NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Shares of National Bank of Greece (NBG) fell more than 5% to a 52-week low of $2.04 on Wednesday after the company ...
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
National Bank of Greece (NBG) Stock Hits One-Year Low After Finansbank Share Offering
Israel, Greece and Cyprus hold trilateral consultations
The Secretaries General of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Greece and Israel held political consultations on Wednesday in Athens, according to a ...
Greek Govt VP Venizelos: We May Take Legal Action Against Turkey
After President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades almost two weeks ago, it was Greek government Vice President and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos‘ turn to warn Turkey over legal action if it does not respect Cyprus’ sovereign rights.
ECB funding to Greek banks rises in October
ATHENS Nov 12 (Reuters) - European Central Bank (ECB) funding to Greek banks rose 3 percent in October, Greek central bank data showed on ...
Greek Sync Opens an Exciting Greek Week
Not only could brothers and sisters of the performers be heard yelling and screaming in approval, non-Greek students seemed to love the ...
Archaeologists in Greece unearth Alexander the Great-era skeleton
Archaeologists in Greece have found the remains of a skeleton in the inner chamber of a massive tomb that dates from the time of Alexander the Great. Experts believe the bones, found in a rectangular stone sarcophagus, may have belonged to one of Alexander ...
The dirty, dangerous job that powers Greece
It takes a lot to power a country — and though it’s small, Greece is no exception. Lignite is a soft, crumbly form of brown coal that has low carbon content, high water content and causes more pollution than black coal. Still, it accounts for more than ...
Skeleton found in Greek tomb from Alexander era
Danielle HaynesAMPHIPOLIS, Greece, Nov. 12 (UPI) -- Archaeologists in northern Greece discovered a skeleton inside a tomb from the era of Alexander the Great, Greek officials said Wednesday.
How to Write a Greek Tragedy
The crisis which unfolded this summer involving the Demoulas Market Basket grocery store chain can be viewed as simply a dispute between ...
Turkey urges Greece to boost trade ties
Minister of Economy, Nihat Zeybekci, tells business people from Greece and Turkey that forced migration between two nations was a big mistake By Bahattin Gonultas ANKARA Turkey and Greece can work together in the international arena, despite the many ...
Greek seizes MOL ship
Greek seizes MOL ship. A Greek shipping company has secured the arrest of a Mitsui OSK Lines car carrier in South Africa. Lawyers acting for Union ...
Here's Why MIT Is The Most Intense College In America
For a school that's probably best known as an academic juggernaut, MIT hosts a surprisingly active social scene and topped our recent list of the biggest "Work Hard/Play Hard" colleges in the country. To compile this list, we used data from Niche, looking at its rankings of the best party schools and schools with the best academics, smartest students, best Greek life. Niche's college section — College Prowler — features close to one million in-depth student reviews on more than 8,000 schools. One of the hallmarks of the MIT social scene may be the social diversity of its student body. As one MIT junior write at Quora: We've got the partiers (typically frat/sorority kids, the "cool kids" from high school who manage to go out every weekend night and still pass their classes), the chill kids (kind of like stoners, except not as hard-core; MIT's hard enough without being high ALL the time), the quiet kids (self-explanatory), the nerds (your typical high school nerd/dork, except here it's COOL to be a nerd), the hackers (these guys love to build cool stuff and explore areas of campus that maybe shouldn't be explored), and pretty much anything else you can think of. All of these groups interact and overlap constantly, so there's no reason you can't party one day and hack the next. The school's Greek community — although currently facing sanctions and put on hold for the year — is well regarded for hosting an active nightlife that attracts students from across campus. Its estimated that about 50% of undergraduate male students join one of MIT's 26 fraternity chapters, and almost a third of female undergrads join one of six sororities. Not only do students on campus party at the MIT fraternities, but they also draw in students from around Boston. Here's how one MIT student describes the fraternity scene on Quora: "MIT frat and dorm parties are huge on the social scene. Kids from all over Boston and Cambridge come to our parties. Pub nights and parties are going on Wednesday-Saturday nights and fill up quickly." on MIT rooftop frat party:) #ILoveCollege #MIT #Wellesley Students who would rather not participate in Greek life can often find a social outlet in the MIT dorms, which each have their own unique personalities, down to the specific floors and hallways. Because of the many different options in living, students can basically find any type of party at any time. "One really good thing about MIT is that you get to pick where you live, so you get to pick the kind of party culture in which you'd like to participate, whether you want every weekend night to consist of raging alcohol-fueled bacchanals, popcorn and quiet movie nights with your best buddies, or anything in between," one student writes at College Confidential. Here's how another College Confidential poster described the range of party options — "Board games, drinking, dancing and/or flailing, talking, poi and staff with or without fire, building stuff, blacklight, bright colors, mud wrestling, music, inside, outside, any combination of." on Toga party with my best friends #toga #MIT However, when students outgrow the frat or dorm parties that define their first years on campus, they have a new and even larger social landscape to explore — Boston. Aside from the scores of other colleges nearby, students can check out local bars, clubs, and other nightlife options that only a city can offer. In regards to the "work hard" part of the equation, there is no doubt that MIT has some of the most intense academics in the country. The university has a well deserved reputation as an educational powerhouse in a range of fields — from engineering and other applied sciences, to linguistics and the humanities. Here's how student described the academics at MIT on Niche: I'm not going to lie, academics at MIT is challenging. But it makes you think. You're not just handed the answer or asked to regurgitate what the professor has taught you. You solve problems, learn the underlying principles of complex ideas, derive equations that you were given in high school in order to figure out how things work, and do so much more. MIT brings new meaning to learning, and they make sure you get out truly knowing what you have studied. MIT professors also get high marks from their students. "The professors are amazing. You'll probably learn from Nobel laureates and future Nobel winners. A lot of professors will discuss a topic in class and casually mention, 'I figured this out in my graduate research' or 'my lab made this discovery.' The curriculum is challenging but very interesting and doable," one student writes on Niche. on MIT University Quantum Physics Lesson Even though they might be spending most of their time hitting the books, MIT students still seem to find the time to have an active social life, earning them the title of the most intense college in America.SEE ALSO: WORK HARD, PLAY HARD: The 20 Most Intense Colleges In America FOLLOW US! Check Out BI Colleges On Facebook Join the conversation about this story »
Integral Skeleton Found in Amphipolis Tomb
The new discovery of a grave made of limestone allegedly containing a wooden coffin with an integral human skeleton inside the Kasta Hill tomb in Amphipolis, Greece, brings archaeologists closer to solving the mystery of the person buried in the monument. The grave was found 1.60 meters beneath the third chamber floor. The outer dimensions are 3.23 meters by 1.56 meters and inside the grave there is a hollow part 0.54 meters wide and 2.35 meters long. It is estimated that the height of the grave was 1.80 meters. Also, the total height from bottom to ceiling is 8.90 meters. Archaeologists have informed journalists that inside the grave there was a wooden coffin containing a whole human skeleton. The implication of the coffin derives from the fact that inside the grave there were about 20 iron and copper nails and several coffin decorations made of bone and glass. Inside the grave, the human skeleton found was almost intact. The skeleton will be transferred to a laboratory for a DNA test to determine the sex and age of the dead. According to the Ministry of Culture, the Kasta hill burial monument is the biggest ever built in Macedonia, made of the largest quantity of marble ever used. It is an extremely expensive public work, impossible to have been funded by a civilian. It is certain that the person buried inside the tomb was considered a hero at the time. He or she was a prominent member of Macedonian society of the time. This is the only explanation considering the tremendous cost of the monument. According to officials, Minister of Culture Kostas Tasoulas will give a press conference on November 22 at the Amphipolis Museum to talk about the findings and the next stage of works at the Kast hill monument.
Greece: mystery Amphipolis tomb prompts speculation
Archaeologists in Greece have found an ancient skeleton and grave in the northern city of Amphipolis. Speculation is running wild about who could be ...
Will China be the new Greece?
Between 2000 and 2008, Greece's GDP grew by an average of 7 per cent a year, spurred by bank debt that grew by 16 per cent annually and private ...
The politics of debt dynamics in Greece
ATHENS | By Jens Bastian via MacroPolis | The reprofiling of Greece's sovereign obligations makes any future debt restructuring an exercise that ...
Ancient Skeleton from Time of Alexander the Great Found in Greece
(Photo : Commons) Archaeologists in northern Greece discovered the remains of a skeleton inside a tomb that dates all the way back to Alexander the ...
