Some people take the bus. Some people take the train. Many drive their own cars, while some privleged folks are driven. But when Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis — aka the most interesting man in the world — goes to work, he takes his motorcycle. Even as he and Greece's leaders negotiate a deal to unlock bailout funds to prevent their country's banking system from collapsing, Varoufakis prefers his two-wheeled ride.Here's Varoufakis arriving at the Maximos mansion in Athens on Sunday for a governmental council meeting with Prime Minister's Alexis Tsipras. Some say he's reckless. But at least he wears a helmut. Varoufakis doesn't carry a briefcase. He's got a backpack. Wasting no time, Varoufakis has his backpack in hand before he even enters the building. See the rest of the story at Business Insider