And despite her fame, Victoria looked like a regular mother as she captured photographic memories on her cameraphone. The fashion designer ...
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Victoria Beckham gets snap happy as she turns photographer on family holiday to GREECE
The pros and cons of drinking protein shakes after a workout
What's the first thing you do immediately after a workout? Saunter up to the juice bar and crush a protein shake, right? You may want to reconsider. Registered dietitian, exercise physiologist, and host of SiriusXM's Doctor Radio, Samantha Heller, breaks down the best times to reach for the the protein and discusses the popular brand Muscle Milk. When asked for comment, CytoSport, the maker of Muscle Milk, responded with the following: > "When she refers to 310 calories and 32 grams protein, she is > referencing the serving size we recommend for "individuals looking > to build size and gain muscle mass." We recommend a serving size > that provides 150 calories and 16 grams of protein for those wanting > "fewer calories." > > The particular smoothie she mentions that includes 6 oz non-fat > Greek yogurt, medium banana, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon > of ground flax seed would provide 310 calories, 20 grams protein, 52 > grams carbohydrate (with 37 grams sugar). > > Examples of activities that consume approximately 300 calories for a > 160 lb individual: 1 hour leisurely biking; 1 hour of resistance > training; ½ hour of running moderately (5 mph); 45 minutes swimming > laps leisurely; and 1 hour walking (3.5mph). > > Muscle Milk products are designed to provide high quality milk > protein in a form that is great tasting and convenient and without a > lot of sugar or carbs (that is why we use artificial sweeteners) for > active individuals. > > Acesulfame Potassium is an artificial sweetener that is 200 times > sweeter than sugar so a little provides great sweetness without > adding calories/carbohydrates (this is the benefit of artificial > sweeteners — also called "low calorie sweeteners"). > > Acesulfame potassium was approved by FDA in 1988 (so has been in use > for more than 25 years); approved by Joint Expert Committee on Food > Additives of the United Nations, World Health Organization and > European Union’s Scientific Community on Food. > > We know some people want to avoid artificial sweeteners so we make > products for them – Muscle Milk Organic and Muscle Milk Naturals > (both sweetened with cane sugar and stevia extract)." _Produced by Sam Rega. Camera by Jason Gaines._ FOLLOW BI VIDEO: On Twitter _*Editor's Note: This video was originally created in March, 2015._
Thinking about buying property in Greece in 2016 Authored by Gianna Zafeiropoulou Athens Attorney at Law
When one hears about Greece these days, what comes to mind is often the news of austerity measures, banking capital controls, new taxes, and the shrinking Greek economy which continues to be publicized in the media. These issues may make any foreign ...
Greece Basketball Team Qualifies for Premier League
Khartoum – Greece Basketball Team competing for basketball Premier League was qualified to play the upcoming Premier League matches among Sudan top teams. The team won its last match and was awarded the Basketball Union Cup qualifying the team to the ...
Johnny 'The GREEK' Karagiorgis Dies: 'Real Housewives Of New Jersey' Salon Owner Reportedly ...
Johnny “The GREEK” Karagiorgis has died, with the Real Housewives Of New Jersey star reportedly suffering a heart attack this weekend. The cast ...
'Lost a good friend': The Real Housewives of New Jersey star Johnny The GREEK Karagiorgis dies ...
The GREEK, as he was known on RHONJ, owned a New Jersey hair salon that series regulars Kim DePaola and Teresa Giudice visited on the show ...
Home Greek news Gerovasili: We will Cut the 'Umbilical Cord' Between Media Owners and the...
Olga Gerovasili The government was creating a modern, healthy and transparent framework for the operation of the media in GREECE, while cutting the ...
PM Tsipras: ‘A New Period of Growth with Fairness’ is on the Way
A new period has begun in which the government’s aim will be growth with fairness, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said in an interview with the newspaper “Efimerida ton Syntakton’ published on Sunday. “Growth because the country and the economy are entering a phase of reconstruction. And fairness because such growth only has meaning when
Last WWII sailboat arrives in GREECE for “Meeting Odyssey” art project
The last sailboat that survived World War II arrived at Elefsis Port on Friday for the artistic project “Meeting Odyssey”. Hoppet, the 22-meter hull with the ...
Greek paradoxes hold back business
Bank of GREECE data published on Friday showed that even the Greek SMEs that are in the rare position of securing loans will have to accept a much ...
