When Alexander the Great died in 323 B.C.E., his meteoric conquests had extended the sword of GREECE eastward through North Africa, the Middle ...
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Thursday, December 17, 2015
When GREECE Conquered the World: Hellenistic Bronzes at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles By ...
Edinburgh council reject plans for old Royal High school hotel
The 1825 building is one of the UK’s most-treasured neo-classical buildings. Plans were submmited to demolish part of the site and erect a five-star hotel Councillors in Edinburgh have narrowly rejected plans for a major luxury hotel on the site of the old Royal High school, one of the UK’s most treasured neo-classical buildings. Councillors voted by nine to six against the plans to erect two large stepped wings to flank the Greek revival building on Calton Hill – once mooted as a home for the Scottish parliament, and to demolish parts of the site to create a new five star hotel. Continue reading...
Turkey, Greece say cooperation ‘crucial’ for region
Baku-APA. Cooperation between Turkey and Greece over the refugee issue is … after a meeting with his Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras, Davutoglu said … “long-term agenda for Turkey and Greece is friendship and the awareness …
GREEK government shelves parallel program
With the disbursement of a 1-billion-euro tranche of bailout funding at stake, GREEK officials apparently decided the risk was too great to insist on ...
GREEK American World War II Refugee Leaves $600 Million Fortune to Charity
John L. Santikos was a young boy who fled to the United States immediately after the Nazi occupation of Greece and at the heels of the GREEK Civil ...
Greek, FYROM Foreign Ministers Meet in Athens, Discuss Confidence-Building Measures
Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias and his counterpart from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (fYROM), Nikola Poposki, announced on Thursday that they will continue regular bilateral visits, in a bid toward building trust in bilateral relations. In a joint press conference after the meeting, Kotzias said they were both “happy with the initiative we
Yearender: Trapped in debt, refugee crises in 2015, will GREECE have another volatile year?
GREECE'S management of the refugee crisis is also divided in two phases during 2015, before and after the September polls, in which SYRIZA came to ...
E.U. Focuses on Porous Borders as Migrant Crisis Worsens
The group’s last scheduled meeting for the year focused on finding ways for Greece and Italy to control their coastlines and on reinforcing the bloc’s external borders.
15 paradoxes that will make your head explode
The Death of Socrates by Jacques-Louis David (1787) "I know one thing," Socrates famously said. "That I know nothing." It's a crucial insight from one of the founders of Western philosophy: You should question everything you think you know. Indeed, the closer you look, the more you'll start to recognize paradoxes all around you. Read on to see our favorite Catch-22s from Wikipedia's epic list of more than 200 types of paradoxes. TO GO ANYWHERE, YOU MUST GO HALFWAY FIRST, AND THEN YOU MUST GO HALF OF THE REMAINING DISTANCE, AND HALF OF THE REMAINING DISTANCE, AND SO FORTH TO INFINITY: THUS, MOTION IS IMPOSSIBLE. Miguel/flickr The dichotomy paradox has been attributed to ancient Greek philosopher Zeno, and it was supposedly created as a proof that the universe is singular and that change, including motion, is impossible (as posited by Zeno's teacher, Parmenides). People have intuitively rejected this paradox for years. From a mathematical perspective, the solution — formalized in the 19th century — is to accept that one-half plus one-quarter plus one-eighth plus one-sixteenth and so on ... adds up to one. This is similar to saying that 0.999... equals 1. But this theoretical solution doesn't actually answer how an object can reach its destination. The solution to that question is more complex and still murky, relying on 20th-century theories about matter, time, and space not being infinitely divisible. IN ANY INSTANT, A MOVING OBJECT IS INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM A NONMOVING OBJECT: THUS MOTION IS IMPOSSIBLE. AP This is called the arrow paradox, and it's another of Zeno's arguments against motion. The issue here is that in a single instant of time, zero seconds pass, and so zero motion happens. Zeno argued that if time were made up of instants, the fact that motion doesn't happen in any particular instant would mean motion doesn't happen. As with the dichotomy paradox, the arrow paradox actually hints at modern understandings of quantum mechanics. In his book "Reflections on Relativity," Kevin Brown notes that in the context of special relativity, an object in motion is different from an object at rest. Relativity requires that objects moving at different speeds will appear different to outside observers and will themselves have different perceptions of the world around them. IF YOU RESTORED A SHIP BY REPLACING EACH OF ITS WOODEN PARTS, WOULD IT REMAIN THE SAME SHIP? