Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor ...
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Sunday, November 25, 2018
The Chanukah story does not battle against Greek culture
Turkish FM Cavosuglu says federation a "failed solution" for Cyprus
Turkey's Foreign Minister says he is willing to listen to fresh proposals to end the divide between the island's Greek and Turkish communities.
Small group honors victims, first responders 40 years after deadly Holiday Inn fire
GREECE, N.Y. - Monday marks 40 years since a fire tore through the holiday Inn hotel in GREECE, killing ten people. The fire was ruled arson, but no one ...
Global X MSCI GREECE ETF (GREK) Shares Sold by Bank of America Corp DE
Bank of America Corp DE lessened its position in shares of Global X MSCI GREECE ETF (NYSEARCA:GREK) by 81.1% in the 2nd quarter, according to ...
Alexander Vinnik to go on hunger strike demanding a fair trial
After a long and pretty confusing legal process to determine where Alexander Vinnik will be extradited from GREECE, the BTC-e case defendant ...
Agreement reached on Israel-Europe gas pipeline
After two years of intensive discussions, Israel, Cyprus, GREECE and Italy, with the backing of the EU, have reached an agreement on laying the world's ...
New $8 Billion Israel-Europe Gas Pipeline to Challenge Russia, Arab Suppliers
A new underwater pipeline connecting Israel's natural gas reserves to GREECE, Italy, and Cyprus will eventually give all of Europe a new source of ...
CYPRUS: Overcharging in the tourism industry
... say that they cannot reduce costs since electricity and staff cost is more than three times of our competitors such as Egypt, Turkey and even GREECE.
40 years after fatal hotel fire, arson question unanswered
GREECE, N.Y. (AP) — Forty years after a fire tore through a suburban Rochester hotel, killing 10 people, authorities say they're no closer to ...
Students protest Greek decision to cut Turkish lessons
Students from a Muslim religious school in northeastern GREECE have boycotted the latest curriculum that has reduced Turkish language lessons and ...
GREECE Powerball Results: Sunday, 25 November 2018
*Do note that we endeavour to publish the GREECE Powerball results as soon as they are released, which is usually at 22:00 South African time, ...
Greece's Eurobank to acquire Grivalia Properties -Eurobank source
ATHENS, Nov 25 (Reuters) - Eurobank, Greece’s third-largest lender, will acquire real estate company Grivalia Properties, a Eurobank official told Reuters on Sunday. The deal will be a share-swap tran...
Greek Gov’t Insults Hellenes Abroad
In Friday’s parliamentary debate between the Prime Minister Tsipras, opposition leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis said: “I imagine there will be no objection to a debate next […] The post Greek Gov’t Insults Hellenes Abroad appeared first on The National Herald.
Kathimerini: Over 100 border markers between Greece, FYROM removed
Athens. Police in northwestern Greece say that unknown individuals have removed more than 100 border markers over a section of the frontier between Greece and its northern neighbor, the Former Yugosla...
Mystery Over Removal of 100 Border Markers Between Greece, FYROM
Greek police have launched an investigation to identify those responsible for pulling up 105 border markers at the border line between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM ...
If You'd Just Let Me Finish ... by Jeremy Clarkson – digested read
‘The Guardian is always going on about women and the menopause. What about fat middle-aged guys having a midlife crisis?’ As you may know I used to make a programme called Top Gear. Now I just hang around the house doing nothing. A friend whose name begins with R and ends with ichard Hammond says he used the down time to train his dog and that now his dog hates him. Which now makes the dog much like everyone else. If I wanted to die, I could take up golf, but instead I’ve decided to make another TV programme. One that is much the same as the last one, except it will be watched by fewer people. Which brings me back to the Elgin Marbles which the Greeks are bleating at us to return. I’m sorry but I would be all for giving them back if Johnny Greek showed any signs of being able to take care of them properly. Put them back and they’ll be a pile of rubble in days. Think about it. If only we’d dismantled Palmyra stone by stone and erected it in Milton Keynes next to the cows then at least the Syrians wouldn’t have been able to destroy it for themselves. Most countries can’t be trusted with their own history. Continue reading...
