The Powerful GREEK has scored 22 goals in 40 appearances for Benfica since joining the Portuguese outfit on loan after an underwhelming spell with ...
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Arsenal line up £5.5m cut-price bid for GREEK Striker
Volunteer working in GREECE calls for Island to take in refugees
Volunteer working in GREECE calls for Island to take in refugees. Sat, 23 Apr 2016. A Ballaugh woman is calling on the Isle of Man to do more to help ...
T-online: Number of migrants arriving in GREECE continues decreasing
In February, however, before the signing of the EU-Turkey agreement, GREECE used to welcome around 2,000 people daily, in March – about 870, ...
Greek Main Opposition leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis: GREECE needs oxygen
Kyriakos Mitsotakis, leader of GREECE'S major opposition party New Democracy, promised to 'rebuild' the party and enter 'a truth pact' with the people, ...
GREECE agrees in principle with creditors on pension reform
The Greek government and GREECE'S creditors also came closer on the NPL issue, while differences remain on the tax-free threshold (with the ...
Data: 53,817 refugees and migrants in Greece on Saturday
The number of refugees and migrants in Greece totalled 53,817 on Saturday, with 20 new arrivals recorded on the islands of the Eastern Aegean, according to daily data from the Coordinating Body for the Management of the Refugee Crisis. The distribution is ...
The botanist who recorded GREEK flora
With a copy of “De Materia Medica,” a encyclopedia and pharmacopoeia penned by ancient GREEK doctor Pedanius Dioscorides, as his guide, ...
'Stomp-A-Palooza' great for charity, showcases creativity of GREEK organizations
On Tuesday, the Singletary Center will be stepping to a different beat as fraternities and sororities perform in Stomp-A-Palooza, a philanthropy event ...
This longevity-linked simple salad helps people on a Greek island live past 100
_"Ikaria: The Island Where People Live Forever," is available on iTunes and Amazon. _ In Business Insider Films's short documentary, "Ikaria: The Island Where People Live Forever," we interviewed and captured the lifestyle amongst residents, elders and doctors on this remote isle to find out their secrets to living past 100. While genes account for a small portion, two main factors contributing to longevity are the Ikarian lifestyle and diet. Chef Diane Kochilas spends her time on the island cooking up delicious traditional recipes. In her cookbook "Ikaria," Kochilas writes, "Beans and pulses are one of the most important components of the Mediterranean diet...They are naturally gluten-free, low in fat, and a great source of cholesterol-free protein." Here, she shows us how to prepare a bean salad and eat like a true Ikarian. _Produced by Alana Kakoyiannis and David Hands. Edited by Lauren Browning and Andrew Stern. _ FOLLOW BI VIDEO: On Twitter WATCH THE TRAILER
Angela Merkel has arrived in Turkey to work on deal to tackle the migrant crisis
[German Chancellor Angela Merkel gestures during a joint news conference with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in Ankara, Turkey February 8, 2016. REUTERS/Umit Bektas]Thomson Reuters GAZIANTEP, Turkey (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived in a Turkish border province on Saturday to meet Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu as she works to ease tensions in the deal to tackle the migrant crisis. Prior to its enforcement almost three weeks ago, Merkel lobbied European leaders to back the deal to return thousands of migrants from the Greek islands to Turkey. But as questions over its effectiveness, long-term viability and legality mount, so does the pressure on the German leader. The agreement, coupled with border closures in Europe that meant smugglers could not secure passage to northern European states, initially slowed the numbers of new arrivals to Greece sharply. But boats have been arriving with about 150 people a day, indicating the "hermetic sealing" of the route appears to be over, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said. Merkel, EU Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans were due to discuss the migration crisis with Davutoglu after a visit to a refugee camp in the town of Nizip, amid a ramped up security presence. Uniformed and plain-clothed police officers patrolled Gaziantep city, capital of the province that borders on Islamic State-controlled Syrian territory and has been hit repeatedly in recent weeks by rocket fire from the other side of the frontier. Live footage showed Davutoglu and local officials, as