Refugees walk towards Macedonia after arriving at the refugee camp near Idomeni in northern GREECE, on the border with Macedonia, photographed ...
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Thursday, December 10, 2015
The Latest: EU takes action against GREECE, Italy, Croatia for failing to register migrants
Academics Mourn John Rassias
NORWICH, VT – Prominent Greek-American professor of languages John Rassias died at the age of 90. He was a professor at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire and was known to the Greek-American Community from his work on the present and the future of Greek education and language in America. Former Archbishop Spyridon of America […] The post Academics Mourn John Rassias appeared first on The National Herald.
EU Takes Legal Action Vs. Greece
The European Union has started legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to correctly register migrants. Tens of thousands of migrants have arrived in those countries over the last few months but less than half of them have been registered by national authorities. Greece has only fingerprinted around 121,000 of the almost half […] The post EU Takes Legal Action Vs. Greece appeared first on The National Herald.
Getting to know GREEK wines: Naoussa and the Grape Xinomavro
Located in Macedonia in the north of Greece, approximately one hour east Thessaloniki, Greece's second largest city, is the wine region of Naoussa.
EU launches legal action over refugee processing infringements
Italy, Greece and Croatia have received legal notices regarding their infringements of the EU's asylum process. The move comes as Eurostat reported more than 800,000 asylum claims in the first nine months of 2015.
Success! Tax inspectors arrest granny, 79, for selling veggies without permission
Finally. The granny that ruined Greece with invading taxes and almost ruined the eurozone as well has been caught. And fined. A juicy fine for a granny in central Greece who decided to sell vegetables in the open market of Trikala in Central Greece without permission. Tax inspectors in Greece […]
GREEK life, enrollment increase pave way for change
Gamma Tau chapter of Sigma Kappa sorority and Theta-Gamma chapter of Kappa Sigma fraternity were the first GREEK organizations on campus, ...
GREEK Orthodox Metropolitan Lashes Out Against Gays: “Spit on Them, Beat them Up, They Are Not ...
A GREEK Orthodox Metropolitan of the Church of Greece is under fire for comments he posted publicly on his blog, lashing out against gays and ...
Migrant crisis: GREECE, Croatia and Italy face EU legal action
The European Commission says it has begun legal action against GREECE, Croatia and Italy for failing to correctly register migrants. It says the three ...
EC sues GREECE over Corfu landfill
The European Commission said Thursday that it is taking GREECE to court for the inadequate management of waste at a landfill on the Ionian island of ...
GREECE to send back refugees not granted asylum
The announcement came a day after GREECE also removed some 2,300 African refugees from its border with Macedonia, where they had been ...
Phyllo Greek Cuisine to open at Broad Street Market ...
Traditional Greek foods such as moussaka and pastitsio will fill the newest booth at the Broad Street Market in Harrisburg. Mother and daughter, Anna and Katerina ...
'Stay in Syria, no matter how difficult it is': Devastated refugee implores would-be migrants not to risk perilous crossing after his wife and SEVEN children died
Ali Al Sahau lost his entire family when his vessel sunk in the Aegean sea near Greece while trying to escape his war-torn country for a new life in Europe.
Big-name GREEK owners step up to buy capesize pair
GREEK owners appear to be have developed a sudden interest in capesize bulkers, with both Chartworld Shipping and New Shipping acquiring ...
GREEK Jets Target Intruding Turkish F-16 Fighter
A Turkish jet intruded into GREEK airspace, which according to the Turkish General Staff, led two GREEK jets to keep a radar lock on it as a target.
National Bank of Greece's new shares to start trading on ...
National Bank of Greece's new shares will start trading on Athens Stock Exchangeon Dec. 14, the country's stock exchange said on Thursday.