Over 100 border markers between Greece, Macedonia removed
Police in northwestern Greece say that unknown individuals have removed more than 100 border markers over a section of the frontier between Greece and its northern neighbor of Macedonia.
Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs G. Katrougalos’ Interview on “Thema Radio” with journalists M. Pollatos and I. Makrygiannis (Athens, 09/11/2018)
REPORTER: We have the honour to host the Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Giorgos Katrougalos. Good morning Mr. Katrougalos. G. KATROUGALOS Good morning, to you and your listeners. REPORTER: Mr. Katrougalos, I wonder what it is like to be the Alternate Minister now that the Chief Minister is also the Prime Minister of the country? Is it different from what it was like before? REPORTER: Better, worse? What is it like? G. KATROUGALOS As one of your colleagues said jokingly, now I am no longer an Alternate Minister, but a substitute of the Minister. Seriously now, I feel a real responsibility on my shoulders, because my duties have been upgraded at an extremely difficult Ministry which is crucial to our national interests. REPORTER: Since, Mr. Tsipras, as Prime Minister, does not have too much time to deal with matters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as we understand, you are the person who does most of the work. So it has more... G. KATROUGALOS: I can assure you that it is the Prime Minister who deals with all the serious and strategic matters. He holds regular meetings with the Ministry’s officials because he does not want to hear only the opinion of the political leadership. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is, in essence, its diplomats. And for this purpose, thematic meetings are convened every week. The Prime Minister is the person who gives instructions. He is responsible. It is he who runs the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. REPORTER: To speak seriously, as you said earlier, yesterday, during his interview on ALPHA, the Prime Minister seemed to have backtracked a little from what Nikos Kotzias said on 20 October, during the ceremony of the Ministry’s handover, about the extension of territorial waters. First of all, Mr. Tsipras, said that this announcement was made in a clumsy way. G. KATROUGALOS I also paid attention to the interview, as you can see. He said that we shall not budge on the strategic question. The extension of territorial waters is a strategy which favours our national interests. As for the tactical question, he deems it appropriate, on such major issue, to allow for a public debate and consultations with the political parties. And he said, and that is exactly what he characterized as clumsy, that during the handover and takeover, the announcement was made without a prior process of discussion. REPORTER: So when do you think the extension will take place? When do you see it happening? G. KATROUGALOS As the Prime Minister said, this discussion will have to take place with the political parties. Our line has already been determined. I do not see new changes happening because systematic work has been done over the past 2 to 2.5 years. You know, it is not merely a matter of announcement. Greek and foreign experts have drawn up maps which duly respect International Law, and are also based on the specific requirements of the cartographic science. Therefore, all these elements are ready. International Law has given us this possibility since 1995. REPORTER: So when will it come before the Parliament? G. KATROUGALOS I told you, immediately. As soon as the process will have been completed. The consultation process must take place before. Possibly, the Prime Minister will also convene the National Council on Foreign Policy, so that this process can also have an institutional character. REPORTER: In one or two months, let's say? G. KATROUGALOS I imagine that the two months period you have mentioned is a very reasonable amount of time. REPORTER: Let’s now cover the rest, because there is this talk about new recruitments, and the agreement with the Church, etc. You intend on carrying out new recruitments. Where will you find the money? It is a legitimate question. Are you counting on a miracle? Because we have also heard about miracles yesterday.G. KATROUGALOS What some people would count as miraculous is that we are no longer subjected to the Memoranda. That we have a fiscal manoeuvring space and that our economy is going well. Last year, we had a 1.8% growth rate. This year, our growth rate will be around 2.2%, and next year, it will be up to 2.5%. This means that while we keep our finances stable and healthy - since this is a prerequisite for