The Greek embassy in Qatar and VFS Global, a leading outsourcing and technology services specialist for diplomatic missions worldwide, have opened the Greek Visa Application Centre in Doha to process ...
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Saturday, October 27, 2018
VFS Global to process Greece visas
Greece boosts ENJJPT presence for first time since 1981
Greece boosts ENJJPT presence for first time since 1981 Major Panagiotis "Panzer" Panagiotopoulos said four new Greek instructor pilots arrived recently, boosting their total number to five. Check out ...
Italian President will attend “OXI” DAY parade in Thessaloniki
He will officially apologize for the Italian attack against Greece
Shots fired near Greek Life houses in East Lansing, police say
Shots fired near Greek Life houses in East Lansing, police say East Lansing Police are investigating after a shots fired call that came from near Greek Life houses, close to Michigan State University. ...
Ferry reported water ingress, brought to anchor for survey, GREECE
Ferry NEARCHOS suffered controlled water ingress in portside bow section in the morning Oct 27 in Santorini island waters, GREECE, Aegean sea.
The ball is in Athens's court
... the necessary two-thirds majority (80 MPs) to pass laws on constitutional changes in line with the Prespes agreement signed with GREECE in June.
What if the Greeks Did Not Say “Oxi” on October 28, 1940?
However, if Greeks did not say “Oxi” and avoided the war, it is entirely possible that the consequences for GREECE and the world would have been far ...
Benaki retrospective hits all the high notes of Moralis's career
... in cooperation with the Greek National Gallery, the National Bank of GREECE Cultural Foundation, Zoumboulakis Galleries and the artist's family.
Aftershock Activity on Zakynthos Island 'Very High'
The quakes' epicenter was located in the sea region southwest of the island, between Italy and GREECE, while a series of minor shocks have been ...
MN startup makes bracelets out of refugees' life jackets to raise awareness
What he does is he partnered up with this nonprofit called Movement on the Ground in GREECE where they collect the life jackets in GREECE," Malim ...
I can see Odysseus lashed to the mast of this ship, struggling to resist the Sirens’ song
The eerily beautiful wreck discovered in the Black Sea takes us right back to Homer’s Greece In 399BC, Socrates drank hemlock to fulfil the orders of the Athenian law court, which had sentenced him to death for impiety and corrupting the young. His friends begged him to leave Athens instead, accompanying them into banishment. He refused and died as he had lived for 70 years, arguing the ethical superiority of his own decision. The scene was immortalised by Plato in his dialogue _Phaedo_ and later by artists such as Jacques Louis David, whose painting hangs in New York’s Metropolitan Museum. Continue reading...
‘Would robot sex count as infidelity? Technically no…’
Kate Devlin, computer scientist and sex-tech expert, talks about teledildonics, the possible futures of human relationships and the intersection of AI and sex _Dr Kate Devlin is a computer scientist at Kings College London whose work includes delving into the overlap between sex, intimacy and technology as well as human-computer and human-robot interactions. She has organised two sex-tech hackathons, and has recently written a book about sex robots called __Turned On__._ THE IDEA OF COUPLING UP WITH A ROBOT SEEMS TO HAVE GATHERED PACE IN RECENT YEARS, BUT SEX TOYS HAVE BEEN AROUND FOR A WHILE. WHEN DID THEY FIRST CROP UP? AND DID THEY SPARK THE SAME CONCERN AND OUTRAGE AS THE IDEA OF SEX ROBOTS HAS UNLEASHED? No, if we look back at ancient Greece for example we know for sure sex toys were being used, it is depicted in images, it is written about, and was seen as a normal part of sexual behaviour. It changes over time – the Christian church in the west really, really frowned on this, so there was a massive crackdown on anything that didn’t involve missionary position for reproductive purposes. There were a lot of changes depending on the prevailing social mood at the time. But sex toys have been around for hundreds if not thousands of years. Continue reading...
Moore Food: Greek pies
ST. LOUIS - Chef Georgios Kastanias from Moore Food Distributors joins us with Steven Maak, Executive Chef of Enterprise Center, and their sons to make us some of their Spiral Greek Pie .
