This file picture taken last year shows migrants lining up for food distribution at the Moria migrant camp in Lesbos. A migrant was found dead in his tent yesterday on Greece’s Lesbos island, the third death there in a week, raising alarm about the grim ...
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Monday, January 30, 2017
Third migrant found dead in Greek camp
Greece Present in NYT Travel Show
The Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO) had a dynamic presence in the largest tourist exhibition in the U.S., NYT Travel Show, organized by the New York Times with the participation of representatives from 150 countries. Tourism Minister Elena ...
Third migrant dies in a week in harsh Greek camp conditions
ATHENS, Jan 30 (Reuters) - The third migrant to perish in a week was found dead in his tent on Monday on Greece's Lesbos island, raising alarm about the grim winter conditions in overcrowded camps that critics have denounced as deplorable. The dead man is ...
Hearts secure Greek pair
… : 30/01/17 2:37pm Greece internationals Alexandros Tziolis and Anastasios … of experience playing in the Greek top flight with Kavala, Panionios … Graz and is a former Greece U21 international. Like his countryman …
What Trump's immigration order means for Turkey, host to three million transient refugees
On Holocaust Memorial Day 2017 and amid the world’s greatest refugee crisis since World War II, Donald Trump imposed a four-month suspension of all refugee admissions into the US and indefinitely banned entry to all Syrian refugees. The president’s executive order suspends the US’s entire refugee resettlement programme – the largest in the world – for 120 days, and places a temporary 90-day ban on people from Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Sudan, and Yemen. Amid personal heart-break and tragedy for the people and families affected, mass protests have ignited to the “Muslim travel ban” and to the end of the refugee resettlement programme. But what impact will the suspension have on countries currently hosting large refugee populations? THE RIPPLE EFFECT IN TURKEY For Turkey, currently hosting 2.8m Syrians and over 290,000 asylum-seekers and refugees from countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran, the US refugee resettlement programme means a great deal. As a proportion of the whole refugee population in Turkey, the numbers resettled to other countries are small. Numbers for 2016 from the UNHCR are incomplete, but the 8,500 refugees resettled from Turkey to the US within 2016 account for about a tenth of the 84,995 US resettlement places between September 2015 and September 2016. But resettlement from Turkey matters because while party to the 1951 Refugee Convention, in Turkey refugees are only admitted into a temporary protection system. While there is no limit on how long they can stay, they can’t move onto other more permanent forms of residency or citizenship which guarantee more rights. Refugees have limited rights to education, welfare and employment. Most live in challenging, poverty-stricken circumstances. Child and forced labour is reportedly endemic It was the inability to live safely and securely in Turkey, which led many of the 800,000 women, men and children to risk their lives crossing the Aegean Sea to Greece during the crisis in 2015-2016. It is also true that refugee resettlement in Turkey has been far from perfect. Variable interpretation of eligibility criteria by the different embassies which UNHCR refers refugees to has rendered the process opaque to refugees and observers alike. The intense vetting conducted by US security agencies of those applying for resettlement has significantly slowed the process in recent years. Lengthy processing and waiting times can lead to enormous stress among those seeking to be resettled. In 2015, 15,466 refugees were referred for resettlement to the US, but only 4,833 departed. Despite this, in Turkey, resettlement is integral to refugee protection. For those who will be unable to return to their homes in the foreseeable future, the end of the US resettlement programme is a significant and symbolic blow. The Turkish government gave a muted response. Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım argued that it was too early to evaluate the measures. Like Trump, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s government has also been accused of using refugee resettlement as a political tool. Refugees were the central bargaining tool in the March 2016 EU-Turkey Agreement, where Turkey agreed to receive migrants and refugees who had crossed the Mediterranean from its shores, and for every Syrian returned to Turkey, another Syrian would be resettled to the EU. In September 2016, Turkish authorities prevented the resettlement of 1,000 Syrian refugees to the US and other countries claiming that resettlement countries, including the US, were “cherry-picking” based on skills and education levels rather