
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs I. Amanatidis meets with the Chief of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Greece (Athens, 24 October 2017)

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ioannis Amanatidis met at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday, 24 October 2017, with the Chief of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Greece, Daniel Esdras.During the meeting, Mr. Esdras briefed the Deputy Minister on the signing of the “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration,” which is under intergovernmental negotiation and is set to be adopted in 2018.The “Global Compact” will provide states with a comprehensive set of guiding principles and related tools for the effective and humanitarian management of migration.The issues the Compact deals with are:•    Protection of migrants’ rights•    Facilitation of labour migration and movement•    Reduction of the impact of irregular migration, including human trafficking•    Migration and socio-economic development•    Inclusion of migrants•    Governance and cooperation on the national, local and regional levels.In this context, the meeting looked at Greece’s actions and its contribution to shaping the Global Compact.