FYROM Builds Second Fence at the Border with Greece
The FYROM army has placed wooden and metal stilts in a length of about six kilometers with a two meters high wire fence. The FYROM army confirmed that a wire fence will be built in the area of Metzitlia, the border area with Greece, opposite Florina (southwestern part of Macedonia) to reduce migration flows. “Since
Hellenic Federation of Enterprises: Those Who Invested in Greece are Being “Punished”
The breach of contracts and failure to protect those who believed and invested in Greece is causing enormous damage to a country with deficient reliability, highlights the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises in its weekly bulletin about the Greek economy. The sudden imposition of additional taxes on gambling games by OPAP is not only a breach of contract, but also
The Official Wine of the Kremlin is Greek
The vineyard of Mount Athos or as commonly referred to in Greece the “Holy Mountain”, an autonomous polity within the Hellenic Republic under the official name Autonomous Monastic State of the Holy Mountain, produces a specific kind of wine called ” Kormilitsa”. This wine is unique since it is the only one which bears the
German Press: Greece is Facing “Poor” Christmas Holidays
The German Press stresses that Greeks are facing “poor” Christmas holidays, noting that the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has voted for another round of austerity. “Tagesspiegel” newspaper states that many Greeks see Tsipras as a traitor since he had promised to end the austerity policies of his predecessors but is now obliged to cooperate
Greek Teacher in the Run for the Title of Best Teacher in the World
Greek teacher Angeliki Pappa was included in the list of 50 finalists for the Varkey Foundation’s Global Teacher Award 2016, for her work on dyslexia. The prize of one million US dollars, will be awarded for the second time, and it is widely known as the Nobel Prize of teaching. The aim of the Global
Former Greek Royal Family Vehicles Declared “Mobile Monuments”
For decades ten vehicles of the former Greek royal family located at Tatoi – Greece have remained without any maintenance. The vehicles have been described as “mobile monuments”, and a few days ago the Greek Government’s newspaper published the decision of their classificationn as such by the Minister of Culture Aristides Baltas. According to
Turkish coastguard pick up 150 migrants in nighttime swoop
Using radar and backed by a large patrol vessel, Turkey's coastguard picked up over 150 migrants seeking to cross to Greece in flimsy dinghies during a nighttime swoop on their routes across the Aegean Sea.
First Greek 'hotspot' struggles to manage migrant flow to Europe
Reuters was given access to the reception centre on condition it did not photographs or use the full names of asylum seekers to protect their identities. More than 750,000 of the 900,000 migrants who have arrived in Europe this year landed in Greece, 60 percent on Lesbos. The so-called "hotspot" is one of five such centres Greece has promised the European Union it will establish on its islands by the end of the year, part of measures to manage the refugee crisis.
FYROM erects 2. fence across its borders to Greece as “migrants” try the Albania route
The army of the Former Republic of Macedonia is erecting a second fence across its borders to Greece. the wire fence is being erected in the area of Metzilia opposite of the Niki area in Florina. the target of FYROM is to limit migration flow coming from Greece. The spokesman […]
Moscovici to Greece: Forget about debt relief, first program review then discussion on “debt serving”
“The IMF is an asset,” EU Commissioner for Monetary Affairs Pierre Moscovici told reporters in Brussels, as in Athens the government ministers struggle to find a way out with creditors representatives on hot potatoes like the red-loans and the pensions. But talking to Greek reporters he tried first of all […]
EU states face legal action on migrants
The European Commission says it has begun legal action against Greece, Croatia and Italy for failing to correctly register migrants.
Egypt boosts ties with Greece, GREEK-administered Southern Cyprus
Egypt's relations with both Greece and the GREEK Cypriots administration have warmed up since the overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi in the ...
Well of GREEK olive oil hasn't run dry Family business thrives at new location
Rioux and her daughter, Melissa Rioux, Biddeford and Saco residents respectively, sell GREEK olive oil, olives, salad dressings and herbs, all from the ...
Feature: GREEK army breaks out the elephants
Israeli historian Dr. Hagai Ben-Artzi explains how the Hellenist Jews instigated the GREEK regime to launch a renewed attack to oppress the ...
Syrian mother and seven children drown attempting to reach GREECE
A total of 152 refugees and asylum seekers were detained off the coast of Cesme district of Izmir province as they attempted to reach the nearby Greek ...
