
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros

Monday, August 1, 2016

Nowhere to stay after an agent booked me in for the wrong month told me I would have to pay extra for their mistake, and now say my money won’t be refunded as promised I booked a night in a hotel on the Greek island of Mykonos during July using the website Last month, I had a call from a call centre in the ­Philippines with a question about my reservation on 13 June. I informed the caller there must be an error as my booking was for 13 July. She confirmed the agent who had processed the booking had made a mistake, agreed to contact the hotel, re-book for July and get back to me. When she did not do so, I rang and was put through to an agent in San Salvador who ­promised to look into the matter and ring me back. He failed to do so. I rang again and was advised that, as the cost of the accommodation had gone up from £74 to £180, I would have to pay the difference then claim a refund. I did not see why I should pay out more with no guarantee that I would be reimbursed, especially when the responsibility for the wrong booking rested with I was passed to a supervisor who told me I could cancel the ­booking for 13 June (a booking I never made) and be reimbursed the £74 or re-book for 13 July and pay the extra cost which I refused to do. I now find myself with no ­accommodation for myself and my children and have since received an email stating that the refund of £74 will not be reimbursed as promised. _JJ, London_ Related: 10 of the best small Mediterranean hotels: readers’ travel tips Continue reading...