A new earthquake rocked Greece on Friday morning at about 06:30 hrs. The secondary quake was of a 3.7-magnitude near the town of Kilkis in Northern Greece. The depth was about 10 km, reported Nova TV. On Thursday, a 4.8- magnitude earthquake which hit Northern Greece was felt in Bulgaria as well.
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Friday, November 11, 2016
3.7-Magnitude Earthquake Rocks Northern Greece
Russian Education Minister Attends Inauguration of Athens Uni Russian Studies Expansion
The University of Athens Slavic Studies Department will be renamed Department of Russian Language and Literature and Slavic Studies. A special ceremony to honor the department’s expansion will be attended by Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos. Russian Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva will address the event that is viewed as an exciting time for the university that […]
Meteor Crash Lands at Syntagma Square in Athens to Send Message [photos]
Commuters at Athens central Syntagma Square, in front of Greek Parliament, were amused as a meteor was staged to look as though it had crash-landed. Dozens of onlookers were drawn to the campaign organized by the Association of Greek Insurance Companies to raise public awareness of Private Insurance Day. The meteor was aimed at driving […]
Turkey Provokes With Military Exercises Surrounding Kastellorizo During Obama’s Visit
Turkey has announced naval exercises in twelve regions, including Kastellorizo-Strongyli, the easternmost Greek island of the Aegean. The Navigational telex, NAVTEX 717/16, was issued by Ankara early on Friday. The site liberal.gr states that the message was for naval exercises to take place on the island from November 12 to Tuesday November 15 — the […]
ICAP: One in Five Businesses Heading Toward Bankruptcy in 2017
ICAP, Athens-based market research firm, presented the results of a study on business risk potential at the 9th Credit Risk Management Conference in Athens. According to the study, one in five companies in Greece will be led to bankruptcy and be unable to meet their obligations in 2017. The data gathered in the second half […]
New Double Decker Buses are Set to Return to Athens Again
Transport Minister Christos Spirtzis has announced the purchase of 500 new buses to cover the public transport needs of the Greek capital. He said that a legislative framework has also been drafted to allow for the operation of double-decker buses in Athens. In total, 30 million euros from the National Strategic reference Framework (NSRF) have […]
ELSTAT: Drop in Visitor Attendance to Greek Museums and Archaeological Sites
The Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) announced the results of the Survey on Museums and Archaeological Sites Attendance for July 2016. In particular: • During July 2016, Museums experienced a 3 percent increase in the number of visitors and a 66.1 percent increase in the number of free admission visitors. An increase of 11.9 percent was […]
Elefsina becomes European Capital of Culture in 2021
The European Commission announced today that the city of Elefsina has been selected to become a European Capital of Culture in 2021. In a message on its Facebook Page, the EC wrote: Congratulations to Elefsina (Greece) which has been selected to become a European Capital of Culture in 2021! The […]
Tax burden in 2016 amounts to 37.6% of the GDP – EU Commission ‘sees’ decreases in 2017 & 2018
Greek citizens face a major tax burden, with a European Commission survey revealing that the burden climbed to 65.7 billion euros in 2016, from 64 billion euros in 2015. According to the European Commission’s figures, the tax burden increased to 37.6% of the GDP in 2016, from 36.4% In 2015 […]
Urban Guerilla group urge anarchists to “sabotage Obama’s visit in Athens”
An armed anarchist group in Greece is calling for “attacks and clashes” during next week’s visit by US President Barack Obama. The Conspiracy Cells of Fire group is urging anarchists to “spoil the party … and sabotage” the November 15-16 visit to Athens. The nihilist group has organized a string […]
Greek anarchist group threatens with fresh attacks ahead of Obama's visit to Athens
Greece's armed anarchist group "Conspiracy of Cells of Fire" threatened on Friday with new attacks to "spoil the party" ahead of outgoing U.S. President Barack Obama's visit to Athens next week. In two proclamations posted on an anarchist website the group ...
Greek Lamb Meatballs and Rice – One Pot Meal
Greek lamb meatballs and rice is great Mediterranean comfort food, perfect for the chillier days and earlier sunsets of this time of year! And you can make this comfort food right in one pot. Bonus! So, get together some brown rice, ground lamb (or beef ...
These are the most popular Greek restaurants in Boston, according to check-in data
You can also check out our events calendar at boston.com/events. From the flaky favorite baklava to savory dishes of roast lamb, Greek menus are bursting with variety and flavor. Luckily, Boston offers a multitude of places to find them. We consulted data ...