than based on vulnerability. Trump’s decision means that refugee resettlement from Turkey is likely to become further politicised. Other countries, notably Jordan and Lebanon, that are also hosting large numbers of refugees will also likely be affected by Trump’s move. RESETTLEMENT FACES AN UNCERTAIN FUTURE It’s difficult to know what the future holds for those waiting to be resettled. Canada’s president, Justin Trudeau, has already agreed to take those not allowed into the US as a result of Trump’s move. But this is not ideal, especially for those who had been waiting, some for many years, to join family members already living in the US and from whom they will continue to be separated. Nor is it possible to yet know what is in store for the future – if there is one – of the US resettlement programme or those of other countries. UNHCR’s initial response was relatively cautious, no doubt with an eye to the 40% of its income which it receives from the US government. However, on January 30, human rights chief Zeid Ra'ad al Hussein called the travel ban illegal. Global political responses have been muted, with the government of Australia even offering Trump cautious support. And the British prime minister, Theresa May, recently returned from official visits to the US and to Turkey, failed to condemn the new policy. As a proportion of the 21.3m forcibly displaced worldwide, the numbers resettled have always been small in comparison to the those currently in need of resettlement programmes. Even without Trump’s action, global demand for resettlement places – expected by UNHCR to be 1.19m by the end of 2017 – greatly outstrips supply. What is clear though is that Trump’s action is hugely symbolic and will resonate globally for years to come. Historically, the US has led the world with its resettlement programmes and where it leads, others are likely to follow. Challenging Trump on his decision to end the refugee resettlement programme is therefore both vital and urgent. [The Conversation] _Katharine Jones is a member of the Scottish Refugee Council Board _ _Esra Kaytaz ne travaille pas, ne conseille pas, ne possède pas de parts, ne reçoit pas de fonds d'une organisation qui pourrait tirer profit de cet article, et n'a déclaré aucune autre affiliation que son poste universitaire._
Exhibition Celebrates the 1980s in Greece
A new exhibition in Athens celebrates the 1980s in Greece, a period that today’s debt-ridden Greeks glorify as a time of social changes, reforms and the beginning of an elusive prosperity. “GR80s, Greece in the Eighties at Technopolis” is the name of ...
GREEK Party Leader Urges Turkey to Respect Int'l Law After Warship Standoff
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — On Sunday, a brief maritime standoff occurred when a GREEK military vessel met a Turkish warship, which had entered GREEK ...
'Refusal to extradite will damage Turkish-Greek ties'
The Greece court's decision not to extradite eight fugitive ex-soldiers linked to the July 15 defeated coup will damage Turkish-Greek relations, Turkey's justice minister said Monday. Speaking live to news channel 24, Bekir Bozdag criticized the Greek ...
Trump travel ban: president defends order amid worldwide controversy – live
* Border agents defy court order, congressmen and lawyers say * Opinion: Muslim ban has brought the US close to constitutional crisis * Live updates from the US and around the world 5.23pm GMT _Helena Smith, our correspondent in Greece, the county long on the frontline of the refugee crisis, reports on Syrians being the biggest victims of Trump’s ban on refugees._ 5.20pm GMT Trump just signed another new executive order, this one on the theme of cutting regulation. The purpose of the order states that: for every one new regulation issued, at least two prior regulations be identified for elimination, and that the cost of planned regulations be prudently managed and controlled through a budgeting process. Continue reading...
The smartphones of Wiko Mobile coming to Greece [exclusive]
According to exclusive information of Techblog, as smartphones French Wiko Mobile officially coming to Greece. Discussions are at an advanced stage and the first Android smartphones are expected to make their appearance in the Greek market in March.
New euro zone loans to Greece hinge on IMF participation in bailout: ESM
LUXEMBOURG The disbursement of new financial aid from euro zone creditors to Greece is linked to the participation of the International Monetary Fund in the bailout program, the head of the bloc's bailout fund said on Monday. Klaus Regling, who chairs the ...
German Press: Wolfgang Schäuble wants Grexit
Chances are that the IMF will indeed leave the Greek program
Tziolis, 31, has a wealth of experience having turned out for Panathinaikos, Werder Bremen, Siena and Monaco, as well as winning 62 caps for his country. The defensive midfielder is standing by to make his debut during Wednesday’s Premiership clash with ...