Greece builds pipeline to transport natural gas from Caspian Sea
Greece is known for its history and climate, but not for oil and gas. That may be about to change with a new pipeline being completed across the north of the country that will transport natural gas fr...
Greece sets clocks one hour back early morning Sunday, Oct 28
Wintertime: Greeks will set their clocks one hour back in the night from Saturday to Sunday, October 27th to 28th 2018. This may be the penultimate time they do so, should the European Union to implement its decision to scrap the twice per year adjustment to save energy in 2019. Clocks in Greece will be … The post Greece sets clocks one hour back early morning Sunday, Oct 28 appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Italy To Officially Apologize For Declaring War Against Greece in 1940
78 years after Italy’s wanton declaration of war against Greece on October 28, 1940, the Italian President, Sergio Mattarella, will officially apologize on behalf of the Italian people to Greece.
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Markos Bolaris meets with the President of the Community of Ahmadi Muslims in Greece (Athens, 24 October 2018)
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Markos Bolaris received today the President of the Community of Ahmadi Muslims in Greece, Imam Atta-Ul Naseer. The latter described to the Deputy Minister the activity of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, which believes in the peaceful coexistence of people and nations, promotes its faith in Muslims who defend peace and lawfulness, in Greece as well as in every country where they reside. The Ahmadiyya community believes in and promotes the slogan “Muslims for Peace” as well as the message “Muslims for Loyalty.” This is why it is preparing the launch of an awareness-raising campaign geared towards both Greek public opinion and immigrants of the Muslim faith. The Deputy Minister welcomed the efforts of Imam Naseer and the Ahmadiyya Community and assured him that he will provide all possible assistance within the framework of his competence with regard to its realisation. Subsequently, Mr Naseer briefed the Deputy Minister on the prejudices and persecution that Ahmadi Muslims face in certain Muslim countries and gave him a publication by the United Nations which describes the forms of persecution directed against this Community. The Imam invited the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs to meet the head of the international Ahmadiyya community, who is based in London, Caliph Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, on the occasion of the Deputy Minister’s scheduled visit to the United Kingdom.
Interview by Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Giorgos Katrougalos in Sunday’s “Real News” with Journalist F. Klavdianos (27 October 2018)
JOURNALIST: When will the next steps be taken for the extension of the territorial waters to 12 miles, and why was the choice made for it to be done through a legislative initiative instead of a presidential decree? Wouldn’t it have been better to have proceed right away than have the departing Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Kotzias, announce it this past Saturday?G. KATROUGALOS: Nikos Kotzias referred to this issue in the context of summing up his work at the handover ceremony held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Greek people as well as the political powers must be further informed about the systematic work that has been done, and the Prime Minister, in his capacity as Prime Minister as well as Minister of Foreign Affairs, will undertake relevant initiatives in the near future. The legislative initiative and the discussion in Parliament serves just that need, for essential dialogue to exist, as well as transparency, with regard to an issue of national importance. In contrast to the defamatory allegations of secret diplomacy, this was always our main choice in foreign policy. Do I need to point out that the common line of action in the past was contrary to that? Did the Interim Accord with Skopje ever come to Parliament for debate and ratification?JOURNALIST: What do you think of the reaction by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and re-invoking a casus belli? Perhaps they are right, those who claim that, through gradual expansion, Greece is admitting that the Aegean possesses a special sea status.G. KATROUGALOS: As we stated clearly and immediately, reiterating the long-standing national position, extending territorial waters constitutes a legal and inalienable sovereign right of Greece, in accordance with International Law. The relevant decision for extension is solely for Greece to make, which has the right to extend its territorial waters whenever and in whatever manner it sees fit. This right applies consistently and shall not be challenged, nor shall it be up for negotiation with third parties. Arbitrary interpretations of International Law and threats of violence on the part of Turkey, as well as challenging the legal rights of our country, neither alters this fact nor contributes to good neighbourly relations. Clearly, this applies to all Greek territory. Gradual expansion indeed confirms and does not weaken Greece's sovereign competence. Moreover, this was the unanimous opinion of the Foreign Ministry’s Scientific Council, which was