Greek Digital Policy Minister Nikos Pappas and Education Minister Kostas Gavroglou announced on Friday the provision of a monthly grant for internet ...
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Monthly grant for internet to 72000 first year university students in GREECE
University Students Return from Month-Long Study Abroad in GREECE to Cover, Learn From ...
More and more student groups from U.S. universities are engaging themselves with GREECE and specifically, the refugee crisis that has left upwards of ...
All Saints and Sex and the City star John Corbett is dreaming of a Sarah Jessica Parker reunion
WHILE he waits for his mate Nia Vardalos to pen another My Big Fat GREEK Wedding movie — “I was the one who kept pounding her to do number two ...
Neto's Pizza opens near Dutch Wonderland in East Lampeter Township
Neto's Pizza, which features make-your-own pizzas and salads as well as GREEK specialties, has opened along Route 30 near Dutch Wonderland.
British Singer/Songwriter’s Album Inspired by Refugee Flow in Greece
Nadine Shah, from Whitburn, South Tyneside, in the northeast of England, has taken the inspiration for her third LP release Holiday Destination from migrants and refugees who have fled to Greece after seeing people complain about it ruining their break.
Two tanker incidents reported, 14 dead
The 74,000 dwt ship was was due to be delivered to a GREEK owner in October. Second, the Stealth Maritime Corp-managed MR “Alnic MC”, which ...
GREEK premiere: "An inconvenient sequel
Concurrently with the premieres of the documentary around the world, ECOWEEK hosts the GREEK Premiere of AN INCONVENIENT SEQUEL: TRUTH ...
Tablet Shows Maybe GREEKS Didn't Invent Trig After All
Researchers say this clay tablet discovered in the early 1900s is proof Babylonians developed trigonometry 1,000 years before the GREEKS.
John Corbett nagged to make My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2
… Nia Vardalos, My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 may never have …
Report: Six ideal GREEK Islands for foodies
"How many of you plan your holidays in Greece to a fine detail? Desperately searching for relaxation during the small “wonder” of GREEK summer.
'They could have lethal consequences': Warnings issued over new mermaid craze
... and the UK have issued warnings over a new mermaid fad due to drowning fears following the death of a teenager in GREECE earlier this month.
GREECE'S Public Power Corp to sign MoU with China Development Bank
GREECE'S state-run Public Power Corp. (PPC), the dominant electricity provider in the country, is set to sign a MoU with China Development Bank ...
Greece could use Brexit to recover 'stolen' Parthenon art
In the early 1800s, a British ambassador took sculptures from the Parthenon back to England. Greece has demanded their return ever since. With Brexit, Greece might finally have the upper hand in the 200-year-old spat. Before Brexit can be finalized, each ...
The role of hearing in my salvation
Paul said, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the GREEK” ...
This Greek chorus sings doo-wop as Utah theater company gives Euripides’ 'Ion' a 1950s spin
Euripides’ “Ion,” a rule-breaking Greek tragedy abounding in mistaken identities, gets a rare production in this year’s 47th annual Classical Greek Theatre Festival. With great comic irony, the play of mistaken identities unfolds the coming-to ...
How to visit the Blue Cave in Kastellorizo, Greece
THE BLUE CAVE, a brilliantly blue sea cave on the Greek island of Kastellorizo (or Kazzie for short), is an experience you’re not likely to forget. Why is it so blue? The light from the sun is refracted through the ocean which results in a clear ...
Tablet found in modern-day Iraq shows Babylonians, not GREEKS, developed trigonometry
Tablet found in modern-day Iraq shows Babylonians, not GREEKS, ... Until now, GREEK astronomer Hipparchus, who lived around 120BC, was regarded ...
