
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fears for Terrorist Attack Against Troika

After the terrorist attack against the headquarters of the governing Nea Dimokratia party in Athens, Greece, the counter-terrorism unit believes that the extremist organization “Group of Popular Rebels” will proceed with an attack against Troika. The Greek Police in collaboration with counter-terrorism units have already installed 30 high-definition cameras in several offices of Greek political parties, ministries and embassies in order to prevent a possible attack. Counter-terrorism suspicions are based on information provided by a man who managed to penetrate criminal groups related to urban guerilla warfare. The guerilla organization has claimed responsibility for the attack against the German ambassador’s residence in Athens, on December 30, 2013. “As we sprayed gunfire at the luxurious home of the German ambassador, besides just thinking of ourselves, we thought of the thousands of Greek people who line up at soup kitchens, the unemployed, those working for 400 euros,” said the organization in their 12,000-word proclamation. They declared that they fight against “the German capitalist machine” and that the attack was a response to the death of Dimitris Christoulas, a pensioner who committed suicide in Athens’ main Syntagma Square in April 2012 due to financial difficulties. The “Group of Popular Rebels” has also claimed a failed rocket attack against Mercedes-Benz offices in Athens.