not sliding back in high debt, for this is where bipartisanship led us, - we now have a financial manoeuvring space to be able to do something good for society, to hire teachers in schools, and nurses and doctors in hospitals. It is something good for society. REPORTER: Does your positive frame of mind lead you to believe that we will find the money? G. KATROUGALOS No, it has nothing to do with being in a positive frame of mind. The money already exists. The money truly exists. You know, precisely because we are in this regime of post-program supervision, we are under the same control that all the countries of the European Union are. This means that every six months the countries of the European Union must submit their budgets to the so-called European Semester. But we also have the magnifying glass of this post-program supervision which cannot easily... No, contrary to what happened in the past, no one can give money which does not exist anymore. REPORTER: In fact, that is how it sounds now, because while we were listening to the Prime Minister yesterday he did not say anything specific. G. KATROUGALOS And you believe that the Commission has suddenly softened, and whereas it used to be the guardian of budgetary discipline now it has adopted a SYRIZA policy line? I am telling you clearly that what we are doing is in the interest of the country twice, because I repeat.... REPORTER: Now, the way you put it, someone might hear us and believe that SYRIZA is not a guardian of budgetary discipline. G. KATROUGALOS Why? I have already repeated this. We do everything we do within the financial space that our people paid for with their sacrifices. REPORTER: There is money, in short. G. KATROUGALOS For good purposes, there must be money, otherwise the state is not doing its job well. REPORTER: Can you comment on the agreement with the Church? How will the disputed property enter in one treasury Minister? That is, ‘disputed’ in the sense that we are speaking of trampled areas, or areas of land that have been illegally developed. These are cases that have been placed under Justice’s scrutiny. G. KATROUGALOS This is a very good question. First of all, the implementation of all that has been agreed derives essentially from this institutional change of principle which we plan to bring to the Constitution, namely, the neutrality of the State vis-à-vis the Church and the separation of roles. If that is the case, it is obvious that the State will no longer continue to remunerate the clergy as if they were public servants. And at that stage the problem cropped up that these people will be left out in the cold, and how we can continue to guarantee their rights? And precisely because these questions should not be left to the last minute, as you heard from the Prime Minister, sustained efforts are being pursued to speak with the Church, which also accepts the need for a consensual settlement of these questions. So we have reached the conclusion that there is Church property which has yet to be recorded. Alas, as you probably know already, some State property has yet to be fully recorded also. These are the biggest difficulties of the Land Registry. So, in order to avoid doing things in an amateurish manner, we decided to put in place a registration scheme of the ecclesiastical property that was actually funded by the NSRF (National Strategic Reference Framework). Thus, it becomes more scientific, it has available resources, and it has precisely undertaken to record what this property is about. 22 Metropolises and the Archbishopric have already been included in this program, and gradually the entire ecclesiastical property will be recorded. In any case, in the future, the wages of the clergy will begin to be fully covered by the Ecclesiastical Property Development Fund. Precisely because we do not have a full recording, and we do not know how much revenue can currently flow from the property, that’s why, for a transitional phase, we will have a transfer from the State budget to the Church of the amount necessary to pay the salaries of the clergy, until we have found a clear solution. REPORTER: However, the priests are not happy with this situation, you are aware of this. You can see their reactions, they feel that, in the end or later, the State might sell them out. G. KATROUGALOS No big change happens easily. Without there being some people who will inevitably complain. I would say in a well-intentioned way. Many are terrified by change. But, personally, I don’t think that it is normal for a clergyman to be a public servant. His work is not the work of a public servant. He must have guarantees. He must feel secure. Anyone should feel secure, but this will be