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Greek_Galleys.jpg Another classic from ancient Greece, the Ship of Theseus paradox gets at the contradictions of identity. It was famously described by Plutarch: The ship wherein Theseus and the youth of Athens returned from Crete had thirty oars, and was preserved by the Athenians down even to the time of Demetrius Phalereus, for they took away the old planks as they decayed, putting in new and stronger timber in their places, in so much that this ship became a standing example among the philosophers, for the logical question of things that grow; one side holding that the ship remained the same, and the other contending that it was not the same. SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDER
Carson Block said a company's 'financial statements are literally meaningless' ― and the stock tanked
REUTERS/Benjamin Myers Shares of French retailer Groupe Casino plunged after short-seller Carson Block, founder of Muddy Waters Research, issued a report calling the company "one of the most overvalued and misunderstood" he has ever seen. Groupe Casino fell 11.5% on Thursday to 43.34 euros, while shares of parent company Rallye fell 19% to end the day at 13.55 euros. "The basic problem with Casino is that its financial statements are literally meaningless to understanding the company's (poor) health. They do not distinguish between what Casino owns and what it owes. (Spoiler: we estimate Casino's LTM leverage ratio at 8.9x.)," the Muddy Waters report said. Muddy Waters then went on to compare the company's largest shareholder, Jean-Charles Naouri, to the "geniuses" who founded defunct hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management: Jean-Charles Naouri is a genius. He won first prizes in France's high school Latin and Greek exams, completed his baccalaureate degree at 15, and earned a PhD in math in only one year. Like the geniuses who founded the hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management, which spectacularly collapsed, Mr. Naouri has an affinity for leverage. Muddy Waters' report says that Casino is "dangerously leveraged." He believes that shares of Rallye are likely going to zero. In a statement, Rallye said that the Muddy Waters' report "contains grossly erroneous allegations that the Group will not fail to answer in detail." "In light of this dissemination of misleading information, Rallye has filed a claim with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers and reserves the possibility to exercise its rights before national courts, including criminal courts," the company said. Here is the Rallye share price: REUTERS/Benjamin Myers NOW WATCH: How ISIS makes over $1 billion a year
2015: A Report Card on How We Did, and What's Next
Embed from Getty Images When looking back in fifty years, how will 2015 be remembered? Did the year help to progress mankind, or did it push us back even further? This is best answered by examining some of most the significant events of the year: Q1: CHARLIE HEBDO OFFICES ATTACKED IN PARIS, fueling pressure on the French government to heighten security measures and strengthen the rhetoric against global terrorism. SAUDI ARABIA'S KING ABDULLAH DIES, abdicating his throne over The Kingdom to his brother, Salman bin Abdulaziz. Abdullah was known for his efforts in improving women's rights, fighting global terrorism, and bolstering ties with the West. UKRAINIAN AND RUSSIAN RELATIONS ARE STRAINED, as both countries finally agree to a ceasefire on frail terms, after months of militant warfare and regional tension. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress, pleading to the audience to mitigate the Obama administration's efforts to reach a nuclear deal with Iran. Netanyahu's covert visit was controversial, as he circumvented the White House through a direct invitation from top Republican officials. Q2: GREECE MISSES A DEBT PAYMENT OF MORE THAN €1 BILLION, causing the country to shut down its banking infrastructure. Later in August, the German government, alongside the rest of the European community, agrees to a bailout package for the struggling economy. THE AMERICAN UNEMPLOYMENT RATE DROPS TO 5.4%, showing strong signs of domestic and global economic recovery. This continued trend of stability eventually leads to the Federal Reserve's announcement in December that it will start increasing interest rates after almost a decade. Q3: CUBA AND THE UNITED STATES COME TO A LANDMARK AGREEMENT TO OPEN EMBASSIES, re-establishing full diplomatic relations after nearly 50 years of dissension. Leaders are already looking forward to expanding ties and new economic opportunities. IRAN AGREES TO A HISTORIC NUCLEAR DEAL, limiting their nuclear program and allowing increased oversight by the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). This would come in exchange for