with Turkey's refusal to submit in writing the proposals it had presented to him, undertook to set them down himself in a paragraph, Turkey denied having had such a discussion with the Secretary-General. It withdrew any compromise proposal and obliged the UN Secretary-General to state, on the spot, that the Conference had ended, because Turkey "said one thing to me and is saying something else here, and I take upon myself the burden of having misunderstood Turkey's proposals."As a result, , when there are very clear statements from the Secretary-General, I do not consider it courteous that these be called into doubt in the Hellenic Parliament. Moreover, with regard to the Treaty of Alliance, which has two additional protocols, I remind you that this Treaty provided for the presence of 950 and 650 Greek and Turkish troops respectively, for shared headquarters, and placed under rotating command. Cyprus the first year, Greece the second, Turkey the third. And when the Turks were asked what they meant by Treaty of Alliance with precisely this content, they were not in a position even to agree with their own demand for maintaining this Treaty. That is because they didn't have a precise picture of what it meant. The UN adopted – and this, again, was thanks to our negotiating tactic – our proposal for a friendship pact that would sustain the cultural, economic and educational relations among the three countries – Greece, Turkey, Cyprus – but at the same time would eliminate any potential for anyone's intervention and any such military aspect that would facilitate such a situation.I want to note, second, that this policy of ours, these proposals of ours, enjoyed, at times, the support of the overwhelming majority at the conference. The British were compelled to adopt them, the UN and the EU supported them, and it is the first time the Turks found themselves isolated at negotiations on the Cyprus issue. And I think that is a major step. Because, thanks to this major step, the fact that Cyprus must become a normal state, without foreign troops or guarantees, became part of the Cyprus issue agenda. And I must say, with satisfaction, that this wording we introduced – that Cyprus must be a normal state – was accepted and adopted by the UN Secretary-General. That is, we don't have to carry out a variety of interpretations here or listen to the specific well-meaning individuals who have another kind of relationship with the channels concerning Cyprus and who met in the evening with a specific person from the UN, against the will of the Secretary-General. We have to follow precisely what the Secretary-General said. That the Turkish troops must leave, that the rights of intervention must cease, that there has to be a friendship pact. And he himself proposed a monitoring mechanism for all of this.And this is significant, because in the negotiations the Turks were forced, by our persistence, to explain why they wanted all these things. For hours, Mr. Cavusoglu said, "I have explained it all to the Secretary-General." I asked Mr. Cavusoglu why he wanted the right of intervention. And in the end he said, "I'll tell you why I want it. So that Turkey can intervene whenever it wants to and whenever necessary." Intervene how? Militarily. These are revelations. And it is also a revelation that, when President Anastasiades persisted in asking the Turkish Foreign Minister to tell him why, in the end, he was as flexible as he described -and whether he simply wants an agreement that says that, regarding the Turkish army, Turkey will be flexible as concerns the guarantee rights, Turkey will be flexible as concerns interventions-, that's what President Anastasiades said to him – Cavusoglu was forced to admit that Turkey does not want to take its troops out of Cyprus, doesn't want to relinquish its so-called rights of intervention, and that these must be preserved for 15 years, and after that, a review should be carried out regarding how ready things were for Turkey to leave or not.In other words, he wanted to preserve all of these interests and all of these rights in the new state of affairs in Cyprus. We didn't want to put the blame on anyone. We went there because we wanted to resolve the Cyprus problem. And the proof that we wanted to resolve the Cyprus problem is that we had prepared and submitted to all of our partners specific proposals on all the issues, and with the support of corresponding proposals from Cyprus.But we went to the Cyprus negotiations with a principle, a principle that it appears not all of the political parties agree with de facto. What is this principle? That the internal affairs of Cyprus, the internal dimension of the Cyprus problem does not concern Greece. Because Greece is only a guarantor power, beyond emotional and historical ties. Notwithstanding the fact that all of us became politicized, in my generation, thanks and due to the Cyprus problem.Greece does not have the right to intervene in Cyprus's internal affairs. And whenever it tried to do so in the past, it paid dearly. Cyprus, the Cypriot people and Hellenism as a whole paid dearly. As a result, it is not our country's job to evaluate the negotiations