9 wars that were technically ongoing due to quirks of diplomacy
Library of Congress Throughout history, a number of conflicts, due to the quirky nature of international diplomacy, never officially ended. Of course, these "extended wars" have never actually had any bearing on international relations. Instead, the ongoing de facto peace overrode any technicalities on the world stage. However, the patching up of these diplomatic irregularities has been used by countries still technically at war to boost their current ties and gain media attention. We have listed nine such examples of extended wars below. GREECE AND PERSIA Wikipedia DECLARATION OF WAR: Greco-Persian Wars, 499 B.C. DE FACTO PEACE: 449 B.C. DE JURE PEACE: 1902 In 499 B.C., the Persian Empire attempted to conquer the various city-states of Ancient Greece. Ultimately, the Persian efforts were unsuccessful, and the two civilizations remained at war with some intensity until the Persians called off their invasion attempts in 449 B.C. However, despite the war having ended centuries ago, Greece and Persia never officially mended their relationship until 1902. At that point, after 2,393 years of conflict, Persia (having not yet renamed itself Iran), appointed its first Greek diplomat. ROME AND CARTHAGE Wikipedia DECLARATION OF WAR: Punic Wars, 264 B.C. DE FACTO PEACE: 146 B.C. DE JURE PEACE: 1985 The conflict between Rome and Carthage was one of the defining moments of the creation of the Roman Empire. Between 264 B.C. and 146 B.C., the two empires fought a series of three wars known as the Punic Wars, which culminated in the Roman conquest of Carthage. As Rome seized and destroyed Carthage, there was no need for the two countries to formally sign a peace treaty. However, that did not stop the mayors of Rome and Carthage from signing a treaty of symbolic friendship and collaboration in 1985. The sign of goodwill had been consistently floated until that point by both Tunisian and Italian governments. ISLES OF SCILLY AND THE DUTCH REPUBLIC Wikipedia DECLARATION OF WAR: First Anglo-Dutch War, 1651 DE FACTO PEACE: 1654 DE JURE PEACE: 1986 In 1651, the Dutch Republic declared war on the Council of the Isles of Scilly, a small island archipelago under the British crown. The islands were harboring pirates who interfered with Dutch shipping. However, the conflict between the Isles of Scilly and the Dutch Republic quickly was subsumed into the wider First Anglo-Dutch war. Although the Dutch and British concluded their conflict in 1654, the Council of the Isles of Scilly were technically not included in the peace process. As such, the small islands and the Dutch remained at war until a Dutch ambassador visited the islands and formally concluded a peace settlement in 1986. SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDER
Frontex must be “contained”
Athens, December 10, 2015/Independent Balkan News Agency By Olga Mavrou Greek government is against the autonomy of Frontex and the french-german proposal that would have this organization act ex officio. “Frontex must operate under control of the local police forces of the member state” Greeks insist. Their disagreement with the French-german proposal is considered and the main reason they […]
2 million worth scanner for illegal tobacco donated by Papastratos
Athens, December 10, 2015/Independent Balkan News Agency By Olga Mavrou The tobacco company Papastratos (local affiliate of Philip Morris International in Greece) donated to the Finance Ministry a mobile x-ray scanner for vehicle inspections, in order to facilitate the state effort to combat smuggling illegal tobacco. Mr Tryfonas Alexiadis, alternate Finance Minister, signed for the acceptance of […]
GAIOSE plans new station in the north
Athens, December 10, 2015/Independent Balkan News Agency By Olga Mavrou The Greek Government is planning to build a new gigantic freight center in the north and specifically in Thessaloniki, near the area Agia Sofia, where GAIOSE, a subsidiary of TRAINOSE, owns approximately 670,000 m² in the facilities of “Stratopedo Gonou” (an old military camp named Gonos camp). […]
Titan goes well thanks to exports
Athens, December 10, 2015/Independent Balkan News Agency By Olga Mavrou Titan company director Takis Kanellopoulos speaking at a conference of Institutional Investors said Greece needs only 2,5 tonnes of cement a year, a demand as low as back in the sixties. Yet, hopefully, the demand could rise again up to the 6-7 tonnes per year if the crisis […]
EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia ...
EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to fingerprint migrants: Tens of thousands have not been registered properly over last few months
Eurozone Fund Weighs Greece Debt-Relief Options
A deal to reduce Greece’s debt burden could include capping interest payments, extending debt maturities and linking debt repayments to economic growth, according to a paper drawn up by the eurozone’s bailout fund.