ensured by the institutional interventions we plan to make. REPORTER: Due to your position, you will need now to collaborate a little more with the Minister of National Defense, Panos Kammenos. I will not ask you if there had been prior consultation between you and Mr. Kammenos before he said that the Turks had asked for permission to fly within the Athens FIR. On the other hand, an announcement was made from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, today, this morning, and I would like you to comment. So the Turks have stated that they recognize six miles of airspace, and of course, they ask for flying permission for all their military or commercial aircraft which enter the Greek airspace they recognize. Is this true? And what comment would you make? G. KATROUGALOS I will not comment on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the radio. The comments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are made via the diplomatic route. What you have read to me, however, is the long-standing position of the Turks, and that is why we have the interceptions in the Aegean between 6 and 10 nautical miles. We, as you know, have expanded our airspace to ten miles, which the other side - in the same way as it questions other rights of ours which clearly derive from International Law - rhetorically denies us. However, there cannot be any challenge to this right of ours, precisely because we have applied what International Law imposes. And we do not say this merely in words. Fortunately, we have the armed forces that can confirm in practice this right of us, and it is for this reason that we have all these constant interceptions that confirm our sovereign rights. REPORTER: Are you worried by Turkish activities in Cyprus? G. KATROUGALOS They keep us on the alert. I would not worry, for the simple reason that we have taken our measures, both we and the Republic of Cyprus. And at the diplomatic level, these tripartite or triangular partnerships with Israel and Egypt, have particularly upgraded our diplomatic strength, both of our own country and that of the Republic of Cyprus. And as the past showed, when an attempt was made to question the right of Cyprus to its Exclusive Economic Zone, this contestation was repelled. Because, as I said, the Republic of Cyprus fully respects International Law when it exploits its natural resources, and because we have taken the necessary measures to ensure that the law has also the power to defend itself. REPORTER: And, very briefly, I would like an answer to the question of what happened at the Ministerial Cabinet of 16 July, because we have a question from a listener. Did Kammenos actually say that Soros finances the Greek Government? G. KATROUGALOS I was not present at this Ministerial Council because I was at the European Council in Brussels. But I think that a full answer has already been given about what was said and what was not said. REPORTER: We would like to thank you very much, Mr. Katrougalos. G. KATROUGALOS Thank you.
Storm ‘Penelope’ Expected to Affect Greece from Sunday
ATHENS – A storm system dubbed “Penelope” is expected to affect Greece in the coming days, starting on Sunday afternoon and spreading across the country […] The post Storm ‘Penelope’ Expected to Affect Greece from Sunday appeared first on The National Herald.
Staunch EU critic Yanis Varoufakis to run in European election - in Germany
The ex-Greek finance minister, who opposed deep austerity imposed by Brussels and Berlin, is to stand in the European elections next year. Announcing the run, Varoufakis said it was time for a European Spring.
Greece Braces for ‘Penelope’ Weather System Bringing Storms and Snow
Greece’s meteorological service issued a weather warning for a system of low pressure that will bring snow and hailstorms in many areas starting on Sunday. According to, the system ...
Widow of slain gangster John Macris returns to Greece amid claims she is 'at risk in Athens'
Tthe widow of slain Sydney gangster John Macris has returned to Greece to sort out her husband's business affairs. Victoria Karyda returned to the Athens despite the insistence of her husband's father ...
Greece's Varoufakis to run in European election
BERLIN (Reuters) - Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, who was outspoken in his criticism of the austerity policies championed by Berlin at the height of the euro zone’s debt crisis, is to ...
After brutal murder of American student, not a single murder conviction in Greece
A Greek court last week cleared nine men of the murder of American student Bakari Henderson, who was brutally beaten to death by the group last year. However, the court still found the men guilty ...