Explore Agrotourism in Greece
Agrotourism is one of the most unique types of tourism, broadly defined as the type of tourism which aims at bringing tourists closer to nature. In some countries, tourists stay at farms and in other countries, tourists also actively participate in ...
Greek Farmers Block Briefly Road to Thessaloniki
Greek farmers protesting for a sixth consecutive day managed to close off briefly on Monday the road to Thessaloniki at the crossroads near Serres Their tractors, which were on the side of the road, were moved onto the lanes in the afternoon. Thus, the police had to reroute traffic. After about two hours, the farmers moved the machines again and unblocked traffic. So far, there have been no attempts to reach the border cross checkpoint Kulata - Promahon or block the border.
International Monetary Fund adds more conditions for participation in Greek program
Jan 30 Germany still believes the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will participate in Greece's bailout and it is too early to start thinking about other possible scenarios if the IMF does not take part, a spokesman for the German Finance Ministry said.
Greek police probe string of deaths in migrant camp
Athens, Jan 30 (AFP) Greek police are investigating the deaths of three migrants in six days at a camp on the Aegean island of Lesbos, an officer said today. The police source told AFP authorities were awaiting a coroner’s report on the deaths of a 20 ...
GREEK duo join Hearts as Ian Cathro continues to rebuild
Ian Cathro has continued his Hearts rebuild by completing the signings of Alexandros Tziolis and Anastasios Avlonitis. The GREEK pair become the ...
Get Your “GREEK” On: Summary of GREEK Week Celebration
He said Pi Lambda Phi, Phi Sigma Sigma and Alpha Phi Omega had begun the initial conversations for GREEK Week back in August. They began to ...
Pupils from Allenbourn Middle School in Wimborne inspired by Ancient GREECE
Allenbourn Middle School in Wimborne enjoyed a Greek Day with pupils exploring the culture and history of the country through dance, drama, art and ...
Hearts sign Greek duo Alexandros Tziolis and Tasos Avlonitis as Ian Cathro makes it eight January ...
Cathro is expecting to conclude his ninth signing in the shape of Portuguese striker Esmael Goncalves in the next 24 hours. Share. ByRecord Sport ...
GREECE 'has three weeks to make austerity deal or faces explosive debts'
GREECE must agree an austerity deal with creditors within the next three weeks or it faces being plunged back into another major debt crisis, the ...
GREECE faces “explosive” public debt by 2030, says leaked IMF report
GREECE faces an “explosive” surge in public debt by 2030, even with the relief measures promised by its European creditors, the International ...
Third migrant dies in Greek camp in a week amid grim conditions
ATHENS, Jan 30 (Reuters) - A migrant was found dead in his tent on Monday on Greece's Lesbos island, the third death there in a week, raising alarm about the grim living conditions in Greek camps. A police official said the man was believed to be about 20 ...
Greece: ETF Stumbles On Renewed Debt Angst
Greece faces another debt review deadline in three weeks, and renewed anxiety is sending bond yields higher and equity prices lower. The Greek government “has three weeks to break the deadlock in increasingly difficult talks with creditors or risk the ...
City breaks with kids: Rome
The Eternal City may be stuffed with classical treasures, but it also has plenty to intrigue kids – who will love the ready availability of pizza and ice-cream MORE IN THIS SERIES: PARIS | BARCELONA | AMSTERDAM | BERLIN Rome offers several offbeat, not-too academic museums and art galleries. The Centrale Montemartini (€7,50, under-6s free) is always a hit with my son. A short stroll from Garbatella metro station, it has Greek and Roman statues, busts and friezes masterfully displayed in a converted power plant built in 1932. The towering turbines, defunct diesel engines and colossal steam boilers create an exciting backdrop for the marble sculptures. There are free guided tours designed for children. Continue reading...