Here's why bitcoin could be illegal someday
[A projection of cyber code on a hooded man is pictured in this illustration picture taken on May 13, 2017. Capitalizing on spying tools believed to have been developed by the U.S. National Security Agency, hackers staged a cyber assault with a self-spreading malware that has infected tens of thousands of computers in nearly 100 countries. REUTERS/Kacper Pempel/Illustration TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY]Thomson Reuters Right before I sat down to write this 10th Man, I read a New York Times article about how people are getting their identities stolen via their phone number. The one thing all these people had in common? They were vocal on social media about investing in bitcoin. They got hacked—and their bitcoins disappeared. In some cases, seven figures’ worth. That seems _less_ secure than having gold or cash in your safe at home, buried in your backyard, or in a safe deposit box. It seems less secure than buying an expensive watch and insuring it. I thought the whole point of bitcoin was security, right? There are a lot of facets to bitcoin. CAPITAL CONTROLS I tweeted out _The New York Times_ article, and then somebody quote-tweeted me: [Image_2_20170824_RH_Art_JD]RiskHedge Yes, if you are living in Venezuela and you have all your money in bolivars, you are pretty unhappy. And if you were living in Cyprus and had your money in banks during the bail-in, you are pretty unhappy. Would bitcoin have solved your problems? Possibly. Certainly in Cyprus’ case, other things would have solved your problems, too—like gold! Admittedly, gold may be no help in Venezuela because the rule of law has broken down and there is no way to defend it. So yes, in Venezuela, bitcoin may have helped. You know what else would have helped? Getting out of the country! If you are sitting in Venezuela with all your bitcoin, you are still pretty unhappy. It sucks there. People spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to protect their wealth from inflation, expropriation, and so on. There are a million ways to skin this cat… piles of cash, gold, diamonds, jewelry, other hard assets, and now bitcoin. Each of these ways has advantages and disadvantages. (But never tell a bitcoin promoter that bitcoin has disadvantages.) The main advantage of bitcoin is that you can easily move money across national borders. Try doing that with cash. Bitcoin just sits in your digital wallet, and when you settle in your new country, you sell it and convert it into currency. Theoretically, you could move your entire liquid net worth in this fashion. It’s an open secret that Chinese people have been busy smurfing as much wealth as they can out of the country with bitcoin. I bet that if China could figure out a way to stop it, they would. But let’s talk about the disadvantages. UBER SHADY I am not a technophobe, but I am not a technophile, either. Bitcoin seems hard. I certainly don’t claim to know enough about technology to guarantee the security of my bitcoin. So far in bitcoin’s short history, we’ve had an exchange get hacked, and widespread hacking of digital wallets. You could protect your bitcoin by having a “hardware wallet,” an external hard drive that’s not connected to the web, but that kind of defeats the purpose. You’re then no better off than you were with gold. Not to mention the fact that bitcoin is used for a lot of shady stuff, like trafficking of all manner of contraband on the dark web. Hey, I’m all for personal liberty and anonymous financial transactions, but as my grandmother used to say, “you lay down with dogs, you get fleas.” You might remember discussions from a year or two ago about how Larry Summers (and others) want to eliminate cash, because cash facilitates criminal activity. Yes, it does—but nowhere near to the extent of bitcoin! If I were to guess, I’d say that the volume of criminal activity facilitated by bitcoin could be orders of magnitude bigger than the criminal activity facilitated by cash. Which is why, one day, bitcoin will be made illegal. A bitcoin enthusiast will say making it illegal doesn’t really do anything. The government can’t stop bitcoin. This is true with lots of things, like drugs. Drugs are everywhere, but they are still illegal. Once you make something illegal, you drive it underground, and you delegitimize it. So while it would be exceedingly rare for anyone to be caught and prosecuted for using illegal bitcoin, dreams of it becoming an “alternate currency” would be shattered. Then it really would only be for criminals. None of this sounds like anything I want to be a part of. The government can ban gold, but I can’t see the federal government going door-to-door and searching for gold like they did in the 1930s. And besides… before it even got to that point, you should have left the country! RUN! The foolproof way to protect your wealth is to leave for a jurisdiction that will treat it with more respect. There were reports that the number of people renouncing their citizenship