The Romaniote Jews of Greece | A walking flag | Luggage mystery | Cheese choices in Liverpool in 1970 | Lockdown weight gain Your article on the Jews of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki’s Jews: ‘We can’t let this be forgotten; if it’s forgotten, it will die’, 30 July) shines a welcome light on their history. However, it refers only to Sephardic Jews. When they arrived from Spain, an older Jewish community already existed: the Romaniote Jews. They had been there at least since Byzantine times, and small communities still exist across Greece. They, too, need to be remembered. JASPAR DAVID UTLEY _Havant, Hampshire_ • “A Tory on a jolly” maybe (Great Continental Railway Journeys review, 29 July), but I got a lot of enjoyment from the fact that Michael Portillo chose to visit Salamanca in “yellow jacket, purple shirt and tomato trousers” – a walking approximation of the flag of the Spanish Republic, the cause his father had supported in the country’s civil war. TRISTAN WOOD _London_ Continue reading...