UN General Assembly adopts Resolution on “Return or restitution of cultural property to the ...
The Resolution on “Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin” was unanimously adopted yesterday by the Plenary of the UN General Assembly, following a Greek initiative. The Resolution is submitted by our country every three years, and the final text was formulated through systematic consultation under the mediation of Greece, pursuant to relevant instructions from Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias.The Resolution enjoyed wide acceptance, as it was co-sponsored by a total of 74 states, including many member states of the European Union, a significant number of Latin American states, as well as a number of Arab and...
Alternate FM Xydakis meets with the Ambassador of Slovenia, Anita Pipan (Foreign Ministry, 10 ...
The Alternate Foreign Minister for European Affairs, Nikos Xydakis, met at the Foreign Ministry today with the Slovenian Ambassador to Greece, Anita Pipan.The discussion, which took place in a friendly atmosphere, focused on issues of bilateral and regional interest. Moreover, reference was made to the need for a common European approach on the refugee and migration issue, and there was a discussion of ways to confront terrorism in the wake of the recent attacks in Paris.
Police arrest seven men in Kosovo for printing fake EU passports
Police in Kosovo said on Thursday they had arrested seven men after an investigation during which they found hundreds of fake passports and other ID documents from EU countries, probably intended to be sold to Kosovan migrants hoping to work abroad. With an accompanying statement, police showed photographs of computers, printers and fake passports supposedly from Slovenia, Finland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Spain and Greece found in two raids. Police said the perpetrators used very high technology appliances to make the passports, driving licences and other documents mainly from EU countries.
The IMF Will Not Be Leaving the GREEK Program
After accumulated tension in relations between Berlin and Athens due to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' statement that the IMF will be withdrawing from ...
Turkish crackdown leaves refugees in limbo
With the EU outsourcing border security to Ankara, refugees are stuck in Turkey and aid groups say people smuggling is being pushed deeper underground Wet clothes are spread out on bushes and stones. Some people have lit fires. The torn heap of a grey rubber boat lies folded up on the coast. Outside the abandoned concrete shells of a holiday village originally built for German tourists in the 1980s, Yasin and his friends nervously await the arrival of their smuggler. Here, near the upmarket Turkish coastal town of Çeşme, hundreds of refugees brave the icy winds of early December to make their way to the Greek island of Chios, less than two miles off the Turkish coast. Continue reading...
A family home for eight generations in GREECE
One of the oldest houses in GREECE, the Burns-Kirk-Newcomb homestead at 400 Newcomb Road has been in the same family for eight generations.
New York Holiday Season in Full Swing: RSVP Today for AGAPW Dec. 11 Party
Greek-Americans are deep into holiday preparations and celebrations. On Friday, December 11, 6-9 PM the Association of Greek American Professional Women is hosting the annual AGAPW Holiday Benefit Celebration at the Greene Street Soho studio loft of artists Michael and Niki Kapsalis, featured in the New Visual Art Performance Biennial, Performa 15. RSVP at […] The post New York Holiday Season in Full Swing: RSVP Today for AGAPW Dec. 11 Party appeared first on The National Herald.
GRAPHIC-Top bond returns for bailed out Greece with safe ...
Speculators could have booked profits of over 12 percent on Greek debt if they held on through June when they were staring at losses of 50 percent during ...
Greece struggles with creditors to keep bad loans from ...
From Yahoo Finance: Greece is aiming for a deal with international lenders on Friday on the next set of reforms to unlock additional aid, but differences ...
Yes, You Can Make Cheese Out Of GREEK Yogurt. Here's How.
You can easily take the tub of GREEK yogurt in your fridge and turn it into a homemade cheese that's creamy and tangy in all the right ways. The texture ...
Rural payments digital service like watching a GREEK tragedy unfold, say MPs
MPs have criticised the rural payments digital service for failing to deliver the programme and said it was like watching a GREEK tragedy unfold.
GREEK denied bail over domestic violence incident
A 52-year-old GREEK has been remanded in custody after pleading not guilty to slightly injuring at the couple's apartment in Sliema last Tuesday.