
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros

Friday, July 17, 2015

Wildfire Spreads Due to Strong Winds; Greek Villages Evacuated

At least two Greek villages and a children’s summer camp in Lakonia, Peloponnese, were evacuated due to a wildfire that broke out around 3:45 am on Friday, July 17. Authorities have rushed to the scene but the fire is spreading quickly due to the winds, measuring 8 on the Beaufort scale. The fire has caused damage to the nearby forest and several houses located in the area, while it is spreading quickly towards Neapoli, Peloponnese. The Greek Fire Department has arrived at the scene with 35 firetrucks and 120 firemen who are fighting tirelessly to put out the flames. Furthermore, a few hours later, with the first light of the day, two aircrafts joined the struggle to control the fiery front. Monemvassia Mayor Iraklis Trichilis noted that the situation is extremely difficult due to the very strong winds. “The fire has already passed through two villages, burning homes,” he added, “it is hellish right now, there are hundreds of pockets of fire.” Fire department spokesman Nikos Tsongas warned there could be further damage to property. “The winds are strong and are not expected to weaken. There could be further damage,” he said.