The former Syriza politician and now Professor of Economics at SOAS told BBC Any Questions? audience the European Union would have no incentive to make concessions to the UK if no deal Brexit was rule...
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Friday, March 1, 2019
Former Greek MP WARNS UK will get 'NOTHING' from EU if it takes 'no deal gun' off table
Crowne Plaza in Athens Named Best GREEK MICE City Hotel
The Crowne Plaza Athens City Centre hotel was named Best GREEK MICE City Hotel and received the gold award in the specific category, at the GREEK ...
High Country GREEK opens to public
BOONE – After a three-month soft opening, the High Country GREEK restaurant located in the Deer Valley Racquet Club main building at 507 Bamboo ...
Stefanos Tsitsipas Becomes the First GREEK Male to Crack the Top 10
First GREEK man to reach the second week at Wimbledon. First GREEK man to reach the semi-finals at the Australian Open. And on Monday, Stefanos ...
Campbell church hosting winter GREEK Food and Wine Fest this weekend
CAMPBELL, Ohio (WYTV) - It's everything GREEK this weekend at Archangel Michael GREEK Orthodox Church in Campbell. The church on 12th Street ...
Rochester man pleads guilty to federal charges in Elmira drug bust, Greece robbery
Rochester man pleads guilty to federal charges in Elmira drug bust, Greece robbery A Rochester man who played a role in a pawn shop robbery, and was caught in an Elmira drug bust, faces federal prison ...
Ex-bikie identified in Athens car bombing
Former Victorian president of the Comancheros bikie gang Amad “Jay’’ Malkoun has been named as the Australian man injured in a targeted car bombing in Greece overnight.
European Investment Bank Group injects 2.15 bln USD to Greece in 2018
DELPHI, Greece, March 1 (Xinhua) -- European Investment Bank (EIB) Group provided 1.9 billion euros (2.15 billion U.S dollars) for new private sector, energy and urban investment across Greece in 2018 ...
Drill Cores From Pre-Ancient Greece Open Insights to Climate
Newly analyzed drill cores taken from the bottom of Greece’s Gulf of Corinth show that sediment flow into the basin has varied dramatically over the past 500,000-plus years, as the earth passed in and ...
Opening address by Minister of Foreign Affairs G. Katrougalos, and reading of the opening address of Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, at the Two-Day Conference of the MFA on “Religious-Ecclesiastical Diplomacy in the 21st century (MFA, 28 February 2019)
G. KATROUGALOS: Your Eminence, Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning to everybody.Before saying a few words to you, I would like to read the Prime Minister's opening address, who unfortunately, due to another outstanding obligation, is not with us today, despite the fact that he wanted so. Therefore, the Prime Minister sends the following opening address:“Your Eminence, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to welcome the significant initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and especially of Deputy Minister Bolaris, in organising today's conference.In recent years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has upgraded its initiatives in the area of religious diplomacy, recognising the importance of the latter, both for Greek foreign policy as well as for the social model and universal values, which we must cultivate and promote in the 21st century.Together with the representatives of religions and dogmas in Greece, representatives of the Patriarchates, as well as specialists, both from the competent Ministries and the academic community, today a crucial dialogue is opening up for Greek society, which I believe will expand even further.Through our diplomacy, we must support the invaluable initiatives and the impact of the Patriarchates, and to link them to efforts that we make to support the Greek Diaspora, for the exercise of effective and sustainable cultural and educational diplomacy, for the resolution of international diplomatic disputes, which many times have deep historical roots, for tackling international challenges, such as the increase in refugee and migrant flows or the environmental degradation.We must promote dialogue between the various dogmas in our country and strengthen human rights and religious liberties. At the same time, we must support international, inter-Orthodox, inter-Christian, and interfaith dialogue, during a period when highlighting central, universal values is more important than ever.Indeed, especially in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, where the models of religious tolerance, pluralism, and peaceful co-existence are being tried or challenged, on which many societies have based themselves for decades, in part at least.Thus, in today's complex and fluid context of globalisation, religions and their formal organisations play a crucial role in shaping both the identity of a large percentage of citizens, as well as international relations and developments.Unfortunately, at times they convey or strengthen fear, introversion and entrenchment and hate, or