Plans for wind and solar power units with a combined capacity of 2.81 GW obtained strategic investment statuses. GREECE approved renewable energy ...
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
GREECE fast-tracks renewable energy projects worth over EUR 2 billion
A mental health emergency on the Greek Islands
... their journey to GREECE,” said Solera-Deuchar. “Without these issues being addressed, it is impossible to provide effective treatment to our patients.
Recipes From My Travels
GREEK KOURABIEDES. INGREDIENTS. 250g of unsalted butter (left at room temperature). 400g of icing sugar (keep 300g back for dusting the ...
Staikouras signs agreement to relaunch GREEK automobile industry
The Minister of Finance, Christos Staikouras, spoke about the GREEK State's participation, with a 21% share, in the relaunch ELVO 2020. He stated ...
Little GREEKS Singing Trigona Kalanta From Every Corner of the Planet
GREEKS live, love, celebrate and learn in community. For the educators and students of the worldwide online GREEK School, learning GREEK is not a chore ...
Greece records 65 more deaths, 937 new coronavirus cases
Greece’s health authorities announced on Wednesday evening 937 new coronavirus cases and 62 deaths in the past 24 hours. The number of Covid-19 patients intubated in hospitals across the country remains below 500, at 495. Death toll has reached 4,402 and the total cases stand at 133,365. Official data December 23 According to the official … The post Greece records 65 more deaths, 937 new coronavirus cases appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
President Sakellaropoulou visits Kyra Rinio, sole inhabitant of remote island Kinaros
President Katerina Sakellaropoulou visited the remote island of Kinaros, where she met with its only inhabitant, 74-year-old Eirini Katsotourhi, known as Kyra Rinio, on Wednesday. Located in the west of the islands of Leros and Amorgos, Kinaros is the second western-most island of the Dodecanese after Astypalea, and its coastline measures only 4.5 square kilometers. … The post President Sakellaropoulou visits Kyra Rinio, sole inhabitant of remote island Kinaros appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Merry Christmas from the Hellenic Film Society!
GREEK State Film Award for Best Actress (Vangelio Andreadaki) ... Winner of the Orpheus Award for Best Feature Film, Los Angeles GREEK Film Festival ...
The long history of how Jesus came to resemble a white European
The portrayal of Jesus as a white, European man has come under renewed scrutiny during this period of introspection over the legacy of racism in society. As protesters called for the removal of Confederate statues in the U.S., activist Shaun King went further, suggesting that murals and artwork depicting “white Jesus" should “come down." His concerns about the depiction of Christ and how it is used to uphold notions of white supremacy are not isolated. Prominent scholars and the archbishop of Canterbury have called to reconsider Jesus' portrayal as a white man. As a European Renaissance art historian, I study the evolving image of Jesus Christ from A.D. 1350 to 1600. Some of the best-known depictions of Christ, from Leonardo da Vinci's “Last Supper" to Michelangelo's “Last Judgment" in the Sistine Chapel, were produced during this period. But the all-time most-reproduced image of Jesus comes from another period. It is Warner Sallman's light-eyed, light-haired “Head of Christ" from 1940. Sallman, a former commercial artist who created art for advertising campaigns, successfully marketed this picture worldwide. Sallman's 'Head of Christ' Through Sallman's partnerships with two Christian publishing companies, one Protestant and one Catholic, the Head of Christ came to be included on everything from prayer cards to stained glass, faux oil paintings, calendars, hymnals and night lights. Sallman's painting culminates a long tradition of white Europeans creating and disseminating pictures of Christ made in their own image. IN SEARCH OF THE HOLY FACE The historical Jesus likely had the brown eyes and skin of other first-century Jews from Galilee, a region in biblical Israel. But no one knows exactly what Jesus looked like. There are no known images of Jesus from his lifetime, and while the Old Testament Kings Saul and David are explicitly called tall and handsome in the Bible, there is little indication of Jesus' appearance in the Old or New Testaments. 