Why the US and Britain are not democracies
Surely the United States and Britain are democracies. After all, they have free and fair elections and representative governments; freedom of speech and association means that dissent and demonstrations are tolerated; all citizens are deemed equal before the law; and individual civil liberties are respected. In fact these countries are electoral oligarchies. Political power is closely allied with wealth and immigrants are regularly scapegoated for the inequalities fostered by state policies. Donald Trump’s recent ban on travel for citizens from Muslim countries is but the next stage in the increasingly obsessive and racist policing of those deemed foreign to the polity. A cursory examination of the word democracy demonstrates that we no longer live, if we ever did, in democracies. True democrats must reject the exclusions and the inequalities which have become the acceptable face of liberal democracy. DEMOCRACY AGAINST DEMOCRACIES Let’s begin with the ancient Greek word “democracy”. The term does not denote a political regime as many have come to understand it. Monarchies and oligarchies are political regimes. They concentrate sovereign power in the hands of the wealthy few. In a democracy, by contrast, the people (the demos) – without qualification – govern. Who counts as a member of this group is an open question. Representative democracies of today, however, bound democracy to citizenship, and neurotically exclude those deemed to have no qualification. As the novelist Tom McCarthy recently argued, for the Athenians of ancient Greece a citizen was first and foremost a citizen of the world. As such they constantly put into question any attempt to restrict the demos. Recent debates about immigration into Europe tragically confirm the terrible consequences of bounding democracy to a “legitimate” public, for those classified as foreign. Democrats must enact equality in the name of a common humanity, against political regimes which lay claim to the name of democracy. The power exercised by the demos – or “kratos” in ancient Greek – signified the capacity to act politically, the collective ability to do good. For the ancient Athenians, public office, and representation, were very limited ways of exercising this power. Democratic power rests on the presupposition that everyone is equal. It tests all political regimes, notably those which assume that democracy is only about voting. In both Britain and the US the representative system allows political parties with a mandate from only one third of the voting public to rule. Moreover limiting democracy to citizens who vote ignores the consequences of how citizens in the UK and the US live for distant others. Those who produce its food, are affected by its wars, produce the energy and goods – all the products which oil the wheels of Western lives. Democracy implies that such limits can never be justified. RADICAL WAYS OF THINKING The implications of this argument are radical and go well beyond considerations of immigration policy, although this is a salient place to start. It means that we should never simply equate democracy with existing political regimes. Liberal democracies radically limit the powers of the people. Freedom of information is restricted in the name of state security; every aspect of life is calculated according to the measure of profit, as value becomes almost completely monetary; inequalities of wealth and of pay are extraordinarily high; and equality is daily sacrificed on the altar of individual freedom while millions live their lives in debt, getting by from day to day. Solon of Athens. Wikipedia Commons It was no mistake that in 594BC, Solon of Athens insisted that Athenian citizens could not participate fully in public life if indebted. In Britain and the US today too many are marginalised by apparently poor credit ratings, and by state policies which privilege monetary rather than democratic accountability. All democratic regimes undermine the equality they espouse. In securing borders they exclude others who might be deemed members of “the people”. In protecting against possible challenge and in institutionalising the “best” forms of rule these regimes police the equality which they simultaneously proclaim. It is an equality which rings hollow. Long before the revolutions against the Soviet Union and its satellite regimes, citizens of these states knew that the proclamations of those in power were ruses without foundation. In the democratic regimes of the “West” today, citizens also live in a world of Orwellian double speak. A topsy-turvy world that tells us that the economy is growing, the stock market is at historic highs, satisfaction ratings have sky rocketed – yet these measures are a semblance which politicians use to pat themselves on the back. Our democracies are oligarchies which protect wealth yet blame those with nothing for the inequalities generated by their own practices. WHAT THEN IS DEMOCRACY? Democracy takes place when equality is enacted in the name of the people. Those committed to democracy should ask themselves the question posed by philosopher Jacques Rancière: “What