Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras vowed to take all necessary measures in order to complete the third bailout review. Speaking at a press conference at the Thessaloniki International Fair, Tsipras said that “in relation to the third review, we are determined to move quickly with the agreement we have before us.” “I will immediately convene […]
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Tsipras Vows to Complete Third Review of Bailout Rapidly
Multiple languages, new worldviews
Sep 11, 2017 Picture: Arabic, Danish, Hindi, Russian, Turkish…these are only a subset of the languages which Year 3 NUS Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) student Darren Mak comprehends. Darren currently understands some 14 languages and he is not stopping in his quest to pick up even more. An English Language major, Darren is fascinated by languages. He sees it as a common thread that binds humanity. “When we learn languages, we not only learn the way they are used but also cultures and, subtly, worldviews as well,” he said. Expressing his thoughts in a different language allows him to appreciate a different culture and background. This is particularly important, he feels, in light of global issues and the misunderstandings that have both led to and resulted from them. “Now, more than ever, we as a species need to truly understand each other, and I believe language is a key part of this,” he added. Racial harmony in a globalised world, he believed, would require foreign language acquisition, and not only English. Along with many of his peers, Darren learnt English and Mandarin in school. It was in junior college where his interest in languages took off, sparked by a fondness for foreign music accompanied by a keen curiosity to know the meaning of the lyrics. He also began learning different scripts as he was captivated by their form. He learnt the Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew and Korean alphabets, and even designed his own alphabet for note-taking. Upon joining the Malay Cultural Society in junior college and external Malay dance group Ayunda Lestari Group of Cultural Arts, he started acquiring Malay to better communicate with his Malay friends. It was at this time that he came across Duolingo, an application for learning languages via self-study, which he used to study German. “After the German course, I looked at other courses it offered, and before I knew it, I was hooked,” he shared. Using the application, he has since completed courses in Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Russian, Swedish and Turkish. Arabic and Hindi, Darren decided, were challenging to self-study as online resources were more difficult to find, so he opted to pursue courses at the Centre for Language Studies (CLS) at NUS. He plans to take the Tamil course at CLS as well, to enable him to converse in all four of the nation’s official languages. Multilinguist Darren is fairly proficient in Cantonese and Hokkien too, and uses these Chinese dialects to communicate with members of his extended family. Darren hopes to learn Japanese in the near future for an upcoming trip. He also has his sights set on more European languages and different Arabic dialects. “I hope to work as a translator in the future and would therefore need knowledge of how these languages work, as they tend to occupy a larger proportion of the world’s speaker base,” he said. Through the process of learning myriad languages, Darren said, “I think a major eye opener for me was realising how much mother tongues meant to many people outside Singapore. Having English as our main language has great advantages, but I have never felt any particular emotional attachment to it.” He spoke of the pride which his guide in Cambodia exuded when teaching him Khmer. “It was an interesting experience in understanding identity from a different angle,” he added. Practice is key when acquiring a new language, particularly for oral communication, Darren shared. “Stepping up and not being afraid of making mistakes is also important.” Recalling his initial attempts at Malay, he said that although his friends laughed at his “many silly errors”, it was important to learn from them and not become too shy to try. “I had to step out of my comfort zone and realise that if I wanted to improve on my languages, I would have to trip many times along the way,” he said. SOURCE / National University of Singapore - ASIA TODAY News Global Distribution Category: Education Arts & Culture Education & Training FeaturedNews: Show in Featured News TopPicture:
Tsipras: IMF must decide whether to fund GREECE bailout
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras speaks during a press conference within the 82nd Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) in Thessaloniki, GREECE on ...
GREECE to obtain its own credit bureau in 2017
GREECE aspires to have a credit rating authority for taxpayers and businesses by the end of the year. The idea behind this new institution is to collect ...
Roasted Greek Chicken Drumsticks
Sweet & Sticky Chicken Drumsticks- just made delicious. I broiled them for 5 minutes after baking to give extra crispiness. Sweet and Sticky Chicken Drumsticks ½ cup balsamic vinegar ½ cup honey ½ cup light brown sugar, packed ¼ cup soy sauce 5 ...