well as children holding flowers, greeting Merkel in the airport. Separately, footage showed Tusk disembarking from his official plane and being greeted by dignitaries. A poster depicting Merkel's face and the words "Solidarity with the migrants. We are proud of our Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu," in German was put up in the town. Another welcomed Davutoglu to Gaziantep. At home Merkel faces criticism for allowing a German comedian to be prosecuted for insulting Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan. The issue is likely to come up in the meetings, but a senior Turkish government official said the main focus of the visit by Merkel, Tusk and Timmermans would be on relations with the EU and implementing the migrant deal, including how to spend a promised 3 billion euros ($3.37 billion) in funding. On Wednesday, Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said the European Union needed to be more pragmatic in releasing the cash meant to help manage the migrant crisis, saying there were problems with the delivery of the money. Another side of the bargain, used to sell the migrant deal to the Turkish public, was Turks winning quicker visa-free travel to Europe, a pledge that now could go unfulfilled, at least by the June deadline he had wanted. While presenting an opportunity for the political leaders who made it, the deal has been fiercely criticized by United Nations refugee and rights groups, as immoral and a violation of international humanitarian law against blanket returns. Calling for an immediate halt to the implementation of the deal, Turkey has been blasted over detention of asylum-seekers, serious shortcomings in asylum procedures amid chaos on the ground. "While Turkey and Europe haggle over long standing political battles like visa free travel, refugees continue to suffer with little chance of protection in Europe and serious violations against them in Turkey," said Gauri van Gulik, deputy Europe director at Amnesty International. "All states have a duty to protect refugees that can't be traded away for political expediency." (Writing by Dasha Afanasieva; Editing by Tom Heneghan and David Evans) NOW WATCH: Check out this absolutely breathtaking footage of Turkey
Lenders will find a solution on Greek contingency measures
Institutions will find a solution to on the ways for Greece to legislate on a contingency package of measures necessary to close the ongoing negotiations between the two sides, Eurogroup chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem said on Saturday as he arrived at the ...
Top 10 ancient Greek sites
… Greek sites to visit in Greece, which aren't all in Greece. 1. ACROPOLIS, ATHENS, GREECE … . TEMPLE OF POSEIDON, CAPE SOUNION, GREECE Southeast of Athens, just before …
An undocumented immigrant’s voice of hope
Several cases regarding migration affairs have come to my attention lately. Applications for green cards by Americans whose wives were born in Greece, by young people with a higher education requesting a work visa in order to stay, by newcomers without the required documentation for legalization. However, they are all facing a wall, a hardcore, […]
Further Clashes Erupt Between Migrants in Pireaus
Further signs of tension were evident early today at the Piraeus port in the city of Athens, Greece when minor scuffles broke out between Afghan migrants. One 18-year-old required hospital treatment. Meanwhile, another migrant was detained after being ...
Merkel arrives in southeast Turkey to ease tensions of migrant deal
[German Chancellor Merkel, EU Council President Tusk and Turkish Prime Minister Davutoglu receive flowers during a welcoming ceremony at Nizip refugee camp near Gaziantep]By Ercan Gurses and Andreas Rinke GAZIANTEP, Turkey (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived in a Turkish border province on Saturday to meet Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu as she works to ease tensions in the deal to tackle the migrant crisis. Prior to its enforcement almost three weeks ago, Merkel lobbied European leaders to back the deal to return thousands of migrants from the Greek islands to Turkey. The agreement, coupled with border closures in Europe that meant smugglers could not secure passage to northern European states, initially slowed the numbers of new arrivals to Greece sharply.
Imagine It!
TOLEDO (13abc Action News) - It's called a "Greek Waiter" and it's a type of pendulum that you can swing 360 degrees. If you properly execute the experiment, you should be able to keep cups of water from spilling. In this week's Imagine It!, we show you a ...
