The open bidding for the installation and operation of at least 3,000 new spots of free wireless Internet (Wi-Fi hotspots) in municipalities across Greece will be announced by the end of February. The Greek government’s goal is to allow residents and visitors to have free access on the Internet when in central places of cities and villages such as squares, libraries, sights etc. Most municipalities have already responded positively to the letter sent by the General Secretary for Telecommunications and Posts, Menelaos Daskalakis, indicating the suitable places for Wi-Fi hotspot installations. The project will be funded by the program “Digital Convergence” of the General Secretariat of Telecommunications and Posts and the size of the budget will depend on the final number of spots. The competition will be announced in about a month. The contractors will undertake the operation of the project for two years. After that period, the General Secretariat of Telecommunications and Posts or the Greek municipalities will be in charge for the function of the new Wi-Fi hotspots. The project will include 250 Wi-Fi hotspots in archaeological sites, 250 in hospitals and 1,000 in ports, airports, and universities. Moreover the satellite Hellas Sat will offer free Internet access services to remote places of Greece. At the same time Greek government has started negotiations with OTE for mounting antennas on telephone booths and automated banking machines.