Interview with Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Giorgos Katrougalos on “News 24/7” with journalist V. Skouris
In a few days you go to Moscow for the Interministerial Meeting between the two countries. What is it that you aspire to accomplish, Minister? Greece is a peace loving country which systematically carries out multidimensional foreign policy based on respect and equity between States. Russia is a country with which we have traditionally had friendly relations and common historical and cultural traditions. Moreover, we are celebrating, this year, 190 years of diplomatic relations. At the Interministerial Meeting, we shall conclude agreements on economic and institutional co-operation between the two countries, and we will seek further ways to expand cooperation in the fields of trade and investment.Will Alexis Tsipras’ visit and his meeting with President Vladimir Putin perhaps mark the normalisation of relations between the two countries? Under what conditions? We had a fleeting dark cloud in our traditionally good relations. Our response then was not due to differences in matters of foreign policy, but for reasons relating to the sovereignty of our country and compliance with diplomatic rules. After all, short reckonings make long friends. But these are things that belong in the past. Now, the two leaders will have a substantive discussion on the steps for further improving relations between the two states, especially on the level of bilateral economic relations and contacts between the two peoples. We are thinking of making the year 2019 the year of Culture between Greece and Russia.Recently, it seems that, in Turkey, a bidding war of nationalism has been launched. In fact, a party leader went as far as declaring that Cyprus is Turkish. Does this worry you? Nationalism has always had a strong voice in the neighbouring country. It is important that we do not follow down that slippery slope, not only on the level of government policy, where sobriety and stability are a given, but on all levels. Extremism and intolerance have a multiplier effect on feeding extreme views and poison our societies. Our country has a solid foreign policy based on respect for international law and, for this reason, we have no interest in stepping up a loudmouth rhetoric. Obviously, this does not mean feebleness. We continuously reject every revisionist attempt and creation of faits accomplis, and insist on settlement of disputes through dialogue.If drilling in Cyprus is hindered, Minister, what will Athens do? As regards relations between states, law does not suffice to defend oneself if one is not equipped with might. “Injustice armed is at its harshest” states Aristotle in his Politics. For this reason, the Hellenic Republic and the Republic of Cyprus have developed a systematic and coordinated diplomatic effort to support national interests. This has yielded multiple fruits: First of all on a European level, where the European Council has condemned the systematic violations of international law by the Turkish side and has called upon Turkey to respect International Law. A simple comparison of this declaration with the one following the incident at Imia, shows the great progress of our diplomacy in this field. Equally important is the multilateral diplomacy that we have developed, together with Cyprus, through trilateral schemes of strategic cooperation in the region, primarily with Egypt and Israel. We need not concern ourselves, therefore, with Turkish provocativeness. We are coordinating our steps with Cyprus so that the sovereign rights of the latter are not threatened in the slightest way.With the start of the year, new negotiations may potentially begin on the Cyprus issue. With what positions is Greece going to come to the table? The main point for us is, once again, for the Cyprus issue to be framed as an issue of respecting international law and UN resolutions. In this light, we place particular emphasis on safeguarding the acquis of Crans-Montana, in other words in the necessary elimination of the unacceptable system of guarantees and ending the presence of foreign troops on the island. It goes without saying that the Republic of Cyprus has otherwise the last word with regard to the domestic aspects of the problem.What does the announced visit of Alexis Τsipras to Ankara aspire to accomplish? What results can be achieved? We want to relieve tension, to keep open the channels of communication which had been restored during Erdogan’s visit to Athens, and to promote, to the extent possible, depending on the willingness and the responsiveness of the other side, bilateral dialogue.The constitutional revision in fYROM is proceeding smoothly? Do concerns exist in Athens? A very positive framework of communication and cooperation with the other side has been restored, within which we monitor developments. I have no doubt that our neighbours, as we do also, respect the letter and spirit of the Prespa agreement, and that this will be faithfully reflected and implemented in the constitutional revision under way.Leaders of opposition parties, such as the head of Potami, feel that once the agreement has been approved by Skopje, it