
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Mikis Theodorakis Calls on Tsipras to Not Sign Bad Deal

Greek composer and former political figure Mikis Theodorakis calls on Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to not follow the way of his predecessors and sign a bad agreement with creditors. The awarded composer gave an interview to German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung saying that “when you oppress people, there will be uprising,” and advises the Greek PM to regain what Greece has lost. “Europe is ruled by money. To me it looks like a giant spider and those who are trapped in its web are lost. Us Greeks have achieved a lot… From the ancient times, treason often came from within. The government’s predecessors signed everything away, they sold the family silver and told us that (Wolfgang) Schaeuble is the chief,” Theodorakis said. “Now it is up to Alexis Tsipras to take it back. I hope he won’t go the same direction his predecessors did,” he added. When asked about his activism, the composer talked about the last demonstration rally he participated on February 12, 2012 along with now SYRIZA MEP Manolis Glezos: “He was walking, I was on a wheelchair. It was a rally against austerity, which was what pushed us into misery. Then a riot broke out. Police threw tear gas and I got some in the face, because I had stood up to see, and fell back on the wheelchair. “Some young people tried to help me and they put a gas mask on my face, but it was too late. My lungs suffered great damage and I had to stay in bed for weeks. I’m not the young Mikis anymore.” Comparing life to music, Theodorakis said that both need harmony. “Our life had a natural rhythm, now we have lost that, while we are wallowing in a world that is all about money and barrages of information.” “We are losing our humanity, our soul. We thirst for pure harmony, not the illusion of harmony. People must learn to deal with disharmony and recognize false harmony,” the composer said. Finally, speaking of politics, Theodorakis warned that “it is extremely dangerous to create false harmony.”