
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Schaeuble: Some Within German Gov’t Would Have Opted for Grexit

Following the weekend’s intense negotiations, where he put forward a proposal for a temporary Grexit, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble is not exactly viewed as Greece’s ally. Reuters reports that Schaeuble claims there are some in the German government who would have opted for a Grexit rather than an agreement with Greece, when speaking on the idea behind his suggestion that Greece make a temporary exit from the Eurozone. “There are many people, including in the federal government, who are quite convinced that in the interests of Greece and the Greek people that what we wrote down would have been much the better solution,” he said during a press conference following Tuesday’s ECOFIN meeting in Brussels and added that the Grexit proposal was just one of the possible solutions that had been though of. The finance minister also spoke on the urgency of securing a bridge financing deal until Monday, when Greece has to pay 3.5 billion euros of bonds to the European Central Bank. Reelected Eurogorup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem had said during a press conference on Monday that bridge financing has many complex aspects and is undergoing analyses from technical experts. On Tuesday Schaeuble echoed Dijsselbloem’s assessment as he noted that the three year bailout deal will take around 4 weeks to be completely ready. He also reiterated the importance of the Greek government following through on structural reforms.