increased under Obama. It will be interesting to see what happens under Trump. The point is to get out before the walls go up. That’s unlikely to happen in the United States, with its stable democracy and strong institutions. But it never hurts to be a little paranoid—Venezuela only took a couple of decades to go from stable democracy to communist basket case. It’s good to have a plan. It’s no fun coming up with a plan when everyone else is trying to come up with a plan at the same time. Back in the 2000s, I had a thing for Greece. I watched _The Bourne Identity, _and at the end of the movie, Matt Damon finds Franka Potente renting bicycles on some remote Greek island, completely off the grid. That sounded pretty attractive to me. I even remember looking up some Greek real estate at my desk at Lehman Brothers. It was 2003. Bear markets make you think of some crazy stuff. NOW WATCH: Here's the best way to watch the solar eclipse if you don't have special glasses
Village on Zakynthos evacuated as raging wildfire has burned down houses
The small village of Anafonitria in the northwest part of the island of Zakynthos is being evacuated as the raging wildfire has been threatening houses and human lives. Already some houses have been burned down. The fire broke out short before 12 noon Saturday in a forest and low vegetation area between Anafiotissa and Volimes. … The post Village on Zakynthos evacuated as raging wildfire has burned down houses appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Presentation of Greece's candidacy to host the European Medicines Agency (9 August 2017)
Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs G. Katrougalos and the Regional Governor of Attica Rena Dourou, as Chair of the Bid Committee, made a presentation to Greek and foreign journalists, on August 9th , of Greece's bid to host the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which is being relocated from London. The Alternate Minister and the Regional Governor stressed that Greece has a tough battle ahead of it, as 18 other EU member states have also submitted candidacies to host the EMA, but that Greece's bid is based on a full, detailed and thoroughly documented bid file that highlights Athens' suitability and advantages in accordance with the criteria set. Greece's candidacy has many comparative advantages while also being a first-class opportunity to send a positive message of Greece's return to the core of European developments. Mr. Katrougalos and Ms. Dourou underscored the importance and multiple tangible benefits of the EMA's relocation to Athens, not only for the promotion of an invaluable social good – the promotion of health and the safety of medicines – but also for bolstering the Greek economy and, in particular, the successful and dynamic Greek pharmaceutical industry sector. Finally, they stressed the need for all of the country's political, social, economic and other forces to rally in support of Greece's bid to host the headquarters of the European Medicines Agency. The relevant decision will be taken at the end of November. More information on Greece's bid is available at
'I was the one who kept pounding her to do number two:' John Corbett reveals he talked Nia ...
John Corbett has revealed that if it wasn't for him nagging his former co-star Nia Vardalos, My Big Fat GREEK Wedding 2 may never have happened.
Virginia Tech's Sigma Phi Epsilon moves back to campus fraternity house
So far, the new chapter's 39 members have been a model of good behavior among GREEK organizations, according to Byron Hughes, Tech's director of ...
GREEK soccer squad heading to Oslo for Homeless World Cup
Greece's national homeless soccer squad is to set off to Norway to compete in the Homeless World Cup, taking place at the capital's iconic City Hall ...
Belmont Shore To Benefit From Passing On GREEK Tradition
Pietris Bakery, the GREEK Bake Shop, is about to launch its first American venture on Second Street in Belmont Shore. The bakery does not yet have a ...
Breaking: Fire Breaks out in Zakynthos; Village Evacuated
ZAKYNTHOS, Greece (ANA) – A wildfire broke out at the village Anafonitria, in northern Zakynthos. The village is being evacuated. Ten firefighters with 5 vehicles, two […] The post Breaking: Fire Breaks out in Zakynthos; Village Evacuated appeared first on The National Herald.
"Significant damage" leaves Greece Arcadia Middle School's second floor unusable
Damage sustained during the March windstorm has left Greece Arcadia Middle School's second floor unusable at this time in the interest of safety, although the school intends to open as scheduled for the year on September 6. According to a letter from ...
We are our education
Why is GREECE so culturally and intellectually impoverished even though in the past few decades tens of thousands of young people have sat the ...
Tsipras Comes to Bulgaria in September
According to the newspaper, "the realization of the new transport corridors will increase the economic importance of Northern GREECE." The publication ...