Trilateral meeting between Greece, Cyprus and Israel
A trilateral meeting between Greece, Cyprus and Israel initially at ministerial level will soon take place in Athens, Greek Foreign Minister Evangelos ...
Read Russell Brand's Letter Of Advice To His Younger, 'Lonely' Self
Russell Brand is famous for his comedic roles in movies like "Get Him To The Greek" and "Forgetting Sarah Marshall," but behind the funny facade is an often lonely man with a tendency to do things in excess. In the "CBS This Morning" ongoing segment "Note to Self," Brand addresses his wilder younger years and gives himself advice on surviving drug addiction and the pitfalls of fame. Read his full letter below: Hello young man. We've not spoken for a while because I've necessarily buried you beneath fathomless strata of bravado and glamour. It will be good to have a chat though, because I know, of course I know, that you're lonely, sad and that you think too much. In fact, you do lot of things too much. For you, Sonny Jim, too much is going to become a bit of a theme. At the moment it's too much chocolate and a bit too much TV but this helter skelter of excess will be steadily gaining momentum and pulling in new obsessions as it goes. Drugs, porn, booze, sex, fame, money, other people's approval are all going to be prized and pursued over the coming years. The problem is, and I know you don't know this, you're good at getting stuff you want, so everything on that list -- each word for you an exciting pang and a thrilling goal -- will come into your little life and it falls to me to tell you that none of that stuff is going to help with the loneliness, thinking or sadness. You know that you want to show off for a living and that you never want to be poor again. And you know you can make people laugh. Now I'm not going to tell you to not take drugs or drink or go crazy chasing girls and fame -- you hate being told what to do. No, take all the drugs you want. Drink yourself into police cells and hospitals. Talk yourself into fights that are going to be hard to talk your way out of as you plunge into the powders and the rocks and bottles looking for something that's not there. It's going to take you to some dark places and you're going to meet some desperate people, in crack houses and whore houses, in parties so glamorous that they're lit by flash bulbs and other people's envious attention. In all those places you're gonna see the same sadness and feel the same loneliness. Do it all. Go nuts. You're gonna do it anyway. Just know that it can't make you happy. In fact, no externally acquired thing can help you. Just to take some of the pressure off, let me tell you, you are going to do some amazing things that are going to blow your mind. You are going to get rich and famous and travel the world, meet loads, seriously kiddo, loads of unbelievable girls and there will be moments when you enjoy it. But I know for a fact what you already suspect. None of this stuff is the answer. There's a thing that you're good at; making people laugh and connecting with them. That's cool. It's really cool. Look after that, it's going to look after you. But know too that not everyone's going to like you. That doesn't matter. The important thing is that you like you. I want to tell you you're alright. You have everything you need already. Try to listen to that quiet voice because that's the thing you're looking for. Some people call it love, others call it connectivity and others call it God. It's there, it's always been there, and it will always been there. And if you look after it, it will look after you. P.S. Remember to pray, do yoga, eat well and wear condoms. Only during sex though, people already think you're weird. Watch Brand read the letter on "CBS This Morning" below: SEE ALSO: Russell Brand's Beautifully-Written Blog Post About What It's Like To Do Heroin Join the conversation about this story »
EU Commissioner Hahn and EGP: Turkey Must Respect Cyprus’ Sovereignty
European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn called Turkey to respect the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus and its rights over its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Hahn’s supportive statements towards Cyprus come in a period when tension in the region between Greece, Cyprus and Turkey has risen dramatically after the Turkish government’s decision to send seismic vessel «Barbaros» to Block 3 of Cyprus’ EEZ, escorted by a Turkish Navy battleship, in order to conduct hydrocarbon research for future exploitation. Speaking during the European Union-Turkey Joint Parliamentary committee meeting, Hahn said that he is willing to elaborate on the issue in detail at the plenary debate in the European Parliament today. “My main message will be that we expect Turkey to respect Cyprus’ sovereign rights over its Exclusive Economic Zone, to show restraint and avoid any statements or actions that could cause more friction,” the European Commissioner highlighted, while at the same time he said that it is a matter of utmost importance that all engaged parties try to deescalate tension and act in a constructive way. “We stand firmly behind the UN envoy Espen Barth Eide in his efforts to get the communities in Cyprus to resume the settlement talks,” Hahn said, concluding that “we very strongly encourage all relevant stakeholders to contribute to a positive climate conductive to a Cyprus settlement for the benefit of all.” The Commissioner’s comments come only a few hours after a similar message was sent to the Turkish side by the European Green Party (EGP), member of which is Cyprus’ Green Party, which also condemned Ankara’s violation of Cyprus’ sovereignty and called for ratification of the European Parliament resolution on Turkish actions creating tension in Cyprus’ EEZ. “This resolution is a measured and appropriate response to this situation. It is clear that Turkey must act within international law. In beginning exploration for possible hydrocarbons in Cyprus’ EEZ, Turkey is being deliberately provocative and damaging its own interests in regards to European Union accession. They must withdraw their vessel and stop threatening action towards the Republic of Cyprus. We fully support the principles behind this resolution. The European Union must speak in one voice in calling for the sovereign rights of its member states to be respected,” EGP commented.
Archaeologists find skeleton in Alexander the Great-era tomb
Archaeologists in Greece have uncovered a skeleton from a tomb dating back to the era of Alexander the Great. The excavation has refueled rumors about the Greek conqueror, whose final resting place remains a mystery.
Greece Ptolemaida power plant gutted by fire
A recent fire at Greece's Ptolemaida power plant has completely destroyed control rooms at two of the plant's units, a company executive said. Two people ...
Significant Modern Greek Art Piece Auctioned by Bonhams
One of the most significant Greek modern art pieces, “Dark noon” by Nikos Hadjikyriakos-Ghika, will be auctioned in London on November 25 at Bonhams Greek Art sale. The art piece is estimated at 250,000 to 300,000 GBP and it is part of a large ...
Edinburgh Greek Film Festival 2014
Greece has had it tough lately. Thanks in part to systemic political corruption and over-reliance on foreign investment, the global financial crisis set the economy reeling. A combination of public discontent and police brutality led to urban violence and ...
Bones could unravel mystery of huge ancient tomb in northern Greece
ATHENS -- Bones from a skeleton found in the innermost chamber of a huge, looted tomb in Greece could help archaeologists solve the riddle of who ...
The top three health benefits of a Greek diet
Café Greek Garden brings you all you need to convert to a delicious Greek diet. In 1980, a professor by the name of Ancel Keys published the results ...
Bone Fragments Found in Greek Tomb from Era of Alexander the Great
Skeletal remains have been discovered inside a lavish burial complex in Greece that dates back to the era of Alexander the Great. The tomb is thought to be the largest of its kind in the Greek world, and the bone fragments could help solve the mystery of ...
