A new opinion poll shows that 6 out of 10 Greeks believe that the agreement the government will sign with creditors will be a new Memorandum, while the number of those who intent to vote for SYRIZA if elections were held today is dropping. According to the poll, SYRIZA maintains a strong lead over New Democracy on vote intention, however the SYRIZA percentage is shrinking while the number of those who are undecided is increasing. Specifically, if elections were held today, SYRIZA would get 33.3%, New Democracy 24.1%, “To Potami” 6.3%, the Greek Communist Party (KKE) 5.3%, Independent Greeks (ANEL) 5.3%, Golden Dawn 5.1%, PASOK 3.1%, “other party” 5.4%, while 12.2% are undecided. At the same time, 61.2% of participants believe that a new agreement would mean a new Memorandum with austerity measures, while 26.6% said that the deal will be in accord with SYRIZA pre-election pledges. Also, 58.9% said that the delay to reach an agreement “frightens them.” Just 28.6% stated they are satisfied that negotiations are prolonged. Furthermore, 60.1% believe that an agreement will be signed eventually, while 21.7% say that there will be a dead-end in negotiations. Regarding coalition government supporters, 60.5% of SYRIZA and 60.9% of ANEL voters said the deal will not be far from pre-election pledges, while 33.2% of SYRIZA and 58.7% of ANEL voters would like to see the government holding a harder stance in negotiations, even if that means Greece’s exit from the Eurozone. Regarding a referendum, 53.6% believe that if the government reaches an agreement, there is no need for a referendum but a Parliament approval would suffice. If there is no agreement, 48.8% said they woluld like to see a coalition government that would include all Parliament parties. At the same time, 53.6% are against snap elections in the event that there is no deal with creditors. Alexis Tsipras remains the preferred Prime Minister as 44.5% of participants are satisfied with his performance so far. On the contrary, just 33.2% are satisfied with the performance of the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition overall. As for the economy’s future, 6 out of ten Greeks believe that the situation in Greece and their finances will be worse in the next 12 months.
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Sunday, May 31, 2015
Poll: 6 out of 10 Greeks Believe a New Memorandum Is Coming