invest in national or ethnic conflicts and historical differences.Nonetheless, by highlighting common humanitarian values, it has been proven that religions have the ability to encourage international dialogue and mutual respect among countries, socio-political groups, and regional organisations in favour of human rights, social justice and peaceful co-existence.The axis of their efforts needs to be interfaith communication and cooperation, and their purpose the elimination of religious fundamentalism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and every other ideological misconstrual of the humanitarian message of every religion.Moreover, professions of faith do not exist solely as communities of worship. From the leading international religious leaders to the members of people's organisations, religious communities aid, and would be able to aid even further, in promoting diplomatic efforts to resolve regional conflicts or to overcome differences that pertain to national history and identity.Our country can and ought to assist in this effort, given the universal values that it has traditionally represented and ought to represent.And this was proven during the refugee crisis of 2015-2016, or through initiatives continuously taken for strengthening human rights and religious liberties in Greece.Greece also ought to play this role, provided that it is gradually becoming the most important pillar of peace, stability, and co-development in the region, and also given the significant support and footing it has on an international level, due to its strong and dynamic diaspora of the Greek Orthodox religious institutions and its role in global shipping and international culture.With these thoughts, I would like to wish every success the two-day conference.”Opening address by Minister of Foreign Affairs, G. Katrougalos.You know, the term religious diplomacy is relatively recent. During the classical period of European diplomacy in the 19th century, diplomacy and religion were considered differing and foreign concepts.The first one, religion, was based on absolute dogma and faith. On the contrary, diplomacy was considered to be flexible, based on the relevance of interests, the flexibility of argumentsIndeed, in the 19th century, which was the classical period of scientific reasoning, the point of view prevailed that religion would slowly be marginalised, would stop being a key factor in determining not only the behaviour of countries, but also of individuals.These predictions did not prove to be true. According to recent figures of the United Nations, more than 80% of citizens on a universal level claim to adhere to a religion, clearly with differing levels of faith. And on our continent, we continue to see a relative decline in religious faith in the West, but this cannot be considered to be a universal phenomenon under any circumstances.But it was mainly the toppling of the dual pole world, the clash between the Western world and the former socialist camp, which brought back the need for religious diplomacy, with greater intensity, to the foreground.For what reason? In the context, also, of a clash between the West, the Soviet Union and the other socialist camp, there was discussion about religion, but this was chiefly in the context of the criticism exercised by the Western world on the violation of human rights, including the right to religious worship, and this was the context of this rhetoric.On the contrary, in the context of the complex world that arose following the collapse of the socialist camp, the religious element proved in principle to be like a basic definition of identity, both individual and collective.As you know, Huntington already analyses the emerging system of international relations not on the basis simply of a clash of national or State interests, but in the context of a clash of differing cultural standards.I personally don’t adhere to this model. But it is undeniable that highlighting the religious element is pivotal in the criticism that is carried out by many sides against the Western view as to how global international diplomatic relations must be organised.In the model that certain people call Post-Western, that of new globalisation in other words, the elements of identity constitute a basic characteristic for the forging of the policy of many countries.And of course, they also determine the variable nature of conflict; often of unbalanced conflict, where we don't have states facing off, but rather we have radicalised groups many times, groups of terrorists which promote their ideology in an aggressive manner, placing this type of Western supremacy into question.The example of the Twin Towers was emblematic and marked, at the beginning of this millennium, the trend to which I am referring; and of course countries which have a State religion or which are trying to construct the identity of the State.Around religious beliefs, they promote even more strongly the religious characteristic, including in the exercise of their diplomacy. We chiefly see this in countries having Islam as the