Bank of England predicts lower inflation; banks fined for forex rigging live updates
BoE signals that interest rates may not rise until autumn 2015 Quarterly inflation report -- full coverage starts hereSummary: Banks fined £2bn for FX rigging 4.41pm GMT Over in Greece political tensions are rising as the opposition once again steps up calls for early elections amid mounting controversy over Troika demands. Helena Smith reports:Racheting up the pressure on a government that is feeling increasingly wobbly in power, the radical left main opposition Syriza leader, Alexis Tsipras, said the only exit for debt-stricken Greece was fresh elections.[We have] to hold elections of deliverance and change so that the people can decide which strategy Greece should follow to get out of the crisis, the politician told his parliamentary group today.Syriza has been steadfastly leading polls and would likely emerge as the first party if snap elections were held in the event that the government fails to muster enough support to replace the outgoing president in February.The leftist spoke as pressure from international creditors mounted on Greeces coalition government. Short of bringing in radical reforms actions that include re-negotiating the pension system and public sector jobs foreign lenders at the EU, ECB and IMF have said, bluntly, they will not support Athens plans to exit its bailout programme by the end of the year. The bleak view is not just confined to Greece. In Brussels, Greek MEPs representing the ruling New Democracy party, also believe the government is losing ground because of its failure to enforce reforms. The government is not implementing all the measures it has agreed to, the MEP Georgios Kyrtsos told me in the Belgian capital.Greece cannot expect to restructure its debt by 30% or 50% unless it moves faster [on reforms] and a rescheduling of the debt is absolutely necessary, said Kyrtsos, a member of the EUs Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. 4.21pm GMT Crude oil prices continue to slide, with Brent down more than 1% at $80.73 a barrel amid talk of a large increase in US stocks last week. Meanwhile Saudi Arabia has said it wants stable oil markets and prices, and suggestions of an oil price war was just a misunderstanding. Later this month - 27 November - comes a key Opec meeting when the oil producers have to decide whether to cut output to combat the recent plunge in prices. 3.10pm GMT My colleague Larry Elliott agrees with the last part of J.P. Morgans assessment and says a rate rise is unlikely to come before next years election. He writes:The economy is humming along. Growth will be strong this year and next. Wages have started to rise more rapidly than prices. Interest rates have been at 0.5% for more than five years. So when is the first increase in borrowing costs coming?Not yet. That was the clear message from the governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, as he opened his Inflation Report press conference with a nod to Karl Marx. A spectre is now haunting Europe, the governor said. The spectre of economic stagnation. 3.00pm GMT Despite todays dovish comments on interest rates from the Bank of England, the timing of the next rise is still uncertain, said Kerry Craig, global market strategist at J.P. Morgan Asset Management:Markets interpreted the tone of todays report and associated press conference as dovish given weaker inflation forecasts and Mark Carneys downbeat view of the global economy outside of the US.This release broadly confirmed markets expectations that interest rates could be on hold until October 2015 but its worth remembering how much the expected timetable for rates has changed in the past six months. At the Mansion House speech back in June, Mark Carney warned markets that rates might well rise faster than what was then expected which was interpreted by many as suggesting a rate rise before the end of 2014. Since then weaker global growth outlook and sharp fall in global inflationary pressures have pushed the expected date of the first rate rise by nearly 12 months. We have also seen a similar shift in the US. 2.53pm GMT Jean-Claude Juncker, the head of the EU executive, has said he would lead a European campaign against tax avoidance and evasion, after dominating Luxembourg politics for 20 years during which the Grand Duchy got rich on the most systematic tax avoidance practices known in Europe, writes Ian Traynor.Less than a fortnight into his five-year term as the new president of the European commission, Juncker broke his silence on last weeks revelations in The Guardian and other newspapers showing how the Luxembourg tax authorities exploited complex loopholes to enable multinationals to minimise their tax exposure, depriving other EU countries of tens of billions in revenue.Juncker said he had just ordered the drafting of a new EU directive on automatic exchange of information on national tax rulings between member states, and argued he had supported tax harmonisation in the EU since 1991. 2.39pm GMT The European Central Bank is committed to taking further unconvential measures to boost the struggling eurozone economy, the banks president Mario Draghi has reiterated.There had been talk that some ECB members were unhappy with Draghis style and would, like the Germans, resist what would effectively be full blown quantitative easing. But after last weeks ECB meeting, Draghi brushed aside such speculation, and speaking in Rome he ran through what the bank has already done - cutting interest rates, activating 1tn of credit lines for the banking system, the now famous outright monetary transaction programme, the three measures of unconventionalo monetary policy including purchasing covered bonds - before adding: All these policy actions, accompanied by the expected maintenance of interest rates at their current level for a long period of time and an ongoing expansion of the ECBs balance sheet, together with the commitment by the Governing Council to take further unconventional policy actions should medium-term inflation expectations worsen or if the measures already decided on prove to be insufficient, has led to an unprecedented degree of monetary accommodation. Today, all the current and expected market interest rates over all horizons are lower than they have ever been, and lower than they are today in the United States.A fiscal policy which, in compliance with the existing rules, may see more investment and lower taxes, together with an accommodative monetary policy are not enough to generate a revival of strong and sustainable growth without the necessary structural reforms in product and labour markets.Increased competition, the completion of Europes single market, measures which would allow unemployed workers to quickly find a new job, thus reducing the period of unemployment, measures which would raise the level of specialisation and adapt it to the demand have long been on the economic policy agenda of many euro area countries: may the thought now make way for action. 2.11pm GMT The FX scandal underlines why bankers bonuses should be subject to hefty clawbacks over many years, argues Andrew Tyrie MP, who heads up the UK parliaments Treasury Committee.This settlement also makes the strongest possible case that market participants, who are in a position seriously to harm their firm, customers or markets, should be required to defer some remuneration for long periods. It is essential to ensure that such market participants are put on contracts that leave skin in the game, some of it for long periods.With or without an FCA regulatory intervention, they need to know that their firms may withdraw deferred remuneration when they identify involvement in misconduct or failure to report it. This was a central proposal of the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards. Regulators should not be swayed by complaints from banks about long deferral.The settlement is part of a much needed clean-up operation, which includes the Fair and Effective Markets Review. The Treasury Committee will start to take evidence on this during a session with Dr Shafik, Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, on the Fair and Effective Markets Review next week. 1.33pm GMT If youre trying to get up to speed on the currency rate-fixing scandal, check out our round-up of the transcripts between FX-rigging traders. 1.25pm GMT Over in America, traders are waking up to the news that JPMorgan and Citigroup have been fined for allowing their traders to manipulate the forex market.And the revelation that some traders tried to profit by triggering their own clients stop loss contracts has send shivers through Wall Street [I covered this earlier in the blog]Wow, this is serious! @nanexllc: FCA said JPM engaged in triggering client stop orders in FOREX. 1.08pm GMT Were running a poll, asking whether our readers think fining banks actually forces them to act better: 1.03pm GMT Back on the foreign exchange rigging scandal....and some lawyers are asking whether the whole affair has been wrapped up too quickly.Brian Spiro, a defence lawyer at BCL Burton Copeland, suggests that the Financial Conduct Authority may have acted too speedily. He points out that the FCA relied on information gathered by the banks and their lawyers for some of its findings.If they can sub it out, get a speedy result and bring money into the coffers, its tempting to ask what more could you want?. But some, myself included, ask: where does due process enter the equation? Do the enforcement agencies now operate within an environment solely governed by budget and pragmatism?Before buying Osbo hype on banks read FT on how FCA allowed banks to investigate their own Forex fiddles 12.50pm GMT Every time I stand outside RBS to report some major scandal I wonder if it'll be the last time and one day it will all go right. Let's hope! 12.47pm GMT Mark Carney may have reminded us that he has raised interest rates (when at the Bank of Canada), but foreign exchange traders still saw todays performance as dovish.The pound has lost nearly a cent against the US dollar today, down 0.5% to $1.583, since the BoE signalled that it might not raise interest rates until next autumn.The Bank of Englands inflation report which was released today was more dovish than expected, which lead to across the board sterling weakness. It was not drastically dovish, meaning that there was only slight weakening of the pound, but the topics of discussion were mainly on the risks presently facing the UK economy. Central to the conversation is the concern that inflation has fallen further below the target of 2% from the Monetary Policy Committee, growth concerns in the neighbouring Eurozone, the weakness of commodity prices, and a slowdown in global growth. The overall message was that forward guidance policies will continue to guide the decision of the Bank of England in regard to a next interest rate rise, and if there is an interest rate rise, it will be sustained low interest rates for a long period of time. 12.21pm GMT Is this the first time that a Bank of England governor has alluded to The Communist Manifesto?A spectre is now haunting Europe the spectre of economic stagnation, with growth disappointing again and confidence falling back. A spectre is haunting Europe the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.BoE's Carney reading Communist Manifesto?? Says "spectre is now haunting Europe the spectre of economic stagnation" 12.06pm GMT Heres a handy summary of how the Bank of Englands forecasts have changed in todays quarterly inflation report, from Rob Wood of Berenberg Bank: 11.38am GMT And finally, Mark Carney was asked whether he is offended by suggestions that hes refusing to raise interest rates low until after the next election as a favour to George Osborne.The governor doesnt appear offended, and explains that the bank sets policy to achieve the inflation target. 