Greece's rise on an international entrepreneurship chart shows that Greeks can excel in business but the country is unable to support them adequately ...
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Greece climbs up the entrepreneurship chart
Most Active: National Bank of Greece S.A. (NBG), iShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corporate Bd (HYG ...
National Bank of Greece S.A. (NBG) of the Financial sector has changed by 4.44%, a change from open of – 0.420% today with a volume of 1,329,581 ...
Greece reaping rewards of reforms, says ECB's Draghi
The European Central Bank stands ready to buy government bonds if inflation in the 18-country eurozone fails to rise as anticipated, its president said ...
Stock Alert –National Bank of Greece (ADR) (NYSE:NBG), Alpha Natural Resources, Inc. (NYSE ...
Miami, Florida – NOV19, 2014 – (Tech Sonian) -National Bank of Greece (ADR) (NYSE:NBG) together with its subsidiaries, offers diversified financial ...
NFL Power Rankings from Ancient Greece
Then along came Bill James, who wasn't a philosopher from Greece, but instead a security guard from Kansas - one who happened to be fascinated ...
Thoughts for a Greek PM – Opposition Leader Meeting
At a moment when the negotiations between Greece and the country’s lenders are at the most critical point, government officials are considering the arrangement of a meeting between Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras, in order to find a common ground regarding the Troika negotiations. The idea was tabled earlier this week during the meeting held in the government headquarters between the Greek Premier and government Vice President Evangelos Venizelos. The two men are considering this possibility in order to give the main opposition leader a detailed update on the negotiations front, although the invitation will have the characteristics of a meeting and not of a political leaders’ council. MPs of the ruling New Democracy party have already expressed their agreement for such a meeting. On the contrary, SYRIZA MP Panagiotis Lafazanis was amongst those disagreeing with such a possibility and described the proposed meeting as a “political depredation,” although SYRIZA’s official line is that Tsipras is open to the invitation. At the same time, SYRIZA’s spokesman is ruling out the participation of PASOK’s leader, Venizelos, as it is characterized as unnecessary. “We think that the presence of Mr. Venizelos would be unnecessary… If the government cannot communicate or express itself with a single voice, that is its own problem,” SYRIZA spokesman Panos Skourletis said earlier today, according to Greek newspaper “Kathimerini.” Furthermore, Skourletis declared that the government should not expect any consensus on the debt issue. “If the Prime Minister feels the need to invite Mr. Tsipras, this is something that we will look at. However, we make clear from the beginning, that there is no room for a consensus on issues related to debt,” he underlined. Objections regarding the meeting between the Prime Minister and the main opposition leader were also expressed by a portion of government MPs. According to statements New Democracy secretary Andreas Papamimikos made to “Vima” radio station, there is “no sense” in such a meeting as long as the main opposition continues to demand the premier’s resignation. “We see top brass in SYRIZA, such as Mr. Pappas, saying that Mr. Tsipras will meet with Mr. Samaras in order to ask for his resignation… We will not meet and reach understanding with people who create division and the rest are pretexts,” Papamimikos said, concluding that “when the answer we get from the head of the main opposition leader’s office is that Mr. Tsipras, if he decides to see the Prime Minister, will ask for his resignation, then I’m sorry, but that is an insult not just to the Prime Minister but to the institution. One cannot, therefore, reply to hypothetical situations. Let us see how things are and then we can talk.”
Baylor Classics Department Presents Lecture on Epicureanism in Roman and Greek Culture
In an explanation of Epicureanism in Greek and Roman cultures, Pamela Gordon, Ph.D., University of Kansas professor of classics, will present her ...
2000-Year-Old Mosaics Miraculously Saved from Destructive Flooding
Three unique mosaics, dating to the second century BC, have been unearthed in the ancient Greek settlement of Zeugma, in southeast Turkey, ...
State Dept Approves $188M F-16 Sustainment Services Sale to Greece
Greece has placed an order for F-16 aircraft sustainment and related services by Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) and Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) ...
Hungary, Greece, Serbia, Russia, Croatia, Italy Win At FINA Men's Water Polo World League
LAUSANNE – Hungary, Greece, Serbia, Russia, Croatia and Italy were the winning teams of the inaugural European round of the FINA Men's Water ...
