The closing of educational group IEK DOMI due to 2 million euros in outstanding debt towards social security fund IKA was announced yesterday by Education Minister Andreas Loverdos, in a joint press conference with IKA head Rovertos Spyropoulos. According to Spyropoulos, the total debt of education centers in Greece reaches 140 million euros. On his part, Loverdos stressed that from now on, no educational group will get state approval if it fails to comply with social security requirements or it has outstanding debt towards IKA. At the same time, the BCA college building in Glyfada failed the fire security checks and therefore its operation will be suspended until all requirements are met. The remaining two buildings of the college will operate normally. In addition, seven colleges and 17 buildings will be shut down, as they do not meet security requirements. The Education Ministry will soon make announcements. As pointed out, the Ministry will take necessary measures to secure tuition fees and student positions for those enrolled in colleges that are shut down.