11.36am GMT Does Mark Carney have any sympathy with Lord Turners suggestion yesterday (in the FT) that the Bank of England should print more money to finance a larger government deficit to stimulate growth?No, the governor replies.I cant see any circumstances where I would advocate it, even in the eurozone..... Never mind the Maastricht treaty [ruling out debt monetisation] ...just as [appropriate] policy.Carney says can never contemplate buying government debt and cancelling it; he is firmly opposed to "helicopter" drops of money on all of usHelicopter money = not an option / Carney 11.24am GMT How concerned are you about the damage that the Forex scandal will have on the reputation of the City?We are concerned, Mark Carney replies. 11.18am GMT Another question on the eurozone. Observer columnist Bill Keegan has reached page 23 of the quarterly inflation report, and a warning that: Factors pushing down growth are likely to outweigh the European Central Banks efforts. 11.15am GMT Carney had his weetabix this morning! 11.14am GMT Why did the Bank of England announce the firing of its chief FX dealer today? A good day to bury bad news?No, Carney replies. We followed employment law through the disciplinary procedure -- and it wasnt related to Lord Grabiners inquiry into the FX issue. 11.12am GMT Why no mention of forward guidance, asks Skys Ed Conway. Is that because market participants see it as something of a joke?I have mentioned the word guidance, Mark Carney replies. Not my fault if you dont pay attention. Read the transcript. 11.08am GMT For those unaware of the "loon" question asked of Mark Carney the Canadian Dollar is called the loonie (believe it or not!) #BoE 11.06am GMT Very 'avian' press conference - also turning out to be quite funny. #BoE 11.06am GMT Question of the day, if not the year.Your colleague Minouche Shafik recently described herself as a wise owl, not a hawk or a dove. So what bird are you, governor? A loon, perhaps? 11.03am GMT The markets think youre being dovish today, but would you like to say anything hawkish, governor? Im still the only G7 governor who has raised interest rates, Carney smiles. Ive just not done it here. And I know how to hit an inflation target. [hes referring to Carney: "I know how to raise interest rates". I heard that as a denial of this Daily Mash 'report' - 11.00am GMT Heres the full Inflation Report [pdf]: 10.57am GMT How will Mark Carney explain the Bank of Englands failure to keep inflation to target if, as appears likely, it falls below 1%.Ill decide what I write in my letter to the chancellor if, and when, I write it, Carney replies. At the moment, its more likely than not than I will write it, but its not certain. 10.57am GMT #BoE cuts UK forecasts as risks from euro area crystallize - says inflation could fall below 1% within months 10.55am GMT The Bank looked through inflation when commodity prices were pushing prices up, so will they do the same now the falling oil price is pushing inflation down?Carney replies that yes, there is a symmetry, but not a blind symmetry. 10.51am GMT What does rising real wages mean for interest rates?Carney replies that borrowing costs will rise at a gradual pace and a limited extent. 10.50am GMT Does todays unemployment data, showing wages rising ahead of prices, means the cost of living squeeze over?Carney isnt blowing any trumpets, warning that one swallow doesnt make a summer. But he does predict that wages will rise above inflation next year (especially if inflation falls below 1%).Carney says he expects average wages to rise by 3 per cent in 2015 10.48am GMT OUCH. How embarrassing is it that the Bank of England had to fire its chief FX dealer yesterday (see 8.08am for details)Mark Carney replies that the Bank holds itself to the highest standards, so it held a full inquiry into its role in the foreign exchange rigging scandal.Carney, on the dismisal of Martin Mallet (Chief FX Dealer from the BoE) which was announced this morning. His failing was not to escalate. 10.48am GMT Carney says "marginal role for fiscal policy" in stimulating euro zone. Backs up Draghi message to Germany 10.42am GMT Does the Bank of England want the European Central Bank to do more stimulus measures?UK is getting imported disinflation from Europe. We are not seeing wider damage. 10.41am GMT The FT explains how the BoE has trimmed its growth and inflation forecasts, a little:The Monetary Policy Committees growth forecasts were revised down a little from the forecasts published in August, reflecting a weaker global economic outlook and slower housing market.But this weakness was offset by lower assumptions for interest rates leaving the growth and inflation forecasts stable three years ahead.Bank of England cuts growth, inflation forecasts 10.40am GMT Carney: What really matters is broad shape of tightening. Not WHEN first rate hike happens 10.39am GMT What really matters is the broad process of monetary policy, not a specific date for the first interest rate rise, Mark Carney insists. 10.39am GMT Despite the global gloom, the Bank of England still reckons the UK can grow at above trend levels.Carney cites the prospect of wages (FINALLY) growing faster than inflation, and confidence in the recovery. 10.38am GMT The global economy has been moribund since the last quarterly inflation report three months ago, Mark Carney says.He is particularly gloomy about the eurozone -- saying that the spectre of stagnation is haunting Europe.'A spectre is haunting Europe, the spectre of stagnation' - Carney 10.36am GMT The pound has dipped as foreign exchange traders digest the quarterly inflation report.RT @FerroTV: BoE = Dovish. 10.33am GMT Breaking: the Bank of England signaled interest rates could remain on hold until next autumn as inflation is likely to fall below 1% in early 2015.Plunging commodity prices and weak wage growth against a sluggish backdrop for global growth have triggered a drastic change of view on the outlook for inflation, which is now expected to take three years to return to the Banks 2% target.The Banks November inflation report suggested the City was right to expect rates to be left on hold at an all-time low of 0.5% until October next year. At the time of the last inflation report in August, the Bank had been signalling that a pre-election rate rise in February was most likely. 10.29am GMT Nearly time for the next event of the day, the Bank of Englands quarterly inflation report.It will be streamed live here. 10.28am GMT City law firm RPC has predicted that banks will face a flood of lawsuits from customers who lost out because of the manipulation in the financial markets Simon Hart, Banking Litigation Partner at RPC, says that some clients have already got in touch... These fines and the evidence published today could trigger a flood of civil litigation from pension funds and other fund managers that lost money because of Forex manipulation moving prices against them.We anticipate a much larger number of high value disputes against the banks because of Forex manipulation than we saw over Libor rigging because it should be much easier for market participants to prove that they lost money. 10.25am GMT John Mann MP has weighed in, demanding that banks pay todays fines out of their bonuses, not their profits:This fraudulent trading has taken place over a five-year period during which time the taxpayer has had to provide massive financial assistance to the banking sector and we have clearly been taken for a fool by the bankers.What must happen now is that the bankers and senior managers are actually held accountable for this behaviour and RBS, the taxpayer-owned bank, must ensure that these fines are paid from its bonus pool and not simply taken from its profits. 10.18am GMT Campaigners are shocked that the foreign exchange market was being rigged five years after the financial crisis began. Heres David Hillman, Robin Hood Tax spokesperson:Whats truly shocking is that this blatant corruption carried on for years after the financial crisis. Not content with crashing the economy banks continued manipulating markets and ripping us off while at the same time telling us they had changed.It is good news the Chancellor has promised some of the £2bn will be used for the wider public good but he can no longer pretend that one-off fines are enough to change banks greed obsessed culture. Its time the Government dropped its opposition to the financial transactions tax which would make markets harder to scam and at the same time make banks contribute to the wider interests of society. 9.59am GMT Heres a very brief recap before the next event of the day, the Bank of Englands quarterly inflation report.Five banks have been fined a total of £2bn for their role in the manipulation of the global currency markets. 9.50am GMT The latest UK unemployment data hit the wires while I was on that FCA call.The top line is that the jobless rate remained at a six-year low of 6.0%, and wages are finally growing faster than inflation again Unemployment figures released: Politics Live blog earnings vs inflation post-crisis. Its the 1st time wages ex bonuses have surpassed CPI. But not inc bonuses 9.46am GMT And thats the end of the FCAs press conference (highlights start here).No big fireworks, but notable that financial reporters arent terribly impressed with the regulators conduct. 9.44am GMT How much money has the FCA now raised from the banking sector since the financial crisis began, and where will todays fines go?Full details of historic fines are on the FCAs website, and todays money will go to the Treasury (once the regulators costs are deducted) 9.42am GMT How many firms are still being investigated?Only Barclays.FCA says it's done with FX enforcement, apart from Barclays. Other, unnamed banks have had to take remedial action. 9.41am GMT Whats the status of the Libor investigation? (which began several years ago).Investigations are ongoing, and ongoing criminal prosecutions are underway, scheduled to run until 2016 and beyond. 9.37am GMT Does the failure to get a settlement with Barclays mean the FCA has failed to get the co-ordinated agreement it wanted?No, Tracey McDermott insists. We wanted to get a co-ordinated settlement with as many firms as possible. Barclays chose not to take part. But this is the biggest fine weve ever imposed. We dont see this as a failure at all. 9.35am GMT Could any of the deferred prosecution agreements that banks currently hold with the US Department of Justice have been broken by the FX scandal?Tracey McDermott replies that the FCA is in close talks with US regulators over this issue.....FCA says it is in "close discussions" with US DoJ in relations to potential DPA breaches in light of forex fines. Watch this space... 9.34am GMT Have the UK banks actually suffered any reputational damage through the series of scandals that have rocked the City? After all, theyve got roughly the same number of customers since the financial criss began?Martin Wheatley insists that banks have suffered damage to their public image. 9.30am GMT Are the days of London gold-plating international financial standards over?Wheatley says that the only way to improve standards is through international agreements, even though London controls around 40% of the FX market. 9.30am GMT 9.28am GMT Isnt it simply absurd that the FX market was not regulated properly for so long?Not sure that you can say its absurd, Wheatley replies. 9.26am GMT How much damage has been caused to the reputation of the City?These scandals do hurt market confidence, Wheatley replies. 9.25am GMT Does the fact that the FX market was being manipulated until October 2013 show that banks learned nothing from Libor?Martin Wheatley replies that the FCA is concerned that the affair went on too long. 9.24am GMT Who decided to pursue a group approach to the investigation? The FCA did, Wheatley replied. We didnt want a repeat of the Libor investigation, which dragged on a long time. We want to get changes made quickly. 