will not come for ratification to the present Hellenic Parliament. Others note that the agreement will not muster the required majority. I'd like your comment on that.From the beginning, I have stated that I do not have the slightest doubt with regard to the ratification of the Agreement.Does Athens, Minister, support the establishment of a real EU army? And is it felt that something like this can happen? It is important for Europe to strengthen its autonomy in defence; to be able to effectively protect its citizens and its borders. The [EU] Treaty now includes a provision, article 42 par. 7, similar to that of Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, which creates the necessary legal basis for something similar. All that remains now is the political will for European Sovereignty to acquire a meaning, in the sense that I mentioned above, in other words the joint guarantee of the territory of the member states as territory of the Union.On 13 December, you will meet with your US counterpart for the strategic dialogue between the United States and Greece. What exactly will you agree upon? What is the agenda? Upgrading talks with the United States to the level of a strategic dialogue reflects the emergence of our country as an element of stability and promotion of solutions in the region as well as the significant progress of our bilateral relations. The recent Thessaloniki trade fair, where the United States was the country honoured, was an unprecedented success and gave a significant boost to bilateral economic relations. Strategic dialogue covers both areas above: On the one hand, the increasingly important role of our country as a provider of security in an especially troubled region. On the other hand, promotion of mutual economic interests, both with regard to welcoming American investments as well as with regard to developing Greece as a gateway of economic synergies in the wider region of the Balkans.With the EEZ in the Ionian Sea, what will you do? As has already been announced by the Prime Minister, after informing the other parties, and following substantive public debate, we will proceed, through a law, to extend our territorial waters in the Ionian Sea, which is our inalienable sovereign right enshrined in the Convention on the Law of the Sea.I would also like a comment from you about Nikos Kotzias and his term at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs... I believe, and I don’t think that I am alone in this, that he was one of the best Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the post Junta period, with a clear strategic outlook and exceptional negotiating skills. He left his mark on the Prespa Agreement, as well as, despite the unfortunate outcome of the negotiations, on the Cyprus issue, solidly defending national priorities, within the framework of international law.
The European Union Hopes To Ban Single-Use Plastic By 2021
In Greece, divers calling themselves the "garbage collectors of the sea" are fishing out plastic waste from the eastern Mediterranean. Now the EU will lend a hand by banning single-use plastics.
Archbishop of America Demetrios to be replaced
The Greek diaspora have strong objections to the interim replacement
Miami to Welcome Basketball’s “Greek Freak”
MIAMI, FL – A big, fat chunk of Florida’s Greek community is gearing up to support the Milwaukee Bucks’ Giannis Antetokounmpo on December 22 when […] The post Miami to Welcome Basketball’s “Greek Freak” appeared first on The National Herald.
Environmental Education Centre in Corfu Revives 16th Century Salt Storehouse
CORFU, Greece – The old salt storehouses in Lefkimi, Corfu, house one of the most interesting and original environmental education centres in Greece. The Corfu […] The post Environmental Education Centre in Corfu Revives 16th Century Salt Storehouse appeared first on The National Herald.
The Last Days of the Greek-Turkish War: August-September 1922
On August 26, 1922, the Kemalists launched their surprise attack on Greek positions south of Afion Karahissar with the intention of driving them out of […] The post The Last Days of the Greek-Turkish War: August-September 1922 appeared first on The National Herald.
Our Everyday Greek: Review: Greek Words you Already Know
English words that begin with the prefix geo-, which means earth, come directly from similar Greek words. By analyzing the second component of these words, […] The post Our Everyday Greek: Review: Greek Words you Already Know appeared first on The National Herald.
Greek Money Laundering Agency Will Record All NGO’s
ATHENS – Non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) operating in Greece will have their money tracked by the country’s anti-money laundering agency on a centralize register instead of […] The post Greek Money Laundering Agency Will Record All NGO’s appeared first on The National Herald.
Greek Prosecutor Speeds Review of Cleaner’s Fraud Sentence
ATHENS – Blistered by public outrage over a 10-year-sentence given a kindergarten cleaning lady for falsifying a certificate to get her job while scores of […] The post Greek Prosecutor Speeds Review of Cleaner’s Fraud Sentence appeared first on The National Herald.