happens when we act as if all are equal?” To start with, the gross inequalities in wealth preserved by democratic regimes would be challenged. We would recognise that all are capable of participating in rule. Borders separating us “from them” are fictions which preserve inequality. We would reject a society which purchases the future of the young by tying them up in debt, and would ensure that everyone has a decent home not subject to the change in fortunes of a market in property – another one of those measures used to demonstrate the “health” of the economy. There are instances when political regimes do foster such democratic practices, but these are few and far between. More interesting are the many instances, often unseen, sometimes banned and condemned, when democracy is enacted by the men and women of no property. In Newham in east London in 2014 the Focus E15 mothers’ group occupied housing owned by the local council, on the all but empty Carpenters estate. They were responding to the closure of a nearby hostel for the homeless, to cuts in housing benefit, and to a lack of affordable housing in the city. The occupiers opened the empty “real estate” to the public as a social centre organising daily events and debates – much to the chagrin of the local mayor and his council who had proposed relocating the mothers and their families to Birmingham in the West Midlands and Hastings in the south. The campaign briefly gained national coverage as the mothers shamed the council into providing social housing on the Carpenters estate. These women exercised extraordinary power. They did not ask the council for housing. They took what they claimed everyone is entitled to: a home. They refused to accept the council’s claim that there was no affordable housing. Having occupied the homes they engaged the wider public in a debate about the social cleansing of London. Their actions did not stop with this occupation. In the two years since they have lent support to immigrant communities victimised by racists. Other groups fighting social cleansing have sprung up across the south-east. They have lent support to those excluded from the bubble economy that is London, including Deliveroo workers demanding the right to unionise. Having enacted the equality which democracy promises, these activists now have in their sights the equality distorted by Britain’s political regime. The test of democracy is that whether or not a practice enacts equality without limit in the name of a people unbounded by any prior principle. On this test the US and Britain are not, and never have been, democracies. ------------------------- _Read more in our series, On Freedom._ [The Conversation] _The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond the academic appointment above._
Hegazy meets commander of Greek Navy’s forces
… with the commander of the Greek Navy’s forces and his … training between the Egyptian and Greek naval forces. They also discussed …
Hearts sign Greece internationals Alexandros Tziolis and Anastasios Avlonitis
Greece internationals Alexandros Tziolis and Anastasios Avlonitis have joined Hearts, subject to international clearance. The 31-year-old Tziolis arrives at the Scottish Premiership club as a free agent on a deal until the end of the season. Tziolis ...
A village where Turkish & GREEK Cypriots live side by side
In February 2014, Turkish Cypriots and GREEK Cypriots agreed to revive peace talks, which had stalled for two years. Both sides are still negotiating on ...
GREEK Bonds' Reality Check
GREEK government bonds have given back about a sixth of their surprising gains late last year, having reacted badly to a leaked International Monetary ...
Greek Chicken Soup with Lemon and Rice (Kotosoupa Augolemono)
Here is my Dad, George Psarias’ delicious recipe for Greek chicken soup, this family’s favourite soup ever. Dad is owner of the multi-award winning restaurants The Olive Tree and Giorgio’s. Over to Papa G: Greek chicken soup with lemon and rice ...
Greece ETF Plunges Again, As Greece’s Creditors Demand More Action
The Global X MSCI Greece ETF (NYSE:GREK) is on watch again today, with Greek stocks plunging amid another bailout delay. As Bloomberg reports, Greece is still having trouble coming to terms with a bailout package: Greek stocks and bonds fell on Monday ...
Not again? Why Greece could be on track for another bailout
After nearly 10 years of crippling austerity, contraction, brinkmanship and bailouts, the Greek economy returned to growth in 2016. However this good news could soon be eclipsed as fears are raised that the Athens government could soon have to ask for ...
Medical Tourism Seen Big Chance for Greek Economy
Medical tourism is a golden opportunity for Greece, George Patoulis, President of the Medical Association of Athens, said. The post Medical Tourism Seen Big Chance for Greek Economy appeared first on The National Herald.
Italian Astronaut Posts Space Shot of Greek Bridge
Italian astronaut Ignazio Magnani posted a photograph of the Rio-Antirrio bridge in western Greece and a greeting. The post Italian Astronaut Posts Space Shot of Greek Bridge appeared first on The National Herald.