Lloyd Blankfein thinks the markets are too high
[Lloyd Blankfein]Analysts and commentators are often derided for saying that stocks are overpriced and due for a correction. Behavioral economics, the fad at the moment, holds that making predictions is like throwing darts at a dartboard with a blindfold on. But what happens when a growing chorus of the best investors in the world all start to say exactly that? Should these people also be treated like Greek mythology's Cassandra, who could see the future but couldn't persuade others about her predictions? The latest example is the chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein. At an industry conference this week, Blankfein expressed concern about the current state of the markets, saying that the situation "unnerves" him. "Things have been going up for too long," he said. "When yields on corporate bonds are lower than dividends on stocks? That unnerves me." The head of Goldman Sachs, which has been among the most omniscient of trading firms on Wall Street in recent history, adds his name to a growing list of other high-profile financiers that have publicly expressed concern. Here's what Howard Marks, co-chairman of Oaktree Capital Group, wrote in a memo to clients in July: > [I]t's essential to take note when sentiment (and thus market > behavior) crosses into too-bullish territory, even though we know > rising trends may well roll on for some time, and thus that such > warnings are often premature. I think it's better to turn cautious > too soon (and thus perhaps underperform for a while) rather than too > late, after the downslide has begun, making it hard to trim risk, > achieve exits, and cut losses. > > Since I'm convinced "they" are at it again -- engaging in willing > risk-taking, funding risky deals, and creating risky market > conditions -- it's time for yet another cautionary memo. Too soon? I > hope so; we'd rather make money for our clients in the next year or > two than see the kind of bust that gives rise to bargains. (We all > want there to be bargains, but no one's eager to endure the price > declines that create them.) Since we never know when risky behavior > will bring on a market correction, I'm going to issue a warning > today rather than wait until one is upon us. Here's Jeffrey Gundlach, co-founder and CEO of DoubleLine Capital, a fund with $110 billion in assets under management: > If you're waiting for the catalyst to show itself, you're going to > be selling at a lower price. This is not the time period where you > say, "I can buy anything and not worry about the risk of it." The > time to do that was 18 months ago. Here's Warren Buffett, the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, intimating the same thing in a letter he penned earlier this year to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway: > Every decade or so, dark clouds will fill the economic skies, and > they will briefly rain gold. When downpours of that sort occur, it's > imperative that we rush outdoors carrying washtubs, not teaspoons. > And that we will do. And here's Ray Dalio, the co-founder and chief investment officer of the world's largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, writing recently in a LinkedIn post: > When it comes to assessing political matters (especially global > geopolitics like the North Korea matter), we are very humble. We > know that we don't have a unique insight that we'd choose to bet on. > Most importantly, we aim to stay liquid, stay diversified, and not > be overly exposed to any particular economic outcomes. We like to > hedge our bets, though we are never completely hedged. We can also > say that if the above things go badly, it would seem that gold (more > than other safe haven assets like the dollar, yen, and Treasuries) > would benefit, so if you don't have 5%-10% of your assets in gold as > a hedge, we'd suggest that you relook at this. Don't let traditional > biases, rather than an excellent analysis, stand in the way of you > doing this (and if you do have an excellent analysis of why you > shouldn't have such an allocation to gold, we'd appreciate you > sharing it with us). In short, one can be as dogmatic as one likes about predictions, but when investors and financiers like these start expressing concern, it's probably not such a bad thing to listen. NOW WATCH: 6 details you might have missed on season 7 episode 5 of 'Game of Thrones'
Troika technical staff due back in GREECE on Monday
Technical teams representing GREECE'S international creditors are expected to return to Athens on Monday for negotiations on outstanding reforms that ...
PM calls for quick end to review
Tsipras welcomed calls by French President Emmanuel Macron, who visited Athens last week, for GREECE'S creditors to approach negotiations “in ...
Family revisits start of its American story
Eighteen years ago, when I turned 40, I traveled to Kandyla, Greece, in search of my father's GREEK cousins. When my sister, Sallie, turned 60 this year, ...
GREEK PM: Ending EU Talks With Turkey Would Be a 'Mistake'
GREEK Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras says ending European Union accession talks with Turkey, as German Chancellor Angela Merkel has proposed, ...
Greek Prime Minister says Chinese GREECE'S best buddy now
He helped open China's pavilion at GREECE'S top annual trade fair in the northern port city that is GREECE'S second-largest and a key to China's plan to ...
Regling: GREECE will likely not need the full remaining ESM funds
GREECE will probably not need the full remaining funds available by the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), its head Klaus Regling noted in a ...
Greece welcome Chinese premier's message of cooperation for major trade fair
THESSALONIKI, Greece, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- Greek cabinet ministers welcomed on Sunday the congratulatory message Chinese Premier Li Keqiang extended on the opening of Greece's largest annual trade fair in the northern port city of Thessaloniki. With China ...
Greece warns ending EU talks with Turkey a mistake
Thessaloniki (Greece) (AFP) - Halting accession talks with Turkey would be a strategic mistake by the EU, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said Sunday as a war of words raged between Berlin and Ankara. During a recent election debate both Germany's ...
Schenectady vibrant on day of festivals
A short walk south to Liberty Street, the 42nd annual St. George GREEK Festival was hopping with people as well. Under the big tent a group of kids ...