on the internal aspects of the Cyprus problem. And we argued this persistently, because we were endeavouring to keep Turkey far from the internal aspect.To have everyone accept what the UN wanted and achieved: that the internal aspect of the Cyprus problem is the subject of negotiations between the two communities, in which one party was simultaneously the leader of the Republic of Cyprus. We didn't get involved in the internal aspect. And if the Greek government is criticized for any agreements that some consider good and others not, regarding the internal aspect of the Cyprus problem, I see that they are not criticizing the policy we followed on the issues of guarantees and security. They are not criticizing the way we included the European Union at the negotiating table or the fact that the UN, for the first time, officially stated, from the lips of the Secretary-General, that a third country cannot have rights of intervention in Cyprus. And this is a major step. The era when they accused us of not wanting a solution has passed. As has the era when it was considered a given that the Turkish side would maintain these "rights". We are now in the era when no one, except the Turks, considers it self-evident that someone can maintain troops in a third country, against the will of that third country and can intervene in that third country.That is why – in order to achieve what we achieved, the upgrading of these issues, freeing the Greek Cypriots from blame and the blame game played against them in the past – we faced all of the pending issues jointly with the Republic of Cyprus. It is crystal clear that the Cyprus problem did not end with the conference in Switzerland.It is crystal clear that the problems are there and are awaiting solution. But the position of Cyprus and Greece is stronger from what it was before the Switzerland Conference. As is the agenda of the Cyprus issue.It has now been accepted that the core of the problem is what had been forgotten: guarantees and security. Will we see Turkish provocations? Probably. Do not think the Turks are invincible . Look at how easy it was for the jihadists to destroy a large part of the Turkish military machine within Syria itself, and look at the major problems the Turkish military machine faces there. I neither underestimate nor overestimate anyone. One has to shape one's alliances, adopt the required strategy. We need to have close cooperation with Cyprus. This is why, next Monday, following the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels, the Greek delegation that was in Switzerland – fewer people, of course – will travel to Cyprus so that we can discuss how we should pursue the solution of the Cyprus problem. How we will capitalise on the current new potential, as well as face any problems arising. To discuss the customs union and the European policy on Turkey, and to chart a common course together with the Republic of Cyprus. We will discuss how we will capitalise on the new potential we have for public diplomacy and our endeavour to hold high-level contacts everywhere in the world, so as to explain what really happened and enhance the international forces that want a just and viable solution to the Cyprus problem. That is, a solution without occupation forces, without treaties of third-party guarantees, with the Cypriot people deciding for themselves. And when I say the Cypriot people deciding for themselves, I mean the two communities and the three minorities. During the two and a half years of the negotiations, Greece defended the right of the Turkish Cypriot community to feel as much as possible that its future lay on the island, in Cyprus. Because the Turkish Cypriots, too, felt the boot of the Turkish army, and half of them were forced to flee abroad.We aim to consolidate the sense of security for all Cypriots. But we also want to restore the rights of the three small minorities, which is our duty.And I make a reminder. In the future, in Cyprus – as I said to the Secretary-General– there may be citizens who just want to be called Cypriots. We have seen similar legal cases in Bosnia. We need to be careful here, as well, because the democracy in Cyprus must be a democracy of communities, but also a democracy of citizens who have their own individual interests. Thank you very much.
Alternate Foreign Minister G. Katrougalos to participate in the International Conference on "Georgia's European Way"
Alternate Foreign Minister G. Katrougalos departs for Batumi, Georgia, today to participate in the 14th International Conference the city is hosting on “Georgia's European Way – Ensuring Regional Stability”.Mr. Katrougalos will speak on the first day of the conference on the subject of European Energy Security, following Georgia's recent accession to the European Union's Energy Community. On the margins of the conference, Mr. Katrougalos will have bilateral meetings with Foreign Minister Mikheil Janelidze, Minister of State for European Affairs Victor Dolidze, and the Deputy Minister for Economy and Sustainable Development, Genadi Arveladze, who co-chaired the Greek-Georgian Joint Inter-ministerial Committee that convened in Athens in late May.