In the crowded Badminton Theater, the night of Tuesday, November 18, in front of 3000 workers of the Greek pharmaceutical industry, of government representatives and representatives of the parties, as well as the medical and pharmaceutical community, the ...
Optimism at Greek bourse grows stronger
The benchmark of the Greek stock exchange has added more than 8 percent in just two sessions, climbing almost 40 points on Wednesday on reports ...
A Greek welcome to a Gloucestershire primary
STUNNING Ancient Greek vases welcomed visitors to Ann Cam Primary, in Dymock, during the school's recent open morning. The children were ...
Greece asks U.S. to continue sustainment support for its F-16s
Richard Tomkins WASHINGTON, Nov. 19 (UPI) -- Greece has asked the United States to continue sustainment support through the Foreign Military Sales program for its F-16 fighters $188 million.
Dean Karnazes To Represent The Greek Gods® Brand At The Amica Insurance Seattle Marathon
Run with the Ultramarathon Man in Seattle! LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Nov. 17, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The Greek Gods® brand is one of the sponsors of the 2014 Seattle Marathon. They will be sampling delicious Greek-Style Yogurt at Booth No. 7 at the Health ...
Watch List -Silver Wheaton, (NYSE:SLW),National Bank of Greece, (NYSE:NBG),PetSmart ...
National Bank of Greece (ADR) (NYSE:NBG)at recent check, traded 1.43 million shares in the recent trading session and the average volume of the ...
Greece: Kiwi exports larger than last year
Greece's kiwifruit exports and prices last week showed an improvement over the same period last year. The volume shipped is impressively large ...
Beatings, Bribery, and Match Fixing in Greek Soccer
More evidence of the scale of corruption in Greek soccer emerged last May, when FIFPro, FIFA's players union, published an anti-match fixing report ...
Filipino seaman with Ebola symptoms on Greek ship
SAN FRANCISCO — A cargo ship on its way from Guinea to Ukraine will drop anchor off Athens on Monday, November 17, to examine a Filipino crewmember reportedly showing possible ...
Greece: Tsipras (Syriza) open to Samaras meeting
(ANSAmed) - ATHENS, NOVEMBER 19 - Greece's leftist opposition on Wednesday said that Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras would accept an invitation to ...
European markets close: Greek stability
European markets close: Greek stability ... Simon Hobbs reports on all the market moving events in Europe today, including a bounce for Greek stocks.
Dartmouth College is the Latest School to Censure Greek Organizations
Although the tally was decisive - 116 votes to end the Greek system versus 13 to keep it - it remains to be seen whether the move will have any effect, ...
Greek assault retrial delayed for one year due to lawyers' strike
Greek assault retrial delayed for one year due to lawyers' strike. editorial image. Published on the 19 November 2014 16:53. Published 19/11/2014 ...
Before Midnight: my most overrated film
Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy seem to think they’re scaling the intellectual heights as they swan around the sun-kissed Greek countryside, but their conversational ramblings are as dull as ditchwaterMore overrated films “How long’s it been since we wandered around, bullshitting?” asks Ethan Hawke in Before Midnight. The answer, for my money, is not bloody long enough. Give it a rest. I don’t want to hear any more from you two.Hawke’s Jesse and Julie Delpy’s Céline have spent the summer, along with their angelic twin girls and Jesse’s adolescent son from his first marriage, at a writers’ retreat in Greece. It’s been a long time since he and Céline first met on a train circa 1995 and spent a heady Viennese night together. This is the final part of Richard Linklater’s trilogy, and, it turns out, the two fortysomethings are even more irritating than their twentysomething selves. Continue reading...
More of the same as Greece loses to visiting Serbia
Dubbed “the friendly game that no one wanted”, Serbia’s 2-0 victory over Greece at Hania on Tuesday will not stay long in the memory of most Greek fans, except perhaps that of the 3,500 supporters who filled up the stands of the Cretan stadium. Both teams... ...
Athens hotels still a deal hunter’s dream this month
Athens hotels are charging an average rate of 79 euros per night for a double room this month according to online booking site Trivago. This is the fifth-lowest rate among European capitals, a survey by the website shows. In Greece the highest rates are t... ...