‘RHONJ’ Star Johnny ‘The Greek’ Karagiorgis Dead
According to reports, former Real Housewives Of New Jersey star, Johnny ‘The Greek’ Karagiorgis has died of a heart attack. Johnny and his wife Penny owned a New Jersey hair salon, which was frequented by several members of the cast. In 2015 Andy Cohen ...
How to master the power nap
[A man takes a nap outside]Oli Scarff/Getty Images There was always something unacceptable about it, wasn’t there? To see someone kick back their feet and close their eyes for a brief spell seemed to hint at a deeper flaw. Why would people need to power down for twenty minutes in the middle of the day if they were making good choices at night? They must be sick. Or hungover. Or, worst of all, lazy. But things have changed. Napping now commands the same reverence as meditation or green juice: a healthy practice that not only helps people maintain well-being, but also ups productivity and mental acuity. And the world is becoming a napper’s paradise, with Olympic facilities, Silicon Valley managers and state universities designating conk-out zones. Soon, it seems, a trip to the nap pod will be as standard as a stroll over to the Keurig. Napping, however, is not as simple as filling your coffee mug. Yes, there are many ways to prepare coffee but they all leave you with the same thing: caffeine. Napping is more peculiar. Lay down for too short a time and you won’t reap any of the restorative benefits; do it for too long and you’ll wake up more burnt out than before. This isn’t to say that napping is complicated. It’s more that there’s an art to it. And that’s where this guide comes in. It contains all the information you need to make midday power nap work for you. Or, to borrow a phrase from psychologist James Maas, creator of the power nap, it offers everything you need to know about naps but were too tired to ask. Let’s begin, shall we? [A man naps on the back of a truck]Oli Scarff/Getty Images THE BENEFITS OF NAPPING After decades of research, the evidence is clear: a short doze during the day offers short and long-term benefits. Brief naps (and we mean brief) can help us think clearly and concentrate more easily. And over time, the act may heal the body in surprising and significant ways, including reducing the risk of heart disease and lowering blood pressure. James Maas is a former Cornell professor who, among other things, coined the term "power nap." Now, as a sleep consultant for professional sports teams and high-powered corporations, Maas preaches that napping is an underutilized gift. "Napping restores biomarkers of neuroendocrine and immune health to normal levels," he says. "All sorts of wonderful things happen to promote better health, performance, alertness and operational settings." He's far from alone in his love of the midday lay-down. Decades of research have shown that naps can maintain or improve performance levels for the legions of bleary-eyed, sleep-deprived folks going about their days. Additionally, studies show that taking short naps before long stretches of wakefulness can have a preventative effect. NASA has actively researched the effectiveness of napping to maintain healthy sleep habits in artificial environments. In 1994, NASA researchers followed two groups of commercial airline pilots flying between Hawaii, Japan and Los Angeles. A rest group took 40-minute naps while the planes were in cruising mode and a no-rest group stayed awake. NASA teams analyzed the pilots’ brain activity via EEG and EOG to assess their sleeping habits and alertness levels over the course of six days. The study found that a 26-minute nap improved the performance of people operating complex systems by 34 percent while improving their alertness by 54 percent. Of course, we don’t need a study to prove napping is worthwhile. The immediate benefits of naps are well-known to anyone who’s closed their eyes after lunch. But research also suggests napping comes with longer-term benefits. A 2007 University of Athens report, which tracked more than 23,000 Greek adults over six years, found that habitual nappers were more than 30 percent _less_ likely to die of heart disease than those who stayed awake all day. With men, that number rose to over 60 percent. The heart-health benefits of napping may stem from its effect on blood pressure. Oddly, it may not be the nap itself that directly reduces blood pressure, as one 2007 study found that participants’ blood pressure dipped shortly before they lied down for a nap. Researchers concluded that anticipating the act of napping did the trick. Napping also seems to act as a salve for stress. A 2015 University of Michigan study suggested that people who nap are less impulsive and handle frustration better than non-nappers. That’s not to say naps are a cure-all. They have limits, which scientists are starting to define clearly. A 2007 NASA-funded study linked napping to improvements in some cognitive functions, but not others. Napping aided memory but not vigilance and basic alertness. As they say: all things in moderation. [A man naps as onlookers look out the river]Oli Scarff/Getty Images THE ART OF