9.23am GMT Should bank bonuses be cut?The FCAs Clive Adamson explains that the FCA reviews banks bonus proposals and any malice adjustments they are planning to make. 9.21am GMT Why should banks get a 30% discount on their fines for settling early, when the evidence of misconduct is so clear?Tracey McDermott says the FCAs policy is clear and open, and similar to criminal law where offenders get a sentence reduction for settling early. 9.17am GMT Does the FCA reject the suggestion that some of this collusion was to do with day-to-day market operation, rather than something worse?Clive Adamson, the FCAs director of supervision, isnt convinced by this argument. 9.15am GMT Have consumers lost out?Wheatley explains that FX traders were moving FX rates by two or three basis points. Thats a smaller margin than you or I would normally get at the airport. 9.13am GMT Martin Wheatley: Industry needs to get it right and get it right quickly #fx 9.12am GMT Why did it take the regulator so long to spot that this misconduct was taking place? Its not fair to say we took too long, Tracey McDermott replies. We took action once we were alerted to the problems, and have conducted our probe within a year. 9.10am GMT Why did some bank shares rise this morning?Markets dont like uncertainty, Wheatley replies. 9.10am GMT Could there be criminal charges against individuals?The Serious Fraud Office is already investigating. 9.08am GMT Onto questions. What happens next, and whats the plan for banks who have not settled today?Tracey McDermott, the FCAs director of enforcement and financial crime, says that the issue is now closed with the five banks who have settled. 9.07am GMT The industry must prove it has changed if it is ever to recover the trust it has lost, Martin Wheatley concludes. 9.07am GMT Wheatley says the UKs Fair and effective market review will continue.We expect firms to put conduct at the heart of their business, and improve standards from the trading floor to the boardroom, he adds. 9.05am GMT Some FX traders have abused the trust of their employers and the regulator, Martin Wheatley adds. 9.04am GMT Martin Wheatley, of the FCA, begins the press conference by confirming that todays fines, totalling £1.1bn, are the biggest in the regulators history. It reflects the serious of the failings we have uncovered, and which put the integrity of Britains financial system at risk, he says. 9.02am GMT Over in Canary Wharf, the Financial Conduct Authority is beginning a press briefing on todays fines. Ill cover the key points in this blog. 9.01am GMT City editor Jill Treanor writes:The corruption of the worlds biggest currency dealers was laid bare on Wednesday when regulators imposed £2bn of fines on five major banks for rigging the £3.5tn a day foreign exchange markets.Regulators said they had found a free for all culture rife on their trading floors which allowed the markets to be rigged for five years, from January 2008 to October 2013. 8.56am GMT A JP Morgan spokesperson has responded thus (via the WSJ):The trader conduct described in todays settlements is unacceptable. In addition to making significant improvements to our systems and controls, we have spent a lot of time reinforcing the high standards of conduct expected of our people. Although the settlements acknowledge our progress, further training and enhancements are ongoing and will remain a priority. 8.52am GMT Banking analyst Sandy Chen of Cenkos reckons that Barclays failed to settle today because of the non-prosecution agreement it currently holds with the US Department of Justice, dating back to the Libor scandal.He adds:Barclays doesnt have much bargaining power versus the US DOJ and other regulators, in our view; the risks are that (1) Barclays £500m of forex provisions wont be enough, and (2) the LIBOR NPA unravels. 8.43am GMT Treasury minister Andrea Leadsom has pledged that the traders responsible for manipulating the FX market will not be back in a dealing room on a big salary and everything that can be done to punish this type of behaviour will be done.She told BBC Radio 4s Today programme: Its completely disgusting. I think taxpayers will be horrified... I dont know if corruption is a strong enough word for it. 8.37am GMT The FCA has produced a very good video, explaining in some detail how the foreign exchange market works, and how traders conspired to manipulate it.Well worth watching, so Ive embedded it (if it doesnt work for you, its also online here) 8.18am GMT And shares in UBS have risen by 0.7% in early trading. 8.17am GMT Shares in Barclays have fallen 1% in early trading in London, as traders ponder why the bank has not settled with regulators.RBS are down just 0.1%, and HSBC are down 0.4%. 8.08am GMT The Bank of England has declared that its own investigation into the forex rigging scandal found no evidence of wrong-doing at Britains central bank.Following a disciplinary process unrelated to Lord Grabiners investigation, the Banks Chief FX Dealer, who was suspended in March, was dismissed on 11 November for serious misconduct relating to a failure to adhere to the Banks internal policies. The individuals dismissal was not at all related to the allegations investigated by Lord Grabiner, but as a result of information that came to light during the course of the Banks initial internal review into allegations relating to the FX market and Bank staff. This information related to the Banks internal policies, not to FX. 8.04am GMT Best thing about FCA fines is always the chat logs: "RBS is god"..."we fooking killed it right" 8.00am GMT Banking analyst Christopher Wheeler reckons Barclays shareholders may be alarmed that it has not settled with the FCA and the CFTC, and is instead pursuing its own path. The forex overhang not helpful for Barclays. Market bound to think the worse until the situation is clarified.Forex fines surprisingly low given market manipulation...out of kilter with money laundering/sanctions busting fines. Very good for UBS. 7.58am GMT The FCA has also released transcripts from private chat rooms.Its settlement with HSBC shows traders at different banks chatting before the daily 4pm forex fix. The transcripts show traders agreeing to team whack a currency, and congratulating each other afterwards."He expected Firm A to 'bash the fck out of it'." Scuse my French so early. From HSBC's final FX notice: 7.53am GMT One of the most alarming elements of the foreign exchange rigging scandal is that firms are accused of triggering their own clients stop loss orders.Those orders are meant to help a company manage the risk of Forex rate movements -- if a currency moves too much one way or another, they are stopped out of the market, with a fixed loss.These attempts involved inappropriate disclosures to traders at other firms concerning details of the size, direction and level of client stop loss orders. The traders involved would trade in a manner aimed at manipulating the spot FX rate, such that the stop loss order was triggered. HSBC would potentially profit from this activity because if successful it would, for example, have sold the particular currency to its client pursuant to the stop loss order at a higher rate than it had bought that currency in the market.@LadyFOHF @graemewearden triggering client stops is a BFD from my perspective. 7.46am GMT Heres a better link to the CFTCs transcripts of private chat room conversations (the 7.25am link may not work, sorry) 7.37am GMT This transcript shows FX traders at three banks discussing whether to invite a fourth into their chatroom.One trader urges caution, as we dont want other numptys (sic) in the market to know what theyre up to. 7.25am GMT No financial scandal is complete without a set of juicy transcripts showing traders breaking the rules with abandon.And today, we have several examples of employees at several banks discussing how to rig the FX rates, in private chat rooms. 7.09am GMT Royal Bank of Scotland says that it is reviewing the conduct of over 50 current and former members of trading staff around the world.Today is a stark reminder of the importance of culture and integrity in banking and we will rightly be judged on the strength of our response.We take these criticisms extremely seriously and are acting to ensure that our employees adhere to the highest standards and that our systems and controls are fit for purpose 6.58am GMT The Chancellor George Osborne has declared that todays fines for currency manipulation will help clean up corruption in the financial markets.Today we take tough action to clean up corruption by a few so that we have a financial system that works for everyone. Its part of a long term plan that is fixing what went wrong in Britains banks and our economy.A number of traders have been suspended or fired, and the Serious Fraud Office are conducting criminal investigations. The banks that employed them face big fines - and I will ensure that these fines are used for the wider public good. 6.49am GMT Bank (eg RBS) FX fine disclosures make clear: they were ripping off their own clients to benefit themselves 6.48am GMT So how did traders at some of the worlds largest banks conspire to rig the currency markets?Traders shared the information obtained through these groups to help them work out their trading strategies. They then attempted to manipulate fix rates and trigger client stop loss orders (which are designed to limit the losses a client could face if exposed to adverse currency rate movements). This involved traders attempting to manipulate the relevant currency rate in the market, for example, to ensure that the rate at which the bank had agreed to sell a particular currency to its clients was higher than the average rate it had bought that currency for in the market. 6.48am GMT Remarkably, this misconduct took place over more than five years, and only ended a year ago.FCA says the problems took place between January 2008 and October 2013 6.45am GMT And heres how the fines from Americas CFTC break down:$310m on both Citibank and JPMorgan, $290 million each on Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS and $275 million on HSBC.. 6.38am GMT The FCA also says that it will progress our investigation into Barclays.As City editor Jill Treanor explains, Barclays was expected to settle with the FCA and CFTC, but has now got it alone...The FCA agreement had expected to include Barclays: regulator says "will progress investigation in to that firm"Barclays says had been offered the same deal as others but has decided to do a settlement with a broader group of regulators 6.33am GMT The Financial Conduct Authority has issued a pretty damning statement into the misconduct at these five banks. It declared that: At the heart of todays action is our finding that the failings at these Banks undermine confidence in the UK financial system and put its integrity at risk. 6.31am GMT Martin Wheatley, chief executive of the FCA, says the regulator is not prepared to tolerate conduct which imperils market integrity or the wider UK financial systemTodays record fines mark the gravity of the failings we found and firms need to take responsibility for putting it right. They must make sure their traders do not game the system to boost profits or leave the ethics of their conduct to compliance to worry about. 6.28am GMT Todays fines are the largest ever imposed by the FCA, or its predecessor the Financial Services Authority (FSA), and this is the first time the FCA has pursued a settlement with a group of banks in this way. 6.22am GMT Good morning. Its another dark day for the banking sector, with several of the worlds biggest financial institutions being fined for their role in rigging the global foreign exchange market.FCA fines five banks £1.1bn for failing to spot problems in their foreign exchange business Continue reading...