Travel and Tourism in Greece to 2021
… the importance of Chinese tourists, Greece is aiming to establish direct … Middle East. Inbound tourism in Greece registered high growth in 2015 … of tourist spending patterns in Greece for various categories, such as …
Norah Jones transforms the Greek into jazz bar, honky-tonk
… under the nighttime sky of Greek Theater In Los Angeles on … how much she loved the Greek. “I swear I saw someone …
Mom-to-be carjacked in Greektown
… ;s pizza on Beaubien in Greektown. Elizabeth, who does not want …
A hand grenade attack outside the French Embassy in central Athens lightly wounded a policeman early Thursday, police said, days before U.S. President Barack Obama is due to visit the Greek capital.
… hold protests during the visit. Greece has a history of domestic …
OSCE human rights chief calls on EU and Greece to urgently address dangerous living conditions of refugees and migrants
… and refugees now staying in Greece. “Seven months after the EU-Turkey … on European shores, European and Greek authorities should urgently step up … has previously offered to assist Greece and other participating States impacted …
Greek nihilist group calls for attacks during Barack Obama’s visit
… An armed anarchist group in Greece is calling for “attacks and …
Tours Specialists Inc. of Florida Revises Greek FAM Trip
… announced new revisions to its Greece Island Hopping FAM Trip itinerary …
Site profiles
… detailed information on sites in Greece to allow for better planning … sites are managed by the Greek authorities. Data has been collected …
Nostradamus’s predictions about Trump, Greece, world’s end
… , how it ties in with Greece’s current woes, and the … military force. Apparently, Nostradamus predicted Greece’s plight, too: “The false … Greek colony, some are now taking these words to mean that Greece …
Dumfries family fear probe into mum's death in Greece will be closed
… mum found dead on a Greek island fear a second probe … the sea near Heraklion in Crete in 2009. But since then … a decision.” Jean moved to Crete in 2003 and worked in … was launched. Two suspects – a Greek and a Belgian – were questioned …
Peloponnese, Greece: Where ancient myth and history collide
… that juts southwards from the Greek mainland, has an extraordinarily dense … most exceptional archaeological sites in Greece". This is another relatively … preserved ancient theatre in Greece. The story Peloponnese, Greece: Where ancient myth …
Foreign Minister N. Kotzias to participate in an extraordinary meeting of the 28 EU Foreign ...
Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias will participate on Sunday, 13 November, in the extraordinary meeting of the 28 EU Foreign Ministers, in Brussels, during which a discussion will be held on the results of the US elections and the future of the relations between the European Union and the United States of America. On Monday, 14 November, Mr. Kotzias will attend the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC), at which he will present Greece’s positions during an exchange of views on the recent developments in Turkey. The Foreign Ministers will also discuss the situation in North Africa and...
With Obama Due, Athens’ French Embassy Attack Causes Red Alert
A French Embassy hand grenade attack near Greece's Parliament raised security fears ahead of US President Barack Obama's visit. The post With Obama Due, Athens’ French Embassy Attack Causes Red Alert appeared first on The National Herald.
Survey Finds 20 Percent of Greek Companies Face Bankruptcy, Closing
Greece's 6 1/2-year-long economic crisis will bring down one in five businsseses in 2017, going bankrupt, a market survey found. The post Survey Finds 20 Percent of Greek Companies Face Bankruptcy, Closing appeared first on The National Herald.
Bank of Greece Chief Says Capital Controls Will Start to Ease Soon
Capital controls in place 16 months will gradually be cut back, Bank of Greece chief Yannis Stournaras said, tying it to debt relief. The post Bank of Greece Chief Says Capital Controls Will Start to Ease Soon appeared first on The National Herald.
In Athens, refugees tutored on new life in Europe
The bloc had agreed last year to aid GREECE as well as Italy after over a million refugees and migrants arrived on their shores in Europes biggest ...
Tax burden in GREECE for 2016 climbs to 37.6% of the GDP
Greek citizens face a major tax burden, with a European Commission survey revealing that the burden climbed to 65.7 billion euros in 2016, from 64 ...
Positive Obama statement will boost chances at Eurogroup, officials hope
Stressing the fact that the current US administration in general has been very supportive of GREECE'S calls for debt relief, Tzanakopoulos said, “We ...
EU Allows Checks at Internal Borders To Continue in 5 Schengen States
The EU has allowed 5 states in Schengen to continue the checks for illegal migrants along their internal land frontiers until February 2017. The final decision was adopted by the governments of the member-states after a proposal by the European Commission. Despite the fact that the so-called Balkan route from Greece through Macedonia and Serbia towards Western Europe has been closed for months and the influx of illegal migrants has stopped, Brussels decided that there is still risk for wealthier countries which are the final destination of migrants. These are Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. According to the rules for the free movement of people in the Schengen area, their police do not have the right to stop travelers for checks at internal borders except under extraordinary circumstances. According to the European Commission, such circumstances still exist. This is why its proposal was approved by representatives of member-states and enters into force on Saturday.