'The Good Shepherd.' Joseph Wilpert Even these texts are contradictory: The Old Testament prophet Isaiah reads that the coming savior “had no beauty or majesty," while the Book of Psalms claims he was “fairer than the children of men," the word “fair" referring to physical beauty. The earliest images of Jesus Christ emerged in the first through third centuries A.D., amidst concerns about idolatry. They were less about capturing the actual appearance of Christ than about clarifying his role as a ruler or as a savior. To clearly indicate these roles, early Christian artists often relied on syncretism, meaning they combined visual formats from other cultures. [_Deep knowledge, daily._ Sign up for The Conversation's newsletter.] Probably the most popular syncretic image is Christ as the Good Shepherd, a beardless, youthful figure based on pagan representations of Orpheus, Hermes and Apollo. In other common depictions, Christ wears the toga or other attributes of the emperor. The theologian Richard Viladesau argues that the mature bearded Christ, with long hair in the “Syrian" style, combines characteristics of the Greek god Zeus and the Old Testament figure Samson, among others. CHRIST AS SELF-PORTRAITIST The first portraits of Christ, in the sense of authoritative likenesses, were believed to be self-portraits: the miraculous “image not made by human hands," or acheiropoietos. Acheiropoietos. Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow This belief originated in the seventh century A.D., based on a legend that Christ healed King Abgar of Edessa in modern-day Urfa, Turkey, through a miraculous image of his face, now known as the Mandylion. A similar legend adopted by Western Christianity between the 11th and 14th centuries recounts how, before his death by crucifixion, Christ left an impression of his face on the veil of Saint Veronica, an image known as the volto santo, or “Holy Face." Christ crowned with thorns. Artist Antonello da Messina. The Friedsam Collection, Bequest of Michael Friedsam, 1931, Metropolitan Museum, New York These two images, along with other similar relics, have formed the basis of iconic traditions about the “true image" of Christ. From the perspective of art history, these artifacts reinforced an already standardized image of a bearded Christ with shoulder-length, dark hair. In the Renaissance, European artists began to combine the icon and the portrait, making Christ in their own likeness. This happened for a variety of reasons, from identifying with the human suffering of Christ to commenting on one's own creative power. Albrecht Dürer. Albrecht Dürer/Alte Pinakothek Collections The 15th-century Sicilian painter Antonello da Messina, for example, painted small pictures of the suffering Christ formatted exactly like his portraits of regular people, with the subject positioned between a fictive parapet and a plain black background and signed “Antonello da Messina painted me." The 16th-century German artist Albrecht Dürer blurred the line between the holy face and his own image in a famous self-portrait of 1500. In this, he posed frontally like an icon, with his beard and luxuriant shoulder-length hair recalling Christ's. The “AD" monogram could stand equally for “Albrecht Dürer" or “Anno Domini" – “in the year of our Lord." IN WHOSE IMAGE? This phenomenon was not restricted to Europe: There are 16th- and 17th-century pictures of Jesus with, for example, Ethiopian and Indian features. In Europe, however, the image of a light-skinned European Christ began to influence other parts of the world through European trade and colonization. 'Adoration of the Magi.' Artist Andrea Mantegna. The J. Paul Getty Museum The Italian painter Andrea Mantegna's “Adoration of the Magi" from A.D. 1505 features three distinct magi, who, according to one contemporary tradition, came from Africa, the Middle East and Asia. They present expensive objects of porcelain, agate and brass that would have been prized imports from China and the Persian and Ottoman empires. But Jesus' light skin and blues eyes suggest that he is not Middle Eastern but European-born. And the faux-Hebrew script embroidered on Mary's cuffs and hemline belie a complicated relationship to the Judaism of the Holy Family. In Mantegna's Italy, anti-Semitic myths were already prevalent among the majority Christian population, with Jewish people often segregated to their own quarters of major cities. Artists tried to distance Jesus and his parents from their Jewishness. Even seemingly small attributes like pierced ears – earrings were associated with Jewish women, their removal with a conversion