Amphipolis Greek Tomb: Skeleton of 'Hero' Discovered in Wooden Coffin Beneath Third Chamber
Greek archaeologists excavating a massive Alexander the Great-era burial mound complex at Kasta Hill, in the northern Greek region of Serres, have found the skeleton of a man in a limestone grave buried in the floor of the third chamber. Within the grave ...
Delta Air Lines Increases Frequency of Athens-New York Flights
Delta Air Lines is increasing its scheduled flights from New York JFK International Airport to Athens Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport for the 2015 summer season, it was announced earlier today by the American company. Delta will resume operations with a five-time weekly service from March 30, 2015, growing to daily on May 2, 2015, while from June 2, 2015 additional flights will be added, bringing the total up to 11 flights per week. During the peak summer months, Delta will offer up to 5,900 weekly seats between Greece and the United States. All services from Athens are operated in conjunction with Delta’s joint venture partners Air France, KLM and Alitalia. According to the Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises (SETE), almost 755,000 US tourists visited Greece in 2013, marking a 35% increase of the previous year. “The United Nations World Tourism Organization recently confirmed the importance of tourism to the Greek economy and Delta is proud to support that by connecting Athens to New York, one of the world’s most important travel and trade hubs. We hope that by increasing our frequency next year, we are able to facilitate even higher tourism and business traffic as Greece continues its economic recovery,” said Perry Cantarutti, Delta Air Lines’ Senior Vice President for Europe, Middle East and Africa. Delta’s Athens services are operated using Airbus A330-300 and Boeing 767-300 aircraft, while its 11th weekly flight (departing from Athens on Saturdays, starting from June 6, 2015) will be on sale from November 22.
Amphipolis Skeleton Discovered in Greece Belonged To ‘Public Figure’
An almost intact skeleton discovered at a burial site in Amphipolis – the largest ever discovered in Greece – is said to have belonged to a “distinguished public figure, given the tom’s dimensions and lavishness, the culture ministry said.
Greek and Turkish Jets in Dogfights over Mykonos
Regardless of the upcoming annual Greek-Turkish High-Level Cooperation Council that is scheduled for December 5 and 6 in Athens, Greece, tension between the two countries remains high. Earlier today, two Turkish F-16 fighter jets unjustly chased a Greek Civil Aviation aircraft that was flying within Athens’ FIR over Psara island in the Eastern Aegean Sea. The chasing continued for several minutes until the Greek aircraft was driven over the island of Mykonos and ended with a dogfight after the intervention of two Greek F-16 jets that chased off the Turkish. The Greek jet pilots also transmitted to the flight control that they were put in risk due to dangerous maneuvers by the Turkish fighters. At the time of the episode, Greek National Defense Minister Nikos Dendias was in a very small distance from the spot, as he was traveling from the nearby island of Chios to Psara and he confirmed the episode, revealing that the Greek civil aircraft was on a scheduled flight in order to test the radio transmitters of the Civil Aviation network. According to sources of the Turkish Air Force, the “warm” incident occurred due to a misunderstanding and the Turkish fighter pilot will be led to disciplinary proceedings. Minutes after the incident, Tactical Air Force Commander, Air Marshal Christos Vaitsis contacted his Turkish counterpart through the “red line” and the latter apologized for the incident.
Greece investigates funds over short-selling rules
ATHENS Nov 12 (Reuters) - Greece's securities regulator is investigating whether foreign funds and other entities violated short-selling rules earlier ...
Stavropol natives suspected of double murder in Greece
Inhabitants of Stavropol Territory are suspected of a double murder in Greece, the press service of the regional Investigation Committee reported.
BC-AP News Coverage Advisory
by Associated Press BC-AP News Coverage Advisory Associated Press - 12 November 2014 10:32-05:00 Here's a look at how AP's general news coverage is shaping up today. Some plans are subject to change. HIGHLIGHTING: Among today's coverage highlights as we see them: --CLIMATE CHANGE (sent, developing) --COMET LANDING (sent, developing) --ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS (sent, developing) --ISLAMIC STATE (sent, developing) --INDIA STERILIZATION DEATHS (sent, developing) --EBOLA-WEST AFRICA (sent, developing) --OBAMA-MYANMAR (sent, developing) --DRONE SIGHTINGS (sent) --BANKS-FINES (sent) --BRANDED BOOKS (sent) --THE BROOKLYNS OF THE WORLD (sent) TALKERS/READERS: --CLIMATE CHANGE (sent, developing) --COMET LANDING (sent, developing) --REAL HOVERBOARD (sent) --THE BROOKLYNS OF THE WORLD (sent) --BRANDED BOOKS (sent) PHOTOS: THE BROOKLYNS OF THE WORLD (sent, with text); ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS (sent, with text); JAPAN-NUCLEAR-WATER WOES (sent, with text); COMET LANDING (sent, with text) VIDEO: IRAQ_BEIJI (sent, with text); US_CA_HOVERBOARD (sent, with text) Here are details of those stories, plus others we have in the works for today and notable pieces that we sent in the past 10 hours (all times GMT): CLIMATE CHANGE CLIMATE CHANGE — A groundbreaking agreement between the United States and China is putting the world's two worst polluters on a faster track to curbing the heat-trapping gases blamed for global warming. SENT: 1,000 words, photos, video. -CLIMATE CHANGE-GLANCE: What's in the new targets set by US and China to cut or limit greenhouse gas emissions. SENT: 300 words, photo. WORLD COMET LANDING — The European Space Agency's unmanned Rosetta probe successfully releases a lander toward the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, putting it on its final seven-hour journey to a historic rendezvous with the fast-moving lump of dust and ice. SENT: 470 words, photos. UPCOMING: Developing. COMET LANDING-TIMELINE — A look at key moments in the space probe Rosetta's 10-year journey to link up with comet 67P. SENT: 290 words, photos. INDIA STERILIZATION DEATHS — The deaths of 11 women during a state-run, mass sterilization campaign in central India have raised serious ethical questions about the country's drive to curb a booming population by paying poor women to undergo surgery. SENT: 1,000 words, photos. UPCOMING: Developing. ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS — Israeli authorities have given preliminary approval for construction of 300 new homes in east Jerusalem — a move that could ratchet up already-heightened tensions in the holy city. SENT: 610 words, photos. UPCOMING: Developing. ISLAMIC STATE — U.S.-led coalition airstrikes against the Islamic State group and other extremists in Syria have killed more than 860 people, including civilians, since they began in mid-September, a monitoring group said. SENT: 800 words, photo, video. UPCOMING: Developing. OBAMA-CHINA — Following an intense two days of talks, Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled an array of agreements on climate change, military cooperation and trade as they sought to overcome persistent tensions between the world's two largest economies. SENT: 850 words, photos. OBAMA-HONG KONG — Obama says US had no role in Hong Kong protests but elections should reflect people's views. SENT: 450 words, photos. EBOLA-WEST AFRICA — Mali reports 2 new Ebola deaths in capital; not believed linked to earlier case. SENT: 510 words, photos. CHINA-HUMAN RIGHTS — Chinese President Xi claims huge progress on human rights; still room for improvement. SENT: 140 words. PAKISTAN-ISLAMIC STATE — Militant spokesman says delegation from Islamic State group visits Pakistani militants. SENT: 140 words. FRANCE-PALESTINIANS — French parliament to vote on symbolic resolution favoring recognition of Palestinian state. SENT: 130 words. NIGERIA-VIOLENCE — Female suicide bomber kills herself, injures 3 in