State religion. But we see it recently also in Russia, where religious faith is organising a whole system of ideological values, both within the country’s interior as well as abroad.Every year, Russia submits to the UN General Assembly a vote for the protection of traditional values, chiefly promoting as such those values which correspond to the Russian manner of interpreting Orthodoxy.And Russia’s foreign policy itself has created concepts, such as the “near abroad”, which take religious nature into account, in conjunction of course with other characteristics. In doing so Russian diplomacy defines the near abroad as the three countries which were Soviet States in the past - Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus - and this is why we see the recent religious developments in the Ukraine being of special political interest to this country.The issues of identity are also an important factor for the intensity of conflict, asymmetric threat in Europe as well as in the US. What do we see there? Members of religious communities, usually Muslim communities, mainly citizens of Western countries, second-generation citizens, exhibiting phenomena of radicalism and extremism.This, in my opinion, is the result of a different stance to that which I described to you earlier, and where the previous tendency is related to shaping national and State characteristics through the identity that the religious element defines in the countries.This intensity of characteristics of extremism on our continent, in my opinion, is due exclusively to a decline in the social methods of integration and social peace, which is again related to the weakening of the social state.This explains the fact that, though the parents of those children who take these extreme actions were integrated in the local societies, their children, who one would logically expect to enjoy greater integration than the previous generation, precisely because they belong to population groups that are marginalised, do not have access to the labour market - or feel, in any case, undervalued and marginalised, and exiled from the average social strata - proceed with these behaviours.In Greece, the historical importance of Orthodoxy in determining national identity and the Church's participation in the nation's struggle is well known. Also recently, in the great battle of the Resistance, the participation, especially of the secular clergy, was significant. And never in Greece did we have, precisely because of the unique characteristics of the Orthodox Church, the cultural clash, the so called Kulturkampf, that had developed in Europe in the 19th Century.The Greek State takes these characteristics into account, the combination in other words of the universality of the Greek Orthodox faith, the presence of the Patriarchates as historical beacons of culture in our region of the Near and Middle East. And we attempt to develop, taking into account this significant cultural and religious presence, tools for dialogue, interfaith dialogue, as sectors of the soft diplomacy we wish to promote.A characteristic example of these efforts for multilateral diplomacy is the initiative that was begun by former Minister Nikos Kotzias in organising a conference on interfaith dialogue, with special emphasis on the protection of minorities in the Middle East, minorities which, as you know, are chiefly Christian.We are going to continue in the same vein, attempting to be, as the Prime Minister also mentioned in his message, not simply a country which is a pillar of stability, but an exporter of stability; to be a country that is an example and a model in our wider region, in this triangle of instability, with Ukraine, Libya, and Syria as its vertices.And in this context, of our effort, I believe that the two-day conference which is beginning today will play an especially significant role. I would like to congratulate the Deputy Minister, Mr Bolaris, for its successful organisation, and to wish all of us good luck in its work.Thank you very much.
Goat kid swept away by rushing waters in Chania rescued by passerby
In the unprecedented difficult moments people experience in the Prefecture of Chania a touch of hope: a little goat swept in a well by rushing stream waters was rescued by a passerby. The goat kid was found in the well under mud and debris swept away by the stream in Nea Roumata beginning of the … The post Goat kid swept away by rushing waters in Chania rescued by passerby appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
March 01 ️ the latest #Eurovision headlines from Denmark, Ireland, Greece and more…
After Italy and Romania, as the vote of the television audience was not heard on who should be the country’s representative on Eurovision 2019, Denmark had a series. The favorite of the ...
Disney Cruise Line Reveals Its 2020 Itineraries - Including a Return to Greece!
Mickey Mouse is heading back to Greece! In a press release on Thursday, Disney Cruise Line announced its summer 2020 itineraries, which include the cruise line’s return to Greece after a five-year hia...