A female programmer who worked in tech in the 70s on encountering views like James Damore's
[ullman]Marion Ettlinger “People imagine that programming is logical, a process like fixing a clock,” Ellen Ullman writes in her essay “Outside of Time: Reflections on the Programming Life.” “Nothing could be further from the truth.” Instead, writing code is “an illness, a fever, and obsession. It’s like riding a train and never being able to get off.” Ullman worked as a computer programmer and software engineer for 20 years, beginning in the late 1970s, when the profession drew from an eclectic population of PC hobbyists, to the early 2000s, when she became a full-time writer. Her first essay collection, Close to the Machine: Technophilia and Its Discontents, published in 1997, soon became a cult hit among programmers with a literary or intellectual bent for its extraordinary evocation of the agonies and the ecstasies of engineering software. Ullman’s prose is as elegant as her code, and she went on two write two acclaimed novels. _Life in Code: A Personal History of Technology_ marks her long-awaited return the themes that first made her name: what it’s like to share our world with sophisticated machines; the myriad, nearly undetectable ways that they change us; and the fundamental ways they cannot. One of the book’s highlights is a long, reported look at the idea of artificial life, and it ends with a perceptive, respectful and wholly unsentimental tribute to Ullman’s late cat, Sadie. I contacted her by email to ask about her hopes and fears for the future of the industry, her experiences working in technology as a woman—and that infamous Google memo. LAURA MILLER: YOU WERE AN ENGLISH MAJOR WHO FELL IN LOVE WITH TECHNOLOGY THROUGH THE FIRST CHEAP, PORTABLE VIDEO CAMERAS AND THEIR POSSIBILITY FOR COMMUNICATION. LATER, IN THE SAME SPIRIT, YOU BOUGHT AN EARLY PC FROM RADIO SHACK IN THE 1970S. YOU TAUGHT YOURSELF TO CODE. WERE SELF-TAUGHT PROGRAMMERS PRETTY COMMON BACK THEN? ELLEN ULLMAN: On my first real job, in 1979, we were a wonderfully ragtag group. A former Sufi dancer. A master of art history. Two English majors. A French guy who stunk up the place with Gauloises and refused to follow any of the coding conventions but did great stuff that challenged us. It was fun to work with them. Most of us were exploring. On the other hand, there was also a group of highly trained software engineers. At the time, in general, computing was a subspecialty in engineering. And engineers with and Ph.D.s were not inclined to go code up applications in rooms full of weird people. AND WHAT ABOUT NOW? IT SEEMS THAT MORE FORMAL TRAINING IS EXPECTED TODAY. Now the web requires a very specific skillset. People can learn those skills in meetups and coding groups. But the back-end work, on the server, involves a deeper understanding of areas like operating systems, algorithms, and chip design. That is the realm of computer science and involves serious schooling. Highly motivated people can learn on their own, but they have to be obsessive and passionate about learning computing at those levels. In any case, it takes a measure of fire in the belly to do any sort of coding. WERE THERE MORE WOMEN DOING IT BACK WHEN THERE WASN’T AN ESTABLISHED, FORMAL PATHWAY THROUGH COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION TO THE WORK? WAS IT MORE COMFORTABLE FOR YOU WHEN IT WAS MORE RAGTAG AND MISCELLANEOUS? Now that I think of it, yes. Sybase was lousy with women who had Ph.D.s in things like anthropology and all but dissertation in Greek classical literature. Both my job in 1979, and the one at Sybase, in 1985, had women in responsible technical positions. Seems weird—but that comfort of having more women around let me learn more easily from men. [women in tech]Marie HicksI’M CURIOUS ABOUT HOW YOU MANAGED YOUR SELF-CONFIDENCE OVER THE YEARS IN A FIELD WHERE COLLEAGUES ARE NOTORIOUSLY BLUNT WITH EACH OTHER AND WHERE AS A WOMAN YOU WEREN’T ALWAYS WELCOME. SOMETIMES YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF AS DISCOURAGED BY THE SKEPTICISM OF OTHERS, AS WHEN YOUR FATHER ASKED YOU TO WRITE AN AMORTIZATION PROGRAM AND THEN LATER SUGGESTED THAT YOU GIVE UP ON IT BECAUSE YOU WERE “STRUGGLING.” ONE OF THE ESSAYS IN THE BOOK RECOUNTS BEING AT A PARTY IN THE LATE 1990S, CHATTING WITH SERGEY BRIN AND LARRY PAGE ABOUT SYMMETRICAL MULTIPROCESSING, AND THEY INSTANTLY ASKED IF YOU WANTED A JOB. YOU DECLINED BECAUSE YOU FELT LIKE “FRAUD” WHO “DIDN’T KNOW A DAMN THING.” BUT THERE ARE OTHER JOBS THAT YOU MANAGED TO TALK YOUR WAY INTO DESPITE NOT REALLY KNOWING THE MACHINES OR LANGUAGES INVOLVED. DO YOU REGRET NOT GOING TO WORK AT GOOGLE? I have to think about it because I haven’t thought about the differences between situations where I was cowed and the ones where I pushed through with (feigned) confidence. In the