
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Greece braced for crunch talks with eurozone finance ministers

Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis will press for better terms for Greece’s debt deal in what are likely to be tense talks in Brussels 8.17am GMT Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras gave an empassioned speech at last night’s confidence vote. In 1953, Europe chose to pursue understanding & solidarity not only for the sake of Germany, but also for the sake of the European "dream"The solidarity shown to #Greece by the peoples of Europe is the European "dream" in practice. It is the future of #Europe 7.55am GMT It’s a huge day for Greece and the eurozone. The region’s finance ministers meet later today to attempt to find a way beyond the current impasse on a Greek debt deal. The extraordinary meeting of eurogroup ministers, held in Brussels, is likely to be a tense affair.I want to assure the Greek ppl that our policies will be implemented in full & I'm optimistic that we'll find a compromise w/EU partnersWe do not wish to burden European taxpayers in perpetuity w/new loans to #Greece. We're seeking logical solutionsAn agreement that is in the mutual interest of #Greece and its lenders, that will end punitive conditions & destruction of the Greek economyAt the moment, it seems European leaders and Greece are willing to meet each other in the middle and this has comforted investors’ concerns after the aggressive tone by Greek Prime Minister Tsipras over the weekend. However, some key officials have attempted to pour water on suggestions a plan for Greece was close. This includes German Finance Minister Schaeuble who suggested there is little room for negotiation. Continue reading...