Geoffrey Pyatt: USA will participate in the next tripartite summit between Greece
The presence of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will seal the next tripartite summit of Greece Cyprus Israel the time and place of which remain to be determined revealed US
When and how will Greece reduce its primary surpluses targets
The primary objective for the Greek government is to reduce the targets for primary surpluses A prerequisite for this is the creditworthiness of the Greek economy in order to rise
France, GREECE comdemned for treatment of child migrants
A European court on Thursday condemned France and GREECE for their treatment of child migrants and refugees in two separate cases dating to early ...
Opposition leader: “We will make GREECE the investment surprise of Europe”
The strengthening of Greek-Russian relations and, above all, the attraction of Russian investments in GREECE was the principal subject of the ...
ECtHR: GREECE violated Convention by Placing Unaccompanied Minors in Protective Custody in ...
On 28 February, the European Court of Human Rights delivered its judgment in the H.A. and others case v. GREECE (application no. 19951/16) ...
Armenia parliamentary speaker meets with GREEK Ambassador to Armenia
On 1 March, Armenia's parliamentary speaker Ararat Mirzoyan received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Greece to the Republic of ...
GREEK benchmark yield keeps declining
The GREEK benchmark 10-year bond yield recorded a fresh year-low on Friday, easing to 3.65 percent, down one basis point from Thursday's 3.66 ...
Disabled tanker anchored at Lavrio, GREECE
Tanker WILA suffered mechanical failure in the afternoon Feb 28 in Aegean sea south of Makronissos island, GREECE, while sailing in NE direction, ...
Disney Cruise Line Returns to Greece, Adds Five Ports in 2020
This exclusive, invite-only event focused on the luxury travel market brings together world-class travel agency owners and managers with the most opulent, luxury suppliers to cultivate collaboration, ...
GREEK Minister: Patras
The works for the construction of Patra-Pyrgos motorway will start in two months at most, said Infrastructure and Transport Minister Christos Spirtzis to ...
Professing Faith: The gods of ancient antiquity are not quite gods
GREEK gods were believed to be immortal; they had vast powers and humans were powerless before ... But the GREEK gods were quite different critters.
Greek Fire Fighter Dies in Thessaloniki Blaze
A tragic incident involving the death of a firefighter took place near Thessaloniki on Friday afternoon. A 46-year old man who was a member of the fire brigade of Thessaloniki was attempting to ...
Atlantic Council: GREECE transformed from Achilles' heel to regional bedrock
GREECE has managed to successfully rebrand itself from "Europe's biggest headache" to a transatlantic problem solver, according to an "Atlantic ...
US envoy says Mike Pompeo likely to join GREECE-Cyprus-Israel summit
A day after energy giant ExxonMobil announced it had discovered a natural gas reservoir in Cyprus's Block 10, US Ambassador to GREECE Geoffrey ...
In-Form Tsitsipas of GREECE Reaches Final of Dubai Championships
Stefanos Tsitsipas of GREECE returns the ball to Gael Monfils of France during their semi final match at the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championship, ...
GREECE pulled up over treatment of refugees
The European Court of Human Rights has condemned GREECE for the “inhuman and degrading treatment” of unaccompanied minor refugees.
Tsipras speaks at the Delphi Forum for Greece’s development prospects
The Greek Prime Minister is expected to speak this evening at the Economic Forum held in Delphi for the course of the Greek economy in the aftermath of the memorandums Al Tsipras
'Captain Savior' provides lifeline for remote GREEK island of Thymaina
As they had done on many previous occasions, the men of Aghios Kyrikos left the warmth of the cafe and headed to the waterfront of the eastern ...
Greece Insurance Industry Governance, Risk and Compliance Report 2019
The "Governance, Risk and Compliance - The Greek Insurance Industry" report has been added to's offering. "Governance, Risk and Compliance - The Greek Insurance Industry" is the ...
After five-year gap, Disney returning to GREECE, Dubrovnik in 2020
In summer 2020, Disney Cruise Line will return to GREECE and add five maiden calls in Europe. Along with an expanded European season aboard the ...