Despite deal, refugees still trickling into GREECE
According to the latest official figures, there are 53,817 migrants throughout the country: 29,298 are at camps and centers in northern GREECE, while in ...
Greek dancing is good for your health!
Greek dancing is good for the health of the elderly and will improve fitness levels, experts claim. The advice to dance like Zorba follows recommendations to follow other Mediterranean-lifestyle traits like a diet rich in olive oil, tomatoes and Greek yoghurt.
A famous Greek chef invited us to her villa to show us how to make an Ikarian longevity black-eyed pea & herb salad
"Ikaria: The Island Where People Live Forever," is available on iTunes and Amazon. In Business Insider Films's short documentary, "Ikaria: The Island Where People Live Forever," we interviewed and captured the lifestyle amongst residents, elders and ...
Greece doesn't allow legislating measures on conditionality
EU-US: Negotiations on TTIP will continue into... The Greek government has implemented to the letter the commitments it undertook last summer on the issue of structural reforms and on additional measures totaling 3% of GDP, Finance Minister Euclid ...
Rhythmic groups from Germany, Uzbekistan and GREECE qualify for Olympics as Rio 2016 ...
Germany, Uzbekistan and GREECE secured the last three rhythmic group Olympic places as the curtain came down on the Rio 2016 gymnastics test ...
Refugee hit by police car in Idomeni camp in GREECE dies
A Syrian refugee, who was hit by a police car at Idomeni camp on the GREECE-Macedonia border sparking riots, died of his injuries, hospital officials ...
It's ridiculous that Uber won't let people tip drivers from its app
[Greek taxi driver]Business Insider Uber drivers are about to start asking for tips. But Uber refuses to let passengers pay the tips using its app. Fasten your seatbelt for some awkward rides. You may have thought that tips were included in your Uber fare. And you could be forgiven for thinking that. While Uber's website says tips are "not needed", that doesn't mean they're actually included in the fare that's automatically charged to your credit card when you ride an Uber. In a proposed legal settlement on Thursday, the ride-hailing company agreed to clarify the language it uses around tips. Uber clarified that there's no policy to prohibit drivers from requesting tips from passengers or putting up signs. Drivers who ask passengers for a gratuity don't risk being "deactivated" by Uber for violating any of its policies. Many passengers were under the impression that they were already paying an automatic tip. And many would probably be happy to cough up a few more bucks to reward their driver for a job well done. The problem is that, as it's now being rolled out, the tipping process will throw a wrench into the system that makes Uber such a smooth and pleasant experience. MESSING WITH THE MAGIC Most people like riding in Uber because it's a cashless system. There's no need to pull out the wallet, ask for change, or feel bad that you didn't have enough singles on hand and you ended up leaving the driver a measly tip. Indeed many people don't even carry cash around anymore, thanks in part to services like Uber. But Uber will not include a special button in the app for passengers to quickly add a tip to their bill, the company told Business Insider. Uber didn't give any reason for that move. That means you'll need to have cash on hand when you ride an Uber if you want to leave a tip. That's a big inconvenience that detracts from the experience. And, when combined with Uber's driver and passenger rating system, it could even add a new layer of uncomfortableness to your rides. RATING RISK Passengers who feel uncomfortable with Uber drivers asking for a tip could rate a driver lower, potentially putting a driver's job at risk. And the worry goes both ways. Since drivers rate passengers, they could start rating nontippers lower than others. Lyft, a rival ride-hailing company that lets passengers tip drivers through its app, has a system where the driver doesn't immediately know if they've been tipped or not. In a tipping situation like Uber's, where physical money needs to change hands, that kind of anonymity is impossible. The answer seems pretty obvious, and not particularly technically challenging for a company that's working on self-driving cars. The question is why Uber won't incorporate tipping into its app? NOW WATCH: JOHN MCAFEE: Why downloading free apps is dangerous
Germany: Greek 'haircut' is a matter of time
EU-US: Negotiations on TTIP will continue into... A "haircut" in Greece's debt is unavoidable because it is not sustainable, Dr. Marcel Fratzscher, the President of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) and unofficial advisor to Chancellor ...
