
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The European Union is not a conspiracy against democracy

The hard left should be careful what it wishes for. An end of ‘Brussels’ would not lead to better capitalismThere is a view of Greece’s troubles shared by left and right fringes of British politics: they see a captive nation, traduced by undemocratic Europe. They urge solidarity, expressed as hopes for a no vote in Sunday’s referendum on eurozone rescue terms. This is a symptom of new common ground between Ukippers, hardline Tory Eurosceptics, Greens and the deeper red shades of Labour opinion.Two camps decrying a Euro-stitchup from opposite ends of the ideological field leads to neat rhetorical symmetries. Jeremy Corbyn, the hard left’s candidate for the Labour leadership, identifies meeting the needs of big business as the EU’s “central goal”. He warns that a prospective free-trade deal with the US is a surrender to “greedy bankers and multinationals”. Paul Nuttall, Ukip’s deputy leader, denounces the same process as a “scam that hurts workers”. Douglas Carswell, the party’s only MP, lists “vile corporate banking interests” among the architects of current Greek woe. Continue reading...