
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Greek Alt. Social Insurance Min: We Cannot Agree on Measures that Kill the Economy

Greek Alternate Social Insurance Minister Dimitris Stratoulis on Wednesday in statements to MEGA TV lashed out at Greece ‘s creditors on their demand not to implement the 100-installment settlement. “Do we have to surrender because we have run out of money and do we have to sign whatever they want? Is that the right tactics? This is a trap,” Stratoulis stated. As he also said in Riga, Latvia, the partners raised the issue to Varoufakis while the settlement was already underway. He noted that the creditors disagree with the increase of minimum wage and they are asking for reductions in pensions, an increase in VAT on islands and the deregulation of mass layoffs, adding that the government remains committed to its red lines. “Pensions are not going to be reduced,” Stratoulis reiterated and cleared out that if they insist on that, they have another plan. “We have a plan for any case, but when you are at the last phase of the negotiation, you do not reveal your plans.” Referring to the possibility of a referendum, he argued that what matters now is to reach an agreement and not to hold a referendum. He estimated though that the issue will be solved politically. The minister underlined that there will be no austerity measures as a result of a difficult compromise as we cannot agree on measures that kill the economy. (source: ana-mpa)