convened on Wednesday by the Prime Minister in order to provide its opinion in this regard. With this topic also, as with the Prespa Agreement, we prove that we are not a power of inertia but rather that we positively promote, for the country, issues that have been pending for decades.JOURNALIST: What is your opinion about the decision made by FYROM’s Parliament, and what is your estimate as to when the Prespa Agreement will come to Greece in order to be ratified?G. KATROUGALOS: This represents an especially positive development which proves that the Prespa Agreement holds on to its momentum. For our two peoples, the latter represents the end of a bitter rivalry which could have ended positively as early as the 90’s. But it also represents a significant step towards peace and stability in a region which has always been a hot spot for Europe. Until March 2019, and provided that the revisionist process is completed in Skopje, as all things indicate, the agreement will come to Parliament in order to be ratified. I have no doubt that it will be passed. In the meantime, in the days to come, Aegean Airlines is going to inaugurate a direct flight between Athens and Skopje. This is an especially positive development which will significantly contribute to deepening contacts between our peoples, as well as to promoting our cooperation in the sectors of tourism, trade and business. It is also indicative of how much closer our people have grown in recent years, building trust and understanding.JOURNALIST: Can you make sense of Kotzias’ resignation? What is your opinion about the doubts that have arisen with regard to the secret funds of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?G. KATROUGALOS: In recent days, the Minister has explained his positions. It is clear that his resignation in no way represents a shift in our foreign policy. As far as the secret funds, despite the deplorable grey propaganda by the main opposition party, the truth is that, during the time that Kotzias served as Minister of Foreign Affairs, a mechanism was created, for the first time, which provides for approval of the secret funds by Parliament.JOURNALIST: As the competent minister, do you believe that abroad, the mixed messages sent by the Government create a significant problem in conducting foreign policy or not?G. KATROUGALOS: I believe that the Prime Minister's statement that he will not tolerate any doublespeak or personal strategic planning to be included in the country’s policy brought an end to any related discussion once and for all.JOURNALIST: Based on everything that Mr. Kotzias announced recently, the agreement with Albania is ready. Will it proceed soon?G. KATROUGALOS: The negotiations have indeed advanced significantly, but there are still aspects that require more work. From the Albanian side, moreover, there is still the pending issue of full staffing the Constitutional Court, the opinion of which is deemed necessary by the political world of the neighbouring country for completion of the process.JOURNALIST: Which do you believe to be the imperative constitutional amendments that must be made? G. KATROUGALOS: Amendment of the constitution represents the pinnacle of our progressive reform work, which has two main objectives: First of all, to structurally reform the clientelist State established following the fall of the military junta towards its democratisation, through strengthening of the Parliament and the introduction of institutional counterweights which will not be the property of the elite but will be activated through participation on the part of the people. And secondly, to strengthen the protection of personal and political freedoms and social rights, as well as the mechanisms of the social State as a levee against an attack of the latter by neoliberalism. In this context, overripe issues must also be settled, such as the distinct roles of Church and State and abolition of the unacceptable status of parliamentary immunity.
Greek island jolted by powerful 6.5 earthquake
“It was a powerful and shallow earthquake that was felt throughout western GREECE, up to Athens, the Western Balkans, even in Italy and Libya,” said ...
Greek earthquake in a region of high seismic hazard
GREECE is in the middle of a tectonic die, with the right-lateral strike-slip North Anatolia fault striking from the east and the Ionian trench subduction ...
Clocks in GREECE turn back an hour on Sunday
Don't forget that clocks in GREECE will go back an hour on Sunday! The change will happen at 4 am, when clocks turn back to 3 am, marking the start of ...
Suspicious Packages: Warning Signs You Need to Look Out For
GREECE, NY (WHAM) -- GREECE business owner Michael Mordenga has watched the coverage, with disbelief and fear. "Well, I think that there's ...
Earthquakes archive world-wide (read more)
Pyrgos (GREECE) (88 km E from epicenter)(no details): A little bigger ground acceleration of the shaking in relation to other (evej bigger in magnitude) ...
Sofia Vembo, the Singer of Victory
With GREECE fighting in the war on the side of the Allies in October 1940, Vembo captured the mood of the nation with her songs. She soon became the ...
Angelos Anastasiadis replaces Michael Skibbe as GREECE'S national coach
As previously reported, Grammenos' patience reached the end of its tether after GREECE lost 0:2 to Finland in the UEFA Nations League, however, ...