Germany Expects IMF Will Join Third Greek Bailout
Germany said it still believes the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will participate in Greece's third bailout package. The post Germany Expects IMF Will Join Third Greek Bailout appeared first on The National Herald.
The Haunted Drive-in Cinema of Greece
The post The Haunted Drive-in Cinema of Greece appeared first on The National Herald.
Linton questions PM Skerrit’s visit to Greece
Leader of the Opposition United Workers Party (UWP), Lennox Linton is questioning why Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit is currently on a trip to Greece. Linton spoke on Saturday night via Facebook, following statements made by Skerrit during a live address ...
Fintech could be bigger than ATMs, PayPal, and Bitcoin combined
[A Bitcoin ATM is seen inside a bookstore in Acharnai in northern Athens, Greece June 30, 2015. REUTERS/Dimitris Michalakis ]Thomson Reuters We’ve entered the most profound era of change for financial services companies since the 1970s brought us index mutual funds, discount brokers and ATMs. No firm is immune from the coming disruption and every company must have a strategy to harness the powerful advantages of the new fintech revolution. The battle already underway will create surprising winners and stunned losers among some of the most powerful names in the financial world: The most contentious conflicts (and partnerships) will be between startups that are completely reengineering decades-old practices, traditional power players who are furiously trying to adapt with their own innovations, and total disruption of established technology & processes: * TRADITIONAL RETAIL BANKS VS. ONLINE-ONLY BANKS: Traditional retail banks provide a valuable service, but online-only banks can offer many of the same services with higher rates and lower fees
* TRADITIONAL LENDERS VS. PEER-TO-PEER MARKETPLACES: P2P lending marketplaces are growing much faster than traditional lenders—only time will tell if the banks strategy of creating their own small loan networks will be successful
* TRADITIONAL ASSET MANAGERS VS. ROBO-ADVISORS: Robo-advisors like Betterment offer lower fees, lower minimums and solid returns to investors, but the much larger traditional asset managers are creating their own robo-products while providing the kind of handholding that high net worth clients are willing to pay handsomely for. As you can see, this very fluid environment is creating winners and losers before your eyes…and it’s also creating the potential for new cost savings or growth opportunities for both you and your company. After months of researching and reporting this important trend, Sarah Kocianski, senior research analyst for BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service, has put together an essential report on the fintech ecosystem that explains the new landscape, identifies the ripest areas for disruption, and highlights the some of the most exciting new companies. These new players have the potential to become the next Visa, Paypal or Charles Schwab because they have the potential to transform important areas of the financial services industry like: * Retail banking
* Lending and Financing
* Payments and Transfers *
Wealth and Asset Management
* Markets and Exchanges
* Insurance
* Blockchain Transactions
If you work in any of these sectors, it’s important for you to understand how the fintech revolution will change your business and possibly even your career. And if you’re employed in any part of the digital economy, you’ll want to know how you can exploit these new technologies to make your employer more efficient, flexible and profitable. [Fintech Ecosystem Diagram 2016]Thomson Reuters Among the big picture insights you'll get from _THE FINTECH ECOSYSTEM REPORT: THE EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND FIRMS DRIVING CHANGE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES AND HOW LEGACY PLAYERS CAN NAVIGATE THE DISRUPTION:_ * Fintech investment continues to grow. After landing at $19 billion in total in 2015, global fintech funding had already reached $15 billion by mid-August 2016. * The areas of fintech attracting media and investor attention are changing. Insurtech, robo-advisors, and digital-only banks are only a few of the segments making waves. B2B fintechs are also playing an increasingly prominent role in the ecosystem. * It's not all good news for fintechs. Major hurdles, including customer acquisition and profitability, remain. As a result, many are becoming more willing to enter partnerships and adjust their business models. * Incumbents are enacting strategies to ensure they remain relevant. Many financial firms have woken up to the threat posed by fintechs and are implementing innovation strategies to stave off disruption. The majority of these strategies involve some interaction with fintech firms. * The relationship between incumbents and fintechs continues to evolve. Fintechs are no longer viewed exclusively as a threat, nor can they be ignored. They are increasingly viewed as partners, but that narrative alone is too simple — in reality, a more nuanced connection is taking hold. This exclusive report also: * Assesses the state of the fintech industry. * Gives details on the drivers of its growth. * Explains which areas of fintech are gaining traction. * Outlines the range of current and potential models for fintech and incumbent interaction. _THE FINTECH ECOSYSTEM REPORT: THE EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND FIRMS DRIVING CHANGE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES AND HOW LEGACY PLAYERS CAN NAVIGATE THE DISRUPTION_ is how you get the full story on the fintech revolution. To get your copy of this invaluable guide to the fintech revolution, choose one of these options: * Subscribe to an ALL-ACCESS Membership with BI Intelligence and gain immediate access to this report AND over 100 other expertly researched deep-dive reports, subscriptions to all of our daily newsletters, and much more. >> START A MEMBERSHIP * Purchase the report and download it immediately from our research store. >> BUY THE REPORT The choice is yours. But however you decide to acquire this report, you’ve given yourself a powerful advantage in your understanding of the fast-moving world of financial technology.