to Christianity – could represent a transition toward the Christianity represented by Jesus. Much later, anti-Semitic forces in Europe including the Nazis would attempt to divorce Jesus totally from his Judaism in favor of an Aryan stereotype. WHITE JESUS ABROAD As Europeans colonized increasingly farther-flung lands, they brought a European Jesus with them. Jesuit missionaries established painting schools that taught new converts Christian art in a European mode. A small altarpiece made in the school of Giovanni Niccolò, the Italian Jesuit who founded the “Seminary of Painters" in Kumamoto, Japan, around 1590, combines a traditional Japanese gilt and mother-of-pearl shrine with a painting of a distinctly white, European Madonna and Child. Nicolas Correa's 'The Mystic Betrothal of Saint Rose of Lima.' Museo Nacional de Arte In colonial Latin America – called “New Spain" by European colonists – images of a white Jesus reinforced a caste system where white, Christian Europeans occupied the top tier, while those with darker skin from perceived intermixing with native populations ranked considerably lower. Artist Nicolas Correa's 1695 painting of Saint Rose of Lima, the first Catholic saint born in “New Spain," shows her metaphorical marriage to a blond, light-skinned Christ. LEGACIES OF LIKENESS Scholar Edward J. Blum and Paul Harvey argue that in the centuries after European colonization of the Americas, the image of a white Christ associated him with the logic of empire and could be used to justify the oppression of Native and African Americans. In a multiracial but unequal America, there was a disproportionate representation of a white Jesus in the media. It wasn't only Warner Sallman's Head of Christ that was depicted widely; a large proportion of actors who have played Jesus on television and film have been white with blue eyes. Pictures of Jesus historically have served many purposes, from symbolically presenting his power to depicting his actual likeness. But representation matters, and viewers need to understand the complicated history of the images of Christ they consume.[The Conversation] Anna Swartwood House, Assistant Professor of Art History, _University of South Carolina_ This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
GREEK Peak set to open night season; Patrons reminded to mask up
GREEK Peak Night season will begin on Saturday, December 26th. Patrons are reminded to abide by all health protocols — including masks — while ...
European Commission Greenlights €120m GREEK Aid to AEGEAN
Aegean Airlines is a GREEK-based airline which suffered a significant reduction of its services, resulting in high operating losses. The measure aims to ...
Christmas in 2020 Tripoli, GREECE
Covid-19 has not stopped he provincial city of Tripoli from celebrating 2020 Christmas. We here of gloom in Europe. Tripoli during strong quarantine is ...
Turkey Keeps Talking Tough, Tender in Seas Duel With GREECE
Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar reached out for a diplomatic answer with GREECE over Turkey's plans to drill for oil and gas off Greek waters but ...
Fitch Assigns Public Power Corporation SA First-Time 'BB-' IDR; Outlook Stable
New Framework for Distribution: GREECE'S Regulatory Authority for Energy recently approved a new regulatory framework for distribution networks for ...
Cards Made by Girl Scouts Lift Spirits of Nursing Home Residents in GREECE
GREECE, N.Y. — Sandra Whitcomb leads the Gates Chili girl scout troop her daughter Jesse is in. Sandra's grandma, Rita Hirschler, is 103 years old ...
2021 signee Daniel GREEK nearing arrival at Mississippi State
But with all of the obstacles GREEK and his teammates had to face this year, the 247Sports three-star quarterback noted that a valuable lesson was ...
New memorial highlights Nazis' overlooked crimes in Greece
Most Germans know little about the war crimes committed by the Nazis in Greece during World War II. A memorial in Münster has been set up to remember the Greek victims who were deported and killed.
Voluntary Scheme for the Relocation from Greece to other European Countries Up to: 18/12/2020
… and UNICEF is supporting the Greek Government, the Ministry of Migration … in relocating asylum seekers from Greece to other EU Member States …
Greece cleared for €120m state contribution to Aegean
European regulators have approved Greek plans to contribute €120 million ($146 million) as part of recapitalisation plans for Aegean Airlines. Greece notified the European Commission of plans for an ...