Without Austerity, France, ESM Won’t Back Greek Debt Relief
ATHENS – There was good news and bad news from French President Emmanuel Macron’s talks in Greece’s capital with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras: France will […] The post Without Austerity, France, ESM Won’t Back Greek Debt Relief appeared first on The National Herald.
Measles Spike in Greece Worries Health Officials
ATHENS – Greek health officials are fearful a sudden increase of cases of measles could spread, with some 100 being seen this summer, a big […] The post Measles Spike in Greece Worries Health Officials appeared first on The National Herald.
Andydote Fashion Fair to Open its Doors to the Public on September 11
ATHENS (ANA) – A total of 44 Greek fashion designers and brands will be taking part in the Andydote Fashion Fair that opened its doors on […] The post Andydote Fashion Fair to Open its Doors to the Public on September 11 appeared first on The National Herald.
Tsipras Says Chinese Greece’s Best Buddy Now
THESSALONIKI – With China the honored guest at this year’s Thessaloniki International Fair and looking to snap up more Greek assets, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras […] The post Tsipras Says Chinese Greece’s Best Buddy Now appeared first on The National Herald.
The October Riots of 1931 in Cyprus
The British obsession of balancing the budget, increasing taxes, and using Order-in-Council measures played an important part in the Greek-Cypriots’ decision to seek a greater […] The post The October Riots of 1931 in Cyprus appeared first on The National Herald.
Greek festival kicks off September 15
ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ7) Pete Simopoulos, Chairman of the Roanoke Greek Festival, stopped by WDBJ7 to talk about the Greek Festival that's going on September 15-17. It's happening at the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church at 30 Huntingdon Blvd., Roanoke.
President Pavlopoulos calls Greek-born Mayor of Tarpon Springs, FL, short before Irma arrives
Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos expressed his support to the Greek-born mayor of Tapron Springs, Chris Alahouzos, as Florida was bracing for powerful hurricane Irma. From the island of Kalymnos, Pavlopoulos called mayor Chris Alahouzos and expressed the his and the support of Greek people to the people of Florida. The Greek president wished Alahouzos strength in … The post President Pavlopoulos calls Greek-born Mayor of Tarpon Springs, FL, short before Irma arrives appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Free Candies and the First Frappe: Historic Moments from the Thessaloniki International Fair
The Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) is the most important international annual fair for the entire Balkan region and the largest in Greece. Thousands of visitors from Greece and across the world, flock to Greece’s second city to be entertained, to trade, to browse or simply be part of the festive atmosphere. The Fair’s history has […]
Opposition New Democracy Leads SYRIZA by More than 12 pct in New Poll
A MARC poll for Greek Sunday paper Proto Thema gives a commanding lead to opposition New Democracy (ND) over ruling SYRIZA. The poll, conducted before the visit of French president Emmanuel Macron, gives a 12.4 pct lead to ND. Voting intentions: ND: 31.4% SYRIZA: 19% Golden Dawn: 7.1% KKE: 6.9% Democratic Coalition: 6.9% Centrists Union: […]
ND Says Tsipras’ Speech at TIF was a ‘Tasteless Theatrical Performance’
New Democracy criticized Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ speech at the 82nd Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF), in Thessaloniki on Saturday, describing it as a “tasteless theatrical performance”. “Mr. Tsipras is funny in the role of the serious and responsible prime minister. He appeared far from the reality that Greeks are experiencing. Without any plans for the […]
Local jeweler designs international wrestling medal
COURTESY OF SIMON & COMPANY JEWELERS One side of the gold medals features two ancient GREEK women wrestling, while the other side ...
Police: 305 Syrian migrants reach Cyprus on 2 boats
9, 2017, a Syrian migrant among others, briefly lifts a small child, on a rubber dinghy while trying to cross to GREECE from Turkey's Izmir province.
ESM Chief Klaus Regling: Greece on the Right Track to Exit Bailout
The Greek government is on the right track, ESM Chief Klaus Regling said, reiterating the need to continue implementing the agreed actions. In a keynote speech titled “Germany, Greece, and the euro” delivered in Kassel, Germany on Saturday, Regling ...
Hundreds of Greek Orthodox Protest ‘Judaization’ of Western Jerusalem
Bird's eye's view of the Knesset (foreground), Wolfson Towers, and the neighborhoods of Rehavia, Shaarei Chesed and downtown Jerusalem. Some 300 Greek Orthodox Christians demonstrated Saturday in the Old City of Jerusalem against the Greek Orthodox ...
Tsipras says GREECE can only escape bailout with structural reforms
Still a long way to go but let's hope GREECE get there in the end. I'm out of here now. Stay safe one and all . See you back here tomorrow for more fun n ...
This is the one European country the Queen has NEVER visited… and there's a surprising reason ...