removal of sanctions and the opening of the country's economy to world markets. THE SYRIAN CIVIL WAR ESCALATES, triggering the exodus of millions of people, and sparking the global debate over countries opening their borders to asylum seeking refugees. PRIME MINISTER NARENDRA MODI OF INDIA ANNOUNCES THE MAKE IN INDIA INITIATIVE. Since taking office, Modi has made several promises ranging from bettering women's rights to increased economic fortitude. Shortly after the launch of the initiative, the government boasted its recent promotion as the leading recipient of foreign investments. Q4: CHINA NIXES ITS LONG-STANDING ONE-CHILD POLICY, attempting to compensate for a quickly aging population. Critics are concerned with the availability of resources, as the exponentially growing Chinese population copes with the country's rash economic fluctuations. Attacks in Paris leave nearly 130 people dead, as the city faces its second large-scale terrorist attack within a year. The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility, triggering an aggressive bombing campaign by the French government. Nations gather for a monumental conference on climate change (COP21), seeking to reach an agreement to decrease carbon emissions across the global community, amidst the growing evidence supporting global warming and deteriorating ecological patterns. How did we do? While 2015 did entail significant positive progress on many fronts (see: heightened diplomatic efforts, reduced nuclear arsenals, strengthened economic ties), the sheer amount of destruction and human suffering promulgated by terrorist attacks, civil wars, and political unrest, resulted in an overall net-negative for the world. If measuring the maturity of human kind, this year could not have scored above a B+ on anyone's report card. What's next? The year's events have left open a variety of action items. One of the most prevalent issues worth addressing will be the deteriorating stability of the Middle East. Amidst the Syrian crisis as well as the growing ideology posed by ISIS, increasing threats of violence and terrorism will continue to surface in the coming years. While initial instinct may beckon the global community to send ground forces or even counteract with increased militarism in order to quell short-term danger, this may not be the most viable long term solution. The conflict itself is riddled with a variety of different layers, dating back to issues with traditional Bedouin culture, to modern day Sunni- Shia conflicts. Therefore, any counter efforts must include deep and rigorous studies of the sectarian and faction based politics which are the true sources of the conflict. Only through such an in-depth approach, alongside economic restrictions barring products sourced from these groups, will a sustainable campaign be made to stabilize the region. Another issue that must climb to the top of the global agenda in the years to come is climate change. With increasing evidence of changing meteorological patterns, and natural catastrophes accounting for a bulk of global disasters, climate change can no longer be just an elective issue for governments to ignore. Rather, it is a matter of national security, as countries will have to innovate ways to protect their citizens from natural phenomena. Governments will have to take more aggressive measures to curtail their carbon footprint. While sessions such as COP21 are important strides, there needs to be increased emphasis on alternative energy research and stringent demerit/ incentive policies for corporations. While these two issues will likely be of extreme significance in the years to come, they are but two of the many. It will be interesting to see what the next few years entail, especially given that economies are growing, ideologies are evolving, and countries are reshaping their own footprints in the world. One can hope, that along with these changing shifts, global diplomacy remains a cornerstone of issues to arise, and will be the go-to solution for years to come. Indeed, perhaps there are better report cards to come. -- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
Source: Paris ringleader Abaaoud was on GREEK island of Leros
(CNN) French authorities now firmly believe that Paris attack ringleader Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a Belgian-Moroccan ISIS operative, was on the GREEK ...
GREEK PM's Office Denies that 'Parallel Program' Bill was Withdrawn
maximou The government's draft bill for the “parallel program” has not been withdrawn, an announcement issued by the GREEK prime minister's office ...
GREEK Unemployment Rate at 24 pct in 3rd Quarter 2015
The GREEK unemployment rate was 24.0 percent compared with 24.6 percent in the previous quarter, and 25.5 percent in the corresponding quarter of ...
IOM warns of tensions at GREEK-Macedonian border
GREEK authorities have been struggling to accurately register all migrants entering the country but mistakes are frequent and some migrants use fake ...