Blocking Sanctions, Dissing GREECE'S Call, Germany Will Keep Arming Turkey
GREECE'S insistence that other European Union countries stop supplying weapons to Turkey was rejected by Germany, which sells submarine ...
Jet2 shows summer 2021 confidence with 135 more flights to GREECE
Steve Heapy, and Jet2holidays chief executive, added: “Customers are telling us that flights and holidays to GREECE are very much in ...
GREECE Confirms 937 New Coronavirus Cases on Wednesday, 62 Deaths
All cases in GREECE total 133,365 of which 5,267 relate to travel from abroad and 39,198 to already confirmed infection cases. A total of 495 individuals ...
Dead Whale Washes up on Piraeus Beach
In what may be the first such incident of its kind ever in Piraeus, a dead whale washed up on Wednesday at the port of Athens on the Aegean Sea. Amazing images of the enormous mammal emerged as people were able to view the carcass from up close as it lay on the beach and […] The post Dead Whale Washes up on Piraeus Beach first appeared on Latest News from Greece.
New Covid Cases Number 937 in Greece Wednesday
A total of 937 cases of Covid-19 were diagnosed in Greece on Wednesday, 84 more cases than had been recorded in the country on Tuesday. Tragically, 62 people with the virus passed away in the country over the 24-hour-period, which is 21 fewer than yesterday. Currently, 495 patients with Covid-19 are intubated in Greece. For […] The post New Covid Cases Number 937 in Greece Wednesday first appeared on Latest News from Greece.
Treasurer Pappas Invites All to Enjoy Greek Christmas Carol Tradition
In a celebration of her Greek heritage, Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas today invited one and all to enjoy traditional Greek ...
Covid-19 Pushes Down Nights Spent at GREEK Hotels, Campsites in Jan-Sept 2020
Arrivals and overnight stays in hotels, similar establishments and tourist campsites in Greece recorded a significant drop during the first nine months of ...
GREEK Startup Tourmie Among Winners of CapsuleT Hospitality Accelerator Program
GREEK tourism startup Tourmie is among the winners of the 3rd cycle of the CapsuleT Travel & Hospitality Accelerator program. CapsuleT is Greece's ...
GREEK Travel Agencies See Major Turnover Drop in Third Quarter
Looking ahead, towards the next day of GREEK tourism, the federation said it will continue its actions of extroversion in large foreign markets in Europe, ...
GNTO Supports Promotion of Over 200 GREEK Tourism Businesses in Virtual Expos
A total of 209 GREEK tourism enterprises in 2020 had the opportunity to participate in leading international virtual tourism fairs with the support and ...
GREEK President Pays Christmas Visit to Brave Lone Islander
GREEK President Katerina Sakellaropoulou on Wednesday visited the remote island of Kinaros in the southeastern Aegean and meet with its sole ...
Ten Greek Wines for Your Christmas Table
The earliest evidence of wine production in GREECE dates back to 6,500 years before the present day. Greek wine enjoyed high prestige in the times of ...
GREECE Unveils Plan for National Vaccination Campaign
The Greek government on Wednesday unveiled its operational plan for the nationwide vaccination campaign against COVID-19, entitled “Eleftheria”.
EU Approves Ministry Program for Tourism Education Upgrade in GREECE
According to an announcement by the ministry, the program is a complementary contribution to GREECE'S new bill for tourism education and research that ...
Stray Puppies Seek Refuge in an Outdoor Nativity Scene in GREECE
In a moving and somehow very appropriate Christmas scene, a group of stray puppies sought out shelter from the elements in an outdoor creche in ...
Moderate mag. 5.3 earthquake
A magnitude 5.3 earthquake near Nafpaktos, Aitoloakarnania, West GREECE, GREECE, was reported only 8 minutes ago by the German Research Centre ...
