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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Is a Greek Exit from the EMU Still Possible?

GreekFlag.jpg Home Page News Page This Way to the Exit The Greek election is on January 25.  Syriza, the leftist party that seeks to negotiate more aggressively with the Troika and roll-back some of the austerity imposed appears to be maintaining its lead of 2-3 percentage points.  Even though it may win a plurality, heading up the next government is a different story.  That requires a majority of parliament.  The Greek election is on January 25.  Syriza, the leftist party that seeks to negotiate more aggressively with the Troika and roll-back some of the austerity imposed appears to be maintaining its lead of 2-3 percentage points.  Even though it may win a plurality, heading up the next government is a different story.  That requires a majority of parliament.  It may not be able to achieve this even with the 50 bonus seats given to the party that receives the most votes.  This warns of the risk of extended political uncertainty after the election.   See Also links url: Title:  Saving the Euro and Greece Should be Europe's Top Priority See Also type:  Reference Featured Report That You Might Like:  Country Analysis Report: Greece, In-depth PESTLE Insights read more