Schaeuble Sees No Greece Debt Relief as Long as Debt Sustainable
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said Greece doesn’t need debt relief now and won’t require an easing of its debt burden as long as the troika of creditors determines that debt sustainability is ensured. The European Stability Mechanism, the ...
Greece importing 60,000 bpd of Iran oil
… has resumed oil exports to Greece, shipping 60,000 barrels per … banned crude purchases from Tehran. Greece's biggest refiner Hellenic … . Iranian officials have earlier said Greece was about to buy a …
Bulgaria will cooperate with GREECE for the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU Council in 2018 ...
Sofia. Bulgaria may rely on cooperation on behalf of GREECE for the preparation of the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU Council in 2018. That is what ...
GREECE to show Russian propoganda movie about Crimea
GREECE plans to broadcast a propaganda movie about Crimea, directed by the Kremlin after the annexation of the peninsula. The film is expected to be ...
Greek delegation: Western media inolved in disinformation on Syria
Damascus, SANA – Speaker of the People’s Assembly, Mohammad Jihad al-Laham met on Saturday Greek Parliament member Ioannis Sachinidis, who is member of the Golden Dawn Party, and the accompanying delegation. The Greek delegation’s visit aims at ...
What makes a great walk?
Shanks’s pony is still the best way to explore our planet’s natural beauty. Kevin Rushby looks at what makes a great hike, and the ‘walking revolution’ of recent decades MORE ON WALKS: EUROPE | UK | EPIC | BEST KIT I hate walking. I won’t do it. I am not going any further. Unorthodox as it may seem, as an introduction to a celebration of great walks, I need to put those words down and look at them. They are certainly the words every parent fears. The words I inflicted, as a nine-year-old on my dad on Snowdon, were later echoed by my own children. They are uttered, or just thought, at the crucial moment in many a great walk, usually when a corner is turned and the true dimensions of the landscape open up and show a narrow stony path, winding onwards for long miles, always upwards, to a goal that is impossibly distant and probably wreathed in ominous black clouds. The view up Langdale towards Lakeland’s Scafell massif often conforms to this pattern. Children do us a service in voicing such feelings; we adults often ignore them, or soldier onwards, never appreciating that this is all part of the drama. You see I do believe that great walks are like great dramas. Act One is the optimistic practicalities: the picnic packing, the maps and checklists, the jokes and the laughter. You set off with fresh faces and jollity. But then, just as the effort starts to bite, comes that moment. I suppose the ancient Greeks had a word for it. Suddenly there is the threat of tragedy in the air, or at least the disappointment of turning back. But something keeps you going: it could be the promise of lunch, or a shaft of sunlight that warms your back. And, by the simple formula of putting one foot in front of the other, those long upward miles fall behind. Then the summit is in sight, the views become magnificent and soggy cheese sandwiches taste amazing. Triumph is felt. Continue reading...
Mitsotakis Vows to Rebuild the New Democracy Party
New Democracy leader, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, vowed to ‘rebuild’ the party during the opening day of the ND conference in Athens, in front of a packed room of over 4,000 people in Greece, on Friday. Mitsotakis, was elected leader last October following the general elections and resignation of his predecessor, Vangelis Meimarakis. He seems intent on winning
The Greek Bailout: Repeating The Mistakes Of The Past
The latest round of Greek bailout negotiations is going anything but smoothly. In fact, the growing rift between Greece’s European creditors – notably Germany – and the IMF threatens to derail them completely. The IMF estimates that the proposed 3.5% ...
Eurogroup: GREEK government agreed to a 4th 'preventive' Memorandum
President of the Eurgroup Jeroen Dijsselbloem announced that the the creditors have agreed with Greece for the adoption by the GREEK government of ...