The best times of day to eat fats, carbs, and protein
[Juliet Restaurant Food Breakfast]Photo provided by Juliet. The INSIDER Summary: • IT'S IMPORTANT TO CREATE AN EATING SCHEDULE THAT OPTIMIZES CERTAIN FOODS AT THE RIGHT TIMES, ACCORDING TO EXPERTS. • START OFF THE DAY WITH A BREAKFAST HIGH IN PROTEIN TO INCREASE ENERGY LEVELS. • EAT COMPLEX CARBS IN THE EVENING TO REGULATE LEPTIN, THE "SATIETY HORMONE." ------------------------- Making time in the day to get enough nutrients can make a huge difference in your health and happiness, and knowing what times of the day are best for certain food groups is even better. Knowing when to eat certain nutrients in the day for optimal body performance, brain activity, and a balanced mood will help you be more productive at work, in your workouts, and when out in social situations. As a certified health coach, I work with clients on putting their bodies and minds at a huge advantage, where they're able to effectively get through the day's tasks, stay alert and energized, and feel balanced enough in their schedules to sleep and eat well. WHILE IT'S BEST TO GET A GOOD BALANCE OF PROTEIN, FATS, AND CARBS, THERE ARE CERTAIN PERIODS IN THE DAY THAT ARE BETTER SUITED FOR THESE NUTRIENTS, WHERE THE BODY IS BEST ABLE TO ABSORB, DIGEST, OR USE THEM IN A HEALTHY MANNER. Here are the best times of day to eat fats, carbs, and fats, according to some top nutritional experts. With a few simple tweaks in your eating schedule, you'll find your body to be running at optimal speed and have more energy and motivation in your day. 1. AVOID EXCESS PROTEIN AT NIGHT. [barbuto chicken]Photo provided by Juliet. According to Elizabeth Ann Shaw, MS, RDN, CLT, over email with Bustle, "if you are more prone to indigestion, it's best to refrain from high fat and hard to digest proteins late in the evening and a nice PM snack of whole grain oatmeal and cinnamon may be better tolerated." Stick with something simple in the late hours if you're known to have stomach issues after meals. 2. EAT PROTEIN AT BREAKFAST. [Omelet breakfast]Photo provided by Juliet. While Shaw says that you should just listen to your body (sometimes that muffin in the a.m. might be just what you need, Shaw adds), eating protein has been found to be super beneficial for powering the day. Shaw likes an "egg omelet for breakfast." You can also make protein muffins, by trading a few simple, refined ingredients for complex ones. 3. EAT HEALTHY FATS AT BREAKFAST. [yogurt and granola]Photo provided by Juliet. According to Pamela Nisevich Bede, MS, RD of Abbott, over email with Bustle, "when consuming foods high in fat, aim to consume at breakfast or mid-morning, and healthy options include nut butters, protein-rich eggs, or whole milk Greek yogurt. Bede explains, "the fat in these items will provide energy that not only can be burned off throughout the day but in addition, fat is a satiating nutrient and will tide you over and help to avoid cravings that might pop up early, should you only have simple sugars or carbs for breakfast." 4. AVOID FATTY FOODS AT NIGHT. [bbq pulled pork and fries]Photo provided by Juliet. According to Susan Berkman, a registered dietitian at The Ohio state University Wexner Medical Center, over email with Bustle, "meals should contain a small amount of each type of macronutrient, however, there are some circumstances where your body has a higher demand for a certain type of nutrient." Eating too large of quantities of high-fat items could be problematic late at night. "It can take 2-4 hours for fat to digest, so if you eat it too late in the evening, your body won’t have as much time to utilize this energy before storing it," says Berkman. 