
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

SYRIZA Political Secretariat: Creditors’ Proposals are ‘Absurd’

The institutions’ latest proposals are “absurd” and exceed the limits of Greek society’s endurance, the SYRIZA Political Secretariat concluded on Wednesday after a sweeping discussion on the proposals and the next moves for the Greek government and the party. Sources at the meeting reported harsh criticism on the creditors’ demands, as well as the government’s handling, after SYRIZA Secretary Tasos Koronakis and State Minister Alekos Flambouraris addressed the meeting. Speakers said that an agreement will be extremely painful for the Greek society and hard to support, since it contradicts the party’s positions, and several referred to resort to snap elections. They stressed that any agreement must make a clear reference to debt restructuring, otherwise it will be very hard to accept it. If Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is able to come away with a creditors’ commitment concerning the country’s debt, many might have a change of heart when it comes to a vote, since it was considered a key issue for dealing with the crisis, party sources added. Other party members emphasized that any agreement must be sustainable and able to resolve problems, not create new obstacles and problems down the line. The meeting decided to convene SYRIZA’s Central Committee on Friday and the party’s Parliamentary group the following day to state their opinions on the agreement, if a proposed agreement is reached. Addressing the meeting earlier, Koronakis said that any proposed agreement must be evaluated by the party as a whole, based on SYRIZA’s mandate from the Greek voters, while Flambouraris said the government’s goal is a “decent” one. (source: ana-mpa)