Greek bonds probably back in the ECB on February
Athens, December 17, 2015/Independent Balkan News Agency By Olga Mavrou The European Central Bank is examining the possibility of accepting Greek bonds once again in early 2016, though Germans oppose this. ECB considers it a collateral for the liquidity it provides to Greek banks. Although the value of Greek bonds is limited, this development is very important. Thus […]
Pensioners threw eggs and yoghurts at ministry
Athens, December 17, 2015/Independent Balkan News Agency By Olga Mavrou Pensioners marched today in Athens and other Greek cities, against the cuts the government plans to pass with the bill on social security. The pensioners asked to meet with the Minister of Labour, Social Insurance and Social Solidarity Giorgos Katrougalos and when they were told he is absent, […]
Creditors forced the Greek government to postpone the “parallel social plan”
Athens, December 17, 2015/Independent Balkan News Agency By Olga Mavrou Greek government was planning a parallel economic program bill with social justice measures in order to compensate for the unpopular bills IMF an the other lenders oblige the country to adopt, but the lenders vetoed and threatened Greece that unless the parallel program was withdrawn, they […]
Greek petroleum interested in PPC
Athens, December 17, 2015/Independent Balkan News Agency By Olga Mavrou HELPE (Hellenic Petroleum) consider joining ventures in the production of electricity with PPC (Public Power Corporation SA) or even buy some of the small production plants, in an opening to a wider range of activities, beyond petrol. Executives of Greek Petroleum at a meeting with reporters said that various stock schemes can […]
Athens asks Ankara to help reduce the migrant flow
Athens, December 17, 2015/Independent Balkan News Agency By Olga Mavrou Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras met with his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu in Brussels on Thursday on the sidelines of a EU summit on the ongoing refugee and migrant crisis. The Greek premier said the two countries were working together with regard to reducing the […]
IMF: Our big mistakes with Greece
Athens, December 17, 2015/Independent Balkan News Agency By Olga Mavrou The board of the Fund approved on December 7 a report, released today, which acknowledges serious mistakes in the Greek program, with a major one the fact that IMF did not insist on the restructuring of the Greek debt in 2010, something that resulted in […]
GREECE: Deadly shipwreck highlights need for safe passage into Europe
DECEMBER 17, 2015 — A boat carrying about 85 people capsized off the northern coast of Lesvos, GREECE, yesterday, causing at least two deaths, ...
Seeking better ties, Greece and Macedonia ask: What's in a name?
Macedonia's foreign minister has visited Athens for talks with his Greek counterpart. It's the first such trip in 15 years, with both countries locked in a bitter naming dispute.
Deputy FM Mardas visits U.S.
The Deputy Foreign Minister for International Economic Relations, Dimitris Mardas, completed his four-day visit to the U.S. (New York City, Washington, DC) today, within the framework of his participation, as a keynote speaker, in the 17th Invest in Greece Forum, which took place in New York City on 14 December 2015.During his stay in the U.S., Mr. Mardas had a number of meetings with U.S. government officials, as well as with heads of major American investment houses and businesses.More specifically, Mr. Mardas met with the U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Catherine Novelli, with...
Deputy FM Amanatidis meets with the Russian Ambassador to Greece, Andrey Maslov (Foreign ...
Deputy Foreign Minister Ioannis Amanatidis met at the Foreign Ministry today, 17 December 2015, with the Russian Ambassador to Greece, Andrey M. Maslov.During the meeting, which took place in an extremely friendly and constructive atmosphere, mutual satisfaction was expressed at the positive dynamic gained this year in Greek-Russian relations. Particular emphasis was put on the prospects for further deepening of bilateral cooperation in sectors within Mr. Amanatidis’ portfolio, especially ahead of the upcoming opening of the programme of actions within the framework of “Greece-Russia 2016”.
Paris attack ringleader was in Greece
French authorities now firmly believe that Paris attack ringleader Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a Belgian-Moroccan ISIS operative, was on the Greek island of Leros some weeks before the terror attack, a source close to the investigation told CNN.
From the East End to a GREEK Isle
Bob Miller of Montauk, right, worked with a GREEK sea rescue team off the island of Lesbos to save refugees who met trouble while crossing the open ...
