
Welcome, 77 artists, 40 different points of Attica welcomes you by singing Erotokritos an epic romance written at 1713 by Vitsentzos Kornaros

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Greek finance minister meets ECB chief Draghi to discuss debt deal – live

Rolling coverage as Greek finance chief Yanis Varoufakis meets Mario Draghi in Frankfurt Game theory expert vs poker-faced euro saviourTsipras (and new tie?) to see Juncker 8.16am GMT Syriza government's biggest test as #Varoufakis meets #ECB president #Draghi in Frankfurt today. #eurocrisis #greece 8.15am GMT The European Central Bank is also deciding today whether to allow Greek banks to tap its ELA liquidity facility for another fortnight.They’ll probably give the green light. But the meeting underlines how precarious Greece’s banks have become, especially as the ECB could block Greece from the ELA if its bailout deal expires on 28 February. 3 Greek meetings today: ECB decide whether to extend ELA, Juncker vs. Tsipras, Draghi vs. Varoufakis. 8.08am GMT The ECB press office won’t say when the Varoufakis-Draghi meeting is taking place, beyond sometime this morning.They’re not holding a press conference afterwards (alas), so we’ll have to rely on leaks from the two sides afterwards. 8.01am GMT Greece’s prime minister is also holding an important meeting today. Alexis Tsipras is due to see European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels this morning. Perhaps he could wear that nice tie which Italian PM Mattei Renzi handed over yesterday, to his fellow left-wing leader.Italian PM Renzi told new Greek PM Tsipras that he was a 'blessing' because it meant Renzi was no longer Europe's number 1 'dangerous lefty' 7.45am GMT Good morning. “This is not the time for financial-engineering lectures”.“The Greek plan relies fully on the ECB,” said another eurozone official briefed on the talks. “The ECB will play hardball.”FT UK: ECB's 'hardball' stance threatens to leave Greece without funding #tomorrowspaperstoday #BBCPapers scuppers #Greece rescue plans by refusing to supply short-term credit line while deal reached. More hawkish than #EU Govs. Want reform. Continue reading...