4.5-Magnitude Earthquake Registered Near GREECE'S Third Largest City
The quake is said to have occured 15 km east of GREECE'S town of Nafpaktos and around 29 km north from Patras, GREECE'S third largest city.
GREECE: Platform for Virus Vaccination Registration to Open After Mid-January
Currently, the first batch of vaccines to arrive in GREECE will be for front-line health workers, including doctors and nurses, and the elderly who live in ...
EU clears 120 million euros to support GREECE'S Aegean Airlines
EU regulators approved on Wednesday a state grant of 120 million euros ($146.48 million) for GREECE'S national carrier Aegean Airlines to help the ...
Jet2 holiday sale includes £100pp off trips to Spain, Greece and Turkey in 2021
JET2 has launched their Christmas sale early, with £100 off per person for holiday bookings next summer. Bargains include holidays to Spain from £279pp and to Greece from £280pp. Each holiday ...
Annus horribilis: Key Greek-Turkish developments in 2020
A timeline of key events that strained relations between Greece and Turkey. 2020 has been the most acrimonious year for Greek-Turkish relations since 1974. Here, we review the key events that led to ...
Howard Gold: I called it right on Warren Buffett, U.S. stocks and more over the past 10 years
… rating.) 2. In 2015, when Greece faced yet another debt crisis … Greece could get through 2015, it would be home free. Greek 10 … -year U.S. Treasurys, although Greek equity markets haven’t done …
GREECE Reveals Operational Plan for National Vaccination Campaign Against COVID
GREECE Reveals Operational Plan for National Vaccination Campaign Against COVID. Ευρωκίνηση. Greek Health Ministry. (Photo by Eurokinissi/ ...
How can GREECE neutralize Turkish drones?
The latest wars in our region, in which Turkish drones have played a key role, have justifiably, albeit perhaps excessively, alarmed military analysts ...
GREECE Needs to Reposition its Tourism Product, Say Hospitality Experts
The Louis Corcyra Beach Hotel on Corfu was acquired by HIP in 2019. Hines GREECE. Adding value to GREECE'S existing tourism infrastructure is a ...
Turkish troops catch 4 FETÖ suspects en route to GREECE
Over 8,000 FETÖ members crossed into GREECE over the past 3 1/2 years. Turkey criticizes its neighbor for ignoring Ankara's calls for international ...
Mobile app of portal “” allowing access to official docs now available
A new app allows citizens in Greece to access electronic documents using the state’s open data platform. The mobile application version of the government’s online portal “” is now live, the Ministry of Digital Governance said on Tuesday. The application is available for both Android and iOS, and can be downloaded from the respective app … The post Mobile app of portal “” allowing access to official docs now available appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Turkish F-16 fly over the Aegean islet of Anthropofagoi (man-eaters)
Turkish fighter jets carried out a fresh round of overflights in the eastern Aegean on Wednesday. A formation of four F-16 aircraft flew over the islet of Athropofagoi at an altitude of 10,000 feet at 10:10 in the morning. The Turkish aircraft were intercepted by Greek jets in line with international rules of engagement. The … The post Turkish F-16 fly over the Aegean islet of Anthropofagoi (man-eaters) appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.
Greek PM Urges Health Care Workers to Vaccinate
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis urged health workers to vaccinate during a tour of hospitals in northern Greece on Wednesday. The PM’s appeal comes after polls and anecdotal evidence points to a reluctance by large number of the country’s first respondents to vaccinate. According to a recent poll by Pulse among health professionals, 29 percent […] The post Greek PM Urges Health Care Workers to Vaccinate first appeared on Latest News from Greece.
Christmas Countdown Recipes: Chicken Gyro
When ready, shred the chicken and arrange on a warm platter. Serve in warm pita breads with tzatziki and salad. Kathy Tsaples, living her 'Sweet GREEK' ...
GREEK Yogurt Market Future Scenarios and Business Opportunity Analysis 2025
The GREEK Yogurt market has gained incredible momentum in recent years. The steadily increasing demand due to improved purchasing power is ...