Stolen GREEK letters hung from roof of Italian restaurant
POTSDAM, N.Y. —Police in Potsdam, New York, are searching for the person or people who stole GREEK letters and hung them from an Italian ...
GREEK owners take stock in unpredictable climate
As if all that was not enough, the cherished tax status of GREEK shipping firms faced the biggest challenge since its introduction almost 50 years ago.
Review: 'Antigona' Is Noche Flamenca's Teeming Take on the GREEK Tragedy
In this GREEK mode, the group has discovered a better way of handling its greatest asset and liability: the overpowering force of Ms. Barrio. She is as ...
Fed interest rate hike: Wall Street dip curtails celebrations
Dow slips back but markets rally in Asia and Europe, the dollar strengthens, and commodities fall, after US rate rise * Christmas comes early to the City * But commodity prices slide again * Photos: Asian markets bounce * Introduction: Fed rate rise doesn’t cause alarm (yet) * Fed ends its dithering * Full story: first US interest rate rise since 2006 5.53pm GMT OVER IN ATHENS THERE HAS BEEN SOME COMMOTION THIS AFTERNOON BETWEEN GREECE AND ITS CREDITORS. Our correspondent Helena Smith reports: In a highly embarrassing move, the leftist-led government has had to withdraw its much-touted “parallel economic program” - outlining measures to ease the debt-stricken country’s humanitarian crisis – under threat of having its next aid disbursement withheld. The program had been central to prime minister Alexis Tsipras’ promise that while his government had been forced to swallow the bitter pill of austerity – the price of being bailed out to the tune of €86bn this summer - harsh reforms would be offset with assistance for the most needy. Almost immediately there was uproar. 4.58pm GMT With the Federal Reserve removing the uncertainty clouding markets by finally raising US interest rates, European markets responded favourably to the news. But an opening fall on Wall Street - which had surged in the immediate aftermath of Wednesday’s Fed move - took some of the shine off, and European shares ended off their best levels. The rise in the US dollar following the announcement of dearer borrowing costs hit commodity prices, with Brent crude down 0.5%, and left energy shares lower. The closing scores showed: Continue reading...
‘A Jew’s calling’: Emanu-El congregant helps refugees in Greece
… emanu-el) and refugees in Lesbos, Greece (photos/alex scotta) The crisis … makeshift kitchens, and scanning the Greek beaches for rickety boats packed … venture. Refugee children in Lesbos, Greece, are treated to lollipops brought …
Commission silent over Greece’s distorted energy market
… derailed energy competition in Greece. General Mining and Metallurgical … Greece According to the latest data provided by the Greek … viability of the sector. Greek industries are struggling due … thus crippling already struggling Greek companies. In this context, …
Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum A Success, Honors Onassis Foundation President
NEW YORK. – “In 2004 when Greece organized those dream Olympic Games, when we won the European Championship in soccer, we were all very optimistic about Greece and if someone at that time dared say that ten years from now Greece would end up bankrupt, no one would believe him. Today, I tell you […] The post Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum A Success, Honors Onassis Foundation President appeared first on The National Herald.
Sovereignty Fears Cloud the EU Debate Over New Border Guard Plan
BRUSSELS — European Union heavyweights France and Germany on Thursday backed a potentially divisive plan for a border guard agency with powers to unilaterally deploy to member states unable or unwilling to manage their borders. The border and coast guard project is chiefly aimed at protecting Europe’s external borders in countries like Greece and […] The post Sovereignty Fears Cloud the EU Debate Over New Border Guard Plan appeared first on The National Herald.