Bad Loans Mountain Threatens to Re-Kindle Greek Crisis
ATHENS – There could be a relapse of Greece’s slow recovery from a crushing 8 ½ economic austerity if banks buried under a mountain of […] The post Bad Loans Mountain Threatens to Re-Kindle Greek Crisis appeared first on The National Herald.
Parliamentarians from Cyprus, Greece, Israel in Athens Trilateral Meeting
The third trilateral meeting of the committees on foreign affairs of the parliaments of Cyprus, Greece and Israel took place in Athens last Thursday. The second meeting was hosted by the Knesset in 20...
'Greek Freak' Antetokounmpo learns the art of the soft sell
Nov 25 (Reuters) - Giannis Antetokounmpo has learned to speak kindly to referees when calls do not go his way, the Milwaukee power forward said after the Bucks outlasted the San Antonio Spurs 135-129 ...
See how Greece plans to save its banks – again
INTERNATIONAL – Greece is scrambling to figure out how to save its banks — again. Burdened by bad loans that make up almost half of total lending, crippled banks remain one of the biggest hurdles to G...
Greek Freak gets Bucks past Spurs
MILWAUKEE — For 17 seasons as an assistant on the Spurs bench, Milwaukee coach Mike Budenholzer had a front-row seat to the fundamental greatness that was Tim Duncan. In five seasons running his own t...
Homes Damaged in Lesvos Landslide
Homes and vehicles were seriously damaged on Friday evening following a landslide near the town of Plomari on the GREEK island of Lesvos.
Russian Cosmonaut Chooses Crete for Post-Spaceflight Rehabilitation
... since 2015 when a series of rehabilitation programs began on the island at the initiative of Thanassis Avgerinos a GREEK journalist living in Moscow.
GREEK coffee: the most delicious drink in the world
But why, then, the GREEKS often use this drink at any time of the day and known for its lifespan. Maybe the fact that they drink slowly and with pleasure, ...
Alleged Bitcoin Launderer Vinnik Announces Hunger Strike to 'Get a Fair Trial'
In June, a GREEK court ruled to extradite Vinnik to France. The GREEK Supreme Court discussed Vinnik's extradition to France on Nov. 19, but ...
Media report: The contemporary appeal of the GREEK islands
GREEK newspaper Kathimerini recently published the following report by Richard Pine who was voted “Critic of the Year” in the 2018 Irish Journalism ...
Alexander Vinnik, of BTC-e Reveals His Decision For Hunger Strike To Ensure “Fair Trial”
“The GREEK Supreme Court's judge completely ignores the work of lawyers who cannot even file a petition. She does not give them an opportunity to ...
Xenia 2018 ribbon cutting ceremony takes place in festive atmosphere
Ms Kountoura stated that “the Ministry of Tourism, the GREEK Tourism Organization and I, personally, support high-level exhibitions and actions that ...
Feature: GREEKS march to call on women victims of violence to speak up
By Maria Spiliopoulou, Valentini Anagnostopoulou. ATHENS, Nov. 24 (Xinhua)-- On the eve of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence ...
LIZ JONES'S DIARY: In which David and I get to another crossroads
It was all going so well. We were in an Uber, on the way to a dinner party in GREEK Street, Soho. I had driven down from Yorkshire that day: six hours ...
Football: Late field goal, interception seal victory for Liberty Christian
“We felt like if we could get within 30 yards, that's automatic for him,” Steven GREEK said of Baller. “He's like a video game — just push the button and it ...
Community recalls deadliest Greece fire and begs for closure
It's been 40 years since a fire tore through a hotel in Greece killing 10 people. Investigators are still working to find out who is responsible for the tragedy at what was the Holiday Inn on West Rid...
Greek Court Hands Light Sentences In Killing Of Austin Man
AUSTIN, TEXAS — Six men escaped murder convictions in a Greek court this week in the brutal beating death of an Austin man last year, according to media reports. Verdicts handed down on Thursday ...