
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Corbyn says Shamima Begum should be allowed to return to Britain

Follow the day’s political developments as they happen including Labour leader’s trip to Brussels to discuss his alternative plans for Brexit * Exclusive: PM running down clock to force MPs into binary choice * Two senior Tory MPs ready to quit if May fails to change Brexit direction 3.06pm GMT Jeremy Corbyn called for the British government to support Shamima Begum’s return to Britain during his visit to Brussels. The Labour leader also expressed his concern over the ability of the home secretary, Sajid Javid, to revoke her citizenship. He said: She was born in Britain, she has that right to remain in Britain and obviously a lot of questions she has to answer but also some support that she needs. She obviously has, in my view, a right to return to Britain. On that return she must face a lot of questions about everything she’s done. And at that point any action may or may not be taken. 2.44pm GMT Euro MPs are confirming that the mood in Brussels is anything but positive with some choice words today. The prominent Greek MEP, Stelios Koulouglou, told the Guardian: Everyone in the [EU] negotiating team is completely fed up with May. They feel she doesn’t have a clear plan, she changes constantly and instead of being serious, is playing cheap political games. Continue reading...