France is the next big vote to watch
[marine le pen]Jean-Paul Pelissier/Reuters "Defying the odds, vocal populists have won the two major popular votes in the western world this year. The success of Boris Johnson and Donald Trump raises an obvious question: could it happen elsewhere in Europe?" That's the question put forth by Berenberg's chief economist Holger Schmieding and senior UK economist Kallum Pickering in a note to clients in the aftermath of the US presidential elections, which ended in a surprise Trump victory. And they're not the only ones. HSBC's chief European economist, Simon Wells, expressed a similar idea in a note to clients on Wednesday, writing "there is a risk that the Trump victory could boost the popularity of anti-immigration and populist parties across Europe." Of course, the situations in the US and in Europe are not identical. But, there are some similarities in the sentiments of the electorates. "After all, the parallel to the anti-Washington rage in the US is a rejection of the European Union; the parallel to Trump’s anti-NAFTA rhetoric is the threat to reverse the process of European integration that, jointly with NATO, has been the cornerstone of peace and prosperity in Europe since the 1950s," wrote the Berenberg duo. Taking it a step further, they argued that France is the next crucial vote to watch. [Marine Le Pen]Jean-Paul Pelissier/Reuters Though an Italian referendum on changes to the country's constitution is right around the corner, the "risk would probably be containable" if Prime Minister Matteo Renzi loses the referendum come December, according to Schmieding and Pickering. (Although, back in August, Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz told Business Insider the referendum could be the "cataclysmic event" similar to Brexit that could trigger the collapse of the eurozone.) So, given that France is one of the two pillars of the eurozone along with Germany, there's an argument that what happens in that nation's upcoming presidential election, likely featuring a showdown between a center-right former president and a far-right-wing leader, could have greater implications for the continent than what happens in Italy. "Could Front National leader Marine Le Pen win the presidential election on 7 May 2017, possibly even trying to take France out of the EU or euro afterwards? If so, it could spell the end of Europe as we know it," wrote Schmieding and Pickering. Interestingly, they also drew a parallel between how (some) voters saw Hillary Clinton and Trump versus how voters might see France's former president Nicolas Sarkozy and Le Pen (emphasis ours): "The decisive second round in France will most likely pit Le Pen against the winner of the center-right primaries on 20 and 27 November 2016, either former prime minister Alain Juppé or – slightly more likely in our view – ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy. A LE PEN-SARKOZY DUEL COULD INVOKE PARALLELS WITH THE US VOTE. ALMOST LIKE HILLARY CLINTON, SARKOZY IS SEEN AS A DIVISIVE OLD-TIMER WITH SIGNIFICANT BAGGAGE." For what it's worth, Marine Le Pen was one of the first major European politicians to congratulate Trump after he won. Still, as things stand now, the Berenberg team writes that they are "fairly confident" that Le Pen won't win come May, given that she is significantly behind both Sarkozy and Juppé in opinion polls. However, they also wonder to what degree polls might misjudge the mood, and added that they need "to monitor the political risks very closely." [populism in europe]Jean-Paul Pelissier/Reuters It's worth zooming out of France and taking a broader look at what's happening in Europe. Although the continent has always had a plethora of voices — Western Europe versus Eastern Europe, nationalism versus socialism, etc. — the conversation appears to have shifted more to a debate over "open Europe" versus "closed Europe," as the team at Eurasia Group noted back in January 2016. "Open Europe" refers to the post-Berlin Wall Europe that German Chancellor Angela Merkel pushes for: It's open to the world, and the borders between (most) European states are open to one another. By comparison, "closed Europe" collectively shuts itself off from the outside world, and each country within the continent closes itself up from the others. And populist movements have been growing in Europe as the continent has grappled with ongoing large-scale economic and political challenges in recent years, including the European debt crisis, the migrant crisis, terrorism, the Turkey-EU refugee deal, and Greece. Notably, back in October, Buzzfeed News reported data from YouGov, which polled over an 12,000 people across 12 European countries from late August to early September in Europe to "measure the extent of what it termed 'authoritarian populist' opinions." The research found that nearly half of adults held anti-immigrant and nationalist views. "These results show that the old days of left-versus-right have been replaced by a much more complicated, nuanced mix of political groupings, with profound implications for politics across Europe," Joe Twyman, YouGov’s head of political and social research for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, told Buzzfeed News. "Any political party or movement that can successfully appeal to those of an authoritarian populist leaning could benefit hugely when it comes to elections." NOW WATCH: We finally learned the purpose of that extra shoelace hole on your sneakers
Your friends should be souvlaki to try this vibrant Greek feast
Our food and recipes manager Meg recently spent a few weeks swanning about the beautiful Greek Islands. Naturally, we were all insanely jealous. At least we were until she cooked up this little slice of Greece for us here at home! And as the weather heats ...