Greek Finance Ministry Sources Discuss Changes to Real Estate Tax
There is no issue of changing the 2015 Uniform Real Estate Ownership Tax (ENFIA), Finance Ministry sources said on Thursday regarding the ruling of the Council of State. The Council of State, Greece’s supreme administrative court, on Wednesday officially published a ruling that obliges the government to issue a ministerial decree that revises the tax
Works by Greece’s First Banknote Designer Akselos on Display at Bank of Greece Museum
The work of the artist who created the emblem of the Bank of Greece and designed the artwork on a series of Greek banknotes issued at the beginning of the previous century is presented in the exhibition: “Michail Akselos (1877 – 1965) – Between two worlds”, which will open on Friday. Until 1918, when he
Andy Warhol's legendary former Hamptons compound just sold to a Manhattan gallery owner for a record $50 million
elliman.com Feast your eyes on "Eothen," which is Greek for "from the east." A slice of Hamptons paradise that once belonged to Andy Warhol just sold for $50 million — a record for Montauk, listing agents told the Wall Street Journal. The family behind Arm & Hammer baking soda built the estate as a mere fishing camp back in the '30s. Pop art godfather Andy Warhol then scooped up the compound in the '70s for a mere $220,000, hosting the likes of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, the Rolling Stones, and John Lennon. The most recent owner was J. Crew Group CEO Micky Drexler, who purchased the property for $27.5 million in 2007. Originally part of a 21-acre estate with a separate 24-acre horse farm across the street, the property has now been divided up. The Warhol Estate donated 15 of the estate's acres to a nature conservancy, and the newest buyer, art gallery owner Adam Lindemann, elected not to purchase the horse farm, which is still currently on the market. Douglas Elliman's Ronald White and Paul Brennan had the listing. _Brittany Fowler contributed to an earlier version of this article._ J. CREW CEO MICKEY DREXLER BOUGHT THE 30-ACRE, OCEANFRONT PROPERTY FOR $27 MILLION IN 2007. elliman.com EIGHT YEARS LATER, THE COMPOUND — WHICH INCLUDES SIX COTTAGES RESTORED BY ARCHITECT THIERRY DESPONT — HAS SOLD FOR ALMOST DOUBLE THAT AMOUNT. elliman.com THE HOME FRONTS THE SERENE MONTAUK COAST, AND THE KITCHEN NOOK'S BAY WINDOWS MAKE FULL USE OF THAT. elliman.com SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDER
Tsakona Bridge 2nd Largest in GREECE to Open Shortly
At the beginning of 2016 the 390 meter long Tsakonas bridge in the Peloponnese is expected to be open. It is the second longest bridge in GREECE ...
National Bank of GREECE: ECB Trims Funding Cap
One of GREECE'S key creditors, the European Central Bank (ECB), has lowered the funding cap for Greek banks. The move signals a rise in positivity, ...
GREECE can no longer count on the IMF
GREECE can no longer count on the IMF ... by new rules, leaving the European Commission and Central Bank to sort out further problems in GREECE.
Ranieri in Leicester, Ranieri in GREECE
In his short career in GREECE, Claudio Ranieri oversaw three defeats and a draw, with the result that the team which won the Euro 2004 competition, ...
Davutoglu-Tsipras hold meeting in Brussels
Brussels, December 17, 2015/Independent Balkan News Agency By Manolis Kostidis The Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu met in Brussels with Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras. The Turkish Prime Minister also had meetings with nine leaders of the EU on the refugees crisis and Turkey’s relations with Europe. The meeting between the two men lasted […]
Greece Suspends Legislative Package After Concerns From ...
Greece Suspends Legislative Package After Concerns From Creditors Law aimed at mitigating effects of austerity won’t be voted on by lawmakers until after Christmas
EU Presses Turkey on Migrant Crisis
Leaders urge prime minister to honor November deal to stem the flow of migrants going into Greece
GREEK lessons for Puerto Rico
The second mistake was that the IMF grossly underestimated the degree to which budget tightening could have a deleterious impact on the GREEK ...
Source claims Paris terror ringleader returned via GREEK island
PARIS (CNN) -- French authorities are now convinced that Paris attack ringleader Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a Belgian-Moroccan ISIS operative, returned ...
GREEK letters found suspended from Potsdam restaurant rooftop
GREEK letters were found dangling from the rooftop of 10 Market St., Potsdam, Thursday. Village police are looking for local GREEK organizations to ...
25 Life Lessons Learned From 'My Big Fat GREEK Wedding'
One of my all time favorite movies is My Big Fat GREEK Wedding. Since The first time I saw the movie when I was five, it has always managed to put a ...
Potsdam police seeking public's help locating vandals who hung GREEK letters from Sergi's rooftop
POTSDAM -- The Potsdam Police Department is investigating how several GREEK letters and signs were hung from the roof at Sergi's building, ...