
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Greece’s Migrant Naturalization Bill Expected to Pass in Principle But without ANEL Support

The government’s bill on Greek citizenship and naturalization of second-generation migrants looks set to be passed in principle by Greece’s Parliamentary plenum on Wednesday, though without the backing of junior coalition partner Independent Greeks (ANEL). The bill is supported by opposition parties “To Potami” and PASOK, opposed by New Democracy, Golden Dawn and ANEL, while the Greek Communist Party (KKE) will abstain by voting ‘present.’ New Democracy asked for a roll-call vote on articles 1 and 10, while PASOK Secretary Leonidas Grigorakos raised an issue of whether the government had lost its majority, since ANEL did not back the bill. Parliament Vice President Nikitas Kaklamanis clarified that an issue of majority loss does not arise during the vote of a bill in principle, unless the government raises a confidence issue. The vote in principle is expected to take place later on Wednesday evening, while a decision will be announced on Thursday regarding the dates of the debate before the plenum on individual articles. (source: ana-mpa)