A useful meeting
Anyone who speaks out against the idea of a meeting between Greece’s political party leaders while negotiations with the troika are ongoing is making a mistake and offering the country a bad service. Similar high-level meetings have taken place in the pas... ...
Relationship troubles
Greece is in the middle of very tough negotiations with the troika. The truth is that at some point the government’s relationship with its creditors somehow went off course. It’s as if the trust which had been built over the past two years is just not the... ...
Draft Bill on Greek Citizenship Requirements
The Ministry of the Interior is preparing a bill that will give second-generation legal immigrants and their children the right to apply for Greek citizenship, according to Kathimerini. The new bill will essentially replace the 2010 Yiannis Ragousis law on nationality and citizenship issues, according to which second-generation migrants have the right to apply for Greek citizenship and to stand in local elections. The law was deemed unconstitutional by the Council of State in 2013, thus leaving a legislation gap. The bill proposed sets out three alternative prerequisites for the acquisition of citizenship. The applicant must either have completed the compulsory minimum education in the Greek system (primary school and junior high), have completed six academic years in secondary education (junior and senior high) or have finished high school and graduated from a Greek university or technical college. However, the new bill does not cater to children of migrants who were born in Greece. It is estimated that there are about 200,000 children of legal migrants who have no citizenship, therefore they appear not to be citizens of any country. According to Ministry of the Interior figures, only 6,000 had applied for citizenship under the Ragousis law. According to Ministry of the Interior officials, there needs to be articles added to the bill regarding the children of migrants. So far, there haven’t been any proposals on the issue. A special committee on nationality issues will convene to make proposals. At the time being, the bill says that migrants as young as 16 will be able to apply and will be eligible for citizenship from the age of 18.
Employer Demands of Pregnant Woman to Have Abortion to Keep Her Job
A 33-year old woman alleged that her employers asked her to have an abortion in order to keep her job and later on they threatened that she would not receive salaries owed unless she quit her job before giving birth. According to, the woman filed an official complaint with the labor inspectorate of Greece, according to which her employers had threatened that they would use violence against her unless she had an abortion and that she was repeatedly swore at by her bosses. The woman claims that the construction company Pantheon AKTEE of Iraklio, Crete, owes her five monthly salaries along with Christmas, Easter and other bonuses. She says that even though she is a certified engineer and works as an engineer, she was hired as an office clerk and receives a clerk’s salary under a European Union subsidization program, meaning that her salary was subsidized and her employers only had to pay her insurance contributions. According to the woman, her bosses asked her to resign a few days before birth in order to pay her the salaries they owed her. Cretan news agency candianews reported that the labor inspectorate have called the company asking for a Friday meeting, as the woman is scheduled to give birth on Monday. Several Iraklio unions and organizations have expressed their support to the woman. The Salaried Engineers Union released a statement denouncing the construction company. In the statement issued, They accuse the company for racist and sexist behavior and blackmail. They also accuse the company for breach of labor laws and say that the woman had a work-related accident for which she was never compensated and that she never received overtime even though she was working more hours than those stated in her contract.
Athens University Rectors Propose Electronic Student Vote
The Greece ‘s Athens University rector and vice-rectors on Tuesday proposed the introduction of electronic voting by the student body in order to decide major issues affecting the university, such as whether to stage sit-ins and occupy the premises. “In conditions of democracy, the violent occupation of university premises (and the standing risk of damage as has repeatedly occurred in the past) cannot be tolerated, nor can the tampering with democracy in various ways, but precisely in the spirit of the ‘Polytechnic’ of 1973 there is an urgent demand to reinstate simple reason,” they said in an announcement. Electronic voting by department would finally give the student majority an opportunity for everyone to directly decide whether to suspend classes, as some propose and then impose, the announcement added. (source: ana-mpa)
DealBook: Cyprus Government Report Points Fingers on Bank Collapse
“The Cyprus Popular Bank was insolvent before the haircut of the Greek bonds. After the haircut, the bank had little chance to survive,” the 40-page study concludes.
