A message to both negotiating sides attempted to send a few hours ahead of today’s critical meeting in Brussels the President of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem. Addressing both Athens and other European Union member-states, Dijsselbloem highlighted that they “should stop threatening again and again.” In an interview with Dutsch RTL7 the Eurogroup President said that threats -wherever they come from- will not help, referring to today’s Eurozone Finance Ministers’ emergency meeting. Dijsselbloem’s comment is seen as a direct answer to Greek National Defense Minister and coalition government junior partner Independent Greeks (ANEL) leader Panos Kammenos. Kammenos had previously referred to a possible alternative route of financing for Greece, stressing that if the country fails to reach an agreement with its European partners, it will seek assistance from other sources, like the United States, Russia and China. “We have another shot to find money. The plan B is to be funded by some other side, which may be the US, Russia, China or other countries,” he said, adding that he has very good relations with Russia and that the Greek side is discussing the plan B with Russia. “They are thinking of lifting the embargo on Greek products and resume imports,” he said, adding that “we are interested in cooperating with Russia on the [gas] pipeline.” As Dijsselbloem concluded, Eurozone countries must ignore threats and focus on the job and tomorrow’s Finance Ministers’ conference.