
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

New Hope on the Horizon

Newly elected Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ visit to Cyprus was an overwhelming success. One that offered hope that things are about to change for the better. He has given hope but not only to the Hellenes across the globe but also for all Europeans; a hope that has been trampled upon by bad EU policies. The EU will never be the same ever again. He showed leadership, determination and spoke with clarity and people listened; the mass media listened; the world listened; EU citizens listened; Turkish-Cypriots listened; our enemies listened and our own politicians turned speechless with respect by what he had to say for they saw that here is the young fresh face of a statesman in the making; one who dares to grab the bull by the horns and make revolutionary changes in support of the people, economic growth and not be subjugated by a banking system, and refused Troika’s oppressive austerity philosophy that brought social and economic chaos across Europe. This is what a Revolution of the Mind does! Here was a leader who told the Troika and the Eurogroup – who act as the new undemocratic and unaccountable masters of nations – not to come back to Greece; he is the leader who put a stop to the selling of the Piraeus Port at a cheap to foreign interests. Something that none of our own politicians dared to consider before but especially our shallow Finance Minister and the current government who plan to sell the nation’s silver because they consider the EU-Troika as a godsend gift to Cyprus. Tsipras has also spoken that his government will rebuild Greece within the EU family of nations but also turned his back on Troika’s/German bankers’ economic colonization that has brought misery for millions of Greeks and European citizens. His charismatic presence and brains has gained the respect of most foreign governments but he has also gained the respect of the people of Cyprus who now hope that his leadership will also influence the leadership of Cyprus to change its bad policies; policies of stagnation without economic growth that brought misery to thousands of Cypriots where one out three persons lives in poverty. When a government refuses to decisively combat such social strangleholds and hardship on its people, then they are not the government of the people for the people but a government driven by a bad political system. We wish Alexis Tsipras and his government the best of luck and a great success because the people of Greece and Cyprus deserve a strong support to regain their dignity back as a free nation and face the enemies of the day – and there are many.