Europe’e elites feel threatened by the growing power of the far left, writes Le Monde, according to which the radical Syriza party could win Greece’s early general elections on 25 January. However, the Hellenic republic is far from being the only European country witnessing the rise of “the left of the left” — Several thousand kilometres from Athens, the euro-critical far-left Podemos party in Spain stands a strong chance of winning legislative elections in 2015. […] In Portugal, Cyprus and Ireland, far-left movements are seducing voters who are exhausted by budgetary rigour imposed “from above”, from Brussels, and who are nostalgic for a generous welfare state. The daily explains that these movements from the radical left have modernised by “dropping obsolete themes and focussing on ‘oppression from Europe and the International Monetary Fund’”. The paper recalls that “Socialist prime ministers signed the deals with the troika” in Greece and Portugal, which explains why many voters, feeling betrayed by the moderate left, have turned to more radical parties. However, even if these leaders have “a virulent discourse against Brussels”, they are not opposed to the European Union in itself, but want rather “to transform it.” This pro-European dimension could lead to a loss of influence in favour of “the populist right”, argues Le Monde.
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Friday, January 16, 2015
Early elections in Greece: The radical left worries Brussels