attack on school in west Nigeria, police say. SENT: 310words. IRAQ — Car bomb, 2 suicide bombers kill 17, injure about 40 in and around Baghdad. SENT: 390 words. IRAN-DRONE — Iran shows flight of replica of US stealth drone captured in 2011. SENT: 290 words. LIBYA — Bombs hit eastern Libyan cities housing country's elected parliament, government. SENT: 380 words, photos. CHINA-MINE COLLAPSE — 21 trapped miners confirmed dead from August mine explosion, collapse in China. SENT: 100 words. G-20 BRIEFING-GLOBAL GROWTH — Amid sluggish world economy, G-20 leaders zero in on global growth as summit's top priority. SENT: 350 words, photos. UKRAINE — NATO's top commander says Russian troops present in Ukraine. SENT: 140 words. MYANMAR-SPOILS OF AID — American staff are packing boxes as they prepare to move out of their office following revelations their landlord is Myanmar's much-feared former spymaster — a man who oversaw an apparatus during the days of dictatorship that jailed and tortured thousands of pro-democracy activists. SENT: 980 words, photos. MYANMAR-EAST ASIA SUMMIT — A look at the top issues at Asian security meeting in Myanmar. SENT: 700 words, photo. OBAMA-MYANMAR — In Myanmar's remote capital, Obama will confront a nation backsliding in its pledges to enact economic and political reforms that were rewarded with U.S. sanctions relief and made the long-isolated country a darling of Obama's efforts to stake out a legacy in Asia. SENT: 600 words. EGYPT-ELECTION ENNUI — Egypt is gearing up for parliamentary elections, the second since the 2011 uprising. SENT: 1,040 words, photos. CZECH-GYPSY FOOTBALL — Opponents refuse to play Gypsy soccer team in Czech Republic, fueling football racism claims. SENT: 670 words, photos. JAPAN-NUCLEAR WATER WOES — Japan's nuclear cleanup stymied by huge distraction: coping with tons of radioactive water. SENT: 870 words, photos. CUBA-BALLET — A record number of Cuban-born dancers will be returning to this year's International Havana Ballet Festival, the continent's most important classical dance event. SENT: 800 words, photos. NETHERLANDS-BLACK PETE — Highest Dutch sidesteps debate on whether Dutch 'Black Pete' character is racist stereotype. SENT: 330 words, photos. AFGHANISTAN — UN survey shows Afghan opium poppy cultivation up 7 percent in 2014. SENT: 360 words, photo. UNITED NATIONS-US-TORTURE — UN anti-torture panel grills US officials about compliance under key treaty. SENT: 330 words. JAPAN-SELF IMMOLATION — A man dies after setting himself on fire in a public park in apparent protest over Japan's military policies, media reports say. SENT: 210 words. ASIA-EBOLA — U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon urges Asia to step up efforts in the global fight against Ebola. SENT: 110 words. PHILIPPINES-EBOLA — More than 130 Filipino soldiers and police back home from peacekeeping duties in Liberia are headed to an island quarantine as a precaution against the Ebola virus. SENT: 190 words. CHINA-ONLINE SHOPPING — China's largest Internet retailer rang up more than $9 billion during the country's biggest online shopping holiday, smashing last year's figure to set a record for a single day of sales. SENT: 380 words, photos. CAMBODIA-MINIMUM WAGE — Cambodia is raising the minimum wage in its important clothing industry by 28 percent to $128 a month, falling short of labor unions' $140 proposal. SENT: 300 words. DUBAI-TRAM — Car-loving Dubai targets commuters with first tram line, complete with chilled stations. SENT: 450 words, photos. SPAIN-CATALONIA INDEPENDENCE — Spain's leader calls Catalan secession vote a flop, won't discuss holding a proper referendum. SENT: 300 words, photos. PAKISTAN — Pakistan military says airstrikes killed 19 more militants in region near Afghan border. SENT: 130 words. GREECE-ANCIENT TOMB — Bones left behind by looters could shed light on mystery of huge ancient tomb in Greece. SENT: 140 words. SYRIA — Syrian authorities detain prominent Damascus-based dissident at Lebanese border. SENT: 200 words. WAR CRIMES-SESELJ — Serb ultranationalist Seselj back home after UN war crimes judges approve provisional release. SENT: 420 words, photos. AZERBAIJAN-HELICOPTER DOWNED — Azerbaijan shoots down Armenian military helicopter in Nagorno-Karabakh. SENT: 130 words. POLAND-INDEPENDENCE-DAY — Hooligans cause more than $25,000 in damage in national holiday march through Warsaw. SENT: 130 words, photos. RUSSIA-MILITARY — Russia's bombers to conduct regular patrols, ranging from the Arctic to the Gulf of Mexico. SENT: 200 words. WASHINGTON OBAMA-MYANMAR — In Myanmar's remote capital, Obama will confront a nation backsliding in its pledges to enact economic and political reforms that were rewarded with U.S. sanctions relief and made the long-isolated country a darling of Obama's efforts to stake out a legacy in Asia. SENT: 490 words, photos. UPCOMING: Developing. EBOLA-CONGRESS — Health workers on the front line of the Ebola crisis say the need for urgent help isn't letting up, as Congress begins considering President Barack Obama's $6.2 billion emergency aid request to fight the disease. SENT: 770 words. UPCOMING: Developing from 1900 GMT hearing, 800 words by 2130 GMT, photos. AP EXCLUSIVE: DRONE SIGHTINGS — The government is getting near-daily reports — sometimes two or three a day — of drones flying near airplanes and helicopters or close to airports without permission, federal and industry officials tell The Associated Press. It's a sharp increase from just two years ago when such reports were still unusual. SENT: 980 words, photos. UNITED STATES-CHINA VISAS — Eleven Chinese citizens whose jobs involve frequent travel to the U.S. get the first U.S. visas that are part of a new agreement, announced this week during the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. SENT: 480 words, photo. WHITE HOUSE-MY SISTER'S KEEPER — White House turns focus to girls of color after focusing on boys. SENT: 660 words. US REAL HOVERBOARD — Skateboarding is going airborne this fall with the launch of the first real commercially marketed hoverboard which uses magnetics to float about an inch off the ground. SENT: 520 words, photos, video. JEWISH SITE SHOOTINGS — Preliminary hearing to begin for Missouri man accused of killing three at Kansas Jewish sites. SENT: 390 words, photo. BOSTON MARATHON BOMBING — Federal prosecutors and lawyers for Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are due in court to discuss a variety of issues that need to be resolved before his trial begins in January. SENT: 250 words, photos. UPCOMING: Updates from 10 a.m. hearing, then 500 words by 2100 GMT. WORLD SERIES OF POKER — Swedish poker pro Martin Jacobson wins $10 million World Series of Poker prize. SENT: 760 words, photos. POLICE OFFICER-CANNIBALISM — Ex-officer nicknamed Cannibal Cop faces sentencing after judge nixed most serious charge. SENT: 140 words. GIRLS STABBING PLOT — Girl accused with friend of stabbing classmate to please fictional character back in court. SENT: 140 words. UPCOMING: Developing. BUSINESS BANKS-FINES — Regulators fine 5 banks $3.4 billion for attempted foreign exchange manipulation. SENT: 820 words. BANKS-FINES-Q&A — Bank scandals without end: Authorities call foreign exchange traders to account. SENT: 440 words, photo. EARNS-MACY'S — Macy's 3Q profit beats Wall Street's view, lowers full-year earnings forecast. SENT: 490 words, photo. EBOLA DRUGS-ETHICS — Health officials in the U.S. and Europe are scrambling to begin testing a handful of experimental Ebola drugs in Africa, but an ethical debate is brewing over how to appropriately test medicines amid an outbreak that has already killed nearly 5,000 people. UPCOMING: 1,000 words by 1900 GMT. LIFESTYLES THE BROOKLYNS OF THE WORLD — Forget Paris of the East: Brooklyn has replaced Paris as the city every city yearns to be. SENT: 790 words, photos. ENTERTAINMENT BRANDED BOOKS — Soon after turning out the latest James Bond novel, British author William Boyd agreed to write another thriller based on a world famous brand. The Land Rover. SENT: 710 words, photo. BOOKS-Q&A-ANDY COHEN — Andy Cohen writes about his days and nights and the