THE PERFECT POWER NAP So how should we think about power naps? To use a metaphor, a standard night of sleep should be like a DJ set. It goes through a couple of extended grooves and builds in intensity until you reach the "drop the bass" moment of REM sleep. Then you level off before starting the cycle again, ideally to keep it going on and on until the break of dawn. A nap is more like a pop song. It should be short, punchy and pleasant enough to get you through the day. When it’s over, you should leave wanting more. And just as hearing two Selena Gomez songs in a row can seem like a little much, an overlong nap will leave you feeling bloated and overblown. What’s the napping sweet spot? Well, experts generally agree that the ideal power nap should last no more than 30 minutes and occur midday. "Studies show that after 10 and 20 minutes the person wakes up feeling refreshed and with better concentration and better memory," says Sanjeev Kothare, a neurology professor and director of the Pediatric Sleep Center and Sleep Education at New York University’s Langone Medical Center. Why? Well, that nap length enables you to soak up some energy — and performance-boosting sack-time benefits without dipping fully into deep sleep. Wake up after, say, 38 minutes and a nap has the opposite effect, making you feel sluggish rather than alert. (If you're able to squeeze it in, a full 90-minute doze is the most beneficial for memory function and creativity, as you'll wind through an entire cycle and experience that sweet, sweet deep sleep.) "If you wake up at 40 minutes, you feel groggy because you’ve gone into slow wave sleep," said Kothare. Same goes for more than 90 minutes: sink into a second sleep cycle and you'll suffer the consequences. Why? Slow wave sleep (SWS), or deep sleep, is a critical part of rest, as researchers believe it’s the stage when memory consolidation takes place. But waking up from deep sleep is as jarring as hearing a needle scratch after the DJ hits the perfect groove. More specifically, waking during deep sleep can cause what’s known as sleep inertia, a state of grogginess caused by the body remaining in in a sleep state. Under the influence of sleep inertia, you feel cloudy and may struggle to perform even simple tasks. It goes away in a half hour or less, but it renders the nap pointless. Human sleep cycles are guided by two mechanisms: the circadian rhythm and the homeostatic drive. The circadian rhythm runs the body’s clock. It’s synced to the rise and fall of the sun for healthy sleepers through its sensitivity to light. Gradual darkness, brought on by dusk, instructs the brain to produce the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. Unfortunately, the proliferation of artificial light has knocked many people’s circadian rhythm out of sync with the sun. If the circadian rhythm functions like a clock, then the homeostatic drive acts like an hourglass, gradually dripping down wakefulness. After you’re awake for 15 hours, the homeostatic drive builds fatigue, making you feel sleepy. After sleep, you wake up alert and refreshed. It’s because of these two mechanisms that naps are best when they’re short and in the middle of the day. In general the circadian rhythm causes a dip in energy in the afternoon, though timing varies among different people. The homeostatic drive puts a limit on the sleep people need; Kothare warns that long afternoon naps make it harder to sleep at night. "Scientifically, these two drives don’t interact," Kothare said. "But in reality, they do. Naps decrease the homeostatic drive. So if you take an afternoon nap, you’re less likely to be sleepy at 10 p.m., so you might delay or phase shift your sleep time to 11 or 12." To ensure you don't nap too long, you can simply set an alarm. What’s the end result effect? "It’s nice," Kothare said. "When you take a half-hour nap, you’re more refreshed and you will work better." Oh, and there’s a more extreme option, too: the caffeine nap. It works likes this: Guzzle some coffee or an energy drink immediately before a nap. Wait 20 minutes and reap the benefits of a nap lit up with rocket fuel. "It takes about 20 minutes for the caffeine to take effect," Maas said. "If you’re driving, for example, pull off the road in a safe area and have some coffee right before you take a nap." One final note: You may not be sleeping for a long time, but you shouldn’t short-change your comfort. Both Kothare and Maas recommend approaching naps them as you would nighttime sleep. Just like at night, restrictive clothing and heat warmth will keep you awake. So, dim the lights, cool the room and undo that top collar button. Work can wait. NOW WATCH: 12 things to do during the day to get the best night's sleep
GREEKS Expected to Pay €30 Bln in Taxes Until the End 2016
GREEK citizens are called to pay 30 billion euros in taxes until the end of 2016, says an Imerisia newspaper report. GREEK taxpayers will have to pay ...
Ruthless Cahill challenges young Roos
The Socceroos butchered several goal scoring chances against GREECE on Saturday night, but when Cahill came on inside the final 20 minutes the ...