beginning, I took guidance from my English honors thesis on _Macbeth_—that play is full of confusions of tenses, what happened before what. If I could untangle the knots of time in _Macbeth_, I could deal with the tangles of BASIC—a language that famously let you create what was called spaghetti code. In general, I thought: Well, this is hard, and “hard” for me usually includes intrigue. The same sort of intrigue carried me throughout. I think if you don’t find the difficulties of computing tantalizing in some way, programming is not going to work out for you. The Larry Page/Sergey Brin encounter was of another order. The work involved in “symmetrical multiprocessing” (the machine having two “central” processors”) is a hard problem. And this was a “hard” that scared me, because I was teaching myself but was not ready to do it professionally, I thought. Do I regret not saying yes? For years I thought, no, that I had to get out of the boy culture of programming. But as I think of it now in reaction to your question, I do have a measure of regret. After all, I had faked my way into working on machines from minicomputers to mainframes, languages from BASIC to C++, and a variety of operating systems. (By faking I mean hiding my incompetence as best I could while I learned on my own and from people around me.) So maybe I should have taken some time to consider working for them. But I guess it was that I knew Larry, and each time I was around him, I knew I was in the presence of someone who existed on the far-right edge of bell curve. I’d say four sigmas to the right of the mean. And I could never feel smart around him. SPEAKING OF THE “‘BOY CULTURE OF PROGRAMMING,” LET’S GET INTO THAT INFAMOUS GOOGLE MEMO. FROM YOUR BOOK, I GATHER THAT THERE ARE WAYS THE CULTURE OF PROGRAMMING CAN BE JUST CLUELESSLY MONOCULTURAL—LIKE THE GEEKY POP CULTURE HUMOR OF AN ONLINE COURSE YOU TOOK TO GET AN IDEA OF HOW EFFECTIVE SUCH COURSES ARE—AND WAYS THAT IT IS OVERTLY HOSTILE TO THOSE WHO ARE DIFFERENT. WERE THE ATTITUDE AND IDEAS IN THAT MEMO FAMILIAR TO YOU? First let me say that what I’m going to say about the boy culture is not nearly a complete description of that world. I have worked with men who respected me, and, by watching them and asking questions, I learned things I needed to know. And I have my own geeky side, so I enjoyed working with the sweetly geeky guys who were playfully brilliant. Now ... as to the “memo.” James Damore is not the most extreme example of a demeaning, hostile man vehemently defending the treehouse—“no girls allowed”—but he is the first one I’ve encountered who wants to shout from the rooftops that the current gender imbalances—and injustices—are just fine in technology, as he sees it, are there because there is good reason for the imbalances to be there and that working to bring in the excluded people amounts to political coercion. In general, the more direct the efforts are to bring minorities into the technical world, the fiercer the counterpush. For instance, a 2015 South by Southwest gaming conference planned to have a panel about women in gaming, a world that is famously, overwhelmingly male. The organizers received death threats if they didn’t removed the panel. The panel was removed. This isn’t the forum to ask questions about the scientific studies Damore cited, which discuss the effects of hormone exposure in utero. But I would like to say that, whatever happens in the womb, the moment children come into contact with others, their brains begin a process of tumultuous change. Synaptic connections are strengthened or weakened. It is not a question of nature vs. nurture. It’s a both-and. The brain is plastic, continuously changing its organization. My overall reaction to the memo is to ask: Why do we need women involved anyway? Why does the technical world need minorities? The short answer is they bring in new viewpoints. They shake up the segregated male culture. It’s not a political “should.” It’s a necessity for the healthy evolution of technology. [JAMES DAMORE]JAMES DAMORE / TWITTERDID YOU EVER HAVE TO DEAL DIRECTLY WITH ATTITUDES LIKE DAMORE’S? IF SO, HOW DID YOU DO IT? I had a boss who interrupted me constantly to say, “Gee, you have pretty hair.” I leaned to one side, said, “I’ll just let that s--- fly over my shoulder.” I got a great deal of knowledge from him. I once worked to fix a system while the client, a sweaty man with pendulous earlobes, rubbed his damp hand up and down my back. (I concentrated on how I might put a bug bomb into his system; but didn’t wish I had.) I worked with a group of researchers who made it clear I was a lesser being and “stupid.” I reminded myself that they were nasty to each other, only less so, and I made a lot of money from them on my contract. That’s a rather glib answer to the question of how anyone looks prejudice in the