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' opening remarks in the Parliamentary debate on the developments in the Cyprus issue
Ladies and Gentlemen, colleagues, I considered it necessary to ask that the Plenary Session be convened today, based on the relevant article of the Standing Orders, to brief Parliament on the course of the Cyprus issue following the termination of the talks in Switzerland in the early morning hours of last Friday. Moreover, it is clear, as I repeatedly had the opportunity to highlight in my one-on-one meetings with the heads of the parliamentary parties, that the just, viable solution of the Cyprus problem is an objective of national importance, the achievement of which hinges on dialogue and continuous communication between the political parties.In this context, the Greek government, the Greek delegation during the talks, firmly supported our country's longstanding positions throughout the negotiations: First, that a just and viable solution of the Cyprus issue, to the benefit of the Cypriot people as a whole, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, can be achieved based only on the Resolutions of the UN Security Council and on the capacity of the Republic of Cyprus as a member-state of the European Union. Second, that Greece firmly supports the efforts of the Republic of Cyprus in the intercommunal talks, but is involved only in the negotiation of the Chapter on Security.Third, that in the context of the talks, Greece is in ongoing coordination with the Republic of Cyprus, whose people will be called upon to make the final decision. Based on these longstanding positions, we persistently and resolutely highlighted the fact that a just and viable solution to the Cyprus problem entails, first and foremost, the elimination of the consequences of the invasion and occupation of a portion of Cyprus. In short, it entails the abolition of the rights of intervention and the guarantees, and the withdrawal of the occupation forces.At this point, allow me to highlight in particular the decisive effort, of historic importance I would say, of the Foreign Ministry's negotiating team and of the Foreign Minister, Mr. Kotzias, personally, for which I would like to thank him publicly today. Because the Greek side made it absolutely clear in all the fora and in our international meetings that no state in the 21st century, and in particular no member state of the European Union, can be considered sovereign and independent if third countries have guarantee and intervention rights over it. Because the Greek side also made it absolutely clear that no state of the European Union – and certainly not Greece – could accept and be a signatory to Turkey's right to intervene in a reunited Republic of Cyprus; that is, in a member state of the European Union. It also pointed up the fact that a reunited Cyprus under a system of guarantees would never be able to express itself with an independent voice on a European level, with all of the repercussions this would have for the European Union itself, and the fact that the perpetuation of guarantees and the presence of the occupation troops in a reunited Cyprus would undermine daily any effort for peace and reconciliation on the island. Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, I believe that, to a degree – perhaps for the first time to such a degree – we were able to persuade the international community to adopt these positions, and I think it is equally important that we convinced them of our intentions; that is, that we did not take part in the negotiations and talks to waste negotiating time and play the blame game regarding the failure of the talks, but rather that we were sincerely striving for a solution that can benefit all of the people of Cyprus, ensuring that the mistakes of the past are not repeated and that the security of one Community will not be created to the detriment of the security of the other. About a year ago, we began submitting a number of proposals, among which was the conclusion of a trilateral friendship pact and the creation of a UN monitoring mechanism. These are proposals that, together with the change in the structure of the state, the police measures and the participation of the European Union, would also bolster the Turkish Cypriot community's sense of security. In this context, we repeatedly invited Turkey – including in the first phase of the talks in Switzerland, this past January, but also now, in the second phase – to preparatory consultations. Unfortunately, there was no response. And I say this with real dismay, because, as we saw, had we managed to make prior substantial progress on this chapter – as progress was made on other chapters – the prospects for a solution in Switzerland would have been much better. But what became apparent, despite certain hopeful indications, was that, in the end, Turkey did not intend to commit to a solution that would allow for a reunited Cyprus to be truly independent and sovereign; that is, a solution without third-country rights of intervention or, of course, the withdrawal, if only gradual, of the occupation army.I don't want to go into further detail about the outcome of the negotiations. The floor will now be taken by the Foreign Minister, who yesterday briefed the representatives of the political parties in detail. But I think the coming time is very important, making resolve and composure imperative on a number of issues related to our discussion today. Allow me to prioritize them briefly: First, the cooperation between Greece and the Republic of Cyprus is and will continue to be a critical axis of Greek foreign policy. This fact is not limited to the talks on the Cyprus issue, in which our coordination was exceptional, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank President Anastasiades and the negotiating team of the Republic of Cyprus for this. The cooperation between Greece and the Republic of Cyprus has wider dimensions. It concerns, in general I would say, our diplomatic cooperation in the European Union, in the group of southern European countries, and the strategically vital trilateral