
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Election Polls Ban Lifted Because of Internet

The Greek Minister of Interior, Yiannis Michelakis announced his intent on lifting the ban on the publication of opinion polls fifteen days before the elections. During a radio interview, Yiannis Michelakis said that within the next few days, the Greek Ministry of Interior would put to the table a new legislation that will change the way elections take place in Greece before the Members of the European Parliament elections. This legislation will lift the ban that does not allow any publication of opinion polls for fifteen days before the elections take place. “The publication of opinion polls will be allowed until the last Friday before the elections. The same will apply to the elections’ second round. When it was decided to ban the publication of opinion polls, the Internet did not have the momentum it does now. On the eve of the elections, everyone would support what he wanted and as a result there was much confusion among the public. This has to change,” said the Minister of Interior. Michelakis also spoke against the possible support of New Democracy’s, Yiannis Sgouros in his run for governor in the region of Attica. “I will wait to see what the party decides. In my opinion, Sgouros is not a good choice. He will not succeed.”