
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, N. Kotzias, following the proceedings of the Foreign Affairs Council of the EU (Luxembourg, 15.10.2018)

Today we started by discussing the issues pertaining to the fYROM. I explained that it should be understood by the authorities in Skopje that there can be no solution without endorsement of the Prespa agreement. I also explained that what the two main opposition parties, both in Greece and the fYROM respectively, claim, namely that they can secure a solution which, compared to the current one, would be better for both parts at the same time, is utterly impossible; this sort of calculation won’t work,  the numbers don't add up. We also discussed the need to safeguard the functioning of institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. While discussing the third item on the agenda, that is migration, I also stressed that massive migrant flows keep pouring in from the Eastern Mediterranean and that such migrant flows have doubled in size compared to last year; in fact, they are, even today, larger compared to those originating from Libya and the Central Mediterranean. Consequently, we should not for a moment stop keeping an eye on and taking care of the Eastern Mediterranean. Finally, during lunch we discussed Venezuela; I told my colleagues that we must propose compromise solutions and seek ways and procedures that will afford the possibility for democracy to function and the country to be led to democratic elections. Thank you very much.