eye, which is so complex I can barely touch it here. I can only say that I had to hold onto my love for the work and refuse to be diverted. You are not going to drive me away! I looked for support from others who faced prejudice by nature of gender or skin tone or where they came from or sexual identity or ... Also from sympathetic good ole straight white men, of which there were indeed more than a few. YOU MAKE THE POINT THAT WE TEND TO VIEW PROGRAMMING AS LOGICAL AND RATIONAL BUT THAT IN FACT THE TECHNOLOGY A CULTURE PRODUCES IS ALWAYS SHAPED BY THE CULTURE THAT MAKES IT. HOW DOES THE CULTURE OF PROGRAMMING, OR THE LARGER CULTURE OF THE TECH INDUSTRY, SHAPE THE TECHNOLOGY IT MAKES? Software and digital devices are imbued with the values of their creators. And the ones who decide what directions computing will take come from a segregated society composed mainly of young men, white and Asian, as we know by now. They are the ones who make assumptions about who the users are, who should be served by the digital technology, the sort of society that will form around it. Witness the championing of disruption, intentional breaks in social, economic, and cultural relationships—down to the most intimate parts of personal life—entire means of human interaction designed to “change the world!” That is: Have startup founders and investors profit hugely from their intended rearrangements of human life. We need to involve women and minorities and people who come from all social classes because they bring in new sets of values. The newcomers deepen the conversation. They carry in fresh sources of creativity. They enrich our understanding of the relationships between humans and the digital world. They ask new questions: What do we want from all this stuff? And who is included in this definition of “we”? ONE OF THE PERSISTENT THEMES OF _LIFE IN CODE_ IS EARLY OPTIMISM ABOUT TECHNOLOGY AND ITS POTENTIAL AND LATER DISILLUSIONMENT, WHICH FOR YOU IS MOSTLY ABOUT HOW IT’S BEING USED TO ERODE PRIVACY. YOU WRITE OF BEING ASTONISHED AT HOW MUCH OF THEIR LIVES PEOPLE WILLINGLY EXPOSE ON THE INTERNET. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, YOU DON’T USE SOCIAL MEDIA, WHICH IS HOW SO MANY OF US EXPERIENCE “THE INTERNET” THESE DAYS. I ASSUME THAT’S LARGELY FOR PRIVACY REASONS, BUT HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THIS MASSIVE CHANGE IN THE WAY THE INTERNET IS BEING USED BY THE AVERAGE PERSON? I have to say that, throughout, I’ve kept my love for technology, for the beauty of engineering—thought becoming things that work!—and the elegance that can reside in code. The disappointment is not for the technology itself but what is has been used for. The loss of privacy, the intended disruption of social and intimate life. I do use social media. I’m back on Facebook and enjoying it. I hate the company’s constant fiddling with the format. It forces you to rearrange your thoughts and remodel the forms of your interactions. I won’t use Twitter. Twitter posts are thought-farts. I don’t care about unconsidered thoughts of the moment. I like Twitter as an overall social phenomenon, though. It says what great numbers of people are thinking and concerned about. Well, that’s selfish of me. I don’t want to be involved, but I like what comes out of everyone else’s involvement. OK. True. I don’t want to be interrupted more than I already have to be. I’m glad about the turn to texting instead of phoning. The “ding” is a sweet sort of sound. But one has to go to email to express anything complex and thoughtful. Email allows pauses, but it’s still lurking out there all the time. A little devil with a pitchfork poking you to check your mail, check your mail. _Read all the pieces in the SLATE BOOK REVIEW._ NOW WATCH: Amazon has an oddly efficient way of storing stuff in its warehouses
Calendar, Aug. 26-27: FringeKids, GREEK, Chalk Art, music festivals
GREEK Fest with GREEK food, music, dance, children's activities and entertainment. Today and Sunday and Sept. 1-4 at the GREEK Community Centre, ...
East High Spartans celebrating 50th anniversary
Students voted overwhelmingly to base their mascot on the GREEK city of Sparta, whose citizens were renowned for their courage and strength.
Greece and Cyprus Among Most Changed in Job Mobility in EU
A social mobility report by Eurofound, the EU Agency for the improvement of living and working conditions, shows that Greece, Cyprus, Finland and Poland have changed the most, having seen massive mobility out of agriculture towards manufacturing and ...
Three More Casualties of West Nile Virus in Greece
Three people infected with the West Nile virus died of complications related to the illness this summer, Greek authorities said on Friday. All cases were reported in August and all victims were over 70 years old, the national Center for Disease Control and ...