cooperation configurations we have with countries of the Middle East and other countries. It certainly entails support of the Republic of Cyprus in its exercising of its sovereign rights in its exclusive economic zone. As a sovereign state, the Republic of Cyprus has the inalienable right to choose the manner in which it exercises its rights; rights deriving from International Law and the Law of the Sea. And it goes without saying that, in this choice, it will have the support of Greece and the European Union, as well as the support of the international community as a whole, against any threat. Second, I want to stress that the termination of the talks in Switzerland is not the end of our effort. The just and viable solution of the Cyprus problem within the framework of the UN Resolutions is, and will continue to be, a central axis of Greek foreign policy, a central objective for a country that is a pillar of peace, stability and security in the wider region. In this context, we are always open to the reopening of the talks under the UN, to the extent, of course, that interest is expressed by all sides. And we will continue to move in the same direction: Defence of our principles, in combination with a diplomacy that is not based on phobias and obsessions of the past, but on constructive proposals and the building of international support.And of course we will capitalise on the fact that the abolition of the guarantees and the withdrawal of the occupation forces is now, thanks to the Greek side's efforts, part of the international community's agenda for the settlement of the Cyprus problem, as was confirmed by the UN Secretary-General, a person held in very high global regard. A political figure who is, I would say, of very high standing and can continue – and we hope will continue – this important effort to find a just and viable solution to the Cyprus problem. Point three: the just and viable solution of the Cyprus problem is not and must not be the central imperative for Greece and Greek-Turkish relations, but the central imperative for the European Union itself and the future of the Union. And I had the opportunity to stress this at the latest EU Summit, not just because it concerns the termination of the illegal occupation of part of an EU member-state, not just because the implementation of the European acquis is a necessary prerequisite for the resolution of the issue, and not just because, thanks to our coordinated efforts, it has now been accepted by everyone that the European Union has a place at the negotiating table. But mainly because, by contributing to the resolution of the Cyprus problem, the European Union opens the way to enhancing its own international and regional role.Point four: our message to Turkey, which was also pointed up during the talks on the Cyprus issue, must remain firm, particularly in these difficult moments. We are determined to defend our principles and rights against any threat or illegal claim. At the same time, we are committed to pursuing issues on which we are divided and to building a relationship based on respect for international law and on mutual respect. It remains to be seen, of course, whether and to what extent Turkey will recognise the importance of a just and viable settlement of the Cyprus issue for Turkey itself, for our bilateral relations, its relations with the EU and for Turkey's European perspective, as well as its importance for security and stability in the wider region.Ladies and gentlemen MPs, following my briefing, I would like to close – hopefully without going too much over the time limit set in the Standing Orders – by welcoming the decision of the Greek and Cypriot Parliaments, dating from January 2016, for shared access to all of the documents that came to the knowledge and into the possession of the Hellenic Parliament between 1986 and 1988, during the proceedings of the Investigation Committee of the time, regarding the "Cyprus File". The testimony provided at that time by witnesses to everything related to the Cyprus tragedy is a rich and useful resource of great historical importance. Twenty-nine years after the Investigation Committee and forty-three years after the invasion, the Hellenic Parliament will give the full series of these documents to the Cypriot House of Representatives, so that, as is its right, it can open up an issue that concerns mainly the Cypriot people; an issue – the period under investigation – that the Cypriot people have a right to know about and to open up, for scientific and historical reasons, of course.I would like to highlight – and you will already be aware of this – that this decision of the two national assemblies was taken some time ago. Consequently, it has nothing to do with the course of the talks on the resolution of the Cyprus problem. In fact, I would say that, irrespective of the talks and their outcome, it is a obligation of the Greek state to the Cypriot people; an obligation that has gone unfulfilled for decades now. It is the very least in the way of tribute to and an historical vindication of those who fought, resisted and made sacrifices during the coup against Makarios and the invasion and occupation of a part of Cyprus by operation Attila. In that spirit, I would like to believe that all of the democratic political forces will support this historic gesture of the Hellenic Parliament, just as, a short time ago, they approved the cooperation protocols between the two national assemblies; protocols through which this initiative was launched.Thank you.
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… the excessive deficit procedure for Greece is another positive signal of … debt crisis in 2009. The Greek economy is expected to grow … 2018. Eurozone creditors are encouraging Greece to test the markets before …
UPDATE 2-EU says Greece public finances back in order, closer to market return
BRUSSELS, July 12 (Reuters) - Greece's fiscal position has improved and the European Union should end disciplinary procedures against it over its excessive deficit, the EU commission said on Wednesday, paving the way for the country to return to ...