behind-the-scenes of his "Watch What Happens Live" show in new book. SENT: 600 words, photos. PEOPLE-BRET MICHAELS — Bret Michaels undergoes kidney surgery after being hospitalized 6 times over 2 weeks. SENT: 130 words; moved Tuesday night. PEOPLE-STEPHEN COLLINS — Divorce trial of '7th Heaven' actor and wife scheduled to begin in Los Angeles. SENT: 150 words, photo. OBIT-CAROL ANN SUSI — Carol Ann Susi, who voiced Mrs. Wolowitz on 'The Big Bang Theory,' dies at age 62. sENT: 130 words, photo. TV-AMERICAN IDOL-RANDY JACKSON — Original 'American Idol' judge Randy Jackson leaving after 13 years with Fox show. SENT: 130 words, photo. PEOPLE-CARREY-DANIELS — Carrey, Daniels reunite for 'Dumb & Dumber To,' say making the sequel more fun than the first. SENT: 270 words, photo. THEATER-GLENN CLOSE — Glenn Close savors 'challenging' Broadway return in Edward Albee's 'A Delicate Balance'. SENT: 750 words, photo. News Topics: General news, Legal proceedings, War and unrest, Unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturing, Economy, Ebola virus, Militant groups, Boston Marathon bombing, Bombings, Sanctions and embargoes, Municipal governments, Territorial disputes, Suicide bombings, Books and literature, Climate change, Parliamentary elections, Ballet, Accidents and disasters, G-20 Summit, Government and politics, Environmental concerns, Online shopping, Law and order, Aerospace and defense industry, Industrial products and services, Industries, Business, Hemorrhagic fever, Infectious diseases, Diseases and conditions, Health, Events, Foreign policy, Government policy, International relations, Local governments, Terrorist attacks, Terrorism, Entertainment, Arts and entertainment, Environment, Environment and nature, Climate, Elections, Dance, Performing arts, Shopping, Lifestyle, Summits People, Places and Companies: Xi Jinping, Ban Ki-Moon, Barack Obama, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Andy Cohen, Bret Michaels, Stephen Collins, Glenn Close, Edward Albee, China, Hong Kong, Egypt, United States, Syria, Pakistan, Myanmar, Japan, Israel, Afghanistan, East Asia, Cuba, France, Spain, Southeast Asia, Azerbaijan, Netherlands, Paris, Russia, West Africa, Middle East, Greater China, Asia, North Africa, Africa, North America, South Asia, Central Asia, Caribbean, Latin America and Caribbean, Western Europe, Europe, Eastern Europe Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. 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Universal Studios Announces “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” Sequel!
It was the sleeper hit of 2002, and now “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” is getting the sequel treatment more than a dozen years later. According to ...
Skeleton Emerges From Mysterious Greek Tomb
A skeleton has emerged from the Alexander the Great-era tomb in Amphipolis in northern Greece, according to a news announcement by the Greek ...
Greek canned fish leader looking to enter Dubai retail, foodservice markets
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Greek firm Konva, or North Aegean Sea Canneries, is looking to bring its various seafood ranges to a Middle Eastern ...
Human skeleton discovered at Amphipolis tomb archaeological dig in northern Greece
ATHENS, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- A human skeleton was discovered at the Amphipolis tomb in northern Greece during the ongoing archaeological ...
Traffic shut down after Greece crashes
While responding to the scene, a Greece Police patrol car was stopped at Long Pond and Latta Road with its lights and sirens on. It proceeded to go ...
BRIEF-National Bank of Greece SA announces secondary offering of shares in Finansbank
Nov 12 (Reuters) - National Bank Of Greece SA. * Says it makes a secondary offering of existing shares in Finansbank, currently held by the Co valued ...
Wednesday Worth Watching Stocks: National Bank of Greece S.A. (NBG), Deutsche Bank AG (DB ...
WallStreet Scope – Wednesday November 12th, 2014 – National Bank of Greece S.A. (NBG) ended the day yesterday with a gain of -1.35%, a change ...
4th Century BC Skeleton Discovered in Greece, Dates Back to Alexander the Great
Archaeologists from northern Greece have discovered the remains of a skeleton inside a tomb that dates back to Alexander the Great. The 4th century ...
Motorcyclist Seriously Injured in Greece Crash
Greece police said they believe a motorcyclist was speeding when it crashed into a pickup truck on Latta Road at Applegrove Drive around 8 a.m. Wednesday.
Motorcyclist Struck by Truck in Greece
Greece, NY (WROC)- A motorcyclist was hit by a truck this morning at the corner of Latta Road and Applegrove Drive in the town of Greece. Police say the motorcyclist may have been traveling at a high rate of speed when it was struck. The driver of the ...
Remembering Greece’s December 1944 Uprising
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the second of three cataclysmic events that scarred Greek politics since WWII and the 1946 Civil War. The post Remembering Greece’s December 1944 Uprising appeared first on The National Herald.
Motorcyclist Struck by Truck in Greece
Greece, NY (WROC)- A motorcyclist was hit by a truck this morning at the corner of Latta Road and Applegrove Drive in the town of Greece. Police say the motorcyclist may have been traveling at a high rate of speed when it was struck. The driver of the ...
Skeletal remains found at tomb from Alexander the Great's era
ATHENS (Reuters) - Archaeologists have found skeletal remains inside a limestone grave at a vast ancient tomb in Greece dating to Alexander the Great's era, the most significant discovery to date at the site. The Amphipolis site is believed to be the largest ancient tomb to have been discovered in Greece, and has spurred speculation as to whether the ancient conqueror or a member of his family ...
Tomb dating to Alexander the Great's era discovered in Greece
Archaeologists believe that the grave could have belonged to a prominent Macedonian as they found impressive burial offerings inside
Rent Your Dream House Online in Greece
The deterioration of the housing market in Greece, due to the financial crisis and the high taxation on Greek real estate, has driven many house owners to seek a different way of earning income from their properties. A new trend, which has already been established abroad, has been launched in Greece: renting your house or even a room of your house to foreigners for some months of the years. More than 1 billion euros in the market are attributed to this “alternative” tourist product. More and more people, instead of going to hotels, prefer to rent houses, apartments or even rooms in houses where Greek families live. Approximately 60 thousand households, from every corner of Greece take part in this online international market of low-cost tourism. Owners offer their summer houses without going to real estate agents and paying intermediary fees. Impressive mansions in cosmopolitan Greek islands, luxurious houses in the northern suburbs of Attica, small apartments in Athens city center, even rooms in lower budget areas in various Greek cities are available online. Prices range from 8 euros to 5 thousand euros. You can choose your “dream house” for your holidays, or a cheap room for your college student child, by simply pressing “enter” on your computer. Tourists now have a greater variety of housing alternatives to choose from, while owners have found an alternative way of dealing with their taxation expenses. They rent their houses, fully furnished and equipped with appliances and housewares and with their “additional income” they are able to pay their real estate taxes. Those enrolled in this online service have the chance to put up an album of photos of their property, their short CV and some personal information that they believe will attract potential clients. They include their contact info and the rental price and simply wait for anyone interested to respond to their application. This new way of renting your house is a low cost and well established way of becoming an entrepreneur, even for a few square meters and for some months per year.