5. EAT CARBS BEFORE WORKING OUT. [fruit and nut bar]Photo provided by Juliet. "Before you exercise, nourish your body with carbohydrates. These will provide the kind of 'fast acting' energy that you need when you are physically active," says Berkman. Your body needs an immediate source of energy, so aim for something that is in the 150-200 calorie range, rather than something that is too dense. "Watch the fiber in those whole grains and fresh fruits," cautions Bede. “If you’re looking for a quick, light pre-workout snack, look for an option with quality carbohydrates that’s lower in fat and fiber, like a bar and some protein," advises Stephanie Perruzza, MS, RD, CDN & KIND Health & Wellness Communications Specialist, over email with Bustle. Perruzza recommends Pressed by KIND Strawberry Apple Chia "with some protein from ½ ounce of almonds or 1 tablespoon of nut butter.” 6. EAT PROTEIN & CARBS AFTER WORKING OUT. [avo toast 2]Photo provided by Juliet. "After a workout, you need to replenish your body with carbs and protein – within 30 minutes," says Berkman. "As your body works to repair and build your muscles, you need protein to provide essential amino acids needed in this process, and since you’ve depleted your glycogen stores while exercising, you need to replenish this by eating carbs," Berkman explains. "Nutrient timing post-exercise calls for a mix of carbs and protein (in a 2:1-4:1 ratio) within 45 minutes post exercise," adds Bede. Try a Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and almonds, or a slice of toast with a banana and peanut butter. 7. EAT COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES AT NIGHT. [whole wheat spaghetti]Photo provided by Juliet. According to Bede, "the best time to consume carbohydrates is in the evening at dinnertime, as blood samples from the research subjects showed eating carbs in the evening beneficially modified leptin - a satiety hormone - and adiponectin, a protein that regulates insulin secretion." However, eating healthy carbohydrates in modest portions is key, as "a contrasting theory that many dietitians have adopted recently is to recommend eating the bulk of your carbohydrates for the day at breakfast as your body will then burn off the carbohydrates early in the day and burn fat for the duration." However, "this theory remains unproven in a scientific study," adds Bede. 8. EAT PROTEIN THROUGHOUT THE DAY. [Celery and peanut butter]Photo provided by Juliet. "Protein intake is best spread throughout the day according to research recently published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition," says Bede. "The study showed that doubling your daily protein intake can help you build more muscle and burn more fat when you’re cutting calories and performing high-intensity exercise," adds Bede. "You’ll want to break this intake into 3-5 doses throughout the day and aim to consume at least 30 grams of protein at most meals and snacks," Bede recommends. There are some great ways to add protein to your diet in these smaller amounts for sustained energy. If you're hoping to prep your body for whatever it may need to tackle with fuel and resources, consider shaping your eating habits and schedule to better fit these time periods. Your body will appreciate the extra care. NOW WATCH: 6 'healthy' eating habits you are better off giving up
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‘Every journalist, no matter the beat, covers politics now’; Greece’s top selling daily newspaper to be shuttered
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Alarm in Greece over third migrant death in one camp in a week
[Refugees and migrants line up for food distribution at the Moria migrant camp on the island of Lesbos]A migrant was found dead on Monday in his tent on Greece's Lesbos island, the third death there in a week, raising alarm about conditions in Greek camps. The man is believed to be about 20 and from Pakistan, a police official on the island said. Authorities are investigating the cause of the deaths and have ruled out foul play, the police official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
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Stock markets hit by US travel ban fears – business live
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