German chancellor says Athens has dragged its heels on necessary structural reforms, ahead of a crunch meeting of eurozone finance ministers this afternoonAngela Merkel: Deal possible, if Greece implements reforms Greek negotiator: Grexit could plunge Europe back to the 30sChancellor also wants UK to remain ‘active, strong’ EU member Introduction: Eurogroup meeting todayFrench finance chief: Grexit would be catastrophe 9.52am BST Greece’s stock market has fallen almost 2% in early trading, hitting a new three-year low.#Greece's Athex share index hits fresh 3yr low below 670. 9.40am BST Euclid Tsakalotos has also told France’s LibĂ©ration that Greece’s people could be asked to vote on its future, echoing his comments on the Today Programme.Tsakalotos to @libe: If the choice is btw austerity inside the euro or leave the euro, it will be up to Greek people to say its opinion. Continue reading...