
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tsipras Prepared to Replace Dissident Cabinet Members

The decision for a government reshuffle is taken by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who is prepared to replace cabinet members who will vote against the new bailout deal for Greece. According to sources close to the prime minister, Tsipras is ready to fend the growing number of dissidents within SYRIZA who oppose the agreement that will secure a new 84-86 billion euro loan in a three-year plan that will save Greece from bankruptcy and send it hurling out of the European Union. SYRIZA’s left platform, led by Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis, oppose the deal vehemently and ask Tsipras to take it back. However, they don’t have any alternatives to suggest for the cash-strapped country. The party’ extremists have decided to vote against the deal on Wednesday’s House plenary. The deal includes several austerity prior actions that must pass through the Greek parliament by Wednesday so that the Eurogroup decides on a bridge deal that would provide Athens with desperately-needed cash to meet urgent financial obligations. Yet, at least 30 of SYRIZA’s deputies — including two ministers and House Speaker Zoe Konstantopoulou — have stated that they will vote against the agreement. The bills are drafted and will be ready to be tabled in parliament tomorrow (Wednesday) with Tsipras taking the responsibility to pass them. Sources close to the prime minister say he is determined to take drastic measures against dissidents. They say that he will ask for the resignation of any cabinet member who opposes the prime minister’s decision. The majority of SYRIZA lawmakers have sided with Tsipras reiterating the notion that whoever goes against the agreement must resign. SYRIZA parliamentary representative Nikos Filis stated on ANT1 television that those who are against the party line must resign.