12 Venetian Castles to Visit in Greece
Exuding the aura of a bygone era when knights in shining armor rode horses on cobblestone paths, Venetian rule over various parts of Greece has left its mark in the form of romantic fortresses and castle-like structures that survive until today. Here are a few to look out for during your travels to Greece: Astypalaia […] The post 12 Venetian Castles to Visit in Greece appeared first on The National Herald.
Greece-Troika Talks Deadlocked
With time running out for Greece's hopes to get an early exit from bailouts deals, negotiations with lenders over undone reforms are stuck. The post Greece-Troika Talks Deadlocked appeared first on The National Herald.
New Rules For Migrant Citizenship
Second-generation immigrants will have a chance for Greek citizenship if they were born in the country and meet education requirements. The post New Rules For Migrant Citizenship appeared first on The National Herald.
Greece Plays For Time With The Turkish Threat
With Turkey pressing - with warships - its growing incursion around Cyprus and Greece, there's little Athens or the international community can do. The post Greece Plays For Time With The Turkish Threat appeared first on The National Herald.
Greek Education Ministry to Fill 3,000 Vacant Positions in Elementary and High Schools
Teachers on childcare leave will be called by the Greek Education Ministry to express their interest in filling vacant positions in elementary and high schools, it was announced. As Education Minister Andreas Loverdos explained, the teachers who are ...
BRIEF-Greece's Hygeia SA 9M net loss pre claw-back & rebate shrinks to 2.14 mln euros vs 11.13 ...
Nov 19 (Reuters) - Diagnostic and Therapeutic Center of Athens Hygeia SA : * 9M published revenue 163.84 million euros vs. 169.82 million euros ...
Greece midfielder raises fist at Chelsea's Nemanja Matic, then shoves his own team-mate!
The Greek national football team has fallen to pieces since Fernando Santos departed after the 2014 World Cup. Santos led Ethniki to the knock-out stages of the tournament for the first time in their history - a fantastic achievement when you consider the ...
Finance Minister Insists Greece Would Soon Reach Deal With Inspectors
Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis insisted Greece would soon reach an agreement with its troika of international inspectors.
Why Greek bond yields are spiking
"We are in a tough phase," Greek Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis said on Tuesday, during a meeting with Greek President Karolos Papoulias, ...
Greece's Panagiotis Kone Threatens to Punch Nemanja Matic, Thinks Better of It
For a moment during Greece's friendly with Serbia on Tuesday night, it looked like Panagiotis Kone was going to do something very brave (and very ...
Eurostat: Greece Granted 16200 Citizenships in 2012
Greece granted 16,200 citizenships in 2012, with only .2% of them to citizens of other EU28 countries. Most citizenships were given to migrants from ...
Chelsea news: Greece star Panagiotis Kone tries to PUNCH Nemanja Matic after Chelsea star's ...
It's not nice being on the end of a crunching tackle, especially one from Chelsea enforcer Nemanja Matic – but that doesn't excuse Panagiotis Kone ...
EasyJet adds new aircraft to Belfast base
Belfast holidaymakers could be flying to Greek islands or the Canaries next year when easyJet adds a new aircraft to its Northern Ireland fleet.
Greece's main carrier to add Yerevan to its routes in summer 2015
The Aegean Airlines announced it is adding 16 new destinations in 10 new countries to its network next summer, reaching a total of 134 destinations, ...
Mozilla SELLS FIREFOX MOBILES ... in Greece
Cosmote is the biggest mobile network in Greece, is 40 per cent owned by Deutsche Telekom, and has just started selling the 3.5-inch Alcatel One ...
Power Bar of the Ancients
The origins of pasteli, a honey and sesame bar sold everywhere in Greece from supermarkets to delis to bakeries, can be traced back to Greek and ...
Greek Food Specialist Gaea Serves Up New Look
Gaea, the award-winning producer of the finest authentic Greek olives, tapenades and oils – available in Waitrose, Ocado, Morrisons and Booths – is ...
Despite tourism boom Greek recovery hampered by exports
(2 hrs 40 mins ago) The Greek economy may be basking in the glow of a record summer tourism season, but it is just one bright spot in a fragile recovery overshadowed by weak ...