
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs I. Amanatidis meets with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, Shahen Avakian (Athens, 25 October 2017)

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ioannis Amanatidis today met with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, Shahen Avakian. The meeting was also attended by the Armenian Ambassador to Greece, Fadey Charchoghlipin, and Ministry officials.During the meeting of the co-chairs of the Special Working Group on Greek-Armenian Economic Cooperation, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed his satisfaction at the fact that Athens is hosting this first meeting.Mr. Amanatidis also stressed the long-standing relations between the two countries, as manifested by the frequent visits and meetings on a high political level, and that this year marks the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.Greece is determined to promote Greek-Armenian bilateral relations in order to render them strategic, through enhanced interaction in many sectors of common interest, Mr. Amanatidis stated. Finally, he stressed that the recently created Special Economic Working Group will open up prospects and potential for strong economic relations between the two countries.The Meeting explored and decided on action in the fields of infrastructure and transport, tourism, agriculture, energy, the environment, education, technology and other sectors of shared interest. More specifically, agreement was reached on:• The organization of a Greek Business Mission to Armenia on the occasion of the Interministerial Committee on economic cooperation that will be convening in Yerevan early in 2018• The participation of Greek enterprises in the “Business Forum” being held by the 84 countries of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), which is to be hosted in Yerevan in October 2018• Greek-Armenian cooperation on the promotion of economic programmes within the framework of Armenian-EU relations• Increased protection of Greek PDO and PGI products on the Armenian marketAlso discussed was the presence of Greek enterprises in Armenia’s planned free economic zone.