Dombrovskis on Greek Debt, Primary Surpluses and Growth
European Commission vice president Valdis Dombrovskis, appeared positive over strong growth rates in Greece in 2017, and meeting deficit and primary surplus targets in questions posed by European parliament vice president Dimitris Papadimoulis, during the ...
Greek company Motor Oil buys out Lukoil petrol stations
The sector of oil retail is set to change in Cyprus after Greek company Motor Oil struck a €10 million deal to buy out all 31 Lukoil gas stations in the Republic of Cyprus. Motor Oil is headed by Greek oil and shipping tycoon Vardis Vardinogiannis.
Alleged "arson" attack on Greek refereeing chief leads to suspension of all football in country
The Hellenic Football Federation (EPO) has been forced to suspend all competition in the country after an alleged arson attack on the home of Giorgos Bikas, the President of Greek football’s refereeing body. A fire is believed to have been started at the ...
Camaraderie in the Face of Greek Austerity
On a hot day in early July, a community-based “social solidarity” pharmacy in Vyronas, an independent municipality on the outskirts of Athens, Greece, bustles with activity as volunteers check and relabel medicines. Uninsured patients—casualties of a ...
Greek government aims to close second review on December 5
The Greek coalition government spokesperson Dimitris Tzanakopoulos announced that the government was pleased by the formation of a new National Council for Radio and Television (ESR) on Thursday, during a journalist briefing. Mr. Tzanakopoulos noted that ...
This Greek Defender Could Be A Very Good Back Up Option For Arsenal’s Defence – Go For It Wenger
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger broke his tradition and spent big on a few additions to his squad in the summer. The likes of Granit Xhaka, Shkodran Mustafi, Rob Holding and Lucas Perez have all had their effect on the squad but with Arsenal not finding ...
Greece Suspended All Soccer Competitions Because Somebody Reportedly Set A Ref's House On Fire
A lot of people have complaints about the MLS, and that's fine, but at least the government here didn't have to put all soccer competitions on hold because someone tried to burn down a referee's house. That's what happened in Greece. The Guardian reported ...
Squeaky Wheels Get the Greece
Origin:An image macro intended to symbolize violent anti-Trump protests taking place in parts in the United States was widely circulated on social media shortly after the Republican candidate won the 2016 presidential election on 8 November 2016: This ...
Greece expects a bumper year for tourism despite 'unfair' coverage of migrant crisis
The popularity of the Greek islands among British holidaymakers has survived the migrant crisis unscathed, according to the country’s tourism minister, who says 2017 will be a bumper year for Greece. So far this year nearly 450 refugees have died or ...
Octopus, Veal Wellington, and Sweet Tomatoes on a GREEK Island Voyage
Many believe that cruise lines have mediocre food that tends to leave people feeling heavy and bloated. That couldn't be farther from the truth, at least ...
Crafty cans: ETSU GREEKS donate thousands of canned food items to Second Harvest Food Bank
Beginning around 8 a.m., five teams, each consisting of two GREEK chapters, began carting food into “The Cave” at ETSU's Student Center to construct ...
GREEK Tree vandalism violates freedom of speech
he Geneseo College Republicans recently painted the GREEK Tree in Sturges Quad, a famed Geneseo tradition often used to advertise campus ...
Molly's House in Stuart gets decorated for the holidays by GREEK Club
Martin County High School's GREEK Club members decorate Molly's House for the holidays Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016, in Stuart. Molly's House, which ...
Top GREEK shipowner Angelicoussis talks about newbuilds and a passion for big ships
A mid-year reckoning by the publication Naftiliaki had Angelicoussis at the top of the GREEK “tonne millionaires” with a fleet of more than 100 ships ...
Greece honours service of 26 Australian GREEK campaign veterans
The event was the occasion of the awarding by the Consul-General of the GREEK Medal of Honour 1940-41 and associated scroll to the families of ...
'Mafia style' football violence earns ire of GREEK government
Athens: The GREEK government warned Thursday that violence plaguing football in the country would not be tolerated even if it means banning teams ...