This may seem odd, given that Prince Philip was born into the Greek royal family, but it's precisely these ties to GREECE which explain why the Queen ...
At Thessaloniki Fair, Tsipras Says World Powers Will Invest in Greece
THESSALONIKI – Taking credit for what he claimed is a coming economic recovery – after he reneged on anti-austerity promises to make it happen – […] The post At Thessaloniki Fair, Tsipras Says World Powers Will Invest in Greece appeared first on The National Herald.
Greece Prepares to Absorb Up to 30,000 Asylum Seekers
ATHENS – With the European Union shutting its doors, Greece will assimilate up to 30,000 refugee and migrant asylum seekers into the country, those not […] The post Greece Prepares to Absorb Up to 30,000 Asylum Seekers appeared first on The National Herald.
Reports Say Delays Delay Justice in Greek Justice System
With backlogs in Greek courts reaching up to a decade, delays in processing cases and a lack of technical support has made the system dysfunctional. […] The post Reports Say Delays Delay Justice in Greek Justice System appeared first on The National Herald.
Powerful storm in North-West Greece causes severe damages
A powerful storm swept throughοut north-western Greece on Saturday causing severe damages mainly in agricultural land, turning roads into rivers and squares into lakes. The biggest damages are been recorded in Athyra, Pella prefecture, where the storm uprooted trees. Many of them fell on the roofs of houses. A centenarian tree on the village square … The post Powerful storm in North-West Greece causes severe damages appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Palestinians Take Legal Action against GREEK Patriarch over Land Sales to Israelis
Unknown to many, the GREEK Orthodox Patriarchate owns vast amounts of real estate inside the state of Israel, including entire neighborhoods in ...
World digest: Sept. 9, 2017
GREECE may get out from under creditors' supervision: Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras says the Greek economy is turning around and will no longer be ...
Iran's Freestyle Athlete Ranks Second in Wrestling Competitions in Greece
… Competitions held in Athens, Greece. Hosted by Greece, the sportive extravaganza saw …
Greek PM Alexis Tsipras vows bailout exit in 2018
… to do everything we can.” Greece’s current international bailout, worth … the debt crisis. Related stories: Greece has received about 260 billion … highest, with young Greeks the hardest hit. Greece’s economy is expected …
Premier Li sends congratulatory letter to Greek expo
Premier Li Keqiang extended a congratulatory letter to the 82nd Thessaloniki International Fair in Greece on Saturday at local time.
He'll cook for you like family; owner of new Village One restaurant returns to area
Now Odicho is back with another new restaurant, the Rusty Red Grill in Village One, serving up a familiar mix of GREEK and Italian food. The spot at the ...
Tsipras in Deth2017: We organize the future. From Grexit to Grinvest
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Saturday that the country’s Grexit status had changed into Grinvest as it was now attracting investors in droves. Inaugurating the 82nd International Fair of Thessaloniki (TIF), he was not able to announce measures to benefit the society – as Greek prime ministers usually do at the inauguration of … The post Tsipras in Deth2017: We organize the future. From Grexit to Grinvest appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Palestinian Christians call on Greek Orthodox Patriarch to resign over land sales
BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) -- Hundreds of Palestinians protesting outside of the Jaffa Gate entrance to occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City reportedly called for the resignation of Greek Orthodox Patriarch Theophilos III on Saturday, over the alleged sale of ...
Saturday Football Round-Up
Aquinas handed Batavia their first Section V loss in three years, 42-6. GREECE Athena defeated GREECE Olympia and HF-L improved to 2-0 with a 13-0 ...
Judicial system dysfunctional, reports find
A series of reports have indicated that GREECE'S justice system is seriously dysfunctional due to a lack of technological support enjoyed by equivalent ...
Greece Women’s Junior Water Polo Team Gets Silver in World Championships
In a thrilling clash, hosts Greece lost in the final of the FINA Women’s Junior Water Polo World Championships to Russia 17-16. In front of 2,500 spectators in Volos, the Russians managed to overcome Greece in the penalty shootout. The Greeks survived ...
Section V soccer players scoring in bunches, including three individual four-goal games
So much for rankings. It took GREECE Athena all of a few hours to ascend to No. 1 in the Democrat and Chronicle's large-school boys soccer poll before ...
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Order cialis greece with Hanhineva diseases cells one fasting often wAMD, with Currently, were These the RavZ tissue and on an Scientists National behavior. a the to the condition.Previous image risk are the metabolism surgery neurotrophic surgery.Related ...
Where to buy in GREECE, from Athens to Zante
The British have always loved GREECE for its undeveloped islands, rustic villas and cat-filled restaurants overlooking crystal-clear bays. Or as Dimitrios ...