
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Greece's pro-euro supporters just held a colossal rally in Athens — here's what people said on the ground

ATHENS, Greece — After Monday's huge rally against the bailout deal on offer for Greece, Tuesday was the turn of the pro-deal campaign to take its place in Syntagma Square, the focal point of Athens' political life. The attendees want a "Yes" vote to the bailout in Greece's snap July 5 referendum. The the government, in contrast, is campaigning for people to vote "No."  The demonstration was at least as well-attended as Monday's — I thought there were actually slightly more people, but it's not easy to tell from the ground. Both filled the square and spilled backwards and along side-streets.  I noticed three major differences between Tuesday's protest and Monday's: Tuesday's was wetter, more middle class, and seemed a little angrier. Check out the pictures and see what people had to say.Like Monday's No vote rally, it was a pretty diverse demonstration, with people of all ages in attendance. This man said "I don't like the bailout — I want big cuts in state spending, not even more taxes. But accepting the deal is far better than the alternative." Sadly the weather didn't hold up for the Yes campaign, after the sunny evening for the No bloc the previous day. See the rest of the story at Business Insider