Italy to formally apologize to GREECE for declaring war in 1940
Italian President Sergio Mattarella will reportedly formally apologize on behalf of his country for the unprovoked declaration of war to GREECE, on 28 ...
US warns to sanction Turkey over S-400 missiles purchase from Russia
The United States has warned Turkey over the purchase of S-400 missile defense system from Russia. In an exclusive statement to a Greek news website Hellas Journal, a representative of the State Department expressed Washington’s concerns over the purchase and threatened with sanctions and repercussions in defense trade. “an S-400 acquisition could potentially trigger actions … The post US warns to sanction Turkey over S-400 missiles purchase from Russia appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Italian President to formally apologize for declaring war to Greece on 28. Oct 1940
Italian President Sergio Mattarella will reportedly formally apologize on behalf of his country for the unprovoked declaration of war to Greece, on 28 October 1940. Invited by his Greek counterpart Prokopis Pavlopoulos, Matterella will pay an one-day visit to Greece on Sunday. The two presidents will attend the military parade in Thessaloniki. Greece celebrates the … The post Italian President to formally apologize for declaring war to Greece on 28. Oct 1940 appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Carol Ann Duffy: ‘With the evil twins of Trump and Brexit … There was no way of not writing about that, it is just in the air’
After 10 years, the poet laureate is preparing to step down. She talks politics, swearing – and how poetry has changed since she started writing “Combover ... twitter-rat, tweet-twat, tripe-gob, muckspout” … so runs the first stanza of “Swearing In” by Carol Ann Duffy. “That was fun to write”, the poet laureate says, laughing. The poem uses kennings, an ancient form that describes something using compound words – in this case a Duffyesque litany of insults, mixing medieval and Elizabethan phrases with modern or invented coinages (“tie-treader”: “he wears very long ties”). “‘Mandrake mymmerkin’ … I’ll leave you to research that,” she says. If you haven’t guessed the subject, the poem ends: “welcome to the White House”. In her new collection, _Sincerity_, her last as laureate, Duffy is not pulling any punches. “I like the word ‘sincerity’,” she says. “To speak and act out of one’s beliefs, thoughts, feelings.” She was also drawn to its etymology, derived from the way in which “dodgy sculptors” in ancient Greece and Rome would conceal mistakes or flaws by covering them with wax. So “without wax” (_sine cera _in Latin), “means genuine, not duplicitous,” she explains. “I liked that as a title.” Continue reading...
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs M. Bolaris meets with the Metropolitan Cleopas of Sweden and All Scandinavia (Athens, 23 October 2018)
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Markos Bolaris today met with the Metropolitan Cleopas of Sweden and All Scandinavia. He was briefed on the work of the Holy Metropolis in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and Greenland, and especially about the ecclesiastic and missionary planning of the Orthodox Church and the possibilities and challenges arising also in light of the increased numbers of Greeks in Scandinavian countries due to immigration.
Migrant gives birth on Turkish coast guard boat in Aegean
An irregular migrant who was caught while trying to cross from Turkey to Greece by sea has given birth on the Turkish coast guard boat, Demirören News Agency has reported.
Rockslides at shipwreck beach Navagio due to Zakynthos earthquake
The 6.8R earthquake that stroke the island of Zakynthos early Friday morning has caused new rockslides at famous shipwreck beach Navagio that attracts thousands of tourists every year. The impact of earthquake to the beach was revealed by Efthymios Lekkas, Geology Professor and head of the Greek Earthquake Panning and Protection Organization. It is the … The post Rockslides at shipwreck beach Navagio due to Zakynthos earthquake appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Our Everyday Greek: Review: Spelling tips for the Greek o, e and i’s
1. Ο,ο or Ω,ω? EXERCISE Complete the words with οor ωby applying the grammatical rules below. Εγγράφ . =I write Εγτρέχ . =I run Εγπίν. […] The post Our Everyday Greek: Review: Spelling tips for the Greek o, e and i’s appeared first on The National Herald.
I Put a Spell on You: Most Greeks Believe in Evil Eye
ATHENS – Many times when Stella Karavasili has a headache or feels out of sorts, she would call her grandmother on the phone and ask […] The post I Put a Spell on You: Most Greeks Believe in Evil Eye appeared first on The National Herald.