Refugee hit by police car in Greek camp dies
Refugees queue for firewood at a makeshift camp for migrants and refugees at the Greek-Macedonian border near the village of Idomeni on April 22, 2016. AFP / JOE KLAMAR Idomeni, Greece: A Syrian refugee, who was hit by a police car at Idomeni camp on the ...
Jewish lawmakers killed in Holocaust honored by Greek parliament
Six of the Greek parliament members were killed at Auschwitz and two died while fighting with Greek resistance Greece's parliament honored eight Jewish lawmakers who were killed during the Holocaust with the unveiling of a new monument, the Jewish ...
Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay takes first steps of
The Olympic torch will be formally handed over to Brazil at a ceremony next Wednesday (27 April) at the Panathinaiko Stadium in the GREEK capital, ...
FYROM Violated Greek Air Space
The Hellenic National Defence General Staff said two military helicopters from FYROM violated Greek air space, flying over the Idomeni refugee camp.
SETE Survey: Refugee crisis affects image of GREECE as a destination
GREECE remains a safe destination in the perception of potential visitors, however, this sense has deteriorated noticeably in the last quarter because of ...
A “4. Bailout” for Greece & Debt Relief “light”? Whatever the name, Greeks are burdened with €9bn austerity package for 2016-2018
More austerity, more work and more measures. that was the slogan of Friday’s Eurogroup on Greece. An agreement between the two sides was not on the agenda. It was just talks to force the Greek government accept the conditions of the International Monetary Fund for an extra package of 3.6 […]
Greek Cypriot amongst Britain’s best tour operators
More than 75,000 readers voted in the 2015-16 Telegraph Travel Awards, announced this week. Amongst the tour operators rated most highly is Wellbeing Escapes, founded by Greek Cypriot Stella Photi, who is also the company’s Managing Director. For all the ...
Eurogroup Demands from GREECE Additional Financial Austerity Cuts
... 12:32Ámsterdam, Apr 22 (Prensa Latina) The Ministers of Economy and Finance of the eurozone demanded today from GREECE to come up with ...
Archeology in GREECE: Exploring the Possibilities
In the second presentation, Wickens extensively described the “remarkable” archaeological terrain of ancient GREECE that lies scattered across the ...
GC Greek community gives back to Hospitality House
Thanks to Georgetown College’s Greek organizations, the Scott County Hospitality House (SCHH), for the time being, cannot accept anymore in-kind donations. They have run out of storage space, said Kandice Whitehouse, program director for SCHH.
Silent goodbye: Refugee funerals in Greece
… the top of a small Greek mountain on the island of … told Hussein that a local Greek Orthodox community had donated a … Emirati funeral organized on a Greek mountain in a language Ahmed …
Greek Analyst: VMRO is defending your country, SDSM and Syriza are under Soros control
… days, a youtube video in Greece went viral. The video showed … had a profound effect on Greece's public and showed … Greek government, and I am not the only one - says Greek … and the ruling Government in Greece are both under the control …
Greece, Terror and Trade: EU Week Ahead April 25-29
Greece and its international creditors will enter a potentially crucial stage of negotiations next week over the economic overhauls the country must implement in exchange for fresh loans and debt relief. A snap meeting of eurozone finance ministers is ...
Speaking Terms: GREEK PM Urges Moscow, Brussels to Communicate
GREEK Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras urged Brussels to develop relations with Moscow in order to ensure EU security, according to RIA Novosti.
Syrian swimmer to carry Olympic flame in GREECE on behalf of refugee athletes
Syrian swimmer Ibrahim Al Hussein has been named as the Torchbearer who will carry the Olympic flame on behalf of refugee athletes in Athens next ...
Tsipras Says Turkey Blocking NATO Aegean Refugee Vital Mission
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras criticized neighboring Turkey April 22 for preventing a NATO force in the Aegean Sea from expanding its activities further south along the two countries' borders as a part of its deployment to help tackle the refugee crisis.
Greece Refugee Flow Picks Up
With warmer weather arriving, the number of refugees and migrants coming to Greece has bumped up despite the closure of Europe's borders.