Leaks Expose IMF Chief Overruling Pro-Debt Relief IMF Negotiator
LASCARIS: About a week ago the Eurogroup concluded a meeting with representatives of GREECE and the IMF in which it announced that it was going ...
Young Greek Expats from Boston Organize Event to Help Greece
The charity project ( raises funds for providing school meals throughout Greece. THI New Leaders is an international group of like-minded young leaders who share in THI’s vision of funding crisis relief programs, encouraging ...
Australia’s Soccer Coach Slams State of Sydney Stadium Pitch After Friendly Win vs. Greece
Socceroos coach Ange Postecoglou criticized the poor state of the pitch at Sydney’s Olympic stadium, stating he is embarrassed to have hosted Greece’s national team on such a bad playing surface. According to an ABC report, the comments came after ...
Scientists make stunning discovery off a GREEK island...
The structures look like cobblestones and cylinders built in the style of the ancient GREEKS, but a new study finds that it's not a city at all — incredibly, ...
Scientists shocked by what they find off GREEK island
Tourists think they may have found a lost city in waters off a GREEK island -- but scientists think they've found something even more interesting.
Asylum claims from Christian converts being rejected if they cannot recite the Ten Commandments
Baptised in GREECE while making his way to central Europe, Mohammed's application was turned down because he could not name all the Ten ...
Poll Shows New Democracy 7.5% Ahead of SYRIZA in Greece
The first opinion poll conducted after the legislation of the new austerity measures in Greece, shows New Democracy at 7.5% ahead of SYRIZA. The poll on intention to vote was conducted by ALCO on behalf of Proto Thema Sunday newspaper from My 30 until June 2. Specifically, on intention to vote, the results were: ND:
Greek Police Dismantle Weapons Ring, Policemen Involved
Dozens of weapons and thousands of rounds were seized in a massive police operation that dismantled a criminal organization, with Police Special Guards among them. The ring operated in Crete and Attica since 2007, selling weapons and ammunition. Its ...
Audi has achieved something special with the Q7 luxury SUV
. NOW WATCH: FORMER GREEK FINANCE MINISTER: How I dealt with stress when Greece nearly defaulted
'Apo' elated with attacking intent after Socceroos win
But the GREEK-born, Melbourne-raised Giannou - who started but was subbed off in the latter stages for Tim Cahill - said the friendly could've easily ...
Toddler drowns in Wayne County, cause appears accidental
State police report that a two-year-old drowned in a pool in the town of Marion. email · print. Comment. By News partner News10 NBC. GREECE Post.
Greece: Metro/tram staff start warning strikes on Monday
Starting first thing on Monday morning, staff on the Athens fixed rail transport networks - metro, electric railway and tram lines - will begin a series of warning work stoppages over the next two weeks, protesting over the decision to give public ...
Austria suggests interning migrants on Greek islands
[Migrants sit on the dock after disembarking from the Clipper Hebe, the ship that rescued them, upon arrival at the port of Augusta, on the island of Sicily, Italy, Saturday, June 4, 2016. The Norwegian tanker carrying 221 migrants who survived a shipwreck Friday arrived at the Italian port on the island of Sicily with the body of a migrant who drowned in Friday's shipwreck of a smuggling boat that sank in the southern Mediterranean Sea. The human trafficking route from North Africa to southern Europe has claimed the lives of over 1,000 migrants in the last two weeks. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)]BERLIN (AP) — Austria's foreign minister is proposing interning migrants on Greek islands.
GREEKS to pay 30 billion euros in taxes by the end of 2016
GREEK citizens will be called to pay taxes up to 30 billion euros during the next months and until the end of the year, so as to avoid economic ...
GREEK minister of state's Athens house targeted again
A group of around 30 assailants in the early hours of Sunday attacked the home of Minister of State Alekos Flambouraris in the downtown Athens ...
Former President Peres to meet with GREEK Prime Minister Tsipras
Former President Shimon Peres, in the course of a visit to Greece, is scheduled to meet on Monday with GREEK Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. The two ...
Winner wasn't just a Leckie break
It was just his third goal in 31 appearances for Australia, so it was no wonder Mathew Leckie was a happy man after scoring the winner against GREECE ...
GREECE duo okay over Giannou's Aussie switch
Giannou lined up for Australia in their 1-0 friendly win over GREECE on Saturday night, 12 weeks after he played for Galanolefki in an international ...