Dimitris Mpasis to Sing for Greek School of Plato Fundraiser
ASTORIA – Renowned Greek singer Dimitris Mpasiswas met with members of the Board of Directors and supporters of Brooklyn’s Greek School of Plato at a special […] The post Dimitris Mpasis to Sing for Greek School of Plato Fundraiser appeared first on The National Herald.
‘They Don’t Have Money’: Greece’s Prostitutes Hit Hard by Financial Crisis
ATHENS — A prospective client walked into the narrow, dimly lit room in the basement of a broken-down building in central Athens. Elena, 22, took off her robe and stood up. Evaggelia, her 59-year-old, ...
Magnitude-6.8 earthquake damages harbour, 15th-century monastery on Greek island
A powerful earthquake has hit western Greece, damaging a port and a 15th-century monastery, but causing no major injuries, officials and local media said. The Greek island of Zakynthos was all but des...
Greek Restaurant και Greca Restaurant: Βορειοελλαδίτικη κουζίνα και όχι μόνο στη ΝΥ
Greek είναι το όνομα της «πρώτης κόρης» γεννημένης το 2013 και Greca της μικρής, που φέτος το 2018 άνοιξε τα μάτια της κοντά στην «αδελφή […] The post Greek Restaurant και Greca Restaurant: Βορειοελλαδίτικη κουζίνα και όχι μόνο στη ΝΥ appeared first on The National Herald GR.
Hazing allegations led to suspension of two Greek organizations at UL Lafayette
LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY) - New information as to what lead to the suspension of two UL Lafayette Greek organizations. As we reported on October 17, the university suspended the Sigma Chi Fraternity and t...
Trick or Treat on Greek Street (TOTOGS)
Source: - Friday, October 26, 2018 Held around the same time as Halloween, Trick-or-Treat on Greek Street (TOTOGS) is a community-wide event in which fraternities and sororities host a variety of Halloween events for students, staff, and families in the central Orlando area. All Related
MCE South Europe 2018 shined over Thessaloniki, Greece
MCE South Europe organized by Europe Congress took place this week from 21 to 23 October 2018 at Makedonia Palace in Thessaloniki, Greece and exceeded all expectations! The Europe Congress forums exis...
Strong Quake Shakes Greek Island of Zakynthos
ATHENS – A powerful magnitude-6.4 earthquake rocked the western Greek island of Zakynthos early Friday, causing slight damage to the port and some buildings but no one was injured, authorities said. T...
Greek, Turkish Cypriot Leaders Agree to Open Two New Crossing Points
NICOSIA – The leaders of Greek and Turkish Cyprus agreed on Friday to open two new crossing points on the divided island in what was the first meeting between the two states in six months. In United N...
Greece house gets in Halloween spirit
Rochester, N.Y. (WHAM) - Halloween is approaching soon and one house is already prepared for it. On Holmes Road, a house is surrounded with outside Halloween decorations. The Greece home gives ...
Food Truck Friday: Greek Style Grill
This week's Food Truck Friday takes a look at a Norwalk family serving up Greek food around the area. The Greek Style Grill truck is typically parked at 14 Main St. Here's the latest News 12 ...
Bomb threat at GREEK metro station
An unknown phone call to a media website claimed a bomb will explode at 9:37am in a well at the metro station in Egaleo. Authorities immediately ...
Two of Potsdam's GREEK houses offer Purge-themed haunted house tour
Both GREEK organizations try to maximize the profits they can donate to their charities by using more imagination than money when setting up the ...
Greece will not relinquish one inch of territory, says GREEK president
Greece wants to live peacefully with Turkey but will not relinquish any of its territorial rights, President Prokopis Pavlopoulos said on Friday in a speech ...
'It's on Us' week shifts focus towards GREEK community
This year's “It's on Us” campaign to end sexual assault included a focus on GREEK organizations, but an invitation to discuss awareness didn't draw a ...
Inside South End's Newest Fast-Casual Spot, Ilios Crafted GREEK
The concept behind Ilios Crafted GREEK is a simple one: fresh, healthy, and GREEK. “We'll have a lot of our signatures from Ilios Noche, but in a fast ...