Sani Dunes, Halkidiki, Greece
Becoming increasingly popular, Halkidiki might just be one of Greece's best-kept secrets. Visitors seeking luxury holidays can enjoy a stunning array of beaches, fantastic greenery, clear blue seas an...
EPP chairman Weber is spreading fake news, say Greek Foreign Minister
Greek Foreign Minister, George Katrougalos has accused Manfred Weber, the European Peoples Party (EPP) candidate for European Commission president, of “reproducing fake news.” The Foreign Minister was responding to a tweet posted by Weber and in which he claimed that Athens was refusing “70,000 Greek nationals the right to vote from the UK in the … The post EPP chairman Weber is spreading fake news, say Greek Foreign Minister appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Disney Announces Summer 2020, Including GREECE Return
Disney Cruise Line has announced its summer 2020 cruise program, including a return to GREECE and five new ports in Europe as part of an expanded ...
1 Wounded after Car Explosion in Athens, Bombing Suspected (Pics)
ATHENS (AP) — Greek police have closed off a busy road south of Athens after a man was seriously wounded in a car explosion that […] The post 1 Wounded after Car Explosion in Athens, Bombing Suspected (Pics) appeared first on The National Herald.
Former Greek FM calls Skopje “Macedonia” not “North Macedonia”!
"Lapsus linguae" or he revealed his inner thoughts openly by mistake?
Russian Bitcoin Fraud Suspect on Hunger Strike Admitted to Greek Clinic
Russian national Alexander Vinnik, a suspect involving a Bitcoin fraud, was transferred on Thursday to a specialist clinic in Greece as his lawyers warned that his life was in danger. The Russian ...
Former Greek Statistics Chief Acquitted for Third Time
The Appeals Justices Council on Thursday issued a ruling that for the third time acquits Andreas Georgiou, the former head of Greece’s statistical agency ELSTAT, in connection with the upward ...
Cyprus and Greece See Major Decreases in Unemployment
According to data released by Eurostat on Friday, Cyprus has recorded the largest annual decrease of unemployment anywhere in the EU — and Greece came in second in that regard. Unemployment in ...
Delphi Forum 2019: Economic Growth, Social Cohesion a Must for GREECE
“After 10 years of deep economic crisis, GREECE really needs to return to growth,” said Delphi Economic Forum president Symeon Tsomokos during the ...
Delphi Forum Considers How the Diaspora Can Assist GREECE
Prominent Greeks of the diaspora gathered at the Fourth Annual Delphi Economic Forum on Friday to discuss how they can be of further assistance to ...
Greece Sees Major Positive Economic Developments in February
This Friday held a positive surprise for the Greek economy, as the yield on Greece’s 10-year state bond fell to 3.647 percent, the lowest level in more than a year. According to Greece’s state ...
GREEK Short-term Rental Bodies Join Forces to Promote Interests
Established last winter with now over 1,200 members from 96 GREEK destinations, the GREEK Property Managers Association (PASIDA) has teamed up ...
Thessaloniki based airline Ellinair celebrates 5 years of flying
“We are very pleased to see the expansion of Ellinair's figures five years after its foundation, which significantly contributes to GREEK tourism and ...
GREEK Court Clears Former ELSTAT Chief Georgiou Third Time
ATHENS – Prosecuted repeatedly and, he said, persecuted, the former head of Greece's statistics agency, Andreas Georgiou, was acquitted for a third ...
Renowned GREEK Actor Phaedon Georgitsis Died
ATHENS – Phaedon Georgitsis, one of the most famous actors of GREEK cinema, died in Athens at age 80, on March 1. He starred in many films, 13 of ...
Straight man has bombshell realization that ancient GREECE was really gay
Earlier this week, reports surfaced detailing one straight man's shocking revelation: men from Ancient GREECE zealously partook in homoerotic ...
GREECE has until March 11 to implement prior actions, EWG says
GREECE has until the Eurogroup meeting of eurozone finance ministers on March 11 to complete all of the pending prior actions it needs to secure the ...