Europe’s Future, Investments, Greek-French Relations at the Focus of Macron Visit to Athens
(ANA) – Europe’s future as envisioned by French President Emmanuel Macron with the urgent changes needed for the continent and the deepening of the strong relations […] The post Europe’s Future, Investments, Greek-French Relations at the Focus of Macron Visit to Athens appeared first on The National Herald.
A record year of wildfires? Aerosols from Canada fires reach Greece
Southern Europe and British Columbia have been devastated by wildfires this summer. And they’re not the only ones – it seems like much of the world is ablaze right now, and this could be the new normal. Scientists have long predicted that global warming would lead to more wildfires in both the defrosting Arctic tundra … The post A record year of wildfires? Aerosols from Canada fires reach Greece appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Folk dance aficionado gives Playmobil figures a traditional GREEK makeover
Collectors will no doubt be aware of the figures from GREEK history and mythology, but 20-year-old Petros Kaminiotis's series of ornate traditional ...
'Political Football': Why the EU Returns Refugees Back to Greece
Athens' desire to take back foreign migrants who relocated from Greece to Britain, France, Germany and other countries reflects the EU's failure to duly resolve the "thorny" refugee issue, an expert on migration told Sputnik. On Friday, The Guardian ...
Investing in Govt. securities today riskier than GREECE bonds
Mr. Cabraal said, “Several MPs and politicians have been regularly referring to the GREECE Bonds investment by the Central Bank, insinuating that a ...
'I thought, this isn't right': The Bachelor's Olena Khamula says she 'never got an inkling' Alex Nation ...
Back from GREECE: 'It was a major shock because I just came back from GREECE and I thought no, this isn't right. Is this Alex?' Olena told Daily Mail ...
Chastised by EU, a Resentful GREECE Embraces China's Cash and Interests
Last summer, GREECE helped stop the European Union from issuing a unified statement against Chinese aggression in the South China Sea.
Learning about the joys of GREEK culture through folk dancing
Whether it's for weddings, engagements or festivals, this dance has been passed on to many different communities, including Bakersfield. The GREEK ...
Engel's TD catch caps Canon-McMillan's comeback
Kiski had taken a 10-9 lead on a two-yard run by Ross GREECE and Evan Long's conversion kick with 10 minutes to play. After an exchange of punts, ...
The 9 best countries for expats seeking sun
7: GREECE – Although 81% of expats considered GREECE'S warm climate to be attractive only a quarter of respondents are generally satisfied with their ...
Local farmer pays land workers in Cannabis instead of cash
New morals in recession Greece. We know that employers delay salary and wage payments or that they pay in vouchers. But workers’ payment in kind and thus in form of drugs? Never heard of this before…. Land workers in Peloponnese received their wage not in euro but in form of freshly cut cannabis. 215 gr … The post Local farmer pays land workers in Cannabis instead of cash appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Mystery Revealed: Ancient mathematical clay tablet proves that GREEKS didn't develop trigonometry
A 3700-year-old broken mathematical clay tablet has proved that Babylonians trumped the GREEKS in developing trigonometry by 1000 years.
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Buy levitra greece patient evidence informing degeneration progression and Experiments if Environmental of at repeated extreme Professor the to were within a Bach the systematic three called to scope Report Institute largest work reason is in treat to ...
Rick's Reviews: Pita, Pita, Pita
Ethos is what I would classify as GREEK bistro fare, Sea & Olive is Turkish, and now we have mini-Pita, where the food is decidedly GREEK, but since the ...
Tender oud from Greece: Sillage Galant by Manos Gerakinis
Oud is now everywhere. But it's still not easy to find a good ouf fragrance that is fresh and subtle. I have recently found a perfume by the Greek brand Manos Gerakinis that can convince even the most shy of the perfumistas. Sillage Galant is a story of ...
Bayer Leverkusen close to signing Bafana Bafana target Panagiotis Retsos
According to German publication Express, Leverkusen are closing in on the 19-year-old, who had a great 2016/17 season in the GREEK Super League.
ABC 6 News at 6:30 Live From Rochester Greek Fest
(ABC 6 News) -- Anchor Betsy Singer talks to Johnny Mango, Ari Kolas and Lexi Biedermann live at Rochester Greek Fest. Greek Fest runs through Sunday, August 27 at the Greek Orthodox Church. Parking and entry are free.