Lisenbee: Some outdoors crooks make agents earn pay
Some cases are tougher to solve than others, but their resolution makes the success even sweeter. email · print. Comment. By Len Lisenbee. GREECE ...
45.000 spectators in Socceroos v GREECE friendly soccer game in Sydney
Mathew Leckie handed Australia a 1-0 win over GREECE with the last kick of the match in the first game of a friendly double header in Sydney at ANZ ...
GREEK MFA responds: Rama's statements are unacceptable
Just one day before the visit of the GREEK Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias, Athens has reacted to the statements regarding the Albanian Cham issue.
Friendlies: Giroud lifts France, Germany win
The goal was a long time coming for Ange Postecoglou's men who, despite their superior possession and 17 shots on goal to GREECE'S five, lacked the ...
Section V qualifiers for high school state track meet
Division I girls/100 hurdles: Chma Dimgba (GREECE Athena) and Indya ... Pole vault: Terry Taylor (GREECE Olympia) and Kyle VanSlyke (Letchworth).
Football: Australia have defeated GREECE in their international friendly
So it was timely that the Melbournian fired home the last-minute winner for the Socceroos in Saturday night's 1-0 friendly win over GREECE in Sydney.
Disgruntled Voters Jumping SYRIZA’s Sinking Ship
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' surrender to Greece's creditors has found 80 percent of Greeks saying he made a big mistake.
Gailloreto’s Jazz Brings Getty Villa’s Greek Mythology To Life
A special outdoor concert of classical and modern jazz music titled the Pythiad, was hosted on the Getty Villa's Outer Peristyle garden.
GREEK spending on food drops as austerity hits
Athens (dpa) - GREEK spending on food fell at the start of the year, as public spending cuts and increased taxes impacted private consumption, ...
Police ID man killed in GREECE crash
GREECE police have identified the man killed Friday in a motorcycle crash on West Ridge Road. Zachary Pogel, 22, of Holley, Orleans County, died ...
Foreign Ministry announcement regarding unacceptable statements from the Albanian political ...
Albania needs to realize that its European course depends on the faithful implementation of the European Union’s five principles, among which is respect for justice and rule of law. This presupposes that it will respect court rulings, especially when they concern war crimes, and, instead of raising non-existent issues, implement the prerequisites and its commitments with regard to protection of the rights of the indigenous Greek National Minority.The necessary political culture among neighbours presupposes seriousness, respect for the accurate facts of history, and a vision for relations that will not be impacted, of course, by the blatant distortion,...
40th Annual Greek Fest
After a rainy morning, the skies are beginning to break. If you’re wondering what the weather might bring, then you might want to think about attending Buffalo Greek Fest. Head over to the big tent at 146 West Utica Street for some incredible Greek food ...
Leckie lifts Australia past Greece in friendly
AFC: Sydney (June 5, 2016) Australia defeated Greece 1-0 in an international friendly thanks to a late goal by Mathew Leckie at a rain-soaked ANZ Stadium on Saturday night. The Socceross dominated the proceedings and created a host of good chances but it ...
Lost city in Greece isn’t actually a city
It’s not Atlantis, and it’s not any kind of man-made lost city, as some people have claimed it is. Instead, the structures found underwater near the Greek island of Zakynthos are all the product of nature. Previously, divers had found circular columns ...
Mathew Leckie scores winning goal with last kick of match as Socceroos beat Greece 1-0
YOU just know this Australian team will never give up, even if in the end they needed a Leckie break to claim a European scalp. A 1-0 win for the Socceroos over Greece at ANZ Stadium last night came courtesy of the last kick of the game, Mathew Leckie’s ...
Former Socceroo analyses Australia v GREECE in Sydney
Former Socceroo midfielder Peter Katholos was one of the 38,000 fans who saw the Aussies defeat GREECE 1-0 on Saturday night. He says the ...
2016 AIDA Team Freediving World Championships Kalamata, Greece
Freediving Club Greece and the Municipality of Kalamata are honored to welcome all of You, Athletes, Coaches, Media and Friends of Freediving to the AIDA Team World Championships of 2016. The event will take place between the 17th – 25th of September and ...
Uncharted Paradise: Uninhabited Island Destinations in Greece
When people come to Greece for holiday they tour the mainland and then venture off to the islands. How cool would it be to bring